1、国外大学申请书格式范文(必备 13 篇)国外大学申请书格式范文 第 1 篇 尊敬的老师:您好:我今年 17 岁,17 岁是花开的季节,也是多梦的季节,从小到大我用自己的聪慧和坚韧,一步一步实现着我的憧憬和梦想,我向往着将我的聪明才智在灿若星河的导师的点拨下,使我成为于国于民用有的栋梁之材;我向往着能在传承着中华人文脉络和科技创新的校园里,薰染、陶冶和提升着自己,我选择了浙大,因为这所历经百年风雨历练的“东方剑桥”,以“求是创新”为校训,没有浮华与骄躁,严谨治学,正如我脚踏实地、不急功近利、追求水到渠成的性格;我向往着能在精英汇聚、人才济济的浙大,书写我更加璀璨的人生篇章,我想我有足够的实力和自
2、信选择浙大,因此,我向贵校提出申请,希望能获得一个让浙大选择我的机会。我的父母都是教师出身,承传了身为数学教师父亲的智慧,我对数字有着特殊的的敏感,严谨的逻缉思维能力和发散性的思维方式,使我徜洋在繁杂的数理化的海洋里,乐此不疲,也正因为如此,文科功底同样扎实的我,始终没有走进文科班的课堂;我对不会的东西有一种先天性的好奇,不会的东西我从不主动放弃而是追本求源,直到柳暗花明我才善罢甘休;我做事从不半途而废,学打乒乓球,我练到胳膊酸肿,最后敢和男孩比试,为参加 4_100 米的接力,我天天到操场上“恶补”,最后为班级夺得名次;和爸爸学下棋,我不服输宁可不吃饭;我坚信朝秦暮楚、见异思迁、飘忽不定的人
3、永远做不成事;“咬定青山不放松”、“心有多大舞台就有多大”是我的座佑铭。业余时间我还喜欢下棋、画画、看大片,对于色彩,我有一种天生的直觉,伴着铅笔细致的线条,我在画架前度过了三年的时光,也练就了我扎实的美术功底,我的画在学校艺术节上获二等奖,我是学校校园网动漫版的版主,为此上学期我花费了太多的精力,使我的总成绩落为年级的 154 名,这个学期,我又奋起直追,重新回到年级 55 名;我的一口流利的美式英语,就得益于看美国大片,看大片不仅可以享受艺术的美并从中感受异国的文化而且还可以提高我的英语水平,从小学到初中、高中,英语奥赛先后取得了国家和市级奖二等奖。闲暇时,钢琴将我还原为一个浪漫的女孩,手
8、选择浙大,带着几分自信与霸气,扬帆起程,乘风破浪,请老师给我这个机会来证明我的实力,张扬我的个性,实现我的价值。敬礼!申请人:/shenqing/_年_月_日 国外大学申请书格式范文 第 2 篇 国外大学留学申请书英文范文最新 Dear _,I am applying to study a degree in economics principally because of the diversity of both the subject and its applications,and because I find it fascinating and challenging at the
9、 same time.Having studied the subject at A-level,I believe that the possible depths to which it may be studied are almost endless,and as such,the number of real-life situations to which it is relevant is similarly vast.For example,the area of economics in which I am most interested is the study of t
10、he ways in which monetary and fiscal policies affect society as a whole.For this reason,I found the Public Choice theory particularly engaging.In the future,I hope to gain employment in the banking or financial sector,and I think that a course as flexible as economics would be of great benefit to th
11、is.Recently,I have participated in the Bank of Englands Target challenge.From this,I not only improved skills such as leadership,teamwork,communication and analytical skills,but also learnt about the consequences that a seemingly small decision,such as the lowering of the interest rate by a quarter
12、of one percent,can have on just about everyone.Another aspect of the project that I enjoyed was the way in which all of our team members research and work came together at the end to form the whole,and enabled us to come to a conclusion.I would very much like to have the opportunity to study this ar
13、ea,among others concerning the interest rate and monetary policy,in greater depth.I am enthusiastic about the subject,and a highly motivated student,and I therefore think that I would be well suited to studying economics at university level.My hobbies mostly centre around music;I sing,play the piano
14、 to grade four standard,and have also composed music for keyboard-based instruments.I have found that the more knowledge of music,and its structures,that I have gained,the more insights into popular music I have acquired,and can then enjoy it on many more levels.I think that this holds true for many
15、 subjects:the more understanding you have of something,the more you can enjoy it.I also like to get involved in sports,such as swimming,in my spare time,as I find them a great way to unwind and have fun at the same time!In secondary school,I held a position of responsibility as a prefect.I also sang
16、 soprano in the school choir,which again helped me to hone my skills of teamwork and co-operation.Prior to beginning sixth form,I spent a summer working as a volunteer in a scheme run for children with disabilities,which was both a lot of fun and very rewarding.Although working with some of the chil
17、dren was demanding and required the ability to adjust and adapt quickly,I would definitely say that it was worth it and would love to do it again.In addition,I currently have a part-time job in a retail environment.Because of this,I believe that I am able to communicate and solve problems more effec
18、tively.I have also gained understanding of the worlds of business and commerce within the context of a large company.I have put serious consideration into my choice of course applications,and believe that I would be able to contribute both academically and socially to university life.Yours sincerely
19、,英国留学费用比较低的城市推荐 1、利物浦 利物浦是一个非常文学的城市。利物浦拥有一批高质量的文化,无论是在音乐、绘画、建筑等方面。,利物浦被选为欧洲文化之都,这也印证了利物浦文化之都的地位。利物浦大学每年的生活费用约为 6000-8000 英镑,包括食物、衣服、住房和交通。住宿:每周 75-135 间。代表院校:利物浦大学、利物浦约翰莫尔大学、利物浦希望大学等。2、贝尔法斯特 贝尔法斯特位于爱尔兰岛东北海岸的拉甘河口。它是北爱尔兰极大的海港,位于贝尔法斯特湾的西南部。贝尔法斯特的生活成本为每年 5500-7500 英镑,是英国的城市之一。代表院校:贝尔法斯特皇后大学、阿尔斯特大学。3、约克
20、约克是英国东北部的一座城市。它是北约克郡的首府,具有自治城市的地位。虽然约克是一个旅游业发达的城市,但其生活成本并不高。学费和生活费相对较低。约克的生活费是每年 6000-7000 英镑。代表院校:约克大学、约克圣约翰大学。4、北安普敦 北安普敦位于英格兰中部。虽然离伦敦和伯明翰不远,但北安普敦的生活水平远低于他们。在北安普顿大学学习每年大约要花费 6000-8000 英镑。这是一个舒适的城镇,非常方便。代表院校:北安普敦大学 5、林肯 林肯位于英格兰东部,是英格兰最美丽、最舒适的城市之一。雄伟的林肯大教堂(900 多年历史的林肯城象征)和古堡,有着多年的悠久历史和丰富的文化遗产,举世闻名。在
21、这个地区,有许多罗马和诺曼底时期的考古遗址。在林肯大学学习每年大约要花费 6000-8000 英镑。代表院校:英国林肯大学。英国留学选课注意事项 一、选课数量 英国的高等教育一年分为三个学期,每年需要修够 120 个学分,这样平均到每个学期,需要修够 40 个学分,而一般一门课程是 10 学分,少量课程是 20 学分。此外每个学年的论文和最后的毕业论文都是 40 学分,所以大家按照平均的水平,每年至少要选六门课,当然如果大家选的课的学分比较高,还可以适当减少课程的选择。这里大家还需要注意的是,毕业除了要满足学风的要求之外,还需要满足出勤率的要求,所以大家还需要保证自己的出勤,不要让这方面的内容
22、影响到自己的毕业。二、选课须知 1.时间安排 大家要考虑到自己的实习,因为一般不看最后一年会分出一个学期来专门进行实习,这个阶段是没有上课的时间的,大家在前面几年内,就应该将学分修够。医学、法律等专业,会比其他的专业需要多学习一年的时间,如果大家想要和其他专业一起毕业,那么也需要利用之前的空闲时间进行课程的学习,补足学分。2.课程功课 在进行课程的选择之前,大家需要先对课程的教学进行了解,学校的论坛和官方网站会给出比较全面的介绍,学长学姐也会传授经验,大家一定要谨慎选择。不同的课程进行考核的方式是不一样的,除了传统的提交论文和进行考试之外,还会有参加实验、进行社会调查等五花八门的方式,如果大家
23、不适应,要尽量避开。英国留学学校申请要求 一、爱丁堡大学 QS 世界大学排名 20 爱丁堡大学,是成立于 1583 年的公立研究型大学,同时也是英国第六古老的大学。位于苏格兰的首府 英国的历史文化名城爱丁堡市。在 18 世纪曾超越牛津、剑桥成为引领欧洲学术发展的第一大学。爱丁堡大学每年收到约四万七千份申请,荣获全英第三受欢迎的大学之称。申请要求:录取要求因专业而异,一般需要持有相关专业领域本科学士学位,GPA 至少 80+,双非学生 85+。雅思要求:文科/商科:总分(各单项不低于)医学院:总分(各单项不低于)部分理科专业:总分要求分(各单项不低于)二、曼彻斯特大学 2021QS 世界大学排名
24、 27 曼彻斯特大学,始建于 1824 年,是英国的单一校址大学!在校学生人数也是全英首位!是英国大学中世界排名的八大最学府之一,世界 50 强顶尖,历年世界排名为全球第 26 名,英国的六所“红砖大学”之首,罗素大学集团的创始成员之一。申请要求:录取要求因专业项目而异,一般是本科,雅思。三、伦敦国王学院 2021QS 世界大学排名 31 伦敦国王学院始建于 1829 年,坐落于英国伦敦,是伦敦大学的创校学院,世界顶尖的综合研究型大学,享有极高美誉。还是英国金三角,罗素集团成员,SES-5 成员。该学院由英国国王乔治四世创建,并授予皇家特许状,为历史最悠久的英国大学之一。申请要求:录取要求因专
25、业而异,一般要求本科 2:1 学位或同等学历。雅思要求:语言要求上分为三个等级(商科,法律,传媒等要求会比较高):等级一:雅思(各单项不低于)等级二:雅思(阅读和写作不低于,其它两项不低于)等级三:雅思(各单项不低于)四、华威大学 2021QS 世界大学排名 62 华威大学,创立于 1965 年,位处考文垂市和华威郡的交界处,距华威镇约 1h 车程。英国罗素大学集团成员,也是 M5 大学 联盟的成员之一。有着严苛的招生标准,高水准的学术研究和教学质量,校史虽短暂,但在欧洲乃至全球已建立起卓越的学术名望。华威大学也是在英国大学排名中,除牛津大学与剑桥大学外从未跌出过前十的综合大学。申请要求:因专
26、业项目而异。商学院要求会比较高。雅思要求:(分为 4 个等级,因专业项目而异)Band A:雅思(各单项不低于,且听说读写中任意两项不低于)Band B:雅思(各单项不低于,且听说读写中任意两项不低于)Band C:雅思(各单项不低于,且听说读写中任意两项不低于)Band D:8(各单项不低于,且听说读写中任意两项不低于)五、下面还有分专业来选学校 商科类优势院校 1、爱丁堡大学商学院:申请时要带着雅思申请,雅思要求 2、曼彻斯特大学商学院:申请时同样要带着雅思来申请,雅思要求 3、华威大学商学院:华威商学院国际知名,商学院申请国际生不能配语言,因此即使可以后补雅思,雅思也到达到合格的分数,同
27、时除了雅思外,还需要提交 GMAT 成绩,目标分数700+。4、巴斯大学商学院:录取难度系数很大,雅思要求 5、伦敦城市大学卡斯商学院:录取难度大于 G5,培养了很多国际知名投行的投资人,及培养了很多国际首脑 工科类优势院校 1、布里斯托大学:在国际上有“工程王国”之称 2、华威大学 WMG 工程学院 3、谢菲尔德大学:电子电气强电方向很厉害 4、南安普顿大学:电子电气弱电方向很厉害 5、考文垂大学:汽车工程专业全球知名,因此想学习汽车外形设计呀、发动机工程类的专业的学生们都喜欢这所学校 传媒类优势院校 1、威斯敏斯特大学:播音专业是他的大牛专业,培养了很多 BBC 电台知名主播 2、东英吉利
28、亚大学:著友“江疏影”艺术设计类优势院校 1、伦艺 2、皇艺 国外大学申请书格式范文 第 3 篇 To Whom It May Concern:I am very pleased to recom#mend Martha Holden for admission to your university program.As her guidance counselor for three years I have watched this young woman develop both academically and personally into a mature individual r
29、eady in every way for her college years.Martha is bright,energetic,com#passionate and genuinely well rounded.Her grades have been consistently above average in all of her courses,and she has actively participated in a diverse assortment of extracurricular activities ranging from track and field and
30、chorus to the school yearbook and our drama club.Martha has also spent considerable time outside the school involved in the com#munity.This has included work with Meals on Wheels and volunteering 10 hours a week at one of our areas shelters for battered and abused women.They think so much of her at
31、the shelter they have offered her a paid internship for next summer.Previously,this internship had never been awarded to anyone before the end of their college sophomore year.Despite all the preparations that will be required for going off to college next fall,Martha told me she is absolutely thrill
32、ed about this opportunity and feels it will enhance her university studies.Unlike many students who are not sure which field to pursue,Martha has made clear to us all that her goal is to do Social Work.To this end she has worked tirelessly in our pilot program for mentoring Special Education student
33、s mainstreamed into our school.In closing,let me take a moment to recount an incident which I believe speaks volumes about the superior nature of this candidate.Two years ago I was returning from lunch to my office when I saw ahead of me in the hallway 90 pound Martha,arms stretched out between two
34、180+pound students,one a Special Ed student and the other a school bully.Other students were standing by motionless or laughing while Martha showed the leadership and courage to immediately put an end to the embarrassing fight that had erupted.It is clear to me as I hope it is to you that this young
35、 woman,Martha Holden,is an exceptional candidate,one that would contribute greatly to any program.I wholeheartedly recom#mend her and wish her the very best in all future endeavors.Sincerely,Jean Atkins Senior Counselor Alexander Hamilton High School 国外大学申请书格式范文 第 4 篇 GMAT,全称 Graduate Management Adm
36、ission Test,是北美工商管理硕士 MBA 入学考试;美国、英国等国的高校,都采用 GMAT 考试的成绩来评估申请入学者是否适合于在商业、经济和管理等专业的研究生阶段学习,以决定是否录取。由于 GMAT 试题设计较为科学合理,可以较真实地反映应试人的英文水平,因而越来越多地被采纳,成为录取经济、商业、财政、金融、管理和其他一些专业研究生的一项最基本标准,并作为评定奖学金的重要条件。新东方在线资深北美留学专家费允杰、周容告诉记者,目前,在全世界约有 750 多所研究生院要求申请者提供 GMAT 成绩。总体来讲,优秀的商学院多数都需要申请人提供 GMAT 成绩,尤其是美国商学院,多数都需要
37、申请人提供 GMAT 成绩。欧洲、澳洲、亚洲的很多商学院对 GMAT成绩都没有明确要求,但若申请人能够提供较好的 GMAT 成绩,将大大增强申请人的竞争力;而最好的欧洲、澳洲、亚洲的商学院也需要申请人提供 GMAT 成绩,但要求相对于美国顶尖学校要低一些。对于考生来说,需要根据各地区不同院校、不同专业的具体要求,来进行有针对性的考试准备。美国、加拿大:申请文书和面试非常重要 通常来说,申请美国、加拿大的院校,只有商学院的下属专业需要学生提交 GMAT 成绩,比如 MBA、会计、金融、人力资源管理、管理信息系统、市场营销等。嘉华世达美国部总监王敬告诉记者,就美国来说,申请排名前 20 的学校,成
38、绩最好达到 700 分以上。申请排名前 50 的大学,学生最好达到 GMAT650分。加拿大排名靠前的大学需要达到 GMAT650 分以上。不同学校对申请者的要求非常不一样,其中包括英语水平、工作背景等硬性条件以及对申请者领导力、管理能力、沟通能力等软性条件。申请商学院的时候,除了 GMAT 之外,托福成绩是必不可少的,还有很多专业要求相应的工作经历,突出的工作经历会对申请很有帮助。王敬提醒申请者,除了托福、GMAT成绩、大学 GPA 和工作经验外,申请文书是非常重要的一环,因此要特别慎重对待。其他各方面只是对某一方面的反映,申请文书则能体现出学生的综合能力,也是和录取委员会沟通的一个很重要的
39、方式,文书对录取委员会的决定有很大影响。在情况允许的情况下,学生应尽早准备申请文书的题目。此外,面试也是很重要的一个环节,尤其对于想申请名校的学生,面试将直接影响着是否能拿到 MBA 的入场券。面试通常分为学校直接面试和校友面试。MBA 面试的目的是了解申请者的具体情况,所以说它并不存在什么标准与答案。对于面试建议申请人一定要提前准备,要多搜集面试方面的信息,而且要根据自己的实际情况来准备这些问题。申请人要意识到面试是一个“了解”的过程,因此在准备上要有针对性。诸如勤奋、有上进心这类的回答吸引不了面试官,而创造力、团队协作、沟通与管理等更有实际意义,在问答时注意技巧,关于国外入学申请书 国外大
40、学申请书格式范文 第 5 篇 James Houghton Street London WC2A 2AE Tel:+44(0)20 Fax:+44(0)20 Email:London,29-07-Recommendation letter for Lee Dear Sir or Madam,It is my pleasure to recommend Miss Lee who is one of my favorite students for her application to postgraduate studies in your university.I am James Spenc
41、er Abbey,the statistics lecturer in the London School of Economics and Political Science.I got to know Miss Lee personally when she was taking the courseElementary Statistical Theory,having served as her class teacher and lecturer.As I observe,she showed great attitude in her English.She scored poin
42、ts in her IELTS examination which shows that she has superb written and verbal skills and I feel proud of her.As we know even tutors incoming high school freshmen who are struggling with their English courses.She deserved the scores.In-,Miss Lee has been achieved A-level certificate at Bellerbys Col
43、lege;she learnt professional courses,such as:Accounting,Core Math,Economics,and Business.Furthermore,she got 3 As and a B in four subjects.After graduation,she was not satisfied with her present achievement and she started to study BSC Accounting&Finance at our LSE University.She performed activity
44、in class and assisted me to do research,and all the work handed to her completed satisfactorily.Through five years business study,she already found a solid academic foundation,which helps her further postgraduate study well.Apart from course work,Lee also possesses outstanding leaderLeep and extensi
45、ve practical work experience.She performed Charity Team Leader of Chinese Scholars and Students Association at LES in 2008-.She worked conscientiously and responsibly,and involved in taking lead in specific events,for instance,annual volunteering teaching programme in Sichuan and Tibet,photo exhibit
46、ions,Charity Run in London,Charity Concert,and weekly fundraising events.One thing should be pointed out is that she successfully raised 1388 fund for the Overseas Chinese Students Children.In the event,she leading her peers to contact with many enterprises outside the university,gets support for sc
47、hools activities and Chinese embassy,so that she established well corporation relationship with Chinese embassy,sponsors and charity teams in universities across the UK.How brilliant she is.It is not everyone can do.She also worked as operator and analyst at Shanghai Launch during summer holiday in
48、2008;furthermore,she became a guider at Grant Thornton International Hong Kong Member Firm in 2009.All these work experience shows that she owes analytical skills,interpersonal skills and ability to work under stress.Meanwhile,she is very cheerful,optimistic and independent.I really consider myself
49、very fortunate to have such a capable student.I am certain her diligence,coupling with a good competence and pleasant personality,will assure her of academic achievements in her future academic pursuits.I strongly recommend her admission without any hesitation.If you need any further information,ple
50、ase feel free to contact me.King regards,James The lecturer of LSE 国外大学申请书格式范文 第 6 篇 Dear Sir or Madam:I am writing to apply for a place in the MA program in Economics of your university for the 20 xx-20 xx academic year.I am presently a fourth-year student at the Department of Economics,Beijing Uni