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1、,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,#,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,#,Confidential,双活数据中心与灾备解决方案,-,技术部分,臧铁军,VMware,GCH COE,云架构师,议程,1,

2、同城双活技术方案,2,异地灾备技术方案,2,基于虚拟化技术的业务连续性解决方案概览,资源池,vSphere,vSphere,vSphere,本地站点,灾备站点,基于虚拟化层的异步复制,基于硬件设备的同异步复制,自动化应用切换管理,城域集群,应用感知的高可用性,关键应用零停机保护,在线迁移虚拟机,动态调配计算与存储资源,VMotion and Storage VMotion,高效的数据备份与恢复,可通过运行计划与脚本实现自动化操作,资源池,vSphere,vSphere,Dev/,Test,Dev/,Test,Dev/,Test,灾难恢复,本地高可用,数据保护,方案特点,与应用程序和操作系统无关

3、,与硬件设备无关,完善的保护,简单,经济,3,议程,1,同城双活技术方案,2,异地灾备技术方案,4,双活数据中心在各个级别上全面保障可用性,vMotion&DRS,HA&FT,服务器,Storage,v,Motion,,,Storage DRS,存储,VMFS,VMFS,硬件,热添加,多网卡绑定,存储多路径,组件,数据,Data,Replication,Metro Cluster,站点,5,双活数据中心总体架构,双活存储集群,站点,A,站点,B,延伸的,vSphere,集群,2,00 km,行为与单个,vSphere,相同,延伸距离最大,2,00KM,,通常小于,5,0KM,通过,VMware

4、 HA,与,vMotion,实现自动的,DR,保护,需要双活存储集群,如,EMC,的,v,Plex,,,NetApp,的,MetroCluster,等,6,计算资源设计,Making an Application Service Highly Available,vSphere HA,vSphere App HA,8,VMware vFabric tc Server,vSphere App HA,Policy-based,Protect off-the-shelf apps,9,Fault Tolerance vs.High Availability,Fault tolerance,Abili

5、ty to recover from component loss,Example:Hard drive failure,High availability,Uptime percentage in,one year,Downtime in one year,99,3.65 days,99.9,8.76 hours,99.99,52 minutes,99.999 “five nines”,5 minutes,X,10,支持多,vCPU,的容错技术,Instantaneous,Failover,4 vCPU,4 vCPU,vSphere,Primary,Secondary,Fast Checkp

6、ointing,FT support for up to 4 vCPUs,Protection for high performance,multi-vCPU VMs,New,more scalable technology:fast check-pointing to keep primary and secondary in sync,Overview,Protect mission-critical,high-performance applications regardless of OS,Continuous availability:zero downtime,zero data

7、loss for infrastructure failures,Fully automated response,Benefits,11,Targeting cross-continental distances up to 100 ms RTTs,Maintain standard vMotion guarantees,Leader in VM flexibility,功能简介,Permanent migrations between data centers,Disaster avoidance(DA),DR/DA testing,Multi-site load balancing,Fo

8、llow the sun,Benefits,长距离,vMotion,vSphere 6.0,支持跨三层网络和跨,vCenter Server,的,vMotions,12,vCenter Availability,Run vCenter Server application in a VM,Run vCenter Server database in a VM,Run both in same VM?,Protect with vSphere HA,vCenter and DB VM restart priority set to High,Enable guest OS and App mon

9、itoring,App HA can protect SQL Server database,Back up vCenter Server VM and database,Image-level backup for vCenter Server VM,App-level backup using agent for database backup,13,网络资源设计,双活数据中心网络架构,物理二层,(,裸光纤,),逻辑二层,层叠网络,/VPN,二层分段,VM,VM,VM,二层分段,VM,VM,VM,二层网络,扩展的二层网络,(,二层内容在,数据中心互连,链路上传递,),站点,A,站点,B,二

10、层网络,15,NSX vSphere Multi-Site,Use Cases,NSX for vSphere supports 3 different Multi-Site Deployment Models,VXLAN with Stretched Clusters(vSphere Metro Storage Cluster),VXLAN with Separate Clusters,L2 VPN,All solutions provide L2 extension over an L3 network,enabling workload&IP mobility without the n

11、eed to stretch VLANs,Local egress is supported,however it does add complexity,The appropriate deployment model will depend on customer requirements and their environment,NSX,利用层叠网络实现双活数据中心,双活存储,vSphere,城域存储集群,数据存储,1,数据存储,2,vCenter,Server,三层,网络,站点,A,站点,B,VM1,VM2,VM3,逻辑交换机,A172.16.10.0/24,VM4,VM5,逻辑交换

12、机,B172.16.20.0/24,分布式逻辑路由器,站点,A,边界网关,上联网络,A,站点,B,边界网关,上联网络,B,17,VMware NSX Multi-Site,Single VC,Stretched Cluster,Solution Detail,Requires a supported vSphere Metro Storage Cluster configuration,In a vMSC deployment,storage is Active/Active and spans both sites.Examples of Active/Active storage are:

13、EMC VPLEX,NetApp Metro Cluster(see VMware HCL for more information),Stretched clusters support Live vMotion of workloads,Use L3 for all VMkernel networks:Management,vMotion,IP Storage,All management components such as vCenter Server,NSX Manager and Controllers are located in Site A,Latency and bandw

14、idth requirements are dictated by vMSC storage vendor,eg 10ms RTT for VPLEX which also aligns with vMotion using Enterprise Plus,vMSC enables disaster avoidance and basic Disaster Recovery(without the orchestration or testing capabilities of SRM),Loss of either NSX Components or the Datacenter Inter

15、connect will results in a fallback to data plane based learning using existing network state.Therefore there is no outage to data forwarding and without vCenter Server,there are no VM provisioning or migration operations,NSX and vMSC are complimentary technologies that fit a sweet spot for NSX(Singl

16、e vCenter Server),VMware NSX Multi-Site,Single VC,Stretched Cluster,VMware ESXi,VMware ESXi,VMware ESXi,VMware ESXi,Site A,Site B,Stretched Workload Cluster,VMware ESXi,VMware ESXi,VMware ESXi,VMware ESXi,Site A,Site B,Stretched Edge Cluster,Cluster Configuration,vMSC enables stretched clusters acro

17、ss two physical sites,In an NSX deployment Management,Edge and Workload clusters are all stretched,Under normal conditions all Management Components run in a Site A and are protected by vSphere HA,They are automatically restarted at Site B in the event of a site outage.The management network is not

18、stretched and must be enabled on Site B as part of the recovery run book,Dependent on design,NSX Edge Services Gateways are either active in both sites or a single site and can also leverage HA,VMs in the Workload Clusters are automatically recovered,VMware ESXi,VMware ESXi,VMware ESXi,VMware ESXi,S

19、ite A,Site B,vCenter,Server,Stretched Management Cluster,19,VMware NSX Multi-Site,Single VC,Stretched Cluster,In a vMSC environment,DRS is used to balance resource utilization,provide site affinity,improved availability and ensure optimal traffic flow,Use,Should,rules,rather than,Must,as this allows

20、 vSphere HA to take precedence,Example DRS Groups,Rules and Settings for NSX Edges:,VMware NSX Multi-Site,Single VC,Stretched Cluster,NSX Configuration(Option 1-Preferred),Transport Zone spans both Sites and VXLAN Logical Switches provide L2 connectivity to VMs,Distributed Logical Routing is used fo

21、r all VMs to provide consistent default gateway vMAC,Local Egress is provided by using separate Uplink LIFs and Edge GWs per site.Hosts on Site A have DLR default gateway configured via Site A Edge GW using net-vdr CLI.While Site B DLR default gateway is via Site B Edge GW,Caveat:Dynamic Routing can

22、not be enabled on DLR,or a static route set via NSX Manager,NSX Edge Gateways will have a static route for any networks directly connected to DLR.Consistent IPaddressing will simplify routing by allowing a supernet to be used,DFW provides vNIC policy enforcement independent of the VMs location,VM1,V

23、M2,VM3,Web Logical Switch172.16.10.0/24,Site A,Site B,Distributed Logical Router,VM4,VM5,App Logical Switch172.16.20.0/24,Site A NSX Edge GW,,Site B NSX Edge GW,,Uplink Net A,Uplink A LIF,Uplink Net B,Uplink B LIF,VM6,

24、VM7,DB Logical Switch172.16.30.0/24,Internal LIFs.1,VMware NSX Multi-Site,Single VC,Stretched Cluster,NSX Configuration(Option 2),As per Option 1 Transport Zone spans both Sites and VXLAN Logical Switches provide L2 connectivity for VMs,NSX Edge Gateways are deployed per site with the same internal

25、IP address,NSX DFW L2 Ethernet Rules are defined to block ARP to the remote GW using MAC Sets,which provides Local Egress as only the site local Edge GW is learnt.Future enhancement planned to enable ESXi host object for DFW*,Caveats:,Traffic flow between application tiers may be asymmetric if they

26、are split across sites and DRS rules arent used,Does not leverage Distributed Logical Routing and is limited to 10 vNICs per Edge,vMotion will result in network interruption as VM ARP cache entry for site specific GW needs to time out,Can be used if Option 1 isnt a fit(eg,require Dynamic Routing or

27、vSphere 5.1 support),Site A,Site B,VM1,VM2,VM3,VM3,Site A NSX Edge GW,,Site B NSX Edge GW,,Logical Switch192.168.10.0/24,VMware NSX Multi-Site,Single VC,Separate Clusters(2),Datastore 1,Datastore 2,vCenter,Server,L3 Network,Site A,Site B,VM1,VM2,VM3,Logical Switch A172.16.10.

28、0/24,VM4,VM5,Logical Switch B172.16.20.0/24,Distributed Logical Router,Site A NSX Edge GW,Uplink Net A,Site B NSX Edge GW,Uplink Net B,Storage vMotion,Required for VM Mobility,23,VMware NSX Multi-Site,Single VC,Separate Clusters,Solution Detail,Separate vSphere Clusters are used at each site,therefo

29、re DRS rules&groups are not required,Storage is local to a site,Enhanced vMotion(simultaneous vMotion and svMotion)can provide live vMotion without shared storage,Use L3 for all VMkernel networks:Management,vMotion,IP Storage,All management components such as vCenter Server,NSX Manager and Controlle

30、rs are located in Site A,Supported latency requirement for Enhanced vMotion is 100ms RTT(vSphere 6).vMotion requires 250 Mbps of bandwidth per concurrent vMotion,This solution provides Disaster Avoidance where live vMotion is supported,by enabling workloads to be moved proactively between sites,Does

31、 not provide automated Disaster Recovery,VMware NSX Multi-Site,Single VC,Separate Clusters,VMware ESXi,Management Cluster,VMware ESXi,Site A,vCenter,Server,Cluster Configuration,Clusters do not span beyond a physical site,All Management Components run in Site A,and will not be automatically recovere

32、d in the event of a site outage.Storage replication to a standby Cluster in Site B and a manual recovery process could be implemented,Separate Edge and Workloads Clusters are used per site,NSX Edge Services Gateways are active in a single site,with HA is local to the site,Workloads are active across

33、 both sites and can optionally support live vMotion,DRS affinity rules for workloads are not required,VMware ESXi,Edge Cluster A,VMware ESXi,Site A,VMware ESXi,VMware ESXi,Site B,Edge Cluster B,VMware ESXi,Workload Cluster A,VMware ESXi,Site A,VMware ESXi,VMware ESXi,Site B,Workload Cluster B,25,VMw

34、are NSX Multi-Site,Single VC,Separate Clusters,NSX Configuration,Option 1 with Distributed Logical Routing is unchanged from Stretched Cluster configuration and is still recommended,For option 2,as vCenter objects are not shared we can leverage NSX DFW L2 Ethernet Rules with a scope of the Datacente

35、r to provide Local Egress.as only the site local Edge GW is learnt.No enhancements required,Same caveats with Option 2 for Stretched Clusters also apply,Site A,Site B,VM1,VM2,VM3,VM3,Site A NSX Edge GW,,Site B NSX Edge GW,,Logical Switch192.168.10.0/24,To Local Egress/Ingress

36、 or not to.,As a first step,ask the customer if they have,stateful services,for traffic entering and exiting the Datacenter?,This is generally the case and if so they will require a solution to provide Local Ingress for their applications.Eg,NAT,GSLB,Anycast,LISP,RHI etc,If they can address this,the

37、n a Multi-Site NSX solution providing Local Egress is a good fit,If they do not,other questions to ask are:Do they have,high bandwidth between sites,?and is reducing operational complexity a goal?,An active NSX Edge Gateway at one site,with failover to the secondary site may meet the customers requi

38、rements and is much simpler than providing Local Egress&Ingress,VMware NSX Multi-Site,L2 VPN(3),Datastore 1,Datastore 2,vCenter,Server,Site A or,On Prem,Site B or,Off Prem,VM1,VM2,Network A,Site A NSX Edge GW,Site A,Uplink Network,vCenter,Server,VM3,VM4,Network B172.16.10.0/24,Site B

39、NSX Edge GW,Site B,Uplink Network,SSL,SSL,L3 Network,28,存储资源设计,存储需求,Site,A,Site B,Dark Fiber,=200 km,Metro Cluster,Aggr X Plex0,Aggr Y Plex1,Aggr Y Plex0,DWDM,DWDM,Aggr X Plex1,时延要求:,vSphere,要求,RTT100ms,存储同步复制要求,RTT5ms,30,Metro Storage,的两种实现方式:,Uniform,与,Non-Uniform,31,vSphere Metro Storage Cluster,

40、工作原理,vSphere HA Cluster,Stretched across,campus,or metro area,vMSC Certified Storage,Metro Cluster,Plex1,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,Plex1,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,Array based,synchronous,replication,Plex0,Plex0,32,vSphere Metro Storage Cluster,工作原理,Standard vMotion of

41、 Virtual Machines,vMotion,vMSC Certified Storage,Metro Cluster,Plex1,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,Plex1,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,Array based,synchronous,replication,Plex0,vSphere H,A,Cluster,Plex0,33,vSphere Metro Storage Cluster,工作原理,vSphere HA Cluster,Storage takeover

42、,vMSC Certified Storage,Metro Cluster,Plex1,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,Plex1,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,Plex1,Plex0,Plex0,Plex0,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,Site shutdownfor maintenance,34,vSphere Metro Storage Cluster,工作原理,vSphere HA Cluster,vMSC Certified

43、 Storage,Metro Cluster,Plex1,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,Plex1,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,Plex0,Plex0,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,Plex1,Plex0,Automaticresync,Maintenance performed,site restored,35,vSphere Metro Storage Cluster,工作原理,vSphere HA Cluster,vMSC C

44、ertified Storage,NetApp MetroCluster,Plex1,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,Plex1,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,Plex0,Plex0,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,APP,OS,Plex1,Plex0,Standard vMotionto return VMs,Access returned,36,存储设备选型,兼容性网站:,Cluster Storage,1,iSCSI,2,FC,3,NFS,4,i

45、SCSI-SVD,5,FC-SVD,6,NFS-SVD,37,EMC VPLEX for Stretched Metro Clusters,Roadmap,Stretched vSphere Cluster,Site A(Active),Site B(Active),10ms,IP or FC,vCenter,Established VPLEX Active-Active Solution,Instant vMotion across distance,VMware HA automatically restarts VMs at either site for system or site

46、failure,Balance workloads across both sites with VMware DRS,Supports VMware FT out of the box,Additional flexibility of VPLEX Metro,Doesnt Require FC Cross-Connect,Choose IP or FC Connectivity between sites,Third Site IP connectivity to Witness VM,No SPOF If you lose a Director,no loss of access at

47、any site,VPLEX,VPLEX,Dual Site DRS,Dual Site HA,Instant vMotion,Site C(Optional Witness),VPLEX Distributed Virtual Volumes,38,Stretched Storage with IBM SAN Volume Controller,Single system image across two sites provides single pane of glass management for day-to-day storage management activity,Simp

48、lify management of your environment at same time as deploying active-active storage,Based upon a rich and mature platform,Provide Real-time Compression,Easy Tier,Non-disruptive migrations,Long distance replication,40,000 engines installed worldwide,11 years field experience,250+storage devices suppo

49、rted to provide back-end capacity,Retain your existing investment in storage devices,Keep flexibility for the future,Active quorum device enables automatic failover,No external management software,Prevents split-brain,Supports recovery in case of full unplanned site failure scenarios,Quorum,Storage

50、Pool 1,Storage Pool 2,Site 1,Site 1,Site 2,Site 2,Site 3,SVC,Stretched,Cluster,39,来自存储厂商的参考指南,Implementing VMware vSphere Metro Storage Cluster with,HP LeftHand,Multi-Site storage,vSphere Metro Storage Cluster using HP,3PAR Peer Persistence,VMware vSphere Metro Storage Cluster on,Hitachi Virtual Sto

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