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有经验的软件工程师英文简历表格 .doc

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2、一旦空缺一段时间会导致公司某方面进展速度减缓。如果一名求职者的简历工作经历当中具有一个非常显眼的长时间经历,而且是在工作早期,那么就属于企业最喜欢的类型,因为这样的人性格上比较拘谨、稳妥,而且有了充足的基础使得自身能力更强,所以无论从性格方面还是实力方面都远远胜于那种喜欢不断跳槽的人。这样的求职者一旦在某个公司安定下来,那么就会成为公司稳定阵容当中的一份子,对于公司的稳定发展有着不小的作用。下面是小编和大家分享的有经验的软件工程师英文简历表格,更多相关资讯,请访问(www.XXX.com)。Name:XXXGender:MaleDate of Birth:1980/12Contact No:E

3、xperience:4 year(s)Hukou:Nanjing, JiangsuLocation:Email Address:www.XXX.comJob Target:Current IndustryTelecommunication (Equipment; Operation; Value-Added Service)Senior Software EngineerTarget IndustryTelecommunication (Equipment; Operation; Value-Added Service), Computer Software,Senior Software E

4、ngineer, R&D Engineer, Project Manager; Supervisor; Leader, System AnalystWorking Experience:2020/01-PresentA 3G Mobile Network field test, analysis and network optimization solution Provider Senior Software EngineerType of Company: Foreign Company / Rep. OfficeSize of Company: 100 – 499Lo

5、cation: Shanghai, NanjingNumber of People under My Supervision: 5 PeopleResponsibilities & Achievements: mobile network optimization software, my responsibility is to design the architecture of device (UE and scanner) handlers, device data parsers and middle ware (L3Msg decoder, finite state mac

6、hine etc).2020/09-2020/06Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications StudentType of Company: Government/Non-ProfitSize of Company: 1000+Number of People under My Supervision: 8 PeopleResponsibilities & Achievements:Mobile Agent Platform, my responsibility is to design the system framework

7、 of the mobile agent system based on JXTA (.NET version), the agent behavior architecture.2001/07-2020/07Multimax China EngineerType of Company: Foreign Company / Rep. OfficeSize of Company: 50 – 99Location: HefeiNumber of People under My Supervision: 1 PeopleResponsibilities & Achievement

8、s: fax/voice software based on modem. my responsibility is to add new features, upgrade the software from win98 to win2k/xp, and implement the support to the dialogic card.Education2020/09-2020/04Nanjing University of Posts and TelecommunicationsComputer Science Electronic Science and Technology Mas

9、ter1997/09-2001/07Anhui UniversityComputer Science Electronic Science and Technology BachelorSkills & Specialty:1.Familiar with C/C+, having experience in Win32 and MFC Programming.2.Good understanding of Objected-Oriented Design patterns and Design Principles.3.Good Understanding of TCP/IP, familiar with socket programming.4.Understand Web programming and web service. Especially familiar with the .NET architecture5.Understand basic mobile communication

部分上传会员的收益排行 01、路***(¥16400+),02、曲****(¥15700+),
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