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通道雕塑 美国彭布罗克派恩斯.pdf

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2、可调节大门通向户外花园。and interesting sensory and aesthetic experience.Programmatically,the building is divided into two volumes warehouse/labs and offices functions.The upper story of the offices cantilever over the lower story to the west and is clad in a highly perforated metal skin and is the main entry f

3、acade.The lower story is mainly glazed and open to reveal portions of the research laboratory,machine room and other industrial functions not requiring visually security.From the exterior,the warehouse appears to float lightly over the mechanical and intellectual heart of the program,reversing the n

4、otion that an industrial building should be solid and protected.Rather,the building seems very open and is intended to feel vulnerable revealing parts of its inner program to public view.The main entry of the building is located at the northwest corner under the cantilevered volume.It is flanked by

5、a sunken garden to the north,which is overlooked by the surrounding offices.The garden connects to the adjacent water reclamation wetland for the entire PITT campus.A large operable door located off the entry in the main public space opens to the garden outside.96 WORLD ARCHITECTURE REVIEW 设计事务所 THE

6、 DESIGN FIRM NO.212 世界建筑导报 97通道雕塑美国彭布罗克派恩斯Gateway Sculpture Pembroke Pines,United States业主单位:彭布罗克派恩斯建筑设计:布鲁克斯+斯卡帕建筑师事务所材料制造:McNichols,YetiWeurks装配:Wyetiweurks 艺术与工程公司工程:Nick Geurts项目年份:2017 年摄影:布鲁克斯+斯卡帕建筑师事务所公共艺术不应该只是装饰,它应该改善用户体验并提高一个地方的活力。作为新的彭布罗克派恩斯市中心的一部分,包括一个公共广场,一个3500个座位的表演艺术大厅,市政厅和弗兰克艺术画廊,建筑师


8、场地,也是社区聚会场所。可持续性目标虽然彭布罗克派恩斯广场雕塑没有机电系统或其他需要公用电网持续资源的组件,但该结构的设计和构造能够持续很长时间,并保持即使在南佛罗里达州严酷的沿海条件下也可以免维护。Client/Owner:The City of Pembroke PinesArchitects:Brooks+Scarpa ArchitectsManufacturers:McNichols,YetiWeurksFabrication:Wyetiweurks Art+EngineeringEngineering:Nick GeurtsYear:2017Photographs:Courtesy

9、of Brooks+Scarpa ArchitectsPublic art should not be merely decoration or after thought,it should enhance user experience and celebrate a place.As part of the new Pembroke Pines City Center that includes a public plaza,a 3,500 seat performing arts hall,the city hall and The Frank art gallery for the

10、City of Pembroke Pines,the architect designed the Gateway Sculpture and attending landscape features to complement these activities and programs.Essentially Pembroke Pines was a city,without a city(no downtown or community space)and the new City Center and Gateway Sculpture provide a community ancho

11、r that did not exist prior.With a limited budget,the architect worked with The Gateway Sculpture and landscape elements frame a pedestrian gateway into a new public plaza,providing way-finding and anchoring a sense of arrival.Designed as public art,the stainless steel sculpture emerges as tree colum

12、ns that lead up to an array of perforated plates that appear to spin in the continuous breeze of south Florida.The experience under the sculpture creates a dappled light effect as you walk between bromeliad moundsan experience like that of a subtropical hardwood forest.The sculpture provides a shade

13、d area for seating,as well as programmable up lighting that enhances user experience day or night.During performance and art events the Gateway will be a meeting ground for pre and post-show activities,and a gathering place for the community.SUSTAINABILITY OBJECTIVES-While the Pembroke Pines Gateway

14、 Sculpture has no mechanical systems or other components that require continued resources from the utility grid the structure is designed and constructed to last well into the future and remain maintenance free from 98 WORLD ARCHITECTURE REVIEW 设计事务所 THE DESIGN FIRM NO.212 世界建筑导报 99三重底线的措施是在它能够满足客户的


16、就是热带雨林花园,绿化带包括了具有鲜艳色彩并与本土品种兼容的植被,以增强用户体验,同时也为本地的野生动物提供重要的避护所和栖息地。the harsh coastal conditions of south Florida.A triple-bottom-line approach was conceived of that worked within the clients abilities and budget.This is achieved through material durability where stainless steel was used over mild stee

17、l to ensure the longevity of the structure.A durable paint that is environmentally sensitive was also employed.Understanding the location is within a heavily used pedestrian path and gathering space,traditional powder coating could not be used simply for the ease of maintenance where scratches or ot

18、her issues may arise.This allows for city staff to easily maintain the structure under normal maintenance regimes and was key to the economic sustainability of the structure.Another primary objective was to provide shade in the hot-humid climate of south Florida.The public plaza has a tremendous amo

19、unt of hardscape and the Gateway Sculpture provides essential shade in order to maintain environmental comfort.Lastly,large planting areas surround the structure collecting stormwater from the entire building and impervious hardscape of the plaza.Essentially rain gardens,these planters include nativ

20、e facultative landscape material with vibrant color to enhance user experience and provide critical refuge and habitat to native wildlife.98 WORLD ARCHITECTURE REVIEW 设计事务所 THE DESIGN FIRM NO.212 世界建筑导报 99三重底线的措施是在它能够满足客户的能力与预算范围内的前提下构想出来的。这是通过材料耐久性实现的,其中不锈钢用于低碳钢以确保结构的寿命。还采用了对环境敏感的耐用油漆。因为场地是在一个人流量很大

21、并有很多集散空间的路线上,传统的粉末涂料不能轻易满足简单的维护,因为划痕或其他问题很可能经常出现。所以采用对环境敏感的耐用油漆,可以使运市政清洁员能够在正常保洁制度下轻松维护结构,是该雕塑的经济可持续性的关键所在。另一个主要目标是在佛罗里达南部的炎热潮湿的气候中提供阴凉处。公共广场已经有大量的硬质地景,而这个广场雕塑为了保持环境舒适,提供了必要的遮阴。最后,环绕这个雕塑的大面积绿化带,把整座建筑和广场上不渗水的硬质铺地的雨水收集起来。这简直就是热带雨林花园,绿化带包括了具有鲜艳色彩并与本土品种兼容的植被,以增强用户体验,同时也为本地的野生动物提供重要的避护所和栖息地。the harsh coa

22、stal conditions of south Florida.A triple-bottom-line approach was conceived of that worked within the clients abilities and budget.This is achieved through material durability where stainless steel was used over mild steel to ensure the longevity of the structure.A durable paint that is environment

23、ally sensitive was also employed.Understanding the location is within a heavily used pedestrian path and gathering space,traditional powder coating could not be used simply for the ease of maintenance where scratches or other issues may arise.This allows for city staff to easily maintain the structu

24、re under normal maintenance regimes and was key to the economic sustainability of the structure.Another primary objective was to provide shade in the hot-humid climate of south Florida.The public plaza has a tremendous amount of hardscape and the Gateway Sculpture provides essential shade in order t

25、o maintain environmental comfort.Lastly,large planting areas surround the structure collecting stormwater from the entire building and impervious hardscape of the plaza.Essentially rain gardens,these planters include native facultative landscape material with vibrant color to enhance user experience and provide critical refuge and habitat to native wildlife.

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