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1、Chapter 6Sales&Marketing1Learning ObjectiveslTo understand the sales and marketing organization chart and its major functions.lTo be familiar with some key concepts regarding sales and marketing.2Question3Major purposes4Major Functions:lEstablish and maintain a productive customer base.lCoordinates

2、all efforts to obtain group,meeting,conference,events and account business.lFollow up the conventions or functions and make commitments to the service quality.lWork together with the advertising agencies in the development of all printed matter and promotional programs.lHas responsibility for the pu

3、blic relation activities.5Organization ChartDir.Of Sales&MarketingDir.Of Sales&MarketingP.R.ManagerP.R.ManagerSales ManagerSales ManagerAssistant Dir.Assistant Dir.Of Sales&MarketingOf Sales&MarketingSales SecretarySales SecretaryChief ArtistChief ArtistArtistArtistRevenue ManagerRevenue ManagerSale

4、sSales Representatives Representatives6Role Play7Sales Executive Job DescriptionREPORTS TO:Sales ManagerINDIRECT SUBORDINATES:Rooms Division StaffFood&Beverage staffSCOPE:To maintain an active and productive customer base or set of accounts,with the aim of achieving revenue and occupancy in accordan

5、ce to the Hotels Business Plan.To also work with the Sales Manager to provide solutions to sales challenges,maintain proper sales administration,and promote a positive image of the Hotel in order to create profitable opportunities for internal as well as external customers.In addition,work with Holi

6、day Inn Worldwide offices and other appointed sales agents in the interest of the Hotel,and ensure a high level of product awareness.9Sales Staff personalitylForceful 能说会道lExtroverted 性格外向lSuccess Oriented 努力进取lSelf assured 充满自信10Case Study 杭州某四星级饭店中餐厅原以本地菜系为主,生意平常,只是略有赢利,连续四年没有完成部门预算。饭店管理层经研究后,决定重新

7、装修中餐厅,重新聘用了厨师长和餐厅经理,并推出了以鱼翅、鲍鱼为主的粤菜菜系,但是开业一月以来,餐厅的生意与装修前相比更差,中餐厅的经营陷入困境 问题:请提出相应的营销对策,帮助中餐厅走出经营困境。11Key Concepts:lAccount客户lSales Call 销售拜访lUp sell促销lPress Release新闻发布12Key conceptlBrochure宣传小册子lFlyer宣传单lNews Letter通讯lTent card台卡lLogo标志lFact Sheet酒店简介lSales Kit 营销套册13Review QuestionslPlease describe the major functions of hotel sales and marketing department.lWhat is the personality of most good sales people?lPlease describe the guidelines for making personal sales call.lWhat are the sales executive major duties?14

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