1、轨道设计、施工、概预算毕业设计 完成跨区间无缝线路结构检算,包括无缝线路断缝检算,由强度条件确定允许温升及允许温降,确定锁定轨温,验算预留轨缝、伸缩量等,还进行了曲线超高和道碴量的计算,及线路土石方量和土石方的调配,工程数量的汇总, .内容简介完成跨区间无缝线路结构检算,包括无缝线路断缝检算,由强度条件确定允许温升及允许温降,确定锁定轨温,验算预留轨缝、伸缩量等,还进行了曲线超高和道碴量的计算,及线路土石方量和土石方的调配,工程数量的汇总,组织及概,以及线路铺设和养护的方法、原理和工作内容等的概述。并交付了路基横断面图,轨节布置图,施工网络图和基地布置图,设计说明书一份。 摘 要:
3、;爱情An Existentialist Articulation of Hemingways The Sun Also RisesAbstract: Based on the Sartrean existentialist positions of “Being-for-itself”, “love”, “existence precedes essence” and “irrational choice and rational acceptance”, this thesis is to ma
4、ke an existentialism articulation of the novel. First, it shows that the overall narration of the novel is existential. Second, from the perspective of Sartrean love, it tries to analyze the love between Jake and Brett. Third, it analyzes the technique “existence precedes essence” in dep
5、iction of the characters in The Sun Also Rises. Finally, it analyzes that most of the choices of the heroes and heroines are irrational but they accept the results of the choices in the rational way. Key Words: For-itself; In-itself; Consciousness; Existence; LoveContents 7700字Abstract1K
6、ey words1Introduction11 The Overall Existentialist Narration of The Sun Also Rises 3 1.1 The Original of Existentialism31.2 Satrean Existentialism41.3 The Existentialist Cycle of The Sun Also Rises 51.4 A large Existentialist Cycle of For-itself to Choose its Way of being62 The Technique “Exis
7、tence Precedes Essence” in depiction of the Characters in The Sun Also Rises7 2.1 The Emotion in The Sun Also Rises 72.2 Love of Characters in The Sun Also Rises82.2.1 A Symbol of " Useless Passion"—Jake82.2.2 Free For-itself Manipulated New Woman—Brett102.2.3 A Typical D
8、emonstration of the Taste of Facticity—Cohn113 Irrational Choice and Rational Acceptance13 Conclusion 14Notes.16Bibliography16Acknowledgements 17 五层教学楼设计(CAD建筑图,结构图)(包含选题审批表,任务书,开题报告,实习报告,中期检查表,外文翻译,计算书字,cad图纸)毕业设计中文摘要毕业设计是我们专业课学习的最后一个综合实践性教学环节。本文主要介绍了宿迁职教中心教学楼设计,在设计中,认真贯彻了“适用,安全、经济,美观&l
9、dquo;的设计原则,进一步掌握了建筑与结构的设计全过程、基本方法和步骤”本设计主要包括建筑设计和结构设计两部分。建筑设计,包括平面定位图设计、平面设计、立面设计、剖面设计。结构设计,框架结构设计主要包括:结构选型,梁、柱、墙等构件尺寸的确定,重力荷载计算、横向水平作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算、纵向地震作用计算、水平地震作用下横向框架内力分析、竖向荷载作用下横向框架的内力分析、内力组合、截面设计、基础设计。其中,基础设计又包括基础选型、基础平面布置、地基计算等。在设计的过程中我严格按照最新规范及有关规定进行设计,其中采用的计算方法均参照有关书籍。关键词 &n
10、bsp; 教学楼设计 , 框架结构 , 结构计算 毕业设计外文摘要Title The frame structure design of center rofessional-teaching building of the Su Qian
11、 AbstractThe design projection for graduation is the last practice teaching segment of study of our specialized courses. In this paper a select scheme in bid for the planning design of a middle scho
12、ol. This design mainly includes the architectural design and structural design. The architectural design includes the plane fixed position drawing design, the plane drawing design and sign to face the design, section design. The structure design, the mission of the frame structural design mainly hav
13、e: the type selection ,the size of beams、pillars、walls etc., the gravity load calculation, the calculation of internal force and lateral moving in the function of the horizontal force, lengthways earthquake function calculation, the internal force analysis of the crosswise frame in the function of t
14、he horizontal earthquakes, the internal force analysis of the crosswise frame in the function of the vertical load and also includes the dint combine、section design、foundation design. Foundation design also concludes footing layout selection, footing plane disposition, and foundation calculation. Ha
15、d seriously carried out the code of design :“fitting、safety、economical、beautiful outlook and the basic measure and procedure in the whole design of architecture and structure.Keywords: teaching-building , Frame structure , structural calculation 工程概况宿迁市职教中心教学楼是集教学和办公于一体的现代化综合
16、的教育建筑。建筑面积约为900平方米。按业主的要求和淮安市规划部门批准的设计方案,层数为5层,主体为框架结构。2.2 工程设计依据2.2.1 工程设计原始资料(1)冬季主导风向东北风,平均风速2.6m/s,夏季主导风向东南风,平均风速2.6m/s,最大风速23.7m/s。 (2)常年地下水位低于-1.3m,水质对混凝土没有侵蚀作用。 (3)最大积雪厚度0.32m,基本雪压S0=0.4KN/, 基本风压ω0=0.4KN/,土壤最大冻结深度0.09m。 (
17、4)抗震设计烈度:8度,第二组。 摘 要:本文参考Fréchet的方法,采用收敛法以二代酯为原料合成所需的树状大分子合成子,并优化树状分子的合成,为进一步负载化奠定基础。结果表明:采用收敛法合成树状大分子,具有反应条件温和、副产物少,产物的纯化简单等优点。产物经过1H NMR 、13 C NMR 以及EI等表征,证实为纯净的目标产物。关键词:树状大分子;收敛法;合成;表征The Synthesis of DendrimersAbstract: This article focused on the converged method for the synt
18、hesis of dendrimers by using the ester of genaration two as raw material refer to the Fréchet method. We aimed to optimize the synthesis of dendrimers and laid the foundation for the supported catalysts. The convergence method merited a lot, such as mild reaction conditions、rather limited byp
19、roducts,easy access to pure products. The obtained product were characterized by 1H NMR 、13C NMR, EI etc and the target pure product was confirmed.Key word: Dendrimer; Converged Method; Synthesis; Characterized 目 录 5600字摘 要: 1关键词: 11
20、前言 11.1 树状分子国内外研究现状 11.2 研究思路 31.2.1 发散法 31.2.2 收敛法 31.2.3 固相合成法 32 实验部分 42.1 实验材料与仪器 42.1.1 实验材料 42.1.2 实验仪器 52.2 实验方法&
21、nbsp; 52.2.1 化合物G2CH2OH的合成 52.2.2 化合物G2CH2Br的合成 52.2.3 化合物G3COOCH3的合成 62.2.4 化合物G3CH2OH的合成 62.2.5 化合物G3CH2Br的合成 6 3 结果与讨论 63.1表征 63.1.1 1H NMR表征
22、 63.1.2 13C NMR表征 73.1.3 质谱表征 84 结论 9参考文献 10致 谢 11 摘 要:为发掘衡阳地区优良鲜食栆品种资源,筛选适于南方栽培的优良鲜食栆品种,对衡阳地区不同的地方栆品种进行了综合分析。研究结果表明:鸡蛋枣与糖枣的果实综合品质性状较高,为较适合湖南衡阳地区种植和推广的鲜食枣品种;长栆与糠头栆的品质其次,且耐贮藏,有一定的开发利用优势。同时,糖栆成年
23、树的果实品质较初果树与古树好,种植在山下的糖栆树果实品质及耐贮性略强于种植在山上的树。关键词:栆;品种;果实品质;衡阳Characteristic Comparison of The Main Regional Jujube in HengyangAbstract:A comprehensive analysis in different varieties of Hengyang was did for exploring the resource of fine variety of fresh jujube in Hengyang, and screening for fine vari
24、ety of jujube that suitable to be cultivated in south. The results show that Egg jujube and candied jujube, getting a higher score in quality traits and sense, is a more suitable fresh jujube to plant and promote in Heyang. The quality of long jujube and bran head jujube take the second place, but s
25、till have some advantages of exploitation and long-storage. Additionlly,the results of research also show that the fruit quality of mature jujube is better than the young and the old, and the fruit quality and storage property of candied jujube planting at the foot of the hill is slightly better tha
26、n the other places in the hill. Key words:jujube;variety;fruit quality,Hengyang目 录 7800字摘要 1关键词 11 前言 22 材料与方法 32.1 材料&n
27、bsp; 32.2 方法 32.2.1 果实大小测定 42.2.2 可食率的测定 42.2.3 果实内在品质的测定 42.2.4 果实感官品质分析 42.2.5 果实耐贮品质分析 43&nbs
28、p; 结果与分析 43.1 不同枣品种果实特性分析 43.1.1 不同枣品种的果实外观品质 43.1.2 不同果实内在品质 53.1.3 不同枣品种果实品质耐贮性 6 3.2 不同树龄糖枣果实特征分析 &n
29、bsp; 63.2.1 不同树龄糖枣果实外观品质 63.2.2 不同树龄糖枣果实内在品质 73.2.3 不同树龄糖枣果实耐贮性 73.3 不同生长地糖枣果实特性分析 83.3.1 不同生长地势糖枣果实外观品质 83.3.2 不同
30、生长地势糖枣果实内在品质 83.3.3 不同生长地势糖枣果实耐贮性 94 结论与讨论 9参考文献 10致谢 11 摘 要本文研究跨国公司在华投资的现状与发展趋势。通过了解跨国公司在华投资的历史、跨国公司对华投资的动机以及特点,加深对跨国公司在华投资现状的了解。同时,通过研究跨国公司在华投资的战略,例如:独资化战略、本土化战略、扩展在华生产性服务业和约束技术在华溢出等,发
31、现了跨国公司的发展趋势。本文在研究时发现,一方面,跨国公司通过投资,向我国提供了资金、技术、知识、管理、企业文化,促进了我国企业经营机制的转换、对我国经济融入世界经济产生了积极作用;另一方面,在我国经济体制改革和企业经营机制转变还没有完成的情况下,跨国公司大规模进入我国,使得我国经济深度融入世界经济,也给我国提出了严峻的挑战。本文在前人所取得的成果基础上进行深入探索,结合本国的经济特点,经济实情, 了解到相应的政策以及应对方法, 这将有利于中国经济现代化的发展。关键词 跨国公司 投资现状 发展趋势Abstract This article studies the cur
32、rent situation and the development trend of multinational corporations’ investments in China. By understanding the past situation, the motives and the characteristics of multinational corporations’ investments in China, we can learn more about the current situation of multinational
33、 corporations’ investment in China. On the other hand, by studying the investment strategies of multinational corporations , we can find out the development trend of multinational corporations investments in China. On the one hand, multinational companies’ Investments bring capitals, tec
34、hnologies, knowledge, management skills and corporate value into China, which not only are very helpful to the development of entrepreneurship in China, but also have a positive effect on Chinese economy’s involvement in the world economy. On the other hand, The inflows of multinational corpor
35、ations’ investments into China, which deepen China’s involvement in the world economy, also pose a lot of challenges, particularly when China’s economic reform has not yet completed. Built on previous results, this paper investigate the current situation and the development trend o
36、f multinational corporations’ investments in China, which will be helpful to the modernization of Chinese economy. Keywords: multinational companies, the current situation of the economy, development trends目录 字引言 &nbs
37、p; 1 跨国公司在中国发展状况 &n
38、bsp; 1.1初始阶段
39、 1.2 持续发展阶段 &
40、nbsp; 1.3 全方位发展阶段 &
41、nbsp; 2 跨国公司在华投资的动机和特点 &n
42、bsp; 2.1我国优越的投资环境 &
43、nbsp; 2.2跨国公司在华投资的十个特点 &n
44、bsp; 3、世界500强跨国公司在华的投资情况 4 跨国公司在华投资趋势及影响 4.1跨国公司加速在华投资独资化 &nb