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5、参考,不能作为科学依据,如有不当之处,请参考专业资料。谢谢,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,本幻灯片资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,如有不当之处,请参考专业资料。谢谢,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,本幻灯片资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,如有不当之处,请参考专业资料。谢谢,IELTS WRITING,第1页,开始动笔写图表作文:,基本情况,任务,1,:图表写作,要求考生在,20,分钟内完成,150,字以上短文。,以考评图表为主。主要有,:,曲线图,line chart,graph,

6、柱状图,bar chart,饼状图,pie chart,表格等,table,偶然也会有流程图,flow chart,、地图,geography,和示,意图,diagram/figure,第2页,开始动笔写图表作文:,基本情况,评分标准,和任务,2,一样,评分观察点也有四项:,Task achievement,(task response,task 2,),Coherence and cohesion,Lexical resources,Grammatical range and accuracy,第3页,开始动笔写图表作文:,基本情况,首先让我们搞明确,task achievement,要求完

7、成什么。,1)summ,a,rize the general features/trends,2)select important information,3)compare and contrast data,第4页,The table below shows three social and economic indicators of seven American countries for the year 1997.,country,GDP per capita(USD),adult illiteracy rate(%),newspaper sales per 1000 people

8、,Bahamas,13000,4.4,99,Argentina,9100,3.6,123,Brazil,4900,16.8,40,Mexico,4300,10.5,97,Surinam,3700,7.0,122,Jamaica,2600,15.2,63,Cuba,2100,4.4,118,第5页,Sample answer,We can see that GDP per capita varies substantially from 2100 USD in Cuba to 13000 USD in the Bahamas,with 5 of the 7 countires below 500

9、0 USD per captia GDP.,The illiteracy rates also differ considerably.The highest illiteracy rates are for Brazil(16.8%)and Jamaica(15.2%),whilst Argentina has the lowest rate,at 3.6%.Mexico(10.5%)and Surinam(7%)lie in the middle.Surprisingly,the adult illetercy rate for Cuba and the Bahamas is the sa

10、me,at 4.4%.,第6页,Sample,And finally,lets look at newspaper sales.It has a tendency that the higher the rate at which a country has sold newspapers,the lower its adult illiteracy rate is.But the Bahamas is an exception.Though its adult illiteracy rate is the second low among the seven countries,it has

11、 not got a comparable high rate of newspaper sale.,第7页,开始动笔写图表作文:,基本情况,图表写作且记住一定要客观,只写图表上要描述信息,而不能主动解释背后原因或深层次含义。,We are required to describe rather than explain.,也不要面面俱到,机械地统计图表内容,如同流水账。,Example:,The bar chart below shows the marriage rates of people at the age of 25 in English from 1950 to 1980.Wr

12、ite a report for a university lecturer describirng the information shown below.(the green is male,the red is female),第8页,开始动笔写图表作文:,基本结构,文章结构,首段,:,图表作文首段必须交待三个要素:,图表研究时间段,、,研究对象,和,研究所采取数据形式,(是详细数字还是百分比)。,应该将这三个内容用一句话说清楚。实际上就是把题目中描述图表那句话用自己语言说出来并拓展一下即可。首段不要写得过长,两句话比较适当。,开始动笔写图表作文,第9页,开始动笔写图表作文:,基本结构,

13、主体段,:,主体段描写单方向趋势,依据趋势分类来决定主体段应该划分成几个自然段,比如一图表讲美国、澳大利亚、日本、英国四个国家消费情况。在主体段落中,每一个单方向趋势都应该用一句话来概括描述,这句话不一定要包括详细数据,是概括性描述,代表某一段总方向。就像任务2中主题句写法。接下去就要有数据支撑。相当任务2中例证。所以图表写作主体段必须有两个要素:单方面趋势和数据支持。,第10页,开始动笔写图表作文:,基本结构,结尾段,:,图表经过对详细数据对照和对比来说明问题,所以在结尾部分要写出对照对比趋势,以及从这个趋势中得出一个结论。图表写作这部分写法与任务2 完全不一样。它信息完全来自图表,不能加进


15、特点就是表中会出现大量数据,所以导入数据便是一个主要任务。描述完某种趋势后,必须有详细数据来支撑。没有数据对比是空洞。数据是主要信息,一定不要遗漏。,第14页,开始动笔写图表作文:,惯用句型,1、表示,“,说明,”,句子结构和惯用句型,This table/chart/diagram/graph,shows,that.,The figures/statistics,show,that,more other verbs:,describe,illustrate,display,exhibit,indicate,reflect,represent,reveal,unfold,summarize,e

16、tc.,第15页,开始动笔写图表作文:,惯用句型,More patterns:,According to,As is shown in the,As can be seen from,It can be seen from,We can see from,It is clear from,It is apparent/obvious/evident,第16页,开始动笔写图表作文:,惯用句型,还可用第一人称复数引入要说明信息。切记不要使用第一人称单数。,We can see,We conclude from .that.,We find,第17页,开始动笔写图表作文:,改变趋势惯用词汇,1)数据

17、统计时,表示静态数据句子结构,“,有,”,“,占,”,“,是.倍,”,“,到达,”,等。,惯用动词有:be,have,reach,hit,account for,e.g.,澳大利亚和英国都占,10%,。,Australia an,d UK both had 10%.,e.g.,中国人占市场份额最大。,Chinese accounted for the largest percentage of market share.,第18页,开始动笔写图表作文:,改变趋势惯用结构,1)表示增加,动词+副词结构,e.g.,1999年度家庭轿车数量陡然增加。,The number of family car

18、s,increased suddenly,in the year 1999.,形容词+名词,e.g.,参加者数量有一个显著上升。,There was a,significant jump,in the numbe,r of participants.,第19页,开始动笔写图表作文:,改变趋势惯用结构,e.g.,该产品市价在稳步上升。,There is,a steady increase,in the price of this product.,介词短语,e.g.,申请者人数依然在增加。,The number of applicants is,on the rise,.,e.g.,从到专职教师

19、人数在增加。,The number of full-time teachers was,on the increase,form to.,第20页,开始动笔写图表作文:,改变趋势惯用结构,2)表示下降,动词+副词结构,e.g.,当地学校失学人数在去年略有下降。,The number of drop-outs in the local school,dropped slightly,last year.,形容词+名词,e.g.上个月销售额出现了急剧下降。,There was a steep fall in the sales volume last month.,第21页,开始动笔写图表作文:,

20、改变趋势惯用结构,介词短语,e.g.,数据显示本财政年上六个月海外投资规模一路走低。,The statistics shows that the overseas investment was,on the de,cline,over the first half of this fiscal year.,e.g.,美元对港元汇率出现了连续疲软。,The exchange rate of USD over that of HKD is still,on the decrease,.,第22页,开始动笔写图表作文:,改变趋势惯用结构,3)表示,“,持平,”,“,不变,”,最高点,”,“,最低点,

21、”,短语动词,A:,level off,e.g.,收音机听众人数在早晨6:30到8:30之间一直攀升,然后从8:45分起出现持平现象。,The number of radio audience is on the rise between 6:30 and 8:,30,and then,levels off,since 8:45.,第23页,开始动笔写图表作文:,改变趋势惯用结构,3)表示,“,持平,”,“,不变,”,最高点,”,“,最低点,”,短语动词,B:,系表结构,Stay/keep/remain+steady,unchanged,stable,constant,第24页,开始动笔写图表

22、作文:,改变趋势惯用结构,3)表示,“,持平,”,“,不变,”,最高点,”,“,最低点,”,短语动词,B:,系表结构,e.g.,这个县离婚率在前三个季度没有发生改变。,The divorce rate of the first three,quarters in his county,remains constant,.,e.g.,美国近三个月来国内生产总值基本没有发生任何改变。,The growth rate of GDP in the U.S.A,stayed,basically,unchanged,over the recent three months.,第25页,开始动笔写图表作文:

23、,改变趋势惯用结构,3)表示,“,持平,”,“,不变,”,最高点,”,“,最低点,”,短语动词,C:,there be+little /no/hardly +any change,e.g.,六、七两个月轿车销售几乎没有出现任何改变。,There was hardly any change,in the number of cars sold from June to July.,e.g.,该企业股票交易量没有发生改变。,There was no change,in the turn-over of the companys stocks.,第26页,开始动笔写图表作文:,改变趋势惯用结构,3)

24、表示,“,持平,”,“,不变,”,最高点,”,“,最低点,”,短语动词,D:,最高点和最低点,The figure/The situation/The monthly,+peaked/reached a peak(a hign point)/bottomed out/reached the bottom(a low poit),e.g.,这个国家居民消费指数在十月创历史最高,到达6%。出现了严重通胀。,CPI in that country,reached a peak,of 6%in Oct.Inflation was serious.,第27页,开始动笔写图表作文:,改变趋势惯用结构,4)

25、,“,数据比较,”,惯用结构和替换词汇,A.,than,e.g.,男子接收高等教育人数比女子多,分别是男子10%,女子5%。,There were more males,than,females who have their higher education.,第28页,开始动笔写图表作文:,改变趋势惯用结构,4),“,数据比较,”,惯用结构和替换词汇,B.,as,e.g.,A校学生人数几乎是B校学生人数3倍。,School A has approximately three times as many students,as,School B.,D.,to/be superior/infer

26、ior/senior to,e.g.,A组组员比B组组员年轻三岁。,Mumbers of Group A are three times junior,to,those of Group B.,第29页,开始动笔写图表作文:,改变趋势惯用结构,4),“,数据比较,”,惯用结构和替换词汇,E.,直接用动词表示,e.g.,使用电脑优点远远大于它缺点。,The advantages of using computers far,outweigh,the disadvantages.,e.g.,男人接收高等教育人数以 4比1百分比超出了女人接收高等教育人数。,The male,outnumbered,

27、the female four to one in higher education.,第30页,开始动笔写图表作文:,改变趋势惯用结构,5)关于倍数表示,倍数增加。,A),“,n times larger than,”,与,“,n times as large as,”,概念。,汉语中A是Bn倍,与A比B大(n-1)倍概念相同,而英文中则不是。注意英语,“,n times larger than,”,与,“,n times as large as,”,概念是一致,即,“,是原来n倍,”,。普通讲英语国家人认为,“,two times larger than,”,等于原来两倍,即,“,two

28、times as large as,”,,所认为了防止歧义,应用愈加明确表示方法:three times its original size;three times as large as it used to be,第31页,开始动笔写图表作文:,改变趋势惯用结构,e.g.,经过十几年建设,深圳市面积比以前大了两倍。,With more than ten years,construction,the area of Shenzhen City is three times larger than before.,With more than ten years,construction,th

29、e area of Shenzhen City is three times its original size.,With more than ten years,construction,the area of Shenzhen City is three times as large as it used to be.,误译:With more than ten years,construction,the area of Shenzhen City is twice larger than before.,第32页,开始动笔写图表作文:,改变趋势惯用结构,2,)当倍数与表示上升下降趋势

30、词连用时,不论是否有介词,均表示,“,增加到,n,倍,”,。,如:,increase to N times,increase N times/N-fold,increase by N times,increase by a factor of N,There is a N-fold/N times increase/growth,注意此句应译为,“,增加了,N-1,倍,”,第33页,开始动笔写图表作文:,改变趋势惯用结构,倍数降低,1),“,A is n times as small as B,”,与,“,A is n times lower than B,”,概念,汉字中不用倍数表示,“,降

31、低,”,,不说,“,A比B小/少多少倍,”,,而是说,“,A比B小几分之几,”,,用分数表示;所以英文,“,A is n times lower than B,”,或,“,A is n times as small as B,”,应译成,“,A是Bn分之一,”,或,“,A比B小n分之n-1,”,。,e.g.,企业今年利润是去年三分之一。/企业今年利润比去年下降三分之二。,The profits of the company this year is three times lower than last year.,能够用分数直接表示以防止歧义。,The profits of the comp

32、any this year is one third of last year.,第34页,开始动笔写图表作文:,改变趋势惯用结构,2)当倍数与表示上升下降趋势词连用时,不论是否有介词,均表示,“,降低到1/n,”,。如:decrease N times/N-fold,decrease by N times,decrease by a factor of N,There is a N-fold decrease/reduction,表示意思相同,均为,“,降低到1/n,”,。,翻倍问题,:两番double,三番triple,4番quadruple,第35页,开始动笔写图表作文:,改变趋势惯用结

33、构,1)嘉实多油在越南每公升售价1.5美元,这个价格是那些从台湾和泰国进口油价三倍。,Castrol oil costs about$1.5 per liter in Vietnam,about three times as much as the price of cheaper oil imported from Taiwan and Thailand.,2)到中国将实现国内生产总值比翻两番,到达40000亿美元左右。,By,China,s GDP will quadruple that of to approximately USD 4 trillion.,3),印度贫富之间差距越来越大

34、,是前两倍。,India,s growing gap between the rich and the poor is twice as much as 10 years ago.,第36页,开始动笔写图表作文:,改变趋势惯用结构,4).棉花产量比1996年增加了三倍/是1996年四倍。,The cotton output was four times greater than that of 1996.,5).英中两国贸易在过去五年就翻了一番。,British trade with China has doubled over the last five years alone.,6)这房子

35、价钱已升至我们购置时三倍。,The house is worth treble what we paid for it.,第37页,开始动笔写图表作文:,改变趋势惯用结构,7)近几年来,电视机价格下降了二分之一儿。,The price of TVs has been twofold down over these years.,8).改革开放30年来,人们生活水平得到了显著提升,人均年收入是40年前30倍。,For the 30 years of reform and opening up,people,s standard of living has been a significant i

36、ncrease,and the per capita annual income is 30 times more than that of 40 years ago.,第38页,开始动笔写图表作文:,改变趋势惯用结构,更多动词:,takes up,increase,rise,climb,grow,soar,jump,amout to,double,decrease,drop,fall,diminish,decline,remain,keep,第39页,开始动笔写图表作文,Sample One:,The following graphs give information about the G

37、ross Domestic Product and empleyment sectors of a developing country.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.,第40页,开始动笔写图表作文,natural Resources%,industry%,trade,restaurants,hotels%,transport communication%,government%,other,%,total,%,employment,77.4,3.6,4.9,1.6

38、,1.6,3.8,100.00,GDP,19.2,15.4,37.1,8.4,12.5,7.4,100.00,第41页,Sample One,第42页,开始动笔写图表作文,Sample answer,The first graph shows the percentage of people emplyed in different sectors of the economy in 1992 and the percentage of GDP which they produced.The main economic sectors are natural resources,industr

39、y and services.The second graph shows movements between 1986 and 1995.,第43页,开始动笔写图表作文,The first graph reveals that although 77.4%of the population worked in natual resouces in 1992,they produced only 19.2%of GDP.However,the 3.6%of the population who worked in industry produced 15.4%of GDP,and the 4.

40、9%who worked in the service sector produced 37.1%of GDP.,第44页,开始动笔写图表作文,The second graph shows that sevices as a percentage of GDP have been falling steadily.In 1986 natural resources provided more than 25%of GDP,but this declined to less than 20%in 1992,recovered in 1993 but fell below 20%in 1995.I

41、ndustry earned less than 10%of GDP in 1986,but rose almost to 20%in 1995.,第45页,开始动笔写图表作文,The two graphs joint reveal that service sector,though declining between 1986 and 1995,still remains to be the primary earner of GDP.,第46页,Sample Two,The bar chart below shows the number of overseas students enr

42、olled in a second year Graph Desig at an Australian college.Write a report for a university lecturuer describing the information shown.,第47页,Sample Two,第48页,开始动笔写图表作文,Sample Two:,According to the bar chart,students from four Asian countries and region(PRC,Taiwan,Japan and Korea)and one European coun

43、try(Germany)are taking Graph Design at the college.Some students are enrolled in the Computer-Aided Design(CAD)core option;the othrs are taking Photography.,第49页,开始动笔写图表作文,Overall,the PRC has the largest number of enrolled students(17)and Germany the smallest(5).Japan and Taiwan both have 12 student

44、s;Korea has 11.It is noticeable that Japan and Korea have similar profiles.,第50页,开始动笔写图表作文,Students from all five countries and region are entolled in CAD,but more males are taking this option than females(21 and 9 respectively).For each nationality the males taking CAD outnumber the females,except

45、in the case of the Germans with 3 females to only 1 male.The PRC has the most students studying CAD(9);Taiwan comes next with 7,while Japan has 6.Korea and Germany have 4 CAD students each.,第51页,开始动笔写图表作文,As for the photogrphy option,more females than males are enrolled from every country except Ger

46、many.In fact,no frmale German students are taking Photogrphic Design.Only 1 male from each country is entolled in Photogrphy except ro 2 males from Taiwan.,第52页,Sample Three,Sample Three,It is often claimed that women have achieved greater freedom and have access to the same opportunities as men.The

47、 pie charts below show some employment patterns in Great Britain.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information in the char,ts below.,第53页,Sample Three,第54页,开始动笔写图表作文,The two pie charts show the proportion of males and females in employment in 6 broad categories,divided into man

48、ual and non-manual occupations.In general,a greater percentage of women work in non-manual occupations than work in manual occupations,and the reverse is true for men.,第55页,开始动笔写图表作文,In the non-manual occupations,while a greater percentage of working women than men are found in clerical-type positio

49、ns,there is a smaller percentage of women than men employed in managerial and professional positions.The percentage of women employed in other non-manual occupations is slightly larger than the percentage of men in these occupations.,第56页,开始动笔写图表作文,In mannual employment,the biggest difference betwee

50、n the two sexes is in the employment of craft workers,where males make up 21%of the workforce and females just 4.5%.Furthermore,the percentage of women working as general labourers is very small,only 0.5%.There is not a great deal of defference between the percentage of men doing other forms of manu

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