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1、 All the angles in this f igure are 90 .Find the perimeter of thisf igure.(unit:cm)All the angles in this f igure are 90 .Find the perimeter of this figure.(unit:cm)All the angles in this f igure are 90 .Find the perimeter of thisf igure.(unit:cm)All the angles in this f igure are 90 .Find the perim

2、eter of this figure.(unit:cm)Intensive Training of Finding Perimeters(3B)三年级第二学期求周长强化训练广东深圳市龙华区碧澜外国语小学 王 爽371.。The figure ABCD is a rectangle.In this rectangle,there is a square,which is EFGH.ED=6 cm,and BG=7 cm.Find the perimeter of the rectangle ABCD.This is a rectangle,

3、which is 20 cm long and 16 cm wide.A square of 10 cm long is cut off from this rectangle(See the f igure below).Find the perimeter of the remaining f igure.The figure ABCD is a rectangle.In this rectangle,ABFE is a square.BC=15 cm.Find the perimeter of the rectangle EFCD.The figure ABCD is a rectang

4、le.In this rectangle,EFGD is a square.The area of the shaded part is 90 cm2.AE=8 cm,GC=3 cm.Find the perimeter of the square EFGD.38Crazy English All the angles in this figure are 90 .The figure ABCD is a rectangle.The figure EFGH is a square.AD=8 cm,CD=6 cm,BE=3

5、cm,and HC=3 cm.Find the perimeter of this figure.(参考答案见本期第 39 页)39Keys to Intensive Training of Maths(1B)I.1.1;7 2.1;2 3.6;16 4.2;0 5.1;14II.1.6 2.9 3.16 4.40 5.15III.15 CAABAIV.1.18 2.6 3.14 4.19 5.9Keys to Rotation Applied in Working out the Areas of the Irregular Figures1.9 cm 2.1 cm 3.107 cm 4.3 cm Keys to Intensive Training of Finding Perimeters(3B)1.56 cm 2.44 cm 3.48 cm 4.80 cm 5.26 cm 6.92 cm 7.30 cm 8.24 cm 9.34 cm 10.64 cm9.10.All the angles in this f igure are 90 .Find the perimeter of this f igure.(unit:cm)2222FGABEHCD1220。

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