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1、专升本英语试题及答案【篇一:成人高考专升本英语真题及答案】 class=txti. phonetics (5 points) directions: in each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or lettercombinations marked a, b, c and d. compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. mar

2、k your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the answer sheet. 1. a. water b. porter c. daughterd. laughter 【答案】 d 2. a. nakedb. addicted c. smelledd. rested 【答案】 c 【解析】考查单词词尾加字母ed读音规则。 3. a. structure b. mixture c. gesture d. mature 【答案】 d 【解析】考查字母组合ture 在词尾时读音规则。此题中d项-ture是在特殊状况下读音,读作 词

3、意是成熟。第四小题是考查元音字母e在单词中读音。 4. a. honestb. chestc. harvest d. forest 【答案】 b 5. a. featherb. leather c. strengthen d. southern 【答案】 c 【解析】是考查字母组合th在单词中读音规则。 ii. vocabulary and structure (15 points) directions: there are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. for each sentence there are four choices ma

4、rked a, b, c and d. choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.6. bradford graduated from college with honors at a very young age. hehave been an outstanding student. a. must b. could c. should d. might 【答案】a 【翻译】 bradford小小年龄就以先进成绩从大学

5、毕业了。 她(那时)一定是非常杰出。 【考点】 语法构造。 【分析】 这四个情态动词,背面都可以接完毕时态,但后三者都表达虚拟语调,只有a项是对发生过事情推测,结合前面那句话,故选a。 7. none of us called the police when the two cars collided,? a. didnt we b. dont we c. did we d. do we 【答案】 c 【翻译】 两车相撞后,我们中没人叫警察,是吗? 【考点】 句法构造。 【分析】 这是一种反义疑问句;翻译疑问句在构成上是两某些:前面是陈述句,背面是简略疑问句;如果前面是必定意思句子,后半某些就

6、接否定意思简略问句,如果前面与否定意思,背面就接必定。 8. not only i but also douglas and mirandafond of watching television. a. amb. is c. are d. be 【答案】c 【翻译】 不但是我,并且douglas和micanda都喜欢看电视。 【考点】 句法构造,主谓一致问题。 【分析】 主谓一致问题是要看主谓在数量上要搭配;该句中not only ? but also连接并列主语,谓语动词采用就近原则,由于挨谓语近是两个人,故选c。9. may i have the of dancing with you,

7、madame? yes, of course. a. pleasureb. joy c. rightd. desire 【答案】a 【翻译】 女士,可否赏光与我一起跳舞? 【考点】 词义辨析。 【分析】 have the oleasure of (doing) sth. 正规用词,表达”获得某种特别荣幸做某事“。 10. our president made a(n) speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, which encouraged the sportsmen greatly. a. indifferentb. ins

8、piring c. flat d. dry 【答案】b 【翻译】 我们总统在运动会揭幕式上做了令人激动发言,这让运动员们大受鼓舞。 【考点】 词义辨析。 【分析】 a项中indifferent是”冷漠,漠不关怀“;b项中inspiring是”勉励人“;而c、d两项中词义跟句义更不相干,故选b。 11. diana was reading harry potter and the goblet of fire, completelyin the mysterious work a. being lost b. having lost c. losing d. lost 【答案】d 【翻译】 di

9、nna正在看哈利波特、火星,完全沉浸在那神秘世界中了。 【考点】 非谓语动词。 【分析】 该句主语是dinna, 相对lose (迷失)意思搭配,表达是读物让她沉浸其中,也就是主语dinna是”被?意思“,故选d。 12. if i had known you werent coming, ia cake. a. would not bake b. did not bake c. will not have bakedd. would not have baked 【答案】d 【翻译】 要是我懂得你不会来,我就不会准备蛋糕了。 【考点】 语法构造。 【分析】 条件句中提到:”要是?“, 分析起

10、来是对发生过事情进行跟事实相反假设,故配套用d所用格式。 13. staying in a four-star hotel for a night costs renting a house in the suburb for a month. a. twice as much as b. twice morec. as much as twice d. as much twice as 【答案】a 【翻译】 在四星级宾馆里住一晚耗费,比在郊区租一种月房子多余两倍还多。 【考点】 语法构造。 【分析】 形容词级别词,无论原级、比较级、还是最高档,若有数词加以补充阐明修饰,数词都在级别词之前;本

11、句还牵扯到”是?两倍多“,其中包括原有费用,故选a。 14. in winter, traffic accidents occuron the highway. a. frequently b. suddenlyc. usually d. rapidly 【答案】a 【翻译】 冬天高速路上事故频发。 【考点】 词义辨析。 【分析】 a项意思是”频繁地,经常地“,侧重指动作发生频率;b项意思是”突然,一下子“;c项意思是”普通,大多数状况下“; d项意思是”迅速地“。 15. only when i began to do it _ that i had made a mistake. a. i

12、 realizedb. i had realized c. did i realized. would i realize 【答案】c 【翻译】 只有当我开始做这事情时,我才意识到我出错误了。 【考点】 句法构造。 【分析】 该句涉及到倒装句知识点之一:当一种句子以”only + 状语“开头时,该句要倒装。 16. it was three weeks later _ he heard the news. a. which b. that c. afterd. when 【答案】 b 【翻译】 三周后她才听到这消息。 【考点】 句法构造。 【分析】 该句考察强调句,其句型是it is/was

13、? that/who ?;如被强调对象是人,用who或whom,其她状况都用that。特别注意:强调时间不用when,强调地点不用where,也不用介词 + 关系代词。 17. he _ live in a remote and underdeveloped country than in this modem but noisy city. a. prefers to b. likes toc. had better d. would rather 【答案】d 【翻译】 她宁愿住在偏远、欠发达乡间,而不是这个当代但嘈杂都市里。 【考点】 词语搭配。 【分析】 a项prefer to do s

14、th.,或prefer ? to ?(两处省略是名词功能某些);b项like to do sth.;c项had better后接动词原形,”最佳?“;只有d项中,would rather 与than结合,表达”宁愿?而不(是)?“故选d。 18. _, sam knows lots of things about philosophy. a. as he is youngb. as young he is c. young as is he d. young as he is 【答案】d 【翻译】 尽管sam年龄小,但她懂得诸多关于哲学方面事情。【篇二:学生 成人高考专升本英语真题及答案解析】

15、t词汇与语法选取题 1 解题环节: 1)大体浏览所给四个选项和句子,迅速判断该题是语法题还是词汇题。如果是语法题要通过某些标志词来判断该题涉及哪些语法内容。再进一步回忆该语法内容要点。如果是词汇题就要先看一下所给四个选项词与否都结识。 2) 在第一遍大体浏览过程中有些题很容易就可以选出必定答案,状况会因人而异,有人会做题多有人会做题少。然后再从头开始仔细看没有选出答案题。遵循先语法后语义原则解题。 3)运用暗示进行选取:注意考题设计语境范畴。平时应注重对习惯用语表达、惯用法和中英文化差别等方面知识积累。 4)对于词汇题可以较多运用排除法:可采用语言排除、逻辑排除、语法排除或选取排除等办法。先排

16、除掉较容易、较明显错误选项,缩小范畴,而后对剩余选项进行比较分析,最后拟定答案。 2做题时要注意如下几种方面: 1)不要见句子就翻译, 有些题通过语法原则就能解决,只有有必要通过语意来判断时才需要翻译。 2)先易后难:某些考题答案比较容易选定,可以先从这些考题入手。平时练习时,应以基本为主,重要精力不应放在偏题、怪题上。 3)注意考试时间分派,对不会做题目不要恋战,尽量把时间放在背面分值较高题上。 4)在选定答案时要依照每题实际状况进行综合分析判断,先排除较容易、较明显错误选项,缩小范畴,而后对剩余选项进行比较分析,最后拟定答案。 5)对于进过度析判断得出答案不要重复进行检查。要相信自己直觉和

17、判断,虽然有机会也不要和别人核对答案。 iivocabulary and structure(15 points) directions:there are 15 incomplete sentences in this sectionfor each sentence there are four choices marked a,b,c and dchoose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the answer sheet 6we traveled on

18、 the 6:45 amtrain to boston,_arrived at 8:30 pm athat bwhich cit dwhat 7the boys spent the whole morning _possible answers to the question adiscuss bto discuss cdiscussing ddiscussed 8its a pity that some of the people _cannot come to the party ainviting binvited cto invite dwere invited 9it was_ ma

19、tter that i had no choice but to talk it over with my parents aa such serious ba so serious csuch serious a dso serious a 10jane isn t feeling well todayi dare not do_ to upset her aanything bsomething cnothing da thing 11more and more families have moved elsewhere because they cannot_the noise from

20、 the neighboring airport acome up with bput up with ccatch up with dkeep up with 12walk another block and cross the traffic lights,you will see the museum right_the leftaby bin con dfor 13the internet users visiting our website are_young people between the age of 13 and20 amost balmost cmostly dat m

21、ost 14no culture exists in_it all comes from someplaceancient customs were modem one time avacuum bemptiness cblank dspace 15there are several means of mass communicationthe newspaper is onetelevision is_ athe other bthe another cother danother 16_the government agrees to give extra money, the theat

22、re will have to be closed next month aunless bifcsincedas 17it is important to_ our awareness about environmental protection aimprove bmake cform draise(唤起, 提高) 18seldom_ any mistakes during my past five years of service in the company. ai did make bi would make cdid i make dwould i make 19i_ raw fi

23、sh,but i d like to try it one day anever eat bnever ate cwas never eating dhave never eaten 20interestingly,many people hold the belief that imports are_ to domestic goods. acontrary brelevant csuperior dessential 完形填空p74-78 专升本完形填空共有15道小题,每小题2分,共三十分。 完形填空是单句选取填空和篇章阅读结合体,因而在解题时要既考虑单个选项又要考虑整体篇章意义。由于多

24、了上下文信息因此完型填空难度应不大于第二某些题型词汇与语法选取填空。完形填空题考察重点和第二某些单选题大同小异,所不同是增长了整篇阅读综合分析和判断,完形填空题选取项也许是名词,动词,形容词,介词,副词或连词等词汇题,也也许是动词非谓语变化或动词时态语态等语法题。 除了夯实语法基本和词汇基本外,还规定考生有良好语感以及对各选项综合分析判断能力。 一、完形填空解题环节 一)通读全篇 理解篇章构造和大意 做完形填空题答案核心在于精确理解短文大意,要做到这一点,就要分清文章主题与行文构造,文章如果是阐明文和议论文往往开门见山提出主题,然后逐点阐明或评论,最后小结,因此做题前应浏览全篇,重点是首尾段,

25、以及每段首尾;如果是记叙文则要理解文章大意和梗概,弄清人物、时间、地点和事件等要素,并领悟作者观点和态度等。 二)详读全篇,依照各种综合信息预测填空单词 在掌握文章大意基本上依照上下文提供搭配,构造,语意等线索来预测答案,要着眼空格所在完整句子,瞻前顾后.必要时用铅笔先在卷上做上标记,例如此空也许是某个词性或词义乃至也许是某个词。重点解决与构造搭配关于问题。,如果有些填空一时难以作出判断,不要恋战而是继续往下进行,往往进行到下文,前面填空信息就会浮现或者有了某些有用线索。 三)将预测答案和所给四个选项进行比对,找出重叠率最高选项四) 复读全文核对答案 做到语句通顺 句意完整 所有填空选项选取完

26、毕后要通读“完形”后全文,把自己所选答案放入原文空缺处核查能否使文章联贯语法对的,如果你发现你所选某个答案,放在句中读起来很别扭,那么你语感在提示你,对此答案要三思。 二、解题办法 一)词与词组搭配(p74-75) 二)上下文提示(p75-76) 三)逻辑推理(p77-78) 三、解题注意事项 1 切勿拿题就做,不看全文。 2 注意通篇文章关联度,切勿把每个填空割裂开来做。 3 切勿把时间和精力消耗在翻译文章上,遇到不结识词和不明白句子除非是影响到填空选项选取,否则可以放在一边。 cloze(30 points) directions:for each blank in the followi

27、ng passage,there are four choices marked a,b, c and d. choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the answer sheet every woman dreams of receiving a huge priceless diamondnow space scientists 21_ that they have discovered the largest diamond i

28、n the universebut its well 22_ the reach of the most loves truck men because its 50 light years away, to be 23_ measuring 2,500 miles across and weighing five million trillion pounds,the rock was found on valentine s day 24_ in the core of a white dwarf star, and it has excited the 25_ world. “its t

29、he mother of all diamonds,”said travis metcalfe,26_ led the team of researchers at the harvard-smithsonian centre,“and you would need a jewelers loupe(专用放大镜),the size of the sun,to 27_ this diamond” the largest diamond 28_ on earth was the 3,106-carat(克拉)cullinanit was cut 29_ nine major stones,incl

30、uding the 530-carat star of africa,now a part of the crown jewelsdiamonds were 30_ discovered in india more than 2,800 years agothe ancient romans 31_ that the stones were broken pieces of stars that had 32_ to earthin ancient egypt,diamonds were used in funerals. in the middle ages,men 33_ them to

31、symbolize their courage and strengththe 34_ of giving them as presents dates from 1477,35_ maximilian,the prince of austria, gave a diamond ring to mary of burgundy(dcaab aadba badbd) 21aadmit btell cexplore dreveal 22aunder bover cbeyond dwithin 23aprecise bcertain cclear dcorrect 24aburied bblocke

32、d cbuilt dblended 25aphysical bscientific cmaterial dnatural 26awho bwhich cthat dhe 27ameasure bregister cgrade dweigh 28acultivated bdrawn ccaught dfound 29afrom binto cby dwith 30afirst blast cfinally dnewly 31aquestioned bbelieved csuspected dconfirmed 32afallen bdived cleft dburned 33adecorated

33、 bviewed ctook dwore 34apractice btradition chabit dculture 35awhat bwhile cthat dwhen 第四章 阅读理解(p89-140) 阅读理解题重要测考生把握文章主题思想和大意能力,对文章中重要情节和重要事实理解限度,对文章格调、作者观点态度等推理判断能力。专升本阅读理解某些由5篇短文构成 每篇短文平均长度为300词左右,5篇短文共20个小题,每小题3分共60分,阅读理解题短文是普通性社会,文化,经济,科普,和寻常生活等等方面内容。丰富课外知识有时也故意外协助作用,文章体裁涉及记叙文、议论文、阐明文和应用文等。这某些是

34、整个考试占分比例最高某些,占总成绩40%,是复习重点。 一、阅读理解解题环节 一)迅速浏览文章,判断文章题材,抓住主题。 记叙文普通段落比较零散,会重复浮现某些人名地名等专有名词,标点符号也不限于逗号句号,有时会浮现诸多双引号引语句子, 在阅读最初几秒就应做出判断。要找出文章四要素,人物、时间、地点,重点抓住故事情节;议论文和阐明文偏重首段尾段侧重首尾句,由于这些某些往往是作者所要谈及论点,主题或中心思想,抓住了主干,那么细节问题就会迎刃而解了。 二)认真阅读问题,带着问题重新阅读文章,重点阅读与问题关于某些,无关某些可以跳过。最佳将与问题有关句子做出标记。 三) 回到问题,把所给四个选项和做

35、出标记句子进行比对,通过综合推理分析和判断选出答案。 一)篇章细节判断(p92-93) 在考试中数量最多,也是最容易得分某些,重要使用对词法。 1. 填空型细节判断 以综合练习(p103-125)为例 第一组:第2、5、6、14小题 第二组:第5、10、15、17、18、19、20小题 第三组:第2、3、6、9、10、11、14、15、19、20小题 第四组:第4、7、10、18、19、20小题 第五组:第2、6、10、14、16、18小题 2. 问题型细节判断 以综合练习(p103-125)为例 第一组:第7、15、19小题 第二组:第1、2、3、4、7小题 第三组:第4、7、16小题 第四

36、组:第2、13小题 二)推断引申(p94-96)答案不能直接从原文中找出,对逻辑思维综合分析判断能力规定较高,重要使用对比法和排除法。 以综合练习(p103-125)为例 第一组:第10、11、12、15、17小题 第二组:第8、16、小题 第三组:第3、6、8、18、19小题 第四组:第4、8、12、14、15、19、小题 第五组:第3、4、7、8、11、15、16、18、19小题 三)词意判断(p89-92) 最明显标记是问题题干中有一种词是用双引号或下划线标注。在此重要判断该词在本文中实际意义,而不一定是单词本意。重要解题办法有:依照构词法;依照上下文;排除法。 以综合练习(p103-1

37、25)为例 第一组:第9、16小题 第二组:第14小题 第三组:第1、5、9、13、20小题 第四组:第1、6、11、20小题 第五组:第1、12、20小题 四)篇章理解,主旨大意判断(p96-98) 一段里只会浮现一道这样题,难度最高,很不容易得分。要重复阅读文章开头段和结尾段,找出全文核心句; 所选选项一定要涉及文章中重复最多词或词组,如果两个以上选项都涉及再进一步进行对比排除。重要使用排除法。 以综合练习(p102-124)为例 第一组:第1、8、13小题 第二组:第9小题 第三组:第12、17小题 第四组:第3、5、9、16、17、小题 第五组:第5、13、17小题 三. 注意事项 1

38、) 一定不要逐字逐句翻译文章,这是效率最低答题办法,有些问题用这种办法反而容易答错,由于抓不住主题。 2) 不要主观臆断,以自己观念或理解答题,要以文章中浮现事实为依照。 3) 遇到一时找不到答案问题先放在一边,等所有做完再回头做,有时前面题要等背面题做完才看到答案。 4) 分不同状况对待生词。与问题关系密切单词必要运用各种办法对生词进行猜测,与问题无关生词可以忽视不计;在句子中做重要成分词要猜,定语状语可以忽视。 ivreading comprehension(60 points) directions:there are five reading passages in this part

39、each passage is followed by four【篇三:专升本考试英语试题及答案】s=txt(考试时间:120分钟) 英语试卷一 注意事项: 一、本试卷分为试卷一、试卷二两某些。 二、将自己姓名、准考证号码写在试卷和答题卡相应位置上。考试结束后,把试卷和答题卡放在桌上。教师收卷后才可以离开考场。试卷和答题卡均不得带走。 三、仔细读懂题目阐明。 四、在120分钟内答完所有试题,不得迟延时问。 五、试卷一答案必要填涂在答题卡上,凡是写在试卷上答案一律无效;试卷上所有题目必要在试卷上作答。 六、选取题只能选一种答案,多选作废。选定答案后,用2b铅笔在答题卡上相应字母中部划一条横线。使

40、用其她符号者不给分。画线要有一定粗度,浓度要盖过底色。 七、如果要改动答案,必要用橡皮擦干净本来选定答案,然后再按上而规定重新填涂。 第一某些:听力理解(part i listening comprehension),共20题,考试时间为1 5分钟。 第一节:听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一种小题,从题中所给a、b、c、d四个选项中选出最佳答案,每对话仅读一遍。 1why is the woman still working? abecause she doesnt like to have a rest bbecause she wishes to be a boss somedav cbec

41、ause her boss asks her to work late dbecause she has to finish her report 2what can be implied from this conversation? ahey is not a hard-working student bhey is busy with his book report chey is 100king after his sick brother dhey has prepared well for the math examination 3when will the conversati

42、on most probably take place? aon the 10bon the 8 con the 12don the 11 4what is the probable relationship between the two speakers? awife and husband bteacher and student cemployer and employee dpoliceman and driver 5what does the man suggest they do about the notes? aforget them untillater ththththb

43、go over them right awav cdiscuss them with professor smith dmove them away from the tea cup 第二节:听下面两段材料,每段材料后有23个小题,从题中所给a、b、c、d四个选项中选出最佳答案,每段材料仅读一遍。 passage 1 6_made a lot ofpeople fall ill athe bad weather bfood chard work dwater resources 7the old womans home was in_. aparis bbeijing cnorth of lo

44、ndondspain 8the indian was _. athe doctorbthe patient cthe teacher dthe student passagetwo 9the first bicycle was invented in_. a1780b1790 c1880d1890 10_ could ride bicycle at that time aonlymenbpolicemen ceveryone donly women 第三节:听下面一段材料并填空。本段材料共读三遍,第一遍,全文朗读:第二遍,句句朗读,句与句之间有5秒停顿;第三遍再次全文朗渎。 it is 11

45、true that all of us need to sleep,but most people 1 2 know why and how they sleep we know that if we sleep well,we feel restedand if we dont sleep well,we often feel tired and 13 it seems there are two 14 of sleep,15 _rest and emotional and psychological rest,through which we can rest our bodies and

46、 our 1 6_. every night we have two kinds of sleep: active sleep and passive sleep. the passive sleep gives our body the rest thats needed and 17_ us for active sleep, in which dreaming occurs. the brain rests, then it becomes active, hen dreaming occurs. this 18_ is repeated several times 19_ the night. during eight hours of sleep,people dream for a

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