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希尔顿空调通风设计要求HVAC Guidelines.pdf

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1、 HILTON INTERNATIONAL Technical Services Asia Pacific HVAC Design Criteria Pg 1 of 1 01/06/05 3:36 PM Hilton International Technical Services Middle East & Asia Pacific HVAC DESIGN CRITERIA Summary of Planning Guide for Hotels HEATING - 21 Degree C (70 Degree F) minimum 30% RH at full design occupan

2、cy COOLING - 23 Degree C (73 Degree F) maximum 50% RH at full design occupancy Coefficient of Performance : 0.9 KW / USRT (minimum) for complete system (includes chillers, condensers, pumps, PAHUs, AHUs, FCUs etc). VENTILATION .1 Public Areas, * Minimum fresh air of 3.6m3/hour/m2 or Offices & B.O.H.

3、 or (0.2cfm/ft2). .2 Retail Spaces, * Minimum fresh air of 5.4m3/hour/m2 or Snack Bars & Pantries (0.3cfm/ft2). .3 Restaurants & * Minimum fresh air of 7.2m3/hour/m2 or Function Rooms (0.4cfm/ft2). .4 Bars, Ballroom & * Minimum fresh air of 9.0m3/hour/m2 or Ballroom Lobby (0.5cfm/ft2). .5 Guest Room

4、s * 120m3/hour (70cfm) of conditioned primary outside air. Exhaust 102m3/hour (60cfm) through bathroom. .6 Guest Room Corridors * 2 air changes per hour. .7 Public Toilet & * 12 air changes per hour. Checkrooms COMPUTER ROOM Heating * 21 Degree C (70 Degree F) minimum, 30% RH at full design occupanc

5、y. Cooling * 22 Degree C (72 Degree F) maximum, 50% RH at full design occupancy. Ventilation * Minimum fresh air of 1.8m3/hour/m2 or (0.1cfm/ft2). HILTON INTERNATIONAL Technical Services Asia Pacific HVAC Design Criteria Pg 2 of 2 01/06/05 3:36 PM KITCHENS Heating * 20 Degree C (68 Degree F) minimum

6、. Cooling * 29 Degree C (84 Degree F) maximum, Mechanically cooled, if this cannot be maintained by ventilation. Sections to be cooled to 26 degree C (79 Degree F): - Room Service - Chefs Office - Pastry Shop - Stewards Office - Stewards Storage Sections to be cooled to 23 Degree C (73 Degree F): -

7、Butcher Shop - Fish Preparation Area - Cold Kitchen & Chocolate Room Ventilation * 20 air changes per hour kitchen 15 air changes per hour butcher shop 30 air changes per hour pastry shop SERVICE CORRIDORS Heating * 20 Degree C (68 Degree F) minimum. Ventilation * 10 air changes per hour. PANTRIES H

8、eating * 21 Degree C (70 Degree F) minimum 30% RH at full design occupancy. Cooling * 29 Degree C (84 Degree F) maximum, mechanically cooled, if this cannot be maintained by ventilation. Ventilation * Minimum fresh air of 5.4m3/hour/m2 or (0.3cfm/ft2). GUEST ROOM FLOOR SERVICE CORE Heating * 20 Degr

9、ee C (68 Degree F) minimum 30% RH at full design occupancy. Cooling * 26 Degree C (79 Degree F) maximum 60% RH at full design occupancy. Ventilation * 6 air changes per hour. HILTON INTERNATIONAL Technical Services Asia Pacific HVAC Design Criteria Pg 3 of 3 01/06/05 3:36 PM F&B AND GENERAL STOREROO

10、MS Heating * 20 Degree c (68 Degree F) minimum. Cooling * By increased ventilation or air transfer from adjacent conditioned spaces. Air transfer 27 Degree C (81 Degree F) maximum, mechanically cooling, if this cannot be maintained by other means. Wine storage area 22 Degree C (72 Degree F) maximum.

11、 Ventilation * 6 air changes per hour. LAUNDRY AND VALET Heating * 20 Degree C (68 degree F) minimum. Cooling * 29 Degree C (84 Degree F) maximum, mechanically cooled, if this cannot be maintained by air transfer or ventilation. Spot cooling of occupied locations is desirable. Ventilation * 15 to 60

12、 air changes per hour of total exhaust air, according to the area. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM Heating * 21 Degree C (70 Degree F) minimum. Cooling * 26 Degree C (79 Degree F) maximum, mechanically cooled, if this cannot be maintained by air transfer or ventilation. Spot cooling of occupied locations is desir

13、able. Ventilation * 10 air changes per hour minimum of total air, if A/C is not used. TEAM SHOWERS, TOILETS AND LOCKER ROOMS Heating * 21 Degree C (70 Degree F) minimum. Cooling * 25 Degree C (77 Degree F) maximum, mechanically cooled, if this cannot be maintained by air transfer or ventilation. Ven

14、tilation * 12 air changes per hour. HILTON INTERNATIONAL Technical Services Asia Pacific HVAC Design Criteria Pg 4 of 4 01/06/05 3:36 PM TEAM DINING ROOM Heating * 21 Degree C (70 Degree F) minimum. Cooling * 25 degree C (78 Degree F) maximum. Ventilation * Minimum fresh air of 5.4m3/hour/m2 or (0.3

15、cfm/ft2). Kitchen hood exhaust, if cooking equipment is installed in the room. TEAM LOUNGE AND RELAXATION Heating * 21 Degree C (70 Degree F) minimum. Cooling * 23 Degree C (73 Degree F) maximum. Ventilation * Minimum fresh air of 3.6m3/hour/m2 or (0.2cfm/ft2). MAINTENANCE WORKSHOPS Heating * 20 Deg

16、ree C (68 Degree F) minimum. Cooling * 29 Degree C (84 Degree F) maximum, mechanically cooled, if this cannot be maintained by air transfer or ventilation. ENGINEERING, FURNITURE & LUGGAGE STOREOOMS Heating * 20 Degree C (68 Degree F) minimum. Cooling * By increased ventilation or air transfer from

17、adjacent conditioned spaces. 29 Degree C (84 Degree F) maximum, mechanically cooled, if this cannot be maintained by other means. 27 Degree C (80 Degree F) for furniture storerooms. Ventilation * 6 air changes per hour. TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT ROOM Heating * 20 Degree c (68 Degree F) minimum. Cooling *

18、27 Degree C (81 degree F) maximum 50% RH at full design occupancy. HILTON INTERNATIONAL Technical Services Asia Pacific HVAC Design Criteria Pg 5 of 5 01/06/05 3:36 PM Ventilation * 10 15 air changes per hour of total air if not A/C. Minimum fresh air of 5.4m3/hour/m2 or (0.3cfm/ft2). PRINT SHOP Hea

19、ting * 21 Degree C (70 Degree F) minimum 30% RH at full design occupancy. Cooling * 26 Degree C (79 Degree F) maximum 50% RH at full design occupancy. Ventilation * 20 air changes per hour. Mechanical exhaust from dark room area. PROJECTION AND TRANSLATION BOOTHS Heating * 20 Degree C (68 Degree F)

20、minimum 30% RH at full design occupancy. Cooling * 26 Degree C (79 Degree F) maximum 50% RH at full design occupancy. Ventilation * 15 30 air changes per hour. M&E PLANT AND EQUIPMENT ROOMS Heating * 20 Degree C (68 Degree F) minimum. Ventilation * 15 20 air changes per hour. Cooling * By exhaust ai

21、r from A/C spaces if available. HEALTH CLUB AND SPA Heating * 24 Degree C to 27 Degree C (75 Degree F to 81 Degree F). 60% RH. Sauna up to 90 Degree C (194 Degree F), with 10% to 20% RH. Steam room 50 Degree C (122 Degree F) saturated. Cooling * 26 Degree C (79 Degree F) maximum 60% RH, except sauna

22、 and steam room. HILTON INTERNATIONAL Technical Services Asia Pacific HVAC Design Criteria Pg 6 of 6 01/06/05 3:36 PM Ventilation * Minimum fresh air of 5.4m3/hour/m2 or (0.3cfm/ft2). CHANGING ROOMS Heating * 21 Degree C (70 Degree F) minimum 30% RH at full design occupancy. Cooling * 25 Degree C (7

23、7 Degree F) maximum Ventilation * Minimum fresh air of 3.6m3/hour/m2 or (0.2cfm/ft2). SWIMMING POOL (WHEN ENCLOSED) Heating * 24 Degree C (75 Degree F) minimum 60% RH at full design occupancy. Cooling * 30 degree C (86 Degree F) maximum 60% RH at full design occupancy. Ventilation * Variable with potential for 100% fresh air.

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