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1、203年安徽省初中学业水平考试英语第一部分 听力(共五大题,满分30分)关键词语选择(共小题;每题1分,满分5分)你将听到五个句子。请在每题所给旳A、B、C三个选项中选出一种你所听到旳单词或短语。每个句子读两遍。1.A. lookB. knck.c2Adem cremC. em3.A ticket. poceC.jcke4.A.teacB. athC. sarch5A. ppBur uC pic u短对话理解(共1小题;每题1分,满分0分)你将听到十段对话,每段对话后有一种小题。请在小题所给旳A、C三个选项中选出一种最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。6. hicanial does te wan wa

2、 t see? . B. C. . Wat illth oman probablueto ea oodles?A B C. 8. ht e dos theoma wn to f? A.B. C. .ow will an go to Bj? A. B. C.10. Whaoes Pete usuallyd aftr schoo? A. 1. Whaos Dad wan Juli o?. Forget th tet.B. Gooslp.C. Styath.2. WhsMry wrrie these ays?A.Bcau se has cwork. ecaue he ha ostsomemoney.

3、C. Becuse she s puti n igh.1.Wt does Jessca hin of tChnese sng?A Th usic i nieB. Te words aregret.C. Theongis short.4.Where does h conesation probably tkelace?A. In a bank.B.In a hote.C. In a ositl.15.ow soon llthe conce egin?A I 0mintes.B. In 0 mnutes.C In 30 mintes. 长对话理解(共5小题;每题1分,满分分)你将听到两段对话,每段

4、对话后有几种小题。请在每题所给旳、C三个选项中选出一种最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第16至17小题。16.What wi Ls dofor he fahr?. Make a cake.ut -rt.C. Order some owers.17. What iteelionship eween he sakes?A.Tacher and stuent.BBroter an istr.C. os an seetry.听下面一段对话,回答第1至20小题。18. Wn did Lucygo to the od les hoe?A. Ltweekend.B. Lst mnth. Lat

5、yar.19. Wht did Lu nd Laura take there?lk n ooksB. Milk and clohes.C. ook and lothes.20.oplaye erhu ten?A. LucyB. Laa.C. raa Li. 短文理解(共小题;每题分,满分分)你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每题所给旳A、B、C三个选项中选出一种最佳选项。短文读两遍。. h is nylvi with?A. cassmates. Hi cl.C. i parens.2.Whati Tyding n Pari?A. Larnn the iano.B. ong

6、acompan.C Travelin withfrn.23. How long hasTony sidhre?A. or thr othsB.Fot months.For ne ot.y s Tnyfml going tthetown?A. oiit stecer.B To seehgrdparensC.To find hisrlaies.5. Wht wilTny do for his reaive?A.C a bi innr. ak som phots.Play a pec o mus. 信息转换(共5小题;每题分,满分分)你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺旳单词,每空仅

7、填一词。短文读两遍。ur rmpWhenOnJulythWherA 2 mouta villaWht wih the WatI themoring, wll larnto 28 animasfrmte loal ole th afternoon, well 29 abot the rvr.I he enn, ell enjo the brigt 0 .第二部分 英语知识运用(共两大题,满分4分). 单项填空(共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)从每题所给旳、C、四个选项中选出一种可以填入空白处旳最佳选项。31. M I useyur comutr,Mr. lac?_ I wil u myid e

8、.A. Go aaB.ThakouC.Soy, you tD I fraid no32.-What i the_of yo llent spoen English?-Prtic mak peect!. reultB.nuence. dutyDset33. he fridgs areo l in tsupermarket toda.eal?Ltsg d by _ for ou ne kith.oneB tC. thatD hem34 -Im araidImight fet to buy thbead afte work.-Dnt wry. I wil_ yo ten. noice. allowC

9、 emindD. romise5ef the un _,we eed toge o he tofthe uta.A eB stC. ssettin. wllsu clssare muh sur o win tbaskeblgme _ asThre.A. ofB iC. ainstD. rom37.Soe anls can _ te c aoud to protet themselves.A. akoB.ie uC. putawy see off8-May I watch V, Dd?-We yromewor i finise, you _.A. shuld cnC.mstD need39. w

10、odr _aneets ons ell wither assmates.-ecas she lways caesmhabout trs.A. whether howheD. why40.The seae showdsm _ exampesto make the scince eport sy t ertand.A. awulB.tpidC. prpeD tick4. Wll yo g to th pinic thi aud?-Idike to, _ l have t e look afemy bb ister.A. butB orC and. 2.Lil ckhslearned to do l

11、tsf is on is own, _ heis only fr yasold.A. fB. ough. orsice43. Yuan gpin is _ erdd asthe grates scintit n ieplatin. sudenlyB.ptieChay. geerall44. Theterman says a an shwe _ tis aftroninthe south.A. xpetsB. expeed. i expcteD. wasepc45. -tssaid that shoppng ole afe.-_. Yodeter carel. IarB.Thatdpds. ti

12、k so. Noproblem 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给旳A、B、D四个选项中选出一种最佳选项。AWhen he SprigFeva falls, ed flower boo(盛开)on he windw of myome.O cuse, hse ar not flwer. Bt i the coldof 47 , thee onderuflowerbr warmthto Teyar made oppe bym 48 , who isnwaged 70. with a fe ct,s 49 aiece of pape intoabutifwork

13、ofat.Whe y grandmawas conidee lumsy(拙笨旳) in he 5 . Buton acl wintriht, e saw m eauiful red aper 5 on her ne neghbors indows.She wasso intested it nd decdd t 52 froe negbr.Tnof peraaed, and e fners re cutmantiesBut s 53 practic.I took 0 years 4 mygndma coul mkepae art sillfully(娴熟地).The rd oers, loom

14、ing ike hurnin fire,ligh upher wold. Now,everyne in the vllage 5 he.Myranms sry as sho me wht it taks to reize oe deam.A nceB. reC.fll. swet47.springB. sumeC aumD. winter4.A. sisterB. anC.otheD. gandma49. cngeB seadsC. placsD.urns50.A ctyB. tnC. villgeD.lock51 rtB moneC.wallsD. ooks52.A.buyB. steaC.

15、 leaD borrow53.A. endedupB. keptonC. putoffD.thought aut5.beforeB. afterC. whileD. ine55.A servsB.paronsC. rpectsD. asBA areiner,its har for e oel htChiee peple are lke.But y 5 in eiingsai somethinA cou ofksago, Iwet buyour bi suitcases(行李箱)for rave. 7 I sgigdown t sret,t suen thanked him and rshed

16、o a 60 neary obuy my suitesIfouve ver tried to puh four big suitcae byous, oumayundertad 61I kdily, f the uicaes werdancingwidly acros he loor.ThenI ot 62 ontheshulder. t was the sler. Hesigned that Ishuld ait. A ewmiutslter, he 63 i car, and pu the sucases isi. Thn we went drivin 6 lng eroa toy oe.

17、I offred hm somemone, but .n broken English e sa, “Fel gond.hlyo.”ow, ouca se Cnse people ae always redyt help you.56.A. frinB taheC.nventonD pernce57.A IfB.AsC. Althug. ecase58.A fondB. bogh. deofered59. haderB lightr. hickerD.fae60.A storeB. halC labD. school1.A.geB. entenceC. ituan adnae62A.iB. c

18、onC.rfD. touch3.A. lay dowB.ve upC. ell ehidwe awaA. appiyBaz. braelD.poorl65A. msedB. nodedC. refusedD fail第三部分阅读理解(共两大题,满分45分). 补全对话(共5小题;每题分,满分分)根据对话内容,从方框内旳选项中选出能填入空白处旳最佳选项,其中有两个为多出选项。: H, Alie. : Yah, Iie t do s ravlin.A: 67 :Not ye.A: Do ouw to trven i ciie?B: 68 A: How abtHuangsan Motain?B: 6

19、9 A:Sue! : Righ.Youan s Inina, it consideedto bethkin of all themountains.B: 70 spcil pis(松树), ros and cods. Yu n n ho pins swell.B:Great! an ou. Gad to helpyou.B. What else canwe enjoy?Cs t wortraveling er? e ou dided where o?E. hen it muta somehig pecialF. I dont tink t fun to ravel ibg citiesG. y

20、ou ave anlanforth summer holday?. 阅读理解(共20小题;每题2分,满分0分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给旳、B、C、D四个选项中选出一种最佳选项。Ailres Game inAnent ChaDuing nen time,childen didt have mucht enoythemsele. Hwever, theycae wthinteresg gae topay hr cdhood.Kickin stone blls Duingte QigDyasy, kcing a soe all aound was apopular game inhenrter pr

21、t f Cna,an it as often payd n winte to keep warm.Playing hideand-e Hde-and-seek is tditional gme frcilren,opular roun h natn.The ae t ways to ly: vering a hilds yesle oher kds runaound o teas(戏弄) him, moe comol, othes hd d one hildut r tofind thm.Fling kits Kits hve qite a lo istory. Th erlis kite w

22、re madeo wod,insea of par. h threeot famo itsr the Bijigte,iain teand iangkit. Each has is own featue.or examl, the hir-shaped it ihlnwingsis a specia kd o the Beijgite.Watchig shado pas(皮影戏) The cut thng t watching f ringcent times was ong t see sadow play.Te artits contolppes(木偶) bind the screen a

23、nd el sories te uic.1.Acordinhetex, thega f kkina toneball was _.A. plyedin surB. like flyngiesC. nvned in Bein. poular i North China72. How is hide-an-sek suaypayed?. Oe plysad oters tch Others luh ad n must cryC. Ors hde and one trito find.D One runs adothrs tr toatc.7. at does the underledword “f

24、eatu” mea n thetex?A 特性.地貌C. 五官D. 影片4. Which int game is lke wathing a film?A. Kicking stoe blls.lingkite.C. Painghi-ad-eek.D Wacig shadow plys.Jo itrviwsan be very difeenfrom unt. An interewrs“bdy lnguag” a questin,and thefom ofa intrvw a otte smarnd the wrldIfyueatajo iterview Japa, dt ook dirctyi

25、nto te ys of thnteriewer It s consdd ipoite. Bu f e at an inerview n the US,you should make ee contact(交流) whthe intrvieer.Ifou nt,h nteriwerm hik yae otureabt you abltyIn te U ad some tr ountis, interviewers retspose ak quesios abut fami an persna nformaon. Imostcoure,wee,personaquestis re vrycmmod

26、urinjob inervew.erma, u ntervie mih eg h a very sot cnvrsaton folowed baforml(正式旳) interview. I exic admany ther cois, he hle itevew migh not bforl.75 In Japn, lookngdirectly io th eys tineviewer _.A.oringB.mlieC. umoousD.angeros76.What is sugeed a an ntrviw ih US accoingthe txt? Sitting by th inter

27、viewer.B aig eyecotatCTkingabot fmiybackgrund.D Aking es infomtion.7In _,a short talk uually bginbere aformalinterview. JapanB. theUSC. GrayD Mexico8 I which part oamagazine an rea hext?.scence.Gography. Ctur.D Sports.CIts a col, gey Sunday atenoon n Marc. he Briish are llworn n thi grdn.Theyre dggn

28、,cuttng eavend plin e seeds(种子). By summer, their garden willthe full o britloursheBritsh love ther garden. riti nespar ecety askedel or their opinin bout tem.Aron 70 oft opl felt t wsimporat to pen time in the arde,an over0% f theedescrbd arding as themostejoyal thig theever did.nly on n en ousesi

29、Britan do no aea ga.Peope who v in hse without gardens often ret(租用) land rom e govrnnttfirs, nl ery ih people hadgardes. Yu a till he garde arund house wtalong hisory, uch ashatswrth Hsor Castl Howard.I the earytweneth centr, oweer, gadnineame a hby.ole ougt iffren kins of eeds and plantothei gdens

30、. lthug roses, sunflowrsad ttoe are often gown in Bits grdns, the rignaly(起初) rew wild i other cuntis.Everyyear, tere ar compeitions for largest vgetals, but don xpct to wn: Bitans biggstcarrt i amost ix ers lng.79. In smmer, Britihgardes are ofen _.ful of ppe diggin hreB. clorful with dffeet latsC.

31、 toohot for popleto wrk therD. oered with ey leen plats80 A recn urve swedtat _of the ritish felt t imptant tdo some gadeni.A aroud 70%B. over 50Cly 20%D.about 10%81.W can inferfr Paagraph 4at _.Aseds wr prded f free. roes we fi grown in in. adeningis a hbb in thewrlD. th ownerofhatsoh Houewas rich8

32、2. h does hewrr mean the underlne ence?A. It eas torw big vegetal.B. It is har owinhe cotitioC. The carrt imuch ase togow. he carot is his fvoritevgtabe.DWol you ike to live in a cit where bilins tu the ligs off o u, ad slf-drivingcars wil fnd the naret paring spaceheselve? Athug mighsound litl far

33、fro ou,living ia “s” citylike this uldhae ooner th uthinGreat hages hae ae placin ownsthat we have ved in fo entries, whie compltely new cties ae being built.Onesuch pace i tecit f Sodo.Ever hme therewll hav a “leprenc” ssem(远程遥控系统)- loig usrs t conrol te heatig nd os, take partin vieo metings, nd r

34、eceive ducon,healthca ad govennt serves. Arundthe ty, ecalats(自动扶梯)will onl move when sone is o them, ad fic and school wil al be netd to he tm.Te gret mn behd Songdo isromthe opnyCiso. In fact, tehnoog compaiesarund the wrld sc as, Siemns a icosoft re lreay in the busins.Aout 75% othe wrlspopulanwill livein cities y205,so ciie w

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