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1、集团文件编写技巧培训*2010-10-161集团 -There shall be a document procedure(or more than one document)defining how operations are carried out for all elements of the Management System.管理体系的所有要素都必须有一份管理体系的所有要素都必须有一份(或多份或多份)相应的文件以说明如何相应的文件以说明如何执行该要素的要求执行该要素的要求 -Documents providing the basis for operations can be in

2、 the form of:作为公司运作依据的文件可分为:1.Written documents eg:Purchasing Procedure 书面文件 例如:采购程序 2.Pictures/diagrams eg:Packing instruction 相片/图片 例如:包装指引 3.Physical samples eg:Colour samples 实物样板 例如:色板 1.Documentation is the basis for implementing the Management System.文件是实施管理体系的依据文件是实施管理体系的依据2集团 -The range and

3、 detail of documentation depend on the complexity of the work,the method used,and the skills and training needed by personnel involved in carrying out the activity.体系文件的范体系文件的范围和和详略程度略程度应取决于工作的复取决于工作的复杂程度、所用的方法程度、所用的方法以及开展以及开展这项活活动涉及的人涉及的人员所需的技能和培所需的技能和培训。e.g.-Packing method is best expressed in ter

4、ms of pictures/diagrams.例如:-包装方法最好是以相片包装方法最好是以相片/图片的形式表达片的形式表达-The skills required for operating a forklift is acquired by training rather than by documentation.-铲车的操控技巧是以培训为主铲车的操控技巧是以培训为主,而非以文件为依据。而非以文件为依据。1.Documentation is the basis for implementing the Management System.文件是实施管理体系的依据文件是实施管理体系的依据3

5、集团 *Means for defining and standardizing proven methods.将经过实践的方法明文订立,并使其标准化。将经过实践的方法明文订立,并使其标准化。*Prevention system,as process,procedure,instructions have been thought out.一切制程、工序、操作等都经过深思熟虑。一切制程、工序、操作等都经过深思熟虑。*Provide a clear role,responsibility,authority and inter-relationship for carrying out the

6、activity.明确划定各员工之工作,责任,权限及协调关系。明确划定各员工之工作,责任,权限及协调关系。*Text for training.作为培训材料。作为培训材料。*Aid to continuity of operation.使行政运作顺利过渡。使行政运作顺利过渡。*Basis for assessment.作为评核之标准。作为评核之标准。2、Reasons for Documentation 书写文件的原因书写文件的原因4集团3.The Principle of Documentation 编写文件的原则编写文件的原则 -System Procedures shall define

7、 step by step in a logical sequence how a task can be effectively competed.体系文件应按体系文件应按逻辑性逻辑性的次序按部就班地制订出如何有效地完成一项工的次序按部就班地制订出如何有效地完成一项工序的具体步骤。序的具体步骤。-The procedures shall NOT only define concepts and policies without giving detail instructions on how to fulfill the concepts and policies.作业程序不应只讲述概念及

8、原则,而是制订如何符合这些概念及原则作业程序不应只讲述概念及原则,而是制订如何符合这些概念及原则的具体步骤。的具体步骤。-The procedures shall be written in such a way that even a new staff is able to complete a given task by following the detail instructions of the procedure.作业程序的编写方法应易于理解及操作,即使一个新员工也可以依照作业程序的编写方法应易于理解及操作,即使一个新员工也可以依照程序的具体步骤将一项特定工作完成。程序的具体步骤

9、将一项特定工作完成。5集团 5.1 Purpose 目的To tell the workforce HOW the policies and objectives expressed in the Manual are to be addressed and achieved.用以说明为了达到方针与目标而制订的工作方式。用以说明为了达到方针与目标而制订的工作方式。It is the core of system documentation.是整个文件系统的重点,编制方法为是整个文件系统的重点,编制方法为PDCA。5.2 Contents of Operating Procedures作业程序的

10、内容1.Objective(or Purpose)目的2.Scope(or Application)应用范围3.Definitions(if Applicable)定义(如需要)4.References(if Applicable)参考文件(如需要)5.Responsibilities职责6.Procedure 作业步骤7.Records记录8.Appendices(if Applicable)附录(如需要)Operating Procedures 作业程序作业程序6 广州丰彩集团1.Objective 目的Provides a clear,simple and precise stateme

11、nt of the procedures intent.清楚,简要及准确地陈述作业程序的用意清楚,简要及准确地陈述作业程序的用意。2.Scope 应用范围 A description of the organization,operations or activities affected by the procedure.陈述作业程序所涉及的部门,工序及活动。陈述作业程序所涉及的部门,工序及活动。Include geographical location if the organization has other plants at different locations.如公司有多个厂址,

12、则应用范围应说明地理位置如公司有多个厂址,则应用范围应说明地理位置。Contents of Operating Procedures 作业程序的内容作业程序的内容7 广州丰彩集团3.Definitions定义定义 Unique or special terms must always be defined.对特别的名词应加以解释。对特别的名词应加以解释。4.References参考文件参考文件 Identify and list the documents and/or materials associated with the procedure.应列明与作业程序有关的其它文件,如应列明与作

13、业程序有关的其它文件,如e.g.User Manual用户手册用户手册Work Instructions作业指导书作业指导书8 广州丰彩集团5.Responsibilities职责职责 Clearly state person(s)responsible to carry out the work.应明确界定执行作业程序的人员应明确界定执行作业程序的人员。Standardized terminology.所用的职称须前后一致。所用的职称须前后一致。Ambiguity should be avoided.e.g.Either.or.is responsible for.”应避免责任划分不明确,如

14、:应避免责任划分不明确,如:“甲或乙应负责甲或乙应负责”。9集团6.Procedures 作业步骤作业步骤 Clear description of steps,methods,activities and equipment to be used in accomplishing what is required.清楚地描述工作步骤。清楚地描述工作步骤。Write from user point of view.站在用户角度去编写。站在用户角度去编写。Follow the logical sequence of events.应按具逻辑性的前后次序进行描述。应按具逻辑性的前后次序进行描述。1

15、0集团 7.Records List all records as mentioned in the procedure to be maintained,the responsible party and the minimum retention period.列出所有程序中所提及的需要保存的记录,负责保存记录者及最低保存期限。8.Appendix附录Additional reference materials or attachments.附加的参考资料。Appendices shall be referenced in the content of the procedure.所有附录

16、必须在程序中提及。11集团 Incorporate flow chart(s)to aid the readers.加插流程图以便读者容易理解。加插流程图以便读者容易理解。Reference job titles,not name.引用职称,而不是人名。引用职称,而不是人名。Refer to forms,tools,technical items by official names to avoid confusion.对表格、工具、技术名词等应采用正式名称,以免读者误解。对表格、工具、技术名词等应采用正式名称,以免读者误解。Use abbreviations only after writt

17、en explanation.e.g.Electrical Engineering(EE)is responsible for.EE have to.采用简称,如采用简称,如文件控制中心(文控)文件控制中心(文控).文控文控.12集团Define scope 确定应用范围确定应用范围 Develop process flow chart 设立流程图设立流程图Develop full procedure 编写程序内容编写程序内容Define responsibilities and interfaces 确定人员职责与协调确定人员职责与协调Identify support documentati

18、on needed 确定有关辅助文件确定有关辅助文件“Walk through”with affected personnel 向有关人员讲解向有关人员讲解Fine tuning 进一步调整进一步调整Stages in Procedure Development编写作业程序的步骤编写作业程序的步骤13集团 Define how groups of people will work together.作业程序的用意是制订一组人员如何协调工作。作业程序的用意是制订一组人员如何协调工作。Not static;they must be continuously reviewed and adjuste

19、d in a controlled manner to meet changing conditions.作业程序应经过不断的修订与审核以符合情况变化。作业程序应经过不断的修订与审核以符合情况变化。When writing,prevent subject-to-change-without-notice situations.This is particularly important in large,interdependent multinational organizations.当修改程序时,必须及时通知受影响的部门及人员当修改程序时,必须及时通知受影响的部门及人员。Keynote

20、重点重点14集团 Although procedures are required to be sufficiently detailed to ensure that work can be carried out successfully,care shall be taken to ensure that they are not too limiting.虽虽然然作作业业程程序序的的内内容容应应该该详详细细以以作作为为工工作作的的依依据据,但但应应防防止止由由于于过过份详细而使工作受到局限。份详细而使工作受到局限。An effective procedure is measured n

21、ot by its details but rather by its simplicity and practicality.一一个个作作业业程程序序的的优优劣劣不不是是在在于于它它是是否否详详细细,而而是是在在于于它它是是否否简简要要和和实际。实际。Keynote 重点重点15 广州丰彩集团6.1 Purpose目的To tell in detail how a specific activity is to be undertaken and to define the standards of acceptability.详细解说某一特别工序的控制过程,并订立标准。详细解说某一特别工序

22、的控制过程,并订立标准。Work Instructions 作业指导书作业指导书16集团6.2 Contents of Work Instructions作业指导书的内容作业指导书的内容 What is to be done?何事何事 How it should be done?如何如何 Who should do it?何人何人 When it should be done?何时何时 Supplies,services&使用之工具,物资使用之工具,物资equipment to be used.Accept/Reject criteria可收可收/拒收标准拒收标准 Detail descrip

23、tion of the每一操作步骤的详细说明每一操作步骤的详细说明process specific to the particular stage of process.17集团6.3 Keynote重点重点 Procedures normally apply to situations whereby there are many parties involved.Work Instructions are very specific targeting at aparticular task i.e.only one person is involved.作业程序通常涉及多个部门或人员,作

24、业指导书则是针对某一特作业程序通常涉及多个部门或人员,作业指导书则是针对某一特别工作,只涉及一个人员。别工作,只涉及一个人员。Work Instructions normally cater for those activities requiring detail beyond that included in the operating procedures.作业指导书通常用作补充作业程序中未能全面表达的活动细节。作业指导书通常用作补充作业程序中未能全面表达的活动细节。18集团 Not necessary to have a fixed format.不一定需要设定固定格式。不一定需要设定

25、固定格式。Must be controlled in terms to their issue and authorisation.作业指导书的发布与批核应受到控制。作业指导书的发布与批核应受到控制。19集团7.1 Detail of Procedure程序的细节程序的细节 If the procedure is too brief,possibly it could be incorporated into another OP.If the procedure is too detailed,possibly WI has been covered into the OP.如如果果一一个个

26、作作业业程程序序过过于于简简略略,它它也也许许可可以以被被合合并并在在另另一一个个程程序序内内。如果过于精细,它也许包含了作业指导书。如果过于精细,它也许包含了作业指导书。Reference to other OPs or WIs provides clarity of the overall procedural intent and reduces repetition.参考其它作业程序或作业指导书可清楚显示整体程序的运作,并能参考其它作业程序或作业指导书可清楚显示整体程序的运作,并能减低重复性。减低重复性。Points To Remember when Writing OPs and W

27、Is 如何编写作业程序及作业指导书如何编写作业程序及作业指导书20 广州丰彩集团7.1 Detail of Procedure程序的细节程序的细节 OPs or WIs can be quoted in the Reference section or Procedure section.有关之作业程序或作业指导书可在参考文件一节中或程序内表明。有关之作业程序或作业指导书可在参考文件一节中或程序内表明。In some cases,the procedure is default to be general.For example,in the Corrective Action Procedu

28、re,the detailed action to be taken will be dependent upon the circumstances prevailing at the time and it is not,therefore,appropriate for the written procedure to be too detailed.在在某某些些情情况况下下,作作业业程程序序应应该该简简略略。例例如如在在纠纠正正行行动动程程序序中中,详详细细的的行行动动细细节节会会根根据据不不同同情情况况而而改改变变,因因此此,并并不不适适合合编编写写过过于于详详细细的的程程序。序。2

29、1集团7.2 Abnormal Situation特殊情况特殊情况The procedure should include not only the normal situation,but also the abnormal situation.If no specific routine could be defined by that moment,at least the one who is going to make the decision should be defined.Evidence of abnormal situation handling should best be retained.作作业业程程序序不不单单要要概概括括正正常常的的作作业业情情况况,也也要要顾顾及及特特殊殊情情况况。如如果果暂时暂时 未未能能制制订订出出特特殊殊情情况况的的处处理理手手法法,最最少少须须制制订订出出由由何何人人决决定定其处理方其处理方法法。若若遇遇上上特特殊殊情情况况出出现现,最最好好保保存存其其有有关关之之处处理理记记录。录。22集团23集团案例分析讨论案例分析讨论抽公司内部SOP24

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