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希尔顿会议设计要求Hilton Meetings Design.pdf

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1、Design Standards and Specifications Middle East if only the low-voltage component is switched a distinctive accent lighting is achieved. QT12 IP23 170 157 180 16 Light Fittings by ERCO 22465.060 Item : Lightcast Low Voltage Downlight. Size 5, 40 Degree. 222417.060 Item : Lightcast Low Voltage Downli

2、ght. Size 4, 40 Degree. 22453.060 Item : Lightcast Low Voltage Downlight. Size 5, 40 Degree. 18025.060 Item : Avalon Direct / Indirect Luminaire Light Fittings by ERCO IP23 QR111 1 432000.14 2 108000.28 3 48000.42 4 27000.56 5 17280.70 h (m) E (lx)D (m) 8 1 25200.83 2 6301.66 3 2802.49 4 1583.31 5 1

3、014.14 h (m) E (lx)D (m) 45 30 6060 50000 cd 30 195 170 157 IP23 140 140 125 QT12 30 6060 750 cd/klm 30 h (m) 1 6301.15 2 158 2.31 3 703.46 4 394.62 5 25 5.77 60 E (lx/klm)D (m) nLB: 0.62 DIN: A70 UTE: .62A+.00T NBN: BZ1 CIBSE TM5: BZ1 LG3:Cat.2 CIE: 90/100/100 100/62 IP23 QT12 157 170 157 30 6060 7

4、50 cd/klm 30 h (m) 1 6301.15 2 158 2.31 3 703.46 4 394.62 5 25 5.77 60 E (lx/klm)D (m) nLB: 0.62 DIN: A70 UTE: .62A+.00T NBN: BZ1 CIBSE TM5: BZ1 LG3:Cat.2 CIE: 90/100/100 100/62 91 223 17 Underfloor Ducting Operable Folding Door 7300 Built-in wardrobe with a supply of high quality coat hangers Glass

5、-frosted refrigerator Reserved spy-hole in all entrance Large wastepaper bin (20 litres in capacity) Hanging rail system that can hold white board, flip chart, flip chart paper Concealable ceiling-mouted projection screen; minimum size 180 x180cm Polished wooden topped Low back swivel, or foldable/s

6、tackable chairs Blackout curtains/blinds for effective use of TV, OHP, data projection, etc. Built-in or free standing credenza/sideboard (service area) Electronic signage outside the room including occupied/vacant description 7000 Determine floor box location and than fasten with bolts and nuts Cle

7、an the base box before laying of cable Mount trap cover Finished floor with Carpet Standard Meeting Room Layout Standard Business Center 18 Standard Boardroom Layout Motorised, ceiling mouted concealable projection screen; minimum size 180 x180cm Contemporary fixed Boardroom table Hanging rail that

8、can hold white board, flip chart, flip chart paper High back 8 hour chair Blackout curtains/blinds for effective use of TV, OHP, data projection, etc. Large wastepaper bin (20 litres in capacity) Built-in or free standing credenza/sideboard (service area) Electronic signage outside the room includin

9、g occupied/ vacant description 11000 7300 Built-in wardrobe with a supply of high quality coat hangers Built-in or free standing credensa/sideboard (service area) Reserved spy-hole in all entrance Glass front refrigerator Refer to details to Reception Counter for Business Center Reception Printers S

10、ystem Furniture System furniture by Vanguard 19 Standard Reflected Ceiling Plan for Meeting Room Standard Reflected Ceiling Plan for Boardroom 1400140014001400 EQUALEQUAL 1400140014001400500 EQUALEQUAL 1 2 Operable Folding Door Return air linear defuser Supply air linear defuser 18001800180018001800

11、10001000 15001500150010001100 22431.060 Directional 88226.060 Downlight Supply air linear defuser Return air linear defuser 22461.060 Wall Washer 22417.060 Downlight 22453.060 Downlight 22465.060 Downlight with 45 Lamp 22465.060 Downlight with 8 Lamp 22224.060 Downlight 18025 Direct/Indirect Luminai

12、re Access Opening for Concealed Overhead LCD Projector LEGEND 20 Exterior View of Meeting Room Elevation 2 Elevation 1 Exterior View of Meeting Room Hilton Meetings 1800 1400 1500 2400 Electronic signage outside the room including occupied/ vacant description Electronic door lock (card access) Rever

13、sed spy-hole in all entrance doors False ceiling False ceiling Built-in wardrobe with a supply of high quality coat hangers adjustable shelf adjustable shelfmini fridge prefered ceiling height adjustable shelf safe phone point/ power point 18001000 1485 2400 75 520300 75 3500 720100 21 Brand NameMod

14、elDescriptionUS$QuantityTotal ERCOLighting$4,574.001$4,574.00 BrintonsCarpet$60.0055 m2$3,300.00 BurgessSYS10Table$267.92 9$2,411.28 BurgessSYSF150Modesty Panel$92.36 9$831.24 VitraFigura IIMid-back Chairs$730.00 9$6,570.00 ElsafeS70Floor Model Safe$211.18 1$211.18 indel BK 60 ENTMini Bar$291.00 1$2

15、91.00 $18,188.70 Other recommended brand for Meeting room chairs: HaworthX-9991foldable/stackable$209.00 9$1,881.00 Note: Manufactures shown are for design guidance only. Other comparable manufactures should be considered. Estimate Cost per Meeting Room Estimate Cost per Boardroom Brand NameModelDes

16、criptionUS$ QuantityTotal Custom made table$5,000.00 1$5,000.00 BrintonsCarpet$60.00 85 m2$5,100.00 ERCOLighting$6,000.00 1$6,000.00 VitraFigura IIHigh Back Chair$905.00 18$16,290.00 ElsafeS70Floor Model Safe$211.18 1$211.18 indel BK 60 ENTMini Bar$291.00 1$291.00 $32,892.18 Other recommended brand

17、for Boardroom chairs: HaworthX9923High Back$750.00 18$13,500.00 Note: Manufactures shown are for design guidance only. Other comparable manufactures should be considered. Estimate Cost Business Centre 22 Brand NameModelDescriptionUS$ QuantityTotal Custom made table$4,000.00 1$4,000.00 BrintonsCarpet

18、$60.00 55 m2$3,300.00 ERCOLighting$5,000.00 1$5,000.00 VitraFigura IIHigh Back Chair$905.00 14$12,670.00 ElsafeS70Floor Model Safe$211.18 1$211.18 indel BK 60 ENTMini Bar$291.00 1$291.00 $25,472.18 Other recommended brand for Boardroom chairs: HaworthX9923High Back$750.00 18$13,500.00 Note: Manufact

19、ures shown are for design guidance only. Other comparable manufactures should be considered. Estimate Cost per Boardroom 1 Brand NameModelDescriptionUS$ QuantityTotal Custom reception table$5,000.00 1$5,000.00 BrintonsCarpet$60.00 85 m2$5,100.00 ERCOLighting$5,000.00 1$5,000.00 VanguardSystem furnit

20、ure$1,100.00 4$4,400.00 $19,500.00 Note: Manufactures shown are for design guidance only. Other comparable manufactures should be considered. 23 Brand NameModelDescriptionUS$ QuantityTotal Custom made stand up table$5,000.00 1$5,000.00 BrintonsCarpet$60.00 450 m2$27,000.00 ERCOLighting$15,000.00 1$1

21、5,000.00 HaworthSMEDSofa chairs$2,177.00 16$34,832.00 $81,832.00 Note: Manufactures shown are for design guidance only. Other comparable manufactures should be considered. Estimate Cost Breakout Area Total Estimate Cost RoomsUS$QuantityTotal Meeting room$22,000.00 6$132,000.00 Boardroom $36,700.00 1$36,700.00 Boardroom 1$29,300.00 1$29,300.00 Business Centre$19,500.00 1$19,500.00 Breakout Area$81,900.00 1$81,900.00 Janus Displays$30,000.00 $30,000.00 $329,400.00

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