1、单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Tiananmen Square in the fog.,第1页,A couple were taking pictures amid the haze.,第2页,The Beijing National Stadium,or the Bird Nest,第3页,雾霾天气,Hazy Weather,第4页,Popular Science大众科学,相对湿度,relative,humidity,雾Fog,霾Haze,90%,80%,能见度,visibility,300,Off the charts!爆表了!,第
2、8页,云里雾里,I am in a fog,第9页,1.,Terrifying,恐怖,Hang in there!,忍一下,第10页,2.,Ridicule 调侃,Dust and smog is crazily thick!,Be strong and do not breathe!,第11页,The longest distance in the world is that I couldnt see Chairman Mao even though I am right in front of the Tiananmen!,最远距离是站在天安门前却看不到毛主席!,第12页,3.,Fear
3、less 无畏,Whatever doesnt kill you simply makes you stronger!杀不死你会让你更强大!梅花香自苦寒来!,第13页,Face the problem,直视问题,Do notsugarcoatit!,不要粉饰,第14页,The cause:,第一,污染物排放量大。,Large pollutant emission,第二,扩散条件不利。,Disadvantageous condition for dispersal,第三,区域污染和当地污染贡献叠加。,Multiply effect of regional pollution and local pollution,第15页,戴面罩 wear the Mask,公共交通 public transportation,混合动力车 hybrid car,清洁能源 clean Energy,社会监督 public supervision,第16页,We are all in this together!,We shall survive and thrive together!,同呼吸,共责任!,第17页,