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1、71 (730000)IoL.Tob.731P.T.1060 (958-1055)K281 A 2095-0039-2023-01-0071-15 2022-11-10基金项目:“西北民族大学 2022 年度中国语言文学学部研究生科研创新项目资助”(31920220081);2020 年度国家社科基金重大项目“吐蕃时期敦煌文献的整理与研究”(20&ZD210)(1990-)2021 72河曲马与吐蕃特马文化 (F.W.Thomas,1876-1956)(李 有 义)(王 青 山)东北藏族古代民间文学 P.T.1066(任小波)敦煌吐蕃文书中的“人马盟誓”情节新探-IOL TibJ731 号藏文

2、写卷研究释例 IoL.Tob.731(谢后芳)马的分类及其世系和马祭仪式P.T.1060号卷译释 P.T.1060 F.W.ThomasAncient Folk-Literature from North-Eastern Tibet 1957(Berlin)(李有义)(王青山)东北藏族古代民间文学 1986 J 2009,(2).M 2021.P.T.1066J 2022,(3).任小波.敦煌吐蕃文书中的“人马盟誓”情节新探-IOL TibJ731 号藏文写卷研究释例J.中国藏学2011,(3).谢后芳.马的分类及其世系和马祭仪式P.T.1060 号卷译释 J.中国藏学 2015,(SO).宗

3、喀 漾正冈布,英加布,才干.河曲马与吐蕃特马文化 M.兰州:甘肃民族出版社,2012.73 P.T.1060“”“吉唐”“吉唐”“麒麟滩”“骏马滩”(F.W.Thomas,1876-1956)(李 有 义)(王 青 山)东北藏族古代民间文学 IoL.Tob.731 ”IoL.Tob.731 青 措.藏 族 马 文 化 初 探 J.青 海 民 族 研 究2003,(3):64.74 P.T.1060“羌塘”(1504-1566)(?-650)(982-1054)“”1 DNA(Botai)F 托马斯著,李有义、王青山翻译.东北藏族古代民间文学 M.成都:四川民族出版社,1986:6.G 2010

4、:213“”G 2006:82“”M 2016:379“1999 2002 2002JohnVincent Bellezza ”付孟,李艳.家马的起源历史与品种驯化特征 J.遗传,2022,(3):216-229Outram AK,Stear NA,Bendrey R,Olsen S,Kasparov A,Zaibert V,Thorpe N,Evershed RP.The earliest horse harnessing and milkingJ.Science,2009,(5919):1332-1335 75“(1136-12041124-1192?)(1187-1241)”4 (Per

5、sia)“”5 ”2 “”3 76 “”8 (968-1076)“”9 “”6 “”7 2013:4-5.77 (958-1055)“”10 巫白慧.印度哲学 M,北京:东方出版社.2000:160“即此胎藏,水先承受,诸天神众,于此聚会。”78“”11 P.T.1060 P.T.1060 “”79 P.T.1060“”13 ()(谢后芳)“虹之马”(谢后芳)“女神之马”“”12 谢后芳.马的分类及其世系和马祭仪式P.T.1060 号卷译释 J.中国藏学 2015(SO):82.谢后芳.马的分类及其世系和马祭仪式P.T.1060 号卷译释 J.中国藏学 2015(SO):82.80()On t

6、he thirty-seven holy places of the Bon-pos in the Tibetan Empire M 2015:41.81 (B.1323)“”14 (1504-1566)“”15 (1482-1542)“”16 82 “麒麟”“麒麟”“麒麟”“麒麟”“”18 “”19 麒麟(1772-1851)“”17 “麒麟”M 1991:47G 2“”83 P.T.1060 P.T.1060 IoL.Tob.731“”P.T.1060“”(958-1055)84 M 2020:20.5 G 1990:85.6 G 1990:86.7 G 2012:87.8 O 2-8;2

7、-9.9 M 2020:284.10 M 1987:13.11 G P.T.1060:1-17.12M 2010:39.13 G P.T.1060:75-93.14 Z 2006:437.441.15 M 2013:101.16 M 1999:125.17 M 2015:277.18 G 2012:108.19 G 2012:247.IoL.Tob.731P.T.1060 (1482-1542)(1772-1851)“”1 M 1989:982 G P.T.1060:18-39;48-61.3 G P.T.1060:74-94.4 85文献学视野下的藏马起源及其称谓文化探析拉卡 南拉才让 摘要

8、:藏马文化历史悠久,内容丰富,但其研究成果较少。应用文献研究法对马起源及其命名文化进行了较详细的研究,从而得知藏马起源的历史叙述大致有三种观点:胎生观、卵生观及化生观。其中胎生观是藏族原始藏马起源的重要观点,且符合现代科学观。其主要依据有敦煌藏文文献 ToL.Tob.731 和 P.T.1060 等;卵生观以苯教藏文文献斯巴宗铺与属卢派马文化研究中的卵生观相交融而形成。藏文相马文献马种宝鬘论和马文化研究 明镜也受到了此观点的影响;化生观受佛教后弘期大译师仁钦桑布(958-1055)翻译的相马与医马 明鉴中印度吠陀文化的影响而形成,逐渐被藏文相马文献马种宝鬘论和马文化研究 明镜等广泛接受。另外,

9、吐蕃时期和佛教后弘期对马命名文化不尽相同,吐蕃时期主要以敦煌藏文文献 ToL.Tob.731 和 P.T.1060 为依据,首先 lha rta、bdud rta、dmu rta、skra rta、sprin rta、gzha rta、klu rta、smna rta、srin rta等以马的类别而命名,并逐渐演变为结合马的来源与特点而命名。而佛教后弘期至今,以仁布阿王久扎(1482-1542)撰写的辞藻 智者耳饰和欧曲 达玛巴扎(1772-1851)撰写的辞藻学作者沧海水滴等词藻学为命名的依据,例如,Gyi ling、cang shes 等。通过与其他民族关于马的起源传说和命名文化之间的相互

10、比较,从而挖掘马的起源叙述与命名文化在民族文化交往交流交融中的研究价值和意义。关键词:文献学;藏马;起源;称谓文化 作者简介:拉卡南拉才让(1990-),男,藏族,青海贵南人,西北民族大学中国语言文学学部2021级博士研究生。研究方向:中国古典文献学。On the Origin of Tibetan Horse and Its Appellation Culture from the Perspective of LiteratureLa-Kha-gNam-Lha-Tshe-RingAbstrac t:Horses have made great contributions to the hi

11、story of human civilization.Therefore,this paper conducts a comparative study of a large number of Tibetan documents related to Tibetan and horse culture from the perspective of philology,and believes that there are three major viewpoints on the origin of Tibetan horses:the concept of viviparity,the

12、 concept of egg birth,and the concept of metaplasia.Among them,the concept of viviparity is an important view of the origin of Tibetan primitive Tibetan horses,which is in line with the modern scientific concept,based on Dunhuang Tibetan literature ToL.Tob.731 and P.T.1060.The concept of egg laying

13、is that a Tibetan horse produces an egg after mating with its father horse“rGod”and its mare“Pya”,and then the egg is converted into a Tibetan horse;It is believed that this view was formed by the fusion of the concept of egg birth in the Bon Tibetan literature Srid-Pai-mDzod-Phugs and Cog-Roi-Lugs-

14、Kyi-rTa-dPyad-Dod-Don-Kun-Grub,which later influenced the rTa-rGyud-Rin-Chen-Phreng-Ba co-authored by seven Tibetan horse experts and the rTa-dPyd-Kun-gSal-Me-Long co-authored by nine Tibetan horse experts.The concept of metaplasia was formed by the influence of Indian Vedic culture after Rin-Chen-b

15、Zang-Po(958-1055),the great translator of Buddhism in the later Hong period,translated Drang-Srong-Chen-Po-Sha-Li-Ho-Tras-Yang-Dag-Par-bsDus-Bai-rTai-Tshe-Rig-Byed-mTha-Dag-rJes-Su-bsTan-Ba into Sanskrit and Tibetan,and gradually accepted the rTa-gZhung-dNgul-dKar-Me-Long and rTa-dPyd-Kun-gSal-Me-Lo

16、ng.Studies jointly written by nine experts.At the same time,the culture of addressing Tibetan horses in the Tubo period and the later bStan-Pa-Phyi-Dar is different.Taking the Dunhuang Tibetan documents ToL.Tob.731 and P.T.1060 as examples,the Tubo period was mainly named for the combination of the

17、origin of Tibetan horses and the characteristics of horses.This view still exists in Chos-Byung-mKhas-Bai-dGa-sTon written by dPa-Bo-gTsug-Lag-Phreng-Ba(1504-1566),and since the beginning of the later period of Buddhism in Tibet,it was named on the basis of Indian lexicology,mNgon-brJod-mKhas-Pai-rN

18、a-rGyan written by Rin-sPungs-Ngag-dBang-Jigs-Grags(1482-1542),and mNgon-brJod-rGya-mTshoi-Chu-Thigs-Kyi-rTsa-Grel written by dNgul-Chu-Dharma-Bhadar(1772-1851).Keywords:Bibliography,Tibetan horse,origin,appellation culture About the author:La-Kha-gNam-Lha-Tshe-Ring,(1990-),Tibetan,is from Guinan County,Qinghai Province.Ph.D.candidate(Year 2021)at the Department of Chinese language and literature,Northwest Minzu University.His research interest is Chinese Classical Documents.

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