1、Unit 4 SectionB(1a-1d) 教案Teaching aims:1. Knowledge aims:Phases: go out, do homework, practice the guitar, do the dishes, clean the room, see friends , make breakfast, on school nights, on school days, after dinner, after school, every morning, in the eveningDrills: Can Dave go out? Yes, he can. Can
2、 Dave go out? No, he cant.Talk about the rules.2. Abilities aims:Train students speaking skills and writing skills3. Emotion aims:Educate students to keep the family rules and the school rules and tell them that the rules can help them to study better.Teaching methods:Teaching and practice , summing
3、 up and communicationLearning methods:Learning and practice, summing up and communicationTeaching procedures:Step1: Free talk (3分) Talk about you dream school.We cant We dont have toStep 2:Presentation(10分)Show out the pictures and teach the drills.P1: go outEg: Can we go out on school nights? No, w
4、e cant.Can they go out on school nights?No, we cant.P2; see friendsP3: do the dishesP4:watch TVP5: make breakfast Eg: Can you make his mom make breakfast?Help sb do sth Eg: He helps me speak English. I help my mother clean our room. My father helps me play chess.Step3Listen and fill in the blanks.(1
5、0分) Ask the students to listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. The teacher reminds them to pay attention to the title and translate them.Step4 Listen and answer(5分)Check the answers.Eg: I have to Dave has toStep5: Talk about you family rules.(5分) Im Dave. I have too many rules at home.Step6: Dav
6、es family rules.(5分) Eg: I have a good friend, his name is Dave. He has too many rules at home. So he is not very happy.Step7: Feedback(2分) Write a short passage about Daves family rules.反思: 心有多大,舞台未必就有多大曾经一直很欣赏电视剧里那一则广告: 心有多大,舞台就有多大。 但这节英语课我不得不改变自己的看法:心有多大,舞台未必就有多大。本节课我的教学设计自认为还是很完美的。但课堂教学的效果却适得其反。
7、反思课堂教学存在着几个问题:1.复习时间过长课堂先是进行了头脑风暴,学生一起朗读了有关文明习惯的句子。然后我有领着学生复习了本单元的单词。复习用了12分钟时间。 心理学测试表明:学生的有意注意时间在15分钟左右。所以,本节课的最佳学习时间我都安排在复习上,新课尚未开始,学生已经开始疲惫了。教学时间安排的不够合理。2.教学内容不够丰富为学生讲解词组及句型时,本意是为了引导学生由词到句,反复练习。但由于对课件的不熟悉,教学中出现了教学时间浪费 的问题。明明是说过的词组,课件中又出现了。而且,图片与图片之间衔接语过渡不够自然,课堂多次出现冷场的现象,这些都是准备不充分的突出表现。3.讲解不到位对于课
8、本中的重要词组:help his mom make breakfast ,我只是引导学生快速复习了make的相关短语:make lunch, ,make dinner. Help sb do sth 的用法因为时间关系我根本就没有去讲解,也没有引导学生进行造句练习。这可以说是一个教学上的失误。4.作文教学没有进行因为教学时间安排的不够合理, 后面安排的作文教学:Daves family rules 没有进行。 本节课教学设计中最重要的一项写作训练没有得到充分的训练,是一大遗憾。总的来说,这节课有亮点,但亮点不多;问题有很多,课堂环节也不够紧凑,教学效果也不够明显。备好课,精备课,背精课,把握好课堂时间,关注教学环节,提高教学效率,让英语教学走向有效、高效。