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1、三角形的内角和的教学设计一、 教学目标:1.让学生通过个人、小组合作的方式亲自动手,在量、拼等活动中发现、证实三角形内角和是180,并会应用这一知识解决生活中简单的实际问题。2.让学生在鲜活的生活情境中学习,激发其探索欲望,在实践过程中,培养其创新能力和实践能力。3.并通过动手操作把三角形内角和转化为平角的探究活动,向学生渗透“转化”数学思想。4. 通过结论的证实、探究,让学生体验成功的喜悦,激发学生主动学习数学的兴趣。二、重点、难点:1、通过实践活动,使学生知道“三角形内角和是180”这一知识的形成、发展和应用的全过程。三、教学准备:PPT课件、学具。四、教学过程:(一)故事导入:1、课件出


3、通过今天的学习你收获了什么?(五)作业:详情见PPT课件。教学反思:这篇教学设计,符合新课程理念,转变学生的学习方式,能让学生以小组合作的形式进行问题的探索与研究,学生在整节课中学得轻松。整节课的教学设计,条理清晰,层次清楚,学生思维活跃,教学从设疑开始,让学生从熟悉的三角板抽象出特殊的三角形探讨三角形的内角和是180度,接下来很自然地引导学生探讨所有的三角形的内角和是不是也是180度,整个过程循序渐进,环环相扣。 在学习活动的过程中,先让学生进行测量、计算,但得不到统一的结果,再引导学生用“拼”的方法进行验证。这时,有部分学生在拼凑的过程中出现了困难,花费的时间较长,在这里用课件再演示一遍正

4、好解决了这个问题。练习设计也是从生活入手,同时注意到练习的梯度,并由浅入深,照顾到不同层次学生的需求。但是受到课本资源的限制,不能大胆突破教材,充分利用生活资源。论述题 1简述邓小平教育思想的主要特征;2简述党的十三大提出的“三步走”战略目标的内容。 参考答案:1邓小平教育思想的主要特征有:教育的战略性;教育的时代性;教育的务实性;教育的阶级性;教育的适应性。 2党的十三大提出的“三步走”战略目标的基本内容是:第一步,从1981年到1990年,实现国民生产总值比1980年翻一番,解决人民的温饱问题。第二步,到20世纪末,使人均国民生产总值再翻一番,人民生活达到小康水平。第三步,到21世纪中叶,

5、人均国民生产总值达到中等发达国家水平,人民生活比较富裕,基本实现现代化。2:单选题1.邓小平教育思想是( )的重要组成部分 A:邓小平理论B:毛泽东思想C:马列主义D:科学社会主义参考答案:A3:单选题2.邓小平抓政治上拨乱反正的一项重要工作是( ) A:推翻“两个估计”B:批判“两个凡是”C:强调实事求是D:坚持调查研究参考答案:B4:单选题3.邓小平抓教育上拨乱反正的一项重要工作是( ) A:批判“两个凡是”B:推翻“两个估计”C:强调实事求是D:坚持调查研究参考答案:B5:单选题4.恢复高考制度是( ) A:1976年B:1977年C:1978年D:1979年参考答案:B6:单选题5.1

6、985年5月19日,邓小平在全国教育工作会议上指出,一个十亿人口的大国,( ),人力资源的巨大优势是任何国家比不可的。 A:经济搞上去了B:生产发展了C:教育搞上去了D:人民富裕了参考答案:C7:单选题6.邓小平指出,知识分子是( )的一部分 A:劳动人民B:人民群众C:工人阶级D:无产阶级参考答案:C8:单选题7.1984年10月,中共中央作出了关于( )改革的决定 A:经济体制B:教育体制C:科技体制D:政治体制参考答案:A9:单选题8.邓小平提出( )是第一生产力 A:科学技术B:.经济建设C:教育卫生D:生产劳动参考答案:A10:单选题9.邓小平理论的精髓是( ) A:改革开放B:发展

7、才是硬道理C:什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义D:解放思想,实事求是参考答案:D11:单选题10.1929年,邓小平发动和领导了著名的( ) A:百色起义B:秋收起义C:广州起义D:南昌起义参考答案:A12:单选题11.1997年9月12日,召开了中国共产党( )全国代表大会 A:第十四次B:第十五次C:第十四届五中全会D:第十三次参考答案:B13:单选题12.学习邓小平教育思想的根本方法是( ) A:历史分析法B:调查研究法C:理论联系实际法D:总结经验法参考答案:C1:单选题 The novelist and _ is gong be invited too. A:the poetB:a

8、poetC:poetD:poets参考答案:C2:单选题 I went to _ bed to pick up some papers on it. A:theB:aC: /D:an参考答案:A3:单选题The lady _ a blue dress is my aunt. A:withB:inC:onD:under参考答案:B4:单选题She is going to meet him _ the school gate. A:atB:inC:onD:under参考答案:A5:单选题We should take care of _ old and _ sick. A:the; /B:/; th

9、eC:the; theD:/; /参考答案:C6:单选题He has worked for _ hour. A:aB:anC:theD:/参考答案:B7:单选题He is cleverer than _. He can do it better than _. A:me; meB:I; meC:me; ID:I; mine参考答案:C8:单选题 Reading comprehension 2Reading comprehension 2Many teenagers owe the pictures of some football stars because_. A:they are inte

10、rested in footballB:they are football fansC:they think their favourite players are greatD:all of A, B and C参考答案:D9:单选题 Reading comprehension 2 Reading comprehension 2From the passage, in the picture children drew many things except_. A: people playing footballB:pictures of some football starsC: a su

11、nny skyD: flowers参考答案:B10:单选题 Reading comprehension 2Reading comprehension2In “Dream World Cup”, the children drew the flags of some countries_. A:to show their love for their owe countryB:to tell the people their storiesC:to show their good wishes for the football teamsD: to show their new ideas ab

12、out football参考答案:C11:单选题 Reading comprehension 2 Reading comprehension 2 The next World Cup will be held in_. A:2006B:2007C:2005D:2004参考答案:A12:单选题 Reading comprehension 2Reading comprehension 2If a country wants to take part in the World Cup, she must have_. A:Many football fansB:a very good teamC:m

13、any football playerD:a big playground参考答案:B13:单选题 _ as he is, jack could have made such a mistake. A:A foolB:FoolC:The foolD:Fools参考答案:B14:单选题 I dont have any English books _ this one. A:forB:withoutC:exceptD: from参考答案:C15:单选题 Youd better not _ this in front of the fact. A: ignoreB:denyC: heedD:say

14、no参考答案:B16:单选题 People in a foreign country, sometimes, will lose their _, not knowing who they are. A:wonderB:droughtC:mineralD:identity参考答案:D17:单选题 His monthly expense _ 350 dollars. A:totals toB:amounts asC:adds up toD:accounts as参考答案:C18:单选题 I didnt _ to hurt you. A:meanB: planC:arrangeD:intentio

15、nally参考答案:A19:单选题 There isnt enough room for us, _ six dogs and one cat. A:not to sayB: not to mentionC:let it goD:let alone参考答案:D20:单选题 It is said that the gas company will raise the gas fare _ 4%. A:byB: forC:fromD: to参考答案:A21:单选题 It has been raining _ last Saturday. A:onB: forC:tillD: since参考答案:D

16、22:单选题The little girl _ red is very lovely. A:withB:onC:inD:of参考答案:C23:单选题 He is in a difficult situation as all the public opinions are _ him. A:withB:forC:towardD:against参考答案:D24:单选题 1. The professor asked us to write a _ report. A:two-hundreds-wordsB:two-hundreds-wordC:two-hundred-wordsD:two-hund

17、red-word参考答案:D25:单选题 You are not _ anyone in any aspect. A:inferior toB: inferior thanC:more inferiorD:less inferior than参考答案:Reading comprehension 3 Reading comprehension3Mr. Hill taught _. A:Jack Smith French at the No. 2 High SchoolB:Jack Smith to be a first officerC:at the No.2 High School, in F

18、ranceD:French some years ago and his name was Smith, not Hill参考答案:D2:单选题 Reading comprehension 3Comprehension 3The second officer says that _. A:Mr. Hill stole the paintingB:a man with a beard, from France, stole a painting in EnglishC:an Englishman took his beard off and stole a paintingD:a man wit

19、h a beard, from England, stole a painting in Paris参考答案:C3:单选题 Reading comprehension 3 Reading comprehension 3The first officer is sure _. A:Mr. Hill stole the paintingB:he has seen the face in the photo beforeC:he knows the second officers faceD:a man without a beard stole the painting参考答案:B4:单选题 Re

20、ading comprehension 3Reading comprehension 3According to the text, Mr. Hill _. A:has a beard on his face but not in his photoB:grew a beard while he was on holidayC:has a beard in his photo but not on his faceD:took his beard off long before he went on holiday参考答案:A5:单选题 Reading comprehension 3Readi

21、ng comprehension 3Mr. Hill _. A:has just come back from the airportB:is on his way to ParisC:spent three weeks in Paris before he went to FranceD:has been in France for three weeks参考答案:C6:单选题 Many good friends have a lot in _. A:similarityB:differenceC:commonD:usual参考答案:C7:单选题 You will get the messa

22、ge _. A:not long afterB:not longC:before longD:long before参考答案:C8:单选题 The home team _ dearly for their defensive errors. A:costB: tookC:paidD:gave参考答案:C9:单选题 The doctor came at once in _ to my call. A:replyB:answerC:hearingD: listening参考答案:B10:单选题 I wish he would _ his own business. A:careB:lookC:ta

23、keD:mind参考答案:D11:单选题 The building which _ at present will be used for science A: is repairingB:has been repairedC: is being repairedD: is repaired参考答案:C12:单选题 Mr. Smith asked Nancy _ it took him to fly to New York. A:how soonB:how oftenC:how longD:how far参考答案:C13:单选题 They are all _ at the _ news. A:

24、exciting; excitedB:excited; excitingC: exciting; excitingD:excited; excited参考答案:B14:单选题 This room is three times _ that one. A:the same largeB:larger asC:as large asD:almost large as参考答案:C15:单选题 I hope you would come to my party _ Saturday. A:the nextB:the lastC: nextD:last参考答案:C16:单选题 . The young m

25、an was _ middle height. A:withB:atC:ofD:on参考答案:C17:单选题 Have you found an answer _ the question? A:ofB:forC:onD:to参考答案:D18:单选题 We will try again _ the failure. A: in spiteB:in spite ofC: despite ofD:spite参考答案:B19:单选题 She went away _ saying a word. A:byB:withoutC:out ofD:as参考答案:B20:单选题 He was criticiz

26、ed _ his mistakes. A:onB:withC:ofD:for参考答案:D21:单选题 He prefers white cup to _. A: redB:red oneC: the redD:the red one参考答案:B22:单选题 My teacher today is not quite _. A:his ownB:himC:himselfD:of his own参考答案:C23:单选题 There are trees on _ side of the street. A:anyB:bothC: eitherD:every参考答案:C24:单选题 Last Satu

27、rday _ had a picnic in BeiquanPark. A:John, Mary and meB:John, Mary and IC:John, I and MaryD: I, John and Mary参考答案:A25:单选题 Here are a few apples. Would you like to have _? A:onesB:some onesC:one参考答案:CAReading comprehension 4 Reading comprehension 4This passage tells us_. A:how photography was develo

28、pedB: how to show your ideas and feelings in picturesC:how to take pictures in the worldD:how to use different cameras参考答案:A2:单选题 Reading comprehension 4 Reading comprehension 4Mathew Brady_. A:was very lifelikeB:was famous for his unusual picturesC:was quite strongD:took many pictures of moving peo

29、ple参考答案:B3:单选题 Reading comprehension 4 Reading comprehension 4 If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840j, he had to_. A:watch lots of filmsB:buy an expensive cameraC:stop in most citiesD:take many films and something else with him参考答案:D4:单选题 Reading comprehensio

30、n 4 Reading comprehension 4The Daguere type was_. A:a FrenchmanB:a kind of pictureC:a kind of cameraD:a photographer参考答案:B5:单选题 Reading comprehension 4 Reading comprehension 4 The first photo taken by Niepce was a picture of _ A:his businessB:his houseC:his gardenD:his window参考答案:C6:单选题 We invited h

31、im to the party the next weekend, but he _ the invitation. A:refusedB:returnedC:declinedD:threw back参考答案:C7:单选题 Unwise decisions will lead to _ results. A:unexpectiveB:disastrousC:desiredD:unreasonable参考答案:B8:单选题 The Great Wall in China is one of the _ in the world. A:amazingsB:sceneriesC:wondersD:s

32、trange things参考答案:C9:单选题 The natural beauty in Jiuzhaigou will _ your breath away when you visit it for the first time. A:bringB:getC: takeD: frighten参考答案:C10:单选题 We _ them not to go skating on such thin ice. A:replyB:remindC:warnD: recall参考答案:C11:单选题 One day a poor man _ his horse to a tree, and sa

33、t down to eat his lunch. A:closedB:tyedC: tiedD:lied参考答案:C12:单选题 The dancer and _ has arrived already. A:singerB: a singerC:the singerD:singers参考答案:A13:单选题 The prisoner _ the charges against him. A: not believeB:opposedC:declinedD:denied参考答案:D14:单选题 His honesty is _. He can be always trusted. A:out

34、of questionB:out of the questionC: not the questionD:in the question参考答案:A15:单选题 There is a truck _ the classroom. A:in the front ofB: in front ofC:in frontD:at the front of参考答案:B16:单选题 Ill never forget _ of 1983 when I entered the college. A: a summerB:summerC:the summerD:summers参考答案:C17:单选题 It is

35、said that the gas company will raise the gas fare _ 4%. A:byB:forC: fromD: to参考答案:A18:单选题 He will graduate from this university _ two years. A:afterB:inC:duringD:for参考答案:B19:单选题 I would like to give you my best wishes _ this happy occasion. A: inB:withC:onD: over参考答案:C20:单选题 The exam will be held _

36、the end of the term. A:inB: atC: duringD:on参考答案:B21:单选题 There is an old temple_ the foot of the mountain. A: atB:underC:belowD:on参考答案:A22:单选题 Please divide the work _ the two of you. A: intoB:amongC:betweenD:of参考答案:A23:单选题 England and America are _ in many ways. A: likeB: alikeC:aliveD:likewise参考答案:

37、B24:单选题 After a long walk on a hot day, one often feels _. A:exhaustiveB:exhaustingC:exhaustD:exhausted参考答案:D25:单选题 It isnt quite _ that he will be present at the meeting. A:sureB:brightC:certainD: exact参考答案:CReading comprehension 5 Reading comprehension 5Motor homes have become popular because_. A:

38、they can take people to another city when people are freeB: they can let families have a happier life when they go out for their holidaysC:some people think motor homes are cheapD:big families can put more things in motor homes参考答案:B2:单选题 Reading comprehension 5 Reading comprehension 5Americans usua

39、lly use motor homer_. A:to travel with all the family members of holidayB:to do some shopping with all the family membersC:to visit their grandparents at weekendsD:to drive their children to school every day参考答案:A3:单选题 Reading comprehension 5 Reading comprehension 5 A motor home is usually owned by a family with_. A: a babyB: much moneyC:more than two childrenD:interest in vans参考答案:C4:单选题 Reading comprehension 5 Reading comprehension 5 Before Mr. Hagen an

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