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1、英语真题I 单项选择1、 I need someone to help out at the study center.OK,I _ .A. may B. must C. will D. should2、The fish taste good,I mean its _ . A. available B. delicious C. warm D. cheap3、Excuse me, _ I cannot reach those boxes on the top shelf . A. because B. and C. so D. but4、 This is the third prize she

2、_ this year. A. wins B. won C. is winning D. has won5、Could you drop some books off at the library for me? _. A. go ahead B. with pleasure C. I do D. thank you 6、Some people prefer eating vegetable, while_ prefer eating meat. A. the other B. the others C .others D. another7、I will have Hudson _ you

3、to your room. A .take B. took C. taken D. to take 8、Have you ever been to the city _ they talked about the other day? A .when B. what C. where D. that 9、You are standing _ ,Would you mind moving aside? A by the way B on the way C in the way D off the way 10、 I have not heard from my brother for a lo

4、ng time,what do you think _to him ? A. happens B. happened C. has happened D. had happened11、 She _ comes.I mean she did not ,does not,or will not come at any time . A. never B. sometimes C .seldom D. often 12、Is your camera like Bills or Anns? No,but its almost the same as_. A.theirs B.yours C.mine

5、 D. Hers13、Peter found a note on the door, _ him to go to the teachers office immediately. A. tell B. told C. telling D. to tell14、Mr Smith ,can I use _ departments car? Sure, if you can find _ key. It has been missing for three days. A. the;不填 B. 不填;the C .the;the D. the;a15、Modern technology has _

6、 great change in our life. A. brought up B. brought out C. brought back D. brought about16、Mary saw a boy steal out of the door. But he had disappeared _she could stop him. A. as B. while C. until D. before17、Would you be _to turn down the radio? A. so kind as B. as kind as C. so kind D. too kind 18

7、、If anyone_ when I am away, just tell him that Ill be back before five oclock. A.called B.calls C.will call D.has called 19、In this city,the prices of vegetables are _than those of meat. A. higher B. highest C .the highest D. high20、Women are smoking two extra cigarettes a week,_ with four years ago

8、. A. compares B. compared C. comparing D. to compareII 完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从21到20各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 Ten years ago, Ilene received an invitation to a New Years party from somebody that she didnt know very well .She didnt really want to go by herself, 21 she asked her frie

9、nd Diana to go with her . It was a cold, snowy night and when it was time to leave for the party,all Ilene wanted to do was 22 home and watch TV. Diana persuaded her to change her 23 . However, after they had driven all the way across town, Ilene 24 that she had left the invitation at home .Ilene th

10、ought she could remember the 25 . They found the right street, but Ilene wasnt sure about the number, so they drove around until they came to a house where there was a party 26 on. They decided this was the right place .They didnt 27 anybody there and Ilene wanted to leave right away. However, Diana

11、 persuaded her to stay. Feeling very 28 Ilene stood in a corner by herself, watching. Diana had a good time. After about an hour, she 29 to go home .As she was leaving, she slipped(滑)and fell down some icy steps outside the house. 30 just at that moment, somebody was coming up the steps on his way t

12、o the party and he caught her in his arms. And thats how Ilene met her husband. Ilene and Jeff have now been together for ten years, and they are still amazed at the way they met.21 A. but B. or C. for D. so22 A. stay B. come C. call D. hurry23 A. promise B. time C .mind D. choice24 A. agreed B. wor

13、ried C. realized D. explained25 A. distance B. door C. name D. address26 A. running B. going C. carrying D. marching27 A. meet B. discover C. trust D. recognize28 A. uncomfortable B. unusual C. hopeless D. hungry29 A. declared B. decided C. remembered D. pretended 30 A. Skilfully B. Luckily C. Stran

14、gely D. Dangerously 其中专业理论知识内容包括:保安理论知识、消防业务知识、职业道德、法律常识、保安礼仪、救护知识。作技能训练内容包括:岗位操作指引、勤务技能、消防技能、军事技能。二培训的及要求培训目的安全生产目标责任书为了进一步落实安全生产责任制,做到“责、权、利”相结合,根据我公司2015年度安全生产目标的内容,现与财务部签订如下安全生产目标:一、目标值:1、全年人身死亡事故为零,重伤事故为零,轻伤人数为零。2、现金安全保管,不发生盗窃事故。3、每月足额提取安全生产费用,保障安全生产投入资金的到位。4、安全培训合格率为100%。二、本单位安全工作上必须做到以下内容: 1、

15、对本单位的安全生产负直接领导责任,必须模范遵守公司的各项安全管理制度,不发布与公司安全管理制度相抵触的指令,严格履行本人的安全职责,确保安全责任制在本单位全面落实,并全力支持安全工作。 2、保证公司各项安全管理制度和管理办法在本单位内全面实施,并自觉接受公司安全部门的监督和管理。 3、在确保安全的前提下组织生产,始终把安全工作放在首位,当“安全与交货期、质量”发生矛盾时,坚持安全第一的原则。 4、参加生产碰头会时,首先汇报本单位的安全生产情况和安全问题落实情况;在安排本单位生产任务时,必须安排安全工作内容,并写入记录。 5、在公司及政府的安全检查中杜绝各类违章现象。 6、组织本部门积极参加安全

16、检查,做到有检查、有整改,记录全。 7、以身作则,不违章指挥、不违章操作。对发现的各类违章现象负有查禁的责任,同时要予以查处。 8、虚心接受员工提出的问题,杜绝不接受或盲目指挥;9、发生事故,应立即报告主管领导,按照“四不放过”的原则召开事故分析会,提出整改措施和对责任者的处理意见,并填写事故登记表,严禁隐瞒不报或降低对责任者的处罚标准。 10、必须按规定对单位员工进行培训和新员工上岗教育;11、严格执行公司安全生产十六项禁令,保证本单位所有人员不违章作业。 三、 安全奖惩: 1、对于全年实现安全目标的按照公司生产现场管理规定和工作说明书进行考核奖励;对于未实现安全目标的按照公司规定进行处罚。 2、每月接受主管领导指派人员对安全生产责任状的落3

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