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1、-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-外包服务/建设工程安全管理协议The Outsourcing Service Safety Administration Agreement (LS-Ex4 Version 4.0) 发包方 The Owner: 上海通用(沈阳)北盛汽车有限公司 (甲方Party A) 承包方 The Contractor: (乙方Party B) 甲方将本企业的外包服务类项目/建设工程项目(以下简称“项目”)发包给乙方或乙方为了业务需要在甲方区域内从事现场服务等其他生产经营活动,为贯彻“安全第一、预防为主”的方针,本着“谁主管,谁负责”的原则,根据国家和当地有关法规、

2、规定,为明确双方的安全生产责任,签订本协议。甲方和乙方合称“双方”,单独称作“一方”。 In connection with contracting Party B by Party A to perform the outsourcing Service/ Project (hereinafter referred to as Project) and other work at Party As jobsite, this AGREEMENT is entered into by and between Party A and Party B in conjunction with exe

3、cution of the principal contract in accordance with the principle of “the party who manages the Project shall be held accountable for it”, and relevant national and local laws, regulations and ordinances for the purposes of clarifying the obligations of each Party for safe work. Party A and Party B

4、are hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Parties” and individually as a “Party”. 一、 项目情况 Outsourcing Service /Project Descriptions 1.见附件:项目安全协议 二、 协议内容 Content of the Agreement 1. 1. 双方必须严格执行国家和地方政府的相关法律法规要求,建立有效的安全管理组织机构,建立健全的安全生产责任制以及安全生产、防火安全、治安保卫管理等制度。鉴于甲方已建立了OHSAS18001职业健康安全管理体系,乙方在甲方区域

5、工作期间,应遵守甲方相关规定。 Parties shall strictly comply with the requirements of the laws, regulations, ordinances and codes at national level and local level, establish an effective safety administration organization, and set comprehensive safe work responsibility system and regulations on safe work, fire pr

6、otection and public security administration. In view of the fact that Party A has established its occupational health and safety administration system in compliance with OHSAS18001, Party B shall comply with relevant requirements of Party A while performing the work/service on Party As site. 1.1 如项目

7、分包给其他单位,乙方必须与分包单位签订合同及安全协议,并在合同或安全协议中明确各自的安全生产权利、义务和责任,乙方对该项目的作业安全生产负总责。 In case that the Project is subcontracted, Party B shall sign the contract and safety agreement with the Subcontractor in which the respective safety rights, duties and responsibilities on safe work shall be specified. Furtherm

8、ore, Party B shall be solely responsible for safe work of the Project. 1.2 如项目采取分包、作业区域大(分散)、作业风险高、夜间作业等,乙方在指派专职安全干部对项目安全管理的同时,必须根据需要增配若干专/兼职安全干部/安全员。 In case that the Project is subcontracted, or its performed in a wide (dispersed) location and with high risk or at night, when designating some full

9、-time individuals for managing the safe work of the Project, Party B shall hire more full-time or part-time safety administrators as the needs arise. 1.3 乙方应加强对于员工及分包商的安全管理,以达到甲方的要求。如甲方认为乙方的作业存在风险,甲方有权暂停乙方作业,并不承担任何因素造成的损失。 Party B shall consolidate safety administration on its personnel and subcontr

10、actors so that they perform their work in a manner consistent with the requirements of Party A. In case that Party A reasonably deems Party Bs performance is resulting in potential hazards, Party A has the right to suspend Party Bs performance without any liability for any loss. 1.4 乙方应根据所承接项目的工作内容和

11、要求以及工作区域特性、工作性质,制定完善的安全操作规程,如存在高风险作业则必须制定有针对性的安全技术措施计划和方案和审批制度,并递交一份给甲方的业务主管部门和安全保卫部门备案。甲方人员不得指派乙方人员从事合同外或项目外的作业任务,由此造成的一切后果由当事责任方负责。 Party B shall establish comprehensive safety regulations and systems according to the contents and requirement of the Project, characteristics of the jobsite and the

12、qualities of the work. In case of the occurrence of high risk performance, Party B shall prepare and submit a copy of specific safety measures, schemes and appraisal regulations to Party As SFS (Safety, Fire-protection & Security) as a written record. Party As personnel shall not designate Party Bs

13、personnel to conduct tasks not included in the Agreement or the Project; otherwise, all negative effects shall be borne by the defaulting Party. 2. 甲方应对乙方单位主管领导或项目负责人和专职或兼职安全干部进行安全教育培训,进场前安全教育培训、安全技术交底,介绍有关安全生产管理制度和要求。乙方必须对本单位员工进行安全教育培训,增强员工安全、防火及治安防范法制观念,提高员工的安全意识和自我保护的能力,督促员工自觉遵守安全生产法规、操作规程以及甲方的安全

14、、防火、治安的管理要求等有关规定或制度。 Party A shall provide safety training and briefings on safe work and introduction of the safety administration systems and requirements to Party Bs managing staffs or project superintendents and full-time or party-time safety administrators. Party B shall provide safety training

15、 to its employees in order to strengthen their awareness of safety, fire protection and public security prevention, enhance the sense of safety and self-protection capability, urge them comply with safe work laws and statutes, operation process and Party As regulations or systems on safety, fire pre

16、vention and public security administration. 2.1 乙方应建立受控的安全教育培训机制,配置足够的专兼职安全管理人员,确保安全干部、项目管理人员、特种作业人员等持有效证件上岗。 Party B shall establish its training policy on safety under control and provide enough properly trained full-time and part-time administrators in accordance with the requirements to ensure i

17、ts safety administrators or special on-site personnel to obtain valid qualification before their assignment to work on-site. 2.2 乙方应通过书面或口头形式将作业过程中存在的危险和危害告知作业人员(包括分包商或临时人员)和可能受到影响的人员,并制定相应的岗位操作规程,培训操作者,告知违章操作可能产生的后果。 Party B shall notify in written or oral form its on-site personnel (including sub-

18、contractors or interim personnel) and relevant individuals the hazard(s) and harm(s) occurring in performance of the Project. Furthermore, Party B shall prepare occupational operation procedures and provide training for its personnel as well as notify the possible consequences resulting from the fai

19、lure to comply with the performance procedures. 2.3 乙方负责为作业人员(包括分包商或临时人员)提供劳动防护用品,并着装、标识统一(须与甲方有所区别);乙方人员进入甲方的生产区域或其他特定区域,应同时遵守该区域的劳防用品佩戴规定。 Party B shall furnish its on-site personnel (including its subcontractors and interim personnel) with proper PPE and unified clothes and marks that shall be di

20、fferent from Party As. When entering into Party As premises or other specific sites, Party Bs personnel shall comply with the requirements on wearing of PPE in this location. 3. 乙方聘用员工必须符合国家劳动法规要求,有合法的用工手续并签订用工合同,并按国家规定为作业人员办理工伤保险、意外伤害保险。若聘用外省市人员必须根据本地相关法规办妥相应的手续。 Employment of its personnel by Part

21、y B shall be in compliance with the requirements of labor laws and regulations. Party B shall hold legitimate certificates to employ personnel and sign employment contract with the employees, and purchase work related insurance and accidental insurance as required by the laws. Party B shall acquire

22、all government approvals necessary for employing its personnel out of the local area 4. 乙方员工应按要求在指定门岗、区域出入口进出。进入甲方地域期间,必须全程佩带甲方发放的卡证。乙方员工不得将本卡证借给他人使用,乙方人员不得进入与本人工作无关的区域。 Party Bs personnel shall enter into and exit from Party As premises only through designated entrance and locations. Gate entrance

23、badges provided by Party A shall always be worn by Party Bs personnel while entering into Party As premises. These badges shall not be lent by Party Bs personnel to any third party. Party Bs personnel shall not be permitted to enter into a site that is irrelevant to their assigned work. 4.1 乙方必须持本单位

24、审核的上海通用汽车人员信息登记表和经甲方业务主管部门批准的非SGM(PATAC) 人员卡证申请表和项目安全协议及三级安全教育确认书办理卡证。 Party B shall carry SGM Individual(s) Information Registration Form reviewed by Party B and Gate Badge Application Form and Third-Tier Safety Education Card approved by Party Bs performance department to apply gate badges. 4.2 乙方

25、因合同终止,员工离职或调离时,必须及时将卡证归还甲方,预期不交还所引发的一切后果由乙方承担。 Upon the termination of the contract and the dismissal or removal of its personnel, Party B shall promptly return the gate badges to Party A; otherwise, all corresponding obligations and liabilities arising hereinafter shall be borne by Party B. 5. 甲乙双方

26、必须根据国家法规要求按时做好各自的特种设备维护保养及检测取证工作,确保使用的特种设备在检测有效期内。乙方带入甲方厂区内的特种设备必须向甲方业务主管部门及安全保卫部门申报,并提供检测证明。 Parties shall execute respectively in time the maintenance and test certification on its special types of equipments pursuant to the requirements of national laws, regulations, ordinances and codes to warra

27、nt that they are operated within the testing term of validity. Party Bs facilities and equipments transferred from the off-site location to Party As premises can be put into use only after they have passed the testing process and upon the submittal of the testing certificates to Party As performance

28、 management department and safeguard department. 6. 乙方保证进入施工现场的设备、设施、特殊工具安全可靠,实行设备设施验收挂牌制度。在作业过程中应强化日常检查、维修保养制度,发现隐患后应立即停止作业,并制定计划落实整改;乙方一旦投入作业或使用,就表明乙方已确认作业场所、环境、设施设备、工具用具等符合安全要求。 Party B shall guarantee the safety and reliability of the equipments, facilities and special tools transported from the

29、 off-site location to the jobsite and implement the acceptance and hanging out a shingle system to the equipment and facilities. Furthermore, Party B shall consolidate regulations on routine inspection and maintenance. Party B shall immediately terminate the performance of the Work and take correcti

30、ve measures and conduct corrective action upon discovery of hidden hazards and problems. Once Party B commences the operation and utilization of the equipment, facilities and special tools of the Project, it represents that Party B confirms that the jobsite, environment, facilities and equipments, t

31、ools and appliance can satisfy the requirements for safety. 7. 甲乙双方所使用的设施、设备、工具等均应由双方自备并妥善保管。如甲方同意乙方使用其机器设备,乙方对工具和设备是否能够满足预期的任务承担全部责任,乙方并应仔细对工具和设备进行检查,对可能导致安全事故的工具和设备的损害、缺陷或不足在使用前进行整改。乙方对由于使用甲方工具和设备引发的事故负全责。 Parties shall furnish and maintain respectively its facilities, equipments and tools in good

32、 conditions. If Party A consents to Party Bs use of its tools and equipment, it is Party Bs sole and exclusive responsibility to determine whether the equipment is adequate to safely perform the contemplated tasks and to carefully inspect the tools or equipment and correct any damage, defects or oth

33、er deficiencies that may present a safety hazard prior to its use. Party B is solely and exclusively responsible for the accidents arising from the use of Party As tools and equipment. 8. 乙方不得擅自变更或改变甲方所提供厂房、办公场所、电力线路以及设施设备的建筑结构和用途、使用性质等。乙方若需搭建临时设施时必须向甲方项目主管部门办理审批手续。,在施工区域内禁止搭建食堂和宿舍。 Party B is not p

34、ermitted to modify or change the construction frame, the purposes and functions of the workshops, offices, electrical lines and other facilities provided by Party A. Any Party Bs need to build any temporary facilities or infrastructure shall be approved by Party A. Party B is not permitted to build

35、any eatery or dormitory on Party As premises. 9. 未经甲方许可,乙方不得擅自将用电器接入甲方的电气线路。如违反造成损失,乙方承担由此产生的一切损失。 Party B will not be permitted to connect its electrical appliance to Party As wires without Party As prior consent. In case of the breach of the regulations, all loss arising hereunder shall be born by

36、 Party B. 10. 乙方只有在得到甲方许可下才能携带化学品、压力容器进入甲方地域。 Party B will not be permitted to carry any chemicals or pressure vessels into Party As premises without Party As prior consent. 11. 乙方必须接受甲方的安全、防火、治安的监督检查和管理,对甲方指出的隐患和问题,乙方必须制定整改计划并限期整改。 Party B shall submit itself to Party As supervision, inspection and

37、 management on safety, fire prevention and public security. Party B shall take corrective measures and conduct prompt corrective action upon discovery and notification of hidden hazards and problems by Party A. 12. 乙方人员在甲方区域工作期间,应自觉遵守甲方的各项规章制度;爱护甲方的公共财物、绿化及设施设备,不论是否故意损坏,都应照价赔偿;同时必须遵守甲方内部公共秩序和公共道德,否则

38、将由甲方按有关规定处理。 While performing service at Party As premises, Party B shall voluntarily comply with all Party As regulations and take good care of public facilities, green plants and equipments and instruments of Party A. Party B shall compensate Party A for any damage incurred intentionally or uninte

39、ntionally according to the original price. Party B is obliged to comply with the public order and public morals while performing services inside Party As premises, or else Party B will be punished under the related rules provided by Party A. 13. 乙方车辆出入甲方区域时必须接受甲方门卫的检查。设备、工具、物资等带入必须提供清单,经项目主管部门审核后方可进

40、入工作区域。乙方设备、工具、物资等须自行妥善管理,谨防失窃,因保管不善而造成的损失由乙方自负。 Any vehicle of Party B entering or leaving Party As jobsite shall be subject to inspection by Party As gatekeeper. Only after submitting a sheet of equipment, instruments and materials to Party A and acquiring Party As project administration department

41、s approval, can Party B carry them into Party As jobsite . Party B shall maintain the equipments, instruments and materials in its sole discretion to prevent from theft. Any loss incurred by improper safekeeping shall be borne by Party B. 14. 当出现安全隐患或违规作业时,甲方有权停止乙方作业,并有权对乙方实施经济处罚,乙方整改后必须得到甲方认可后才能恢复作

42、业;乙方应迅速对于甲方关于违反安全的情况的置疑进行反馈。如果乙方无法遵守甲方的安全要求,不能保证安全作业,甲方保留经济处罚的权利;如果证明乙方不具备达到甲方期望的安全状况的能力,甲方有权终止合同,并不承担任何损失。 Upon occurrence of hidden hazards or Party Bs failure to comply with the health and safety requirements, Party A shall have the right to terminate Party Bs performance and impose economic sanc

43、tion on Party B. Party B shall resume its performance upon receiving Party As authorization on Party Bs corrective measures. Party B shall promptly response to Party As challenge to its breach of safe work. In case of Party Bs failure to comply with Party As requirements on safe work or Party Bs fai

44、lure to ensure the safe performance of the Work, Party A will reserve the rights to impose economic sanction on Party B;Party A has the right to terminate in its sole discretion the contract without liability for any loss in occurrence of Party Bs failure to satisfy Party As requirements on safe wor

45、k. 15. 如乙方出现严重违反甲方规定或发生造成重大影响的工伤、火灾事故、治安/刑事案件等,甲方有权终止合同,并由甲方采购部门进行合同终止的商务谈判。 In case of Party Bs severe breach of Party As requirements or the occurrence of injuries, fire accidents and public security and criminal cases which have severe effects, Party A shall be entitled to terminate the contract

46、and its Purchasing Department will handle the termination of the contract with Party B. 16. 甲方对于乙方施工方案的审批,各类申请的批准不涉及任何安全责任上的承担,乙方在合同项下的以及依法承担的安全责任不因此而转移至甲方。 Party As approval of Party Bs construction schemes or of Party Bs various applications shall not impose upon Party A any liability for Party Bs

47、 safety administration and shall not exempt Party B from any liability under the Contract or subject to the laws. 17. 根据“谁主管、谁负责”的原则,当发生人身伤害、火灾事故、设备损坏和其他严重事故,包括因一方责任造成对方或他方人员伤亡时,双方应协力抢救伤员和保护现场,按国务院及地方政府有关事故报告规定,在事故发生后及时报告各自的上级主管部门及市、区(县) 劳动保护监察部门等有关机构;特种设备发生事故应同时向特种设备安全监督管理部门报告;实行分包的项目,由总承包单位负责上报事故;

48、事故的损失和善后处理费用应按责任协商解决。 According to the principle of “A Party who supervises the Project shall be held accountable for it”, upon the occurrence of any physical injuries, fire accidents, equipment impairment or any other severe accidents, including the death and injuries to the personnel of a Party or any third party sustained by a Party, Parties shall cooperatively rescue the wounded and protect the accident site. Parties shall circul

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