1、职场关于合同的英语情景对话 合同(Contract),是平等的当事人之间设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系的协议。随着国内企业与海外公司合作越来越频繁,企业对英语合同也越来越重视,因为在翻译的过程中往往会产生一些让人误会的地方。下面我们就来看看职场中关于合同的商务英语情景对话吧! A: Can you help me make sense of this contract? I dont quite understand this phrase B: Let me see, “The two undersigned are in agreement to the following terms.
2、 Party A shall be responsible for furnishing Party B with materials as follows.” Well, thats a pretty plicated way to say you both agree to something and sign your names to certify. A: So is I sign here, that makes me Party A, right? B: Yes. Then you have to abide by all the requirements listed in t
3、his contract for Party A. A: What about what it says here, “Terms and conditions of this agreement are void in the case of natural disaster or acts of God.” B: That means unless something very big happens, like an earthquake or a tsunami, you will be bound to the contract and cant get out of it. A:
4、That serious, huh? B: Sounds like it. Before you sign this contract, I would go over it with a fine-tooth b if I were you. Make sure its what you want. A: Good idea. Ill probably have to get a dictionary! 上述对话是A关于英语合同的一些细那么向B求助的过程,其中Party A(甲方)、the two undersigned(签名双方)、acts of God(不可抗力)、terms and conditions(条款和条件)、in case of(以防万一)都是英语合同中一定会涉及到的词汇,大家必须牢牢掌握。 许多公司在实际工作中往往会套用专业的合同模板,在下方“阅读原文”中安格英语老师提供了一般代理协议书的合同模板,如果大家在平时工作中有时机接触到这方面的内容,建议大家可以保存下来为日后的工作带去便利。