1、Chapter 1 Tourism System第一章 旅游系统I Learning objectives(教学目的)l Understand the important role of tourism system in the study of tourism了解旅游系统对于学习旅游的重要作用l Describe the fundamental structure of the tourism system陈述旅游系统的基本结构l Observe the tourist flow and industry within the system from the perspective of
2、O-D Pair and N-S pair从客源地与目的地、供给与需求两个方面观察旅游流和旅游产业在系统中的活动l Discuss the external factors that influence tourism and are influenced by tourism讨论外在因素对旅游的影响以及旅游如何影响这些外在因素l Understand the industrial distribution in the tourism system了解旅游产业在旅游系统中的分布情况l Appreciate the multifunctional Singaporean tourism wit
3、h a perspective of the tourism system以旅游系统为视角观察多功能的新加坡旅游Ability goals: 能力目标l Case study:案例分析:以成都市为中心的四川旅游l Reading Box: 阅读分析:Travel in Singapore新加坡旅游II Emphasis and difficult points ( 教学重点、难点) 知识要点掌握程度相关章节Leipers model雷柏尔模型重点掌握本课文是序论,与其他章节是“纲”与“目”的关系,与课文所有章节相关联,学习教材其他章节应以本文为“纲”,作为指导整个教学的框架。spatial m
4、ovement of tourism旅游的空间移动重点掌握push and pull forces in tourism system旅游系统中的推力和拉力一般了解definition of the tourist旅游者的定义重点掌握categories of tourism旅游的类型一般了解distribution of tourism sectors in the tourism system旅游产业在旅游系统中的分布一般了解external or environmental systems外部或环境系统一般了解III The arrangement of this chapter (教学
5、安排) ( 4 课时)Chapter 1 Tourism system(4 periods)Leipers model雷柏尔模型spatial movement of tourism旅游的空间移动1 periodpush and pull forces in tourism system旅游系统中的推力和拉力1 perioddefinition of the tourist旅游者的定义categories of tourism旅游的类型1 perioddistribution of tourism sectors in the tourism system旅游产业在旅游系统中的分布extern
6、al or environmental systems外部或环境系统1 periodIV The teaching method of this chapter (教学方法)讲授、头脑风暴、案例分析V Major teaching points of this chapter(教学要点)1. What is tourism? 什么是旅游?1.1旅游的定义Tourism is the sum of the phenomenon and relationships arising from the interaction among tourists, business suppliers, ho
7、st governments, host communities, origin governments, in the process of attracting, transporting, hosting and managing these tourists and other visitors.Discussion: How do you understand the definitions of tourism?作为一个关于旅游的完整的定义,至少应当包括如下三个要素。 The three elements of tourism:关于旅游的定义时间要素空间要素目的要素1.2 旅游的五
8、大特征 The Five Characteristics of Tourism旅游的特点暂时性流动性愉悦性综合性异地性关于旅游的不同定义交往定义1927年,德国的蒙根罗德对旅游的定义:旅游从“狭义的理解是那些暂时离开自己的住地,为了满足生活和文化的需要,或各种各样的愿望,而作为经济和文化商品的消费者逗留在异地的人的交往。”注意:这个定义强调的是:旅游是一种社会交往活动。目的定义50年代,奥地利维也纳经济大学旅游研究所对旅游的定义:“旅游可以理解为是暂时在异地的人的空余时间的活动,主要是出于修养;其次是出于受教育、扩大知识和交际的原因的旅行;再是参加这样或那样的组织活动,以及改变有关的关系和作用
9、。”注意:这个定义强调的是:旅游的基本目的是:消遣和增长知识。流动定义 1974年,英国的伯卡特和梅特列克对旅游的定义:“旅游发生于人们前往和逗留在各种旅游地的活动,是人们离开他平时居住和工作的地方,短期暂时前往一个旅游目的地运动和逗留在该地的各种活动。”注意:这个定义强调了旅游的本质特征:异地性和暂时性时间定义1979年,美国通用大西洋有限公司的马丁普雷博士在中国讲学时,对旅游的定义为:“旅游是为了消遣而进行旅行,在某一个国家逗留的时间至少超过24小时。” 注意:这个定义强调的是:各个国家在进行国际旅游者统计時的统计标准之一:逗留的时间。相互关系定义1980年,美国密执安大学的伯特麦金托什和
10、夏西肯特格波特对旅游的定义:“旅游可以定义为在吸引和接待旅游及其访问者的过程中,由于游客、旅游企业、东道政府及东道地区的居民的相互作用而产生的一切现象和关系的总和。”注意:这个定义强调的是:旅游引发的各种现象和关系,即旅游的综合性。目的地目的地旅游空间关系和利益主体关系空间关系客源地 旅游者社会经济关系其他相关企业目的地政府旅游者目的地居民2. What is a tourist?A person who travels temporarily outside of their usual environment (usually defined by the distance thresho
11、ld) for certain qualifying purposeThe following are to be considered to define a tourist: traveling for pleasure, for health, etc; traveling in a representative capacity of any kind; traveling for business or meeting relatives and friends; arriving by a sea cruise, even when they stay for less than
12、24 hours.3. What is the tourism system? 什么是旅游系统?A system can be defined as a group of interrelated, interdependent, and interacting elements that together form a single functional structure.A tourism system is an application of a system approach to tourism, wherein tourism is seen as consisting of t
13、hree geographical components (origin, transit and destination regions), tourists and a tourism industry, embedded within a modifying external environment that includes parallel political, social, physical and other systems.A basic tourism system离开客源地的旅游者客源地 旅游通道 目的地 返回客源地的旅游者旅游活动实际上是一个系统。旅游活动是游客从客源地
14、(Oorigin) 到目的地(DDestination)之间的活动。从空间角度观察:包括客流从O到D的变化以及D对O的市场营销。地理学上称为OD的研究;从市场角度观察:涉及旅游产品的需求(N)和旅游产品的供给(S)。经济学上称为NS的研究。除此之外,还涉及一些支持系统运行的外系统。2.1 The basic whole tourism system In its simplest form, five interdependent core elements must be present: at least one tourist at least one tourist generatin
15、g region at least one tourist route region at least one tourist destination a travel and tourist industryA complicated tourism system:Internal system and external systemTourism systemInternal structureTourist flowInvolving multiple destinations and transit regions, and extensive travel within those
16、destination regionsExternal systemHuman, socio-cultural,economical, technological,physical, political, legal.etc.4. Where are the tourism sectors in the system?CategoriesOriginregionsTransitregionsDestinationregionsTravel agencies Transportation Accommodation Food and beverages Tour operators Attrac
17、tions Merchandisers major, minor, nil5. How is the tourism related to other disciplines? 旅游与其他学科的关系如何?Political scienceEconomicAgricultureMarketingAnthropologyBusinessmanagementpsychologysociologyecologylawhistorygeographyTourism studies The Evolution of Tourism Studies towards Discipline Status 旅游研
18、究向旅游学科发展的进程6. What are the defects of tourism research as an academic field of study?旅游学术研究有何不足?(1) Tourism perceived as a trivial activity.(2) Large-scale tourism as a recent activity.(3) Tourism perceived as a vocational field of study.(4) Lack of clear definitions and reliable data.(5) Lack of in
19、digenous theory and a strong academic tradition.案例研究以成都市为中心的四川旅游分析要点 旅游基础理论 成都区位分析 成都在旅游系统中的功能 成都旅游市场未来发展1、理论基础:旅游系统:由旅游客源市场子系统、旅游目的地吸引力子系统、旅游企业子系统以及旅游支撑与保障子系统4个部分组成,具有特定的结构、功能和目标的综合体。雷柏尔系统2、成都区位分析2.1 优越的地理位置2.2 丰富的旅游资源成都周边拥有青城山都江堰、乐山峨眉山等世界级的风景名胜以及一大批独具地方特色的自然和人文景观。四川旅游资源及为丰富,名山大川遍布。2.3 便利的交通(1) 成都处
20、宝成铁路、成渝铁路、成昆铁路的网交汇处(2) 二环十二射的公路交通(3) 拥有多条国际航线的发达的空运(4) 正在发展的市区的地铁交通2.4 良好的旅游产业(1) 旅游配套基础设施建设日新月异,目前成都有星级酒店宾馆113家,共有客房15970间,床位29934个。(2) 旅游服务机构不断优化,目前有各级各类旅行社240家,其中国际旅行社36家。成都的旅游业正逐步成为全市国民经济的支柱产业。3、成都的功能性作用3.1 旅游客源地功能(1) 旅游客源地是指局部一定人口规模和社会经济能力,能够向旅游目的地提供一定数量旅游者的地区或国家,即产生游客的地方就是旅游客源地,而旅游者前往旅游的地方就是旅游
21、目的地。(2) 随着人们收入水平的提高以及双休日、“黄金周”旅游的推出,出境旅游、国内游、周边地区休闲度假旅游以及自驾车游成为一种成都居民的一种消费时尚,成都也成为国内重要的旅游客源地。3.2 旅游集散地功能旅游集散地是为旅游者提供中转集散作用的城镇,它对旅游景区的辐射作用能够极大地带动整个旅游目的地的发展。旅游者往往偏向于将具有一定游览功能的区域作为其整个旅游行程的集散地。 表1 2000-2004年成都接待游客平均停留天数 单位(天)相关统计资料:(1) 据不完全统计,2005年至2006年,在来蓉的游客中,不超过四分之一的人只在成都做短暂停留,超过八成的境外游客只是将成都作为旅游的中转站
22、。透过这一组数据,成都作为旅游“中转站”的形象清晰地凸显出来。(2) 从观光型游客的停留天数来看,来成都的旅游者人均仅停留1.7天,这样短暂的停留时间使得旅游者在成都的游览景点较少,国内旅游者在成都的人均游览的景点仅为1.5个左右。表2集散地功能大成都:以成都为圆心,一小时车程为半径,涵盖了成都市及其周边的乐山、眉山、资阳、德阳、绵阳、雅安、遂宁等8个城市 。 3.3 旅游目的地功能2010年接待国内游客6738.3万人次,比上年增长22.3%;国内旅游收入584.6亿元,增长20.5%;组织出境旅游人数46.9万人次,增长78.4%;接待入境旅游者80.2万人次,增长24.1%;旅游外汇收入
23、2.9亿美元,增长22.2%。全市三星级以上饭店108家;旅行社260家“大成都”推动建设成都的目的地建设:(1) 大成都旅游发展区以成都为中心,一个小时车程为半径,涵盖了成都市及其周边地区,实施旅游产品深度开发战略,加快度假旅游产品的开发进度,提升档次,提升品质,逐步实现针对国内市场以“农家乐”为主要内容的度假产品体系向面向国际市场的以生态、观光、滑雪、高尔夫等综合内容为主的产品体系转换,吸引更多的海外旅游者,增加入境游客的总量。(2) 大成都的建设就是巩固成都的集散地功能,加强成都目的地功能。4、成都旅游发展措施(1) 实施旅游产品深度开发战略(2) 大力开展会展旅游、城市旅游(3) 增加
24、旅游活动的多样性(4) 积极开拓新兴旅游市场(5) 实施旅游区域合作阅读与分析即学即用:可引用一案例进行分析。Travel in SingaporeThe Southeast Asian city-state of Singapore is remarkable for the extent to which it has developed concurrently as an origin region, a transit region and a destination region.Key points:(1) What a role does Singapore play in t
25、he whole tourism system?(2) Why does Singapore have such a multifunctional status?(3) How does Singapore government manage the three functions?(4) How can the origin, transit and destination functions of a location interact?(5) Compare Singapore with Hong Kong. Which is more competitive?1. What role
26、 does Singapore play in the whole tourism system?雷伯尔的旅游地理系统模型Some people believe Singapore has one specific position with the tourism system. Actually, it has developed concurrently as an origin region, a transit region and a destination region.2. Why does Singapore have such a multifunctional statu
27、s?2.1 An origin regionSingapore has developed as an important origin region because it is one of the fore Asian “tiger” economies. In the early 1950, there were almost no outbound trips in Singapore. However, it now becomes the most frequent outbound tourists in the Asian countries. Long-haul travel
28、 also turned Singapore into the front ranks of inbound markets to countries such as Australia and New Zealand. As a result, many bilateral tourism systems between countries have developed. Among these countries, Singapore becomes a major origin region.2.2 A transit region At the same time, Singapore
29、s location assisted its emergence as a major regional transit region hub. Singapore is located in the north bank of the Strait of Malacca and the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula. For a long time, it has been a vital link on the transshipment lanes. Although this status is no longer as important
30、as it used to be. Singapore has now played a similar important role as an air transportation hub. AS of 2007, Singapore was directly linked by 83 airlines with 189 cities in 60 countries. Growth in Traffic and Connectivity at Singapore Changi Airport According to the table, in 1981 the passenger mov
31、ements were only about 8.1 million. However, it increased to 37.7 million in 2008. This reflect Singapore has an intentional plan to further strengthen its position as a main transit region hub.2.3 A destination regionDespite its small size, there are many things to see, to do and to experience in S
32、ingapore. Singapores rich cultural artifacts, interesting historical monuments, idyllic nature spots and fun tropical spaces make the country an exciting leisure destination, indoors or outdoors.Inbound traffic after World War II was very small and remained a level that could be ignored. However, wi
33、th the outbound flow, inbound tourists increase up to 7.3 million in 1996, or 2.2 arrivals per Singapore family.Singapores tourism sector is influenced by outside factors. Since Asian markets are the main inbound traffic for Singapore, if regional economy breaks off, it will affect its tourism secto
34、r. The financial crisis that happened in the late 1990s is one of the examples.3. How does Singapore government manage and control the three functions?Singapore government has different priority in managing the three functions. Due to the great economic benefits of inbound tourism, Singapore governm
35、ent pays more attention to its transit and destination functions, but it pays comparatively less attention to its outbound tourism.During 1996 almost $13 billion was produced, which equals more than 10 percent of the countrys gross national product. To earn more income and attract tourists to visit
36、and stay in Singapore much longer, the government adopted many measures: Improving the basic systems Improving the services Strengthening city image Improving international airports Adding new attractions Among Asian states, Singapore is a better example of a destination where its government has pla
37、yed an important role and involved more in managing and controlling its tourism sector4. How can the three functions of a location interact?The origin, transit and destination functions of Singapore affect one another in various ways.INBOUNDOUTBOUNDSURPLUSYEAR(US$ million)(US$ million)(US$ million)1
38、9925499248930101993629430193257199475274076345119958378503933391996796161391822(来源: 新加坡樟宜机场 维基百科)From this table we can see since inbound tourists increased largely since 1994, outbound tourists also increased steadily during the same period. As a result, the balance between the inbound and outbound
39、 decreased. To attract more inbound tourists, the government adopted many measures, such as sets up more connections with other cities. Ironically, the increasing of inbound travel causes a further increasing of outbound travel. Such kind of mutual influence also exists between the transit and desti
40、nation functions. 5. Which is more competitive as a destination?5.1香港PK新加坡之客源地香港和新加坡经济发达,与台湾、韩国并称“亚洲四小龙”。人均可支配收入高,居民好休闲旅游。新加坡和香港每年都有大量居民出境旅游,旅游目的地主要有中国大陆、日本、韩国、马来西亚、澳大利亚、英国、美国等。大量的出境游同时带来了大量的入境游,多国之间双边游开始兴起。5.2香港PK新加坡之中转地香港和新加坡地理位置优越,都处国际航道要塞。但由于中国内地与海外直航线增多使得以前许多须经香港转乘内地的游客减少,这一过程会随着内地对外交通的快速发展而更为普
44、出现旅游或商业欺诈行为,这使香港旅游业名誉整体受损。而新加坡在行业管理方面就做的比较完善。Chapter Review This chapter has considered the important role of tourism system in the study of tourism and industry. It is very essential to observe the tourist flow and industry within the system from the perspective of O-D Pair and N-S pair. Of course,
45、 the external factors or environmental factors may exert an impact on tourism activity, but they are also influenced by tourism activity. Tourism activity falls into two categories: tourist activities and industrial activities. For this reason, we should know not only the tourist flow in the system, but also the industrial distribution in the system. The case study of the mult