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1、.外研版(三起点)五年级下学期复习重点第一模块一、重点单词:life生活 different不同的 ago以前 any任何,一些 television电视机 field田地 us我们(宾格) grandchildren(外)孙子(女) radio收音机 fire炉火 grandmother(外)祖母 lady女士,夫人 telephone电话 hope希望二、重点短语及知识点:in China在中国 many years ago许多年前 enough food充足的食物 lots of许多 watch TV看电视 have got 有,拥有 every day每天 four years ago

2、四年前 a television programme一个电视节目 last night昨晚 talk about讨论 on a(the) fire在火上 in the fields在地里 a small(big) house一栋小(大)房子 过去式:iswas arewere livelived否定形式:werewerent diddidnt 现在分词:changechanging comecoming复数形式:busbuses 三、重点句型:1. We lived in a small house.我们住在一间小房子里。2Its a programme about China.它是一个关于中

3、国的节目。3. Life was very different in China many years ago.许多年前中国的生活完全不同。4. There are lots of buses and cars.有许多公交车和小汽车。5.We live in a big house.我们住在一间大房子里。6.Yesterday I watched TV with my grandchildren.昨天我和孙子们一起看电视了。7. Thank you for talking to us. 谢谢您和我们谈话。(for后面的动词要加+ing形式)8. She didnt have a televis

4、ion .她那时候没有电视。9. I watched a televison programme about China last night.昨晚我看了一个关于中国的访谈节目。10. An old lady talked about her life many years ago.一个年老的女士谈论了她许多年前的生活。11.She couldnt read or write. 她不能读也不能写。(could或者couldnt + 动词原形)否定句里要用 or,不用and12. A:How was it different?有什么不同?B:There werent any buses.那时候没

5、有公交车。(情景连线)(否定句和疑问句中要使用any,不能使用some)13.A:What did you do there?你在那里干什么?(疑问句中有一个did 表示过去式,所以后面的动词要用原形,例如本句中的 do) B: I played with my friends.我和我的朋友玩。(情景连线)第二模块一、重点单词:learnt(learn的过去式)学习 these这些 dancer舞蹈演员 class班级 study学习 hard努力的 retired退休的二、重点短语及知识点:Chinese city中国城市 city(复数)cities foreign languages外语

6、 five years ago五年前 by school bus乘校车 walk to school步行去学校 read a book读书make a cake做蛋糕过去式:dancedanced learnlearnt makemade teachtaught现在分词:learnlearning studystudied go(第三人称单数形式)goes dance(名词形式)dancer三、重点句型:1.She danced in lots of Chinese cities.她在中国许多城市跳过舞。2. A: Did your grandma learn English?你奶奶学过英语吗

7、? B: Yes,she did. / No,she didint.(情景连线)3. He is learning English now.他现在正在学习英语。(now表示现在进行时,所以learn+ing)4. Chen Hai is an English teacher.陈海是一位英语老师。(English前面要用an)5.Now he goes to school by school bus.他现在坐校车去上学。(三单形式)6. A:Who are they?他们是谁?B:Theyre my grandparents.他们是我的爷爷奶奶。(情景连线)7. A: Whos this?这是谁

8、?B:Its my grandma.这是我奶奶。(情景连线)8. A: Is this your grandpa?这是你爷爷吗?B: Yes,it is.是的。(情景连线)19.A:What did she do yesterday?她昨天干什么了?B: She made a cake.她做了个蛋糕。(情景连线)第三模块一、重点单词:egg鸡蛋 email电子邮件 sandwich三明治 traditional传统的 delicious美味的,可口的hamburger汉堡 ate(eat的过去式)吃 gave(give的过去式)给 tonight在今夜,今晚drank(drink的过去式)二、

9、重点短语及知识点:an email一封邮件 English food英国食物 an English breakfast一顿英国早餐 at school在学校 a traditional English dinner一顿传统的英国晚餐 Chinese food中国食物 last night昨晚过去式:havehad dodid eatate givegave buybought第三人称单数形式:dodoes saysayssandwich(复数) sandwiches does(否定形式)doesnt三、重点句型:1.A:What did she have for breakfast?她早餐吃的

10、什么? B:She had eggs and sausages.她吃的鸡蛋和香肠。(情景连线)2.I have got an email from Lingling.我收到玲玲的邮件。3.Yesterday she had an English breakfast.昨天她吃了一顿英国早餐。4.A:Does Lingling like English food?玲玲喜欢英国食物吗? B: Yes,she does.No,she doesnt.是的,她喜欢。不,她不。(情景连线)5. A:What did you have for breakfast yesterday?你昨天早晨吃的什么? B:

11、I had eggs我吃的鸡蛋。(情景连线)6. Today Sam ate six hamburgers at school.今天山姆在学校吃了六个汉堡包。7.We gave our hamburgers to Sam.我们把我们的汉堡包给了山姆。8. Tonight Mum is going to cook Chinese food for Lingling.今晚妈妈打算给玲玲做中国食物。9. A:What did you eatdrink last night?昨晚你吃的喝的 什么?B: I atedrank我吃的喝的(情景连线)10.A:What are you going to ea

12、tdrink tonight?你今晚打算吃喝什么? B:Im going to eatdrink我打算吃喝(情景连线)第四模块一、重点单词:library图书馆 find找到 bring带来,拿来 newspaper报纸 use使用 card卡片 easy简单的 information信息 dictionary字典二、重点短语及知识点: good at 擅长于 go to the library去图书馆on Shelf C在C书架上 library card图书证 bring back带回来 in two weeks time两周内 find out找出 Chinese word汉字 in t

13、he timetable在信息表里 in the dictionary在字典里 at the zoo在动物园in the newspaper在报纸上 on the computer在电脑上 on TV在电视上buy(过去式)bought三、重点句型:1.A:Where are the books about computers,please?请问电脑书在哪里? B:They are on Shelf C.在C书架上。(情景连线)2.Lets go to the library.让我们去图书馆吧。(lets后面加动词原形)3.We can find a book about e-cards th

14、ere.在那里我们能找到关于电子卡片的书。4. A: Can I have your library card,please?我能看一下你的借书证吗? B: Yes.Here you are.是的,给你。(情景连线)5.Please bring back the book in two weekstime.请两周内还书。6. Where can you find out about animals?你能从哪里找到关于动物的书?7.You can find out about Chinese food/words on this CD-ROM/in the dictionary. 你在 这张光盘

15、字典里 找到关于 中国的 食物汉字。第五模块一、重点单词:light轻的 broken坏的,破的 heavy重的 pocket口袋,兜儿 hard困难的二、重点短语及知识点:look at看,看一看 thank you very much非常感谢 I will(缩写形式) Illbig(反义词)small heavy(反义词)light new(反义词)broken easy(反义词)hardcan(否定形式)cant she(宾格)her三、重点句型:1.This black bag is nice.这个黑色的包不错。2.You cant take it to China.你不能把它带回中国

16、。3.Ill buy you a new one.我会给你买个新的。4.This blue one is big and light.这个蓝色的既大又轻。5.Itll be easy for her(you).它会很合适她(你)。6. Its got a panda on it.上面有个熊猫。7. A: Have you got a small one,please?你有小一点的吗? B:Yes, I have.No,I havent.是的,我有。不,我没有。(情景连线)第六模块一、重点单词:photo照片 stay停留 week星期,周 parent父亲,母亲 rode骑(马) horse马

17、climb攀登,爬 holiday假日 east东 west西south南north北二、重点短语及知识点:last year去年 in the west of在西边 play football踢足球 in July在七月 every year每年ride a horse骑马 go swimming去游泳 photo(复数)photos 过去式:dodid gowent staystayed riderode iswas havehad live(第三人称单数)lives三、重点句型:1. Its(Xinjiang) in the west of China.它(新疆)在中国的西部。2. We

18、 stayed with my grandmother for a week in July.七月我们和奶奶呆了一个星期。3. He lives there with his tree children.他和他的三个孩子住在那里。4. A: When did you go to Xinjiang?你们什么时候去的新疆?B: We went there in July.我们七月去的。(情景连线)5. A:Did you go with your mother and father?你和你爸妈一起去的吗? B:Yes,I did.No,I didnt.是,是的。不,没有。(情景连线)6. A:Wh

19、ere did you go for your holiday?你假期去哪里了?B:I went to Yinchuan.我去了银川。(情景连线)7.A: Can I see them,Lingling?我能看看他们吗,玲玲?B: Of course.当然。(情景连线)8.A:Who is this?这是谁?B: Its my uncle.是我的叔叔。(情景连线)9.The mountains are really beautiful.这些山实在是太漂亮了。(mountain后加s,所以用are) 第七模块一、重点单词:message信息 another另一个 idea主意,想法 office

20、办公室 busy忙碌的二、重点短语及知识点:send an email发送电子邮件 a computer message一条电脑信息 a good idea一个好主意click on 点击 write your message写你的信息 at the office在办公室on the blackboard在黑板上see you later一会见,回头见写电子邮件的顺序:Click on“Email”点击邮件- Click on“Write”点击书写-Write your message.书写电子邮件- Click on“Send”点击发送三、重点句型:1. It goes from one c

21、omputer to another computer.它从一台电脑到另一台电脑。2. Lets send an email to Dad.让我们给爸爸发送邮件吧!3. The message will go to Dads computer at work.这条信息会在爸爸的电脑工作室发过去。4. Ive got an email from little Tom.我收到了小汤姆的邮件。5. I will be home at seven oclock.我七点回家。6. I am working very hard at the office.我在办公室努力的工作。第八模块一、重点单词:sug

22、gest 建议 quickly快地,迅速地 excited激动的,兴奋的 America美国 Chinese中国人kind种类 dragon 龙 same相同的 circle圆,圆圈二、重点短语及知识点:come quickly快点来 in the summer在夏天 a good idea一个好主意 a Chinese in the sea在大海里dragon kite一个中国龙风筝 .the same as和.一样 三、形容词的比较级:一般形容词的比较级是在这个单词的后面加-erlong-longer short-shorter big-bigger smallsmaller thin-t

23、hinnerfat-fatter young-younger old-older tall-taller四、重点句型:1. What do you suggest?你有什么建议?2. Daming is on the phone for you.大明电话找你。3. Im going to go to America in the summer.今夏天我要去美国了。4. I want to take a present for my cousin(brother).我想给我堂兄(兄弟)带件礼物。5. Why dont you give him a kite?你为什么不给他一个风筝呢?6. How

24、 about a dragon kite?龙风筝怎么样?7. Is Line A the same as Line B?线段A 和线段B 一样长吗?8. Is Circle A the same as Circle B?圆圈A和圆圈B 一样大吗?9. Why dont you wear a beautiful dress?你为什么不穿一件漂亮的连衣裙呢?10. Im going to go to a party.我打算去一个聚会。第九模块一、重点单词:wore穿 women女人 actor演员 told讲,告诉 joke笑话 funny滑稽的after在以后 show演出 ready准备好的

25、soon不久 bed床 room房间history历史 question问题 borrow借来 evening傍晚二、重点短语及知识点:a lot 许多 in English 用英语 last week上周 lots of许多 go to a restaurant去饭馆last night昨晚 the London Eye伦敦眼 in three weeks三周里 in the room在房间里Chinese history中国历史 Chinese songs中国歌曲 in the evenings在晚上 过去式:getgot gowent wearwore telltold iswas ea

26、tate buybought readread 三、重点句型:1. Ive got two letters in English.我收到两封英语信。2. Are you ready for your trip to America?你准备好你的美国之旅了吗?3. The men wore womens clothes.男人们穿着女人的衣服。4. The actors told lots of jokes.演员们讲了许多笑话。5. We laughed a lot.我们欢笑不止。6. After the show we went to a restaurant.演出结束后我们去了饭馆。8. We

27、 are going to see you in three weeks.再三周我们就见面了。9. Dad is going to put another bed in my room. 爸爸打算在我的房间里再放一张床。10. Dont forget to bring CDs of Chinese songs.不要忘了带中国歌曲的光盘。11. We can listen to them in the evenings. 我们能在晚上听。12. Dad is going to ask you some questions.爸爸要问你一些问题。13. Dad read a book about C

28、hinese history. 爸爸读了一本关于中国历史的书。14. Mum bought new T-shirts for you. 妈妈给你买了新体恤衫。第十模块一、重点单词:list目录,清单 airport机场 shoe鞋 ticket票 toothbrush牙刷 arrive到达 taxi出租车 flat公寓 building建筑物 made(make过去式)做 again再一次二、重点短语及知识点:in New York在纽约 a good idea好主意 go to the airport去机场at the airport在机场 lots of许多 Chinese food中国食

29、物 find out了解三、重点句型:1.A:Where are you going to go?你打算去哪里? B: To the airport.去机场。(情景连线)2. Im going to meet you in New York.我回去纽约接你。3. Make a list of things to do.把你做的事情列一张清单。4.A: What are you going to take?B: Im going to take(情景连线)5.A:When are you going to go to the airport?你打算什么时候去机场? B: Im going to

30、go to the airport at seven oclock.我七点去机场。(情景连线)6.A:Who is going to go the airport?谁要去机场?B: Its me.是我!(情景连线)7. We went in a yellow taxi to their flat.我们坐一辆黄色的出租车去了他们的公寓。8.There are lots of tall buildings and lots of cars and people.有许多高楼大厦,车水马龙。9. Grandma made Chinese food for you.奶奶给你做了中国食物。10. But I want to try American food.但是我想试试美国食物。11. It will be all right.没事的。(注意be)12. Everyone speaks English.每个人都说英语。(注意speak后面要加s) 精品文档

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