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1、医药管理系统的设计与实现 随着科技的不断进步,企业都在不断的注重管理的信息化以完善企业管理,增强企业自身的竞争力。医药业也不例外,通过较完善的信息系统实现自身企业对内部管理的方便性、合理性、快捷性、高效性等要求。 以前的手工管理效率低使最明显的缺陷,另外,数据的一致 .随着科技的不断进步,企业都在不断的注重管理的信息化以完善企业管理,增强企业自身的竞争力。医药业也不例外,通过较完善的信息系统实现自身企业对内部管理的方便性、合理性、快捷性、高效性等要求。以前的手工管理效率低使最明显的缺陷,另外,数据的一致性不好维护,如某个药品信息的记录有所改动(如更改编号),那么该要品的其他记录就与此不一致,造


3、身份,用户权限等功能需求 系统要实现的主要功能有:(1)对药品信息的维护和管理,能够万册很能够药品信息的添加、修改和删除,并按一定条件查询药品信息。(2)对供应商信息的管理,能够完成信息的添加、修改和删除,并按一定条件查询信息。(3)对用户信息的管理,能够完成信息的添加、修改和删除,并按一定条件查询信息。(4)仓库管理,能够查询库存药品信息,并对库存进行更新、盘点(5)查询功能,要求可以按日期查询,也可按用户选择字段和输入内容查询。目录第一章 系统概述  2          &nbs

4、p;                               1.1系统开发背景 2                 &nbs

5、p;                   1.2系统开发意义 2第二章 需求分析 3                            

6、                   2.1信息需求 32.2功能需求 32.3系统数据流图 42.4数据字典 5 第三章 总体设计 93.1系统E-R图 93.1.1系统局部E-R图 93.1.2系统全局E-R图10 3.2关系模式 103.3数据表设计 12第四章 系统实现 14  4.1数据库实现 14       4.3.3日常管理模块22第五章 设

7、计总结   25附录 27    试验程序源代码 27 参考文献 36 摘 要:本案力求在东方古典美学与现代技术材料进行结合与延展上取得一定突破。围绕着‘现代设计中传统文化及民族艺术的传承与创新’该中心进行思维拓展,在东方美学造型手法中融入现代设计材料与思维创新。选择SPA会所则是力图诠释在高速发展的现代社会中生存的都市人群于快速运转的生活节奏中渴求并寻找一处让身心平衡、忘却尘世的心灵净地这一社会现象。主题色调采用竹木色调、灰黑调、白色及点缀的中国红。本案力图体现传统文化的传承及创新精神,东方气质与西式简约共同谱写出更有

8、感染力的空间。同时,设计中穿插的景观元素平添一份舒适与放松,都会概念型SPA会所旨在让体验者尽享都会桃源、行云流水、曲径通幽之妙。少许禅意、寥寥数景以及东方情怀,均是本案设计之精魂。关键词:东方美学;SPA;美疗会所;禅意;The Interior Design of “Dreams-Crimsonl”Conceptua SPA Space in ShenZhengAbstract: The design of lotus bird dream has always been adhering to my design style, the case sought to

9、 Eastern classical aesthetics with modern technology, combined with the extension of the material made some breakthrough.Around the traditional culture and modern design in the national art heritage and innovation to think of the center to expand in Eastern aesthetics of modern design modeling pract

10、ices in the integration of materials and innovative thinking. SPA club is trying to select the interpretation of modern society in the rapidly developing urban population to survive life in the fast-running rhythm of desire and find a balance between body and mind, forget the earth net soul of this

11、social phenomenon. Theme color with wood tones, gray tone, white and dotted with Chinese red. The case sought to reflect the traditional cultural heritage and innovative spirit, the Oriental temperament and Western co-write a more appealing simplicity of the space. Meanwhile, the landscape design el

12、ements add a touch of interspersed comfort and relaxation, so that those who enjoy the urban resort experience, smooth writing, winding streets of the essence. A little Zen, a few King and Oriental feelings are case design souls. Keywords: Oriental aesthetics; SPA; U.S. Spa Club; Zen; 目  录 

13、;      5300字摘要关键词1、绪论        1.1 方案设计省思 1       1.2 市场现状分析 3       1.2.1 国外SPA会所现状分析 3       1.2.2 国内现状分析 32、设计构思 4 2.1 梦雀红莲SPA会所项目背景 42.2 梦雀红莲SPA会所设计元素 43

14、、梦雀红莲SPA会所功能设计 43.1 梦雀红莲SPA会所等候区及大厅分析 43.2 梦雀红莲SPA会所走道及景观分析 63.3 梦雀红莲SPA会所美疗房分析 7 4、梦雀红莲SPA会所所用材料 85、梦雀红莲SPA会所室内空间色彩 86、梦雀红莲SPA会所室内陈设 87、结束语8参考文献 9 摘    要基于对国内院校工业工程专业的广泛调查,分析了有关院校工业工程实验室的建设情况,并结合工业工程实验设置的现状,通过本项目的研究,逐步建设起具有综合性、实际性以及运用性的“工业工程实验项目集成系统 ”,建立一个实验平台。对各项实验进行统一的管


16、识。关键词:工业工程,实验室建设,信息集成,实验平台ABSTRACT Based on national institutions of industrial engineering extensive investigations, analysis of the institutions of industrial engineering laboratory building, combined with Chongqing University industrial engineering experiment set-up of the status quo, through the

17、 study of the item, and gradually built a comprehensive, practical As well as the use of the "Industrial Engineering Information Integration System pilot project" to establish an experimental platform. Experiment on the unified management, and further innovation in improving the utilizatio

18、n of resources at the same time, enhance the enthusiasm of the students experiment, students develop the research capacity, to provide students independent study of space, thus greatly improving the experimental results.Industrial Engineering opened by the pilot project information integration, comp

19、rehensive experimental platform that is the guiding ideology of the building are: to strengthen the industrial engineering students in basic theoretical knowledge, the basic technology tools and basic sense of culture; enhance students of modern industrial engineering systems analysis, planning, des

20、ign, optimization, Control and evaluation capacity of the culture; prominent modern industrial projects in information and integration features. It is from the above guiding ideology of the industrial engineering laboratory building is the general requirements for building a comprehensive, integrate

21、d modern industrial system simulation environment, to provide students with a modern manufacturing system against the background of the industrial engineering teaching experiment environment, to a professional Experiments at the same time, but also to enable students to participate in design and dev

22、elopment of independent experiments, access to knowledge from the experiment. Key words:Industrial engineering, laboratory building, information integration, experimental platform 目   录    字中文摘要    ABSTRACT    1绪论    1 &

23、nbsp; 1.1国内工业工程的现状    1   1.2国外工业工程的现状    1   1.3实验项目信息集成研究的意义    22工业工程实验室建设的现状    3   2.1 实验室的概况    3    2.2所开实验项目    4         

24、  2.2.1生产计划与控制    4           2.2.2基础工业工程    6           2.2.3人因工程学    7           2.2.4设施规划与物流    9   &n

25、bsp;        2.2.5财务与成本管理    10           2.2.6电子商务    11           2.2.7系统工程    11            2.2.8 统计学原理

26、    11          2.3实验室现存问题分析    12            2.3.1结构不完善    12            2.3.2信息化程度低    12     

27、;       2.3.3功能不完善    13    3工业工程实验信息集成总体规划    15          3.1我国工业工程建设的现状    15           3.1.1我国工业工程的现状    15   &n

28、bsp;        3.1.2我国工业工程实验的建设情况    15      3.2工业工程在国际上的发展与应用    19             3.3工业工程实验信息集成的总体规划    22         3.4综合实验平台建设后的改

29、进之处    23    4工业工程实验项目信息集成的详细研究    24         4.1信息集成的思路和方法    24         4.2实验理念的创新    24         4.3实验项目“分散化&rdq

30、uo;向“系统化”转变    27         4.4“必修实验”向“选修实验 ”的转变    28        5结束语    29 参考文献    30致谢    44 内容简介建筑地点:哈尔滨市建筑名称:十层高层旅馆,建筑类型: 结构。

31、建筑介绍:建筑面积约8000平方米,楼盖及屋盖均采用现浇钢筋混凝土结构,楼板厚度取100mm,填充墙采用陶砾混凝土砌块。门窗使用:大门采用钢门,其它为木门,门洞尺寸为M:0.9m×2.4m,窗为铝合金窗,地质条件:经地质勘察部门确定,此建筑场地为二类近震场地,设防烈度为6度。柱网与层高:本旅馆采用柱距为8.4m 的内廊式小柱网,边跨为8.55m,中间跨为2.4m,层高一层取3.9m,其他层取3.3m。 柱截面尺寸估算:楼盖及屋盖均采用现浇钢筋混凝土结构,楼板厚度为100mm。主梁(纵横梁)截面高度按梁跨度的1/12-1/8估算;次梁按跨度的1/12-1/20估算。   文

32、件组成及目录   内容包括:正文(共64页word)、CAD图纸(共9张) 摘    要 1Abstract 2前    言 3第1章  概论 41.1  概述 41.2  意义目的 4第2章  工程概况 52.1  工程简介 5第3章  重力荷载代表值计算 63.1  资料准备 6第4章  框架侧移刚度的计算 84.1  框架

33、基本资料 8第5章 竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算 105.1  计算单元的选择确定 105.2  荷载计算 105.2.1恒荷载作用下柱的内力计算 10第6章 楼梯雨蓬等设计 366.1  楼梯 366.1.1楼梯斜板配筋 366.1.2楼梯梁配筋 366.1.3楼梯梁抗剪计算 376.1.3楼梯梁挠度计算 376.2  雨蓬 396.2.1雨蓬自重 396.2.2楼梯平板 396.2.3雨蓬配筋 39

34、6.3  楼盖设计 396.3.1设计资料 396.3.2荷载 40第7章 梁柱截面设计 46 7.1  框架梁 467.1.1第一层AB跨框架梁 467.1.2第四层AB跨框架梁 487.1.3第十层AB跨框架梁 507.2  柱子设计 537.2.1一层柱(A) 537.2.2一层柱(B) 557.2.3六到十层柱(A) 57第8章 基础计算 608.1  A柱 608.1.1地质条件 608.1.2确

35、定桩数 608.1.3初选承台尺寸 608.1.4计算桩顶荷载 608.1.5承台冲切验算 618.1.6角桩向上冲切 618.1.7承台受剪计算 618.1.8承台受弯计算 618.1.9桩身配筋 618.2  B柱 618.2.1地质条件 628.2.2确定桩数 628.2.3初选承台尺寸 628.2.4计算桩顶荷载 628.2.5承台冲切验算 638.2.6角桩向上冲切 638.2.7承台受剪计算 638.2.8承台受弯

36、计算 638.2.9桩身配筋 63参考文献 64后    记 65 CAD图纸(共9张)首层平面图标准层平面图正立面图侧立面图剖面图总平面、墙身剖面、楼梯扶手详图基础图首层梁配筋图楼板配筋图柱配筋图 摘要:飞行模拟转台是航空航天仿真试验的重要设备之一,近年来仿真技术的发展对飞行模拟转台提出了更高的要求,同时也促进和飞行模拟转台的开发。飞行模拟转台是具有重大经济价值和国防战略意义的高精尖实验设备,它是在实验室条件下模拟飞行器或导弹在空中飞行姿态半实物仿真的有力工具,它和目标发生装置组合在一起模拟导弹跟踪目标的过程,可以真实地模


38、  航空航天    仿真 Hydraulic flight simulation turntableAbstract: flight simulation turntable is aerospace simulation experiment is one of the important equipment in recent years, the development of simulation technology for flight simulation turntable is put forward higher request, bu

39、t also promote the development and flight simulation turntable. Flying simulation turntable is significant economic value and significance of defense strategy, it is exquisite experiment equipment in the laboratory conditions simulated flying in the air or missile flight hardware-in-the-loop simulat

40、ion, it is a powerful tool and plant together to simulate the process of missile tracking, can truly simulate flying in space of missile etc all sorts of attitude and dynamic characteristics of the sensor, thus, control system and enforcement agencies and other hardware equipment performance test an

41、d evaluation, the development and improvement for vehicle and is designed to provide all kinds of reference. It is directly related to the performance index of fidelity flying simulation results. With the current international situation and the increasingly serious in modern military technology unce

42、asing development, the accuracy of simulation turntable is improving. As a kind of precision motion simulation equipment, the dynamic characteristics of the machine body directly affect the reliability of the dynamic simulation turntable. In the design phase of mechanical machine body dynamic analysis and optimal design of frame structure, especially the dynamic characteristics of the study supported components and structure optimization design is v

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