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1、关爱他人初三英语作文范文(实用 15 篇)关爱他人初三英语作文范文 第 1 篇 Not long ago,a deputy to the Peoples Congress put forward an idea that anyone who abandoned pets should be condemned.A lot of people clap for her suggestion,because they take pets as one of the family members,but for some cold people,they dont give concern and

2、 love to the animals,and they kill or abandon animals at their wills,which causes the publics anger.Animals have their lives and should be respected.They and human beings are part of nature.We live and die together,so it is our duty to protect animals.We need to create a harmonious society.不久前,一名*提出

3、了一个建议,抛弃宠物应该受到谴责。很多人都为她的建议鼓掌,因为他们把宠物当作是家庭成员的一部分,但对于一些无情的人来说,他们不关爱动物,随意杀死或抛弃动物,这引起了公众的愤怒。动物有自己的生命,应该得到尊重,他们和人类都是自然界的一部分,与我们共存亡,所以保护动物是我们的职责。我们需要创造一个和谐的社会。关爱他人初三英语作文范文 第 2 篇 Taking care of the disabled people Disabled people are normal people,except that they can not see as much as we can,or they can

4、not walk as fast as we they need to our help.We should not look down upon can immediately do a long list of ways in which we can help them,for instance,Each student finds some one to help,when they go out,we can help them to cross the road.Y ou can help pushing their wheel up kind of organization.Co

5、llect some money.Use this money to help them,to buy them daily necessities,to help their children finish school.We can make friends with the disabled by visiting them,by calling them,by emailing them,by whatever means.As they are disabled,they feel lonely.They think they are not as good as normal pe

6、ople.They easily become lonely,sad,disappointed.They easily lose hope of life.They need help more in spiritual things.They need people to chat with.They need people to encourage them to continue their lives.They need people to get rid of prejudices over them.So,help the disabled while you treat them

7、 like normal people.And they are normal people!残疾人我们是常见的,有的因为患病而残疾了,有的因为发生事故而残疾,正是因为这样,有些人们瞧不起残疾人,认为他们简直就是废物,这让残疾人感到很伤心,甚至有不想活的念头。但是有些残疾人却不同,他们虽然残疾了,但是他们还是努力,坚持不懈地学*。我们大家要行动起来,关爱残疾人,多多帮助残疾人,帮助了别人,自己心里才快乐。在生活中,你对残疾人付出一小步,在他内心却建立起的却是很大的一种信念。关爱残疾人,他们时时刻刻都需要我们。关爱他人初三英语作文范文 第 3 篇 Recently,with the increa

8、sing busy life of our contemporaries,the loneness of the old ones has been existent as a widespread socail phenomena,which is really worth a plenty of social attention.There are a couple of principal factors for this issue.Most importantly,It is because the young are so engaged with their work and s

9、tudy that it is difficult for them to find time visiting their old generations.Furthermore,the unemployment of old people is another influential ground for their loneness since they may have too much free time and dont know what to do.Since the old generations have made great contribution to the soc

10、iety,So,they should be respected,accepted and cared.As for me,they are at leats two ways to resolve this problem.First,the old ones can raise pets like dogs or cats to have a accompany,also,they can have a walk in the park,last,the young should care them and find time together with them as possible.

11、关爱他人初三英语作文范文 第 4 篇 During the SARS period in this spring,the year of 2003,one of my classmates,Li ming,was struck down by the virus and was immediately sent to hospital.The news spread quickly on campus.At first,we were terrified and wondered if we were infected too.However,through our governments p

12、ublicity on mass media,we gradually conquered the fear and set out to try out best to help her.Some teachers provided darly necessities while some students recorded the English class contents for him so that Li ming could not be left behind.With our care and concern,Li ming recovered quickly.Such an

13、 incident teaches us a good moral.Our society is full of love,warm and peaceful,in which people-from man to woman,from individual to individual-lend others a hand.Just like a famous song goes,_the world will turn it to heaven only if everyone contributes a little._ and I do believe that its my great

14、 honor to live in this love-filled paradise!关爱他人初三英语作文范文 第 5 篇 在生活中,有许许多多关爱及爱我的人,对我的照顾十分的有加,我在这些亲人们的呵护下茁壮成长,让我感到没有一丝的不安这些人有:爸爸、妈妈、奶奶他们对我的爱真是无微不至,但要说最关爱我的人,那就得非奶奶莫属!我的奶奶六十几岁,个子不高,瘦瘦的身材,是一位精神饱满、没有文化、勤劳朴实又和蔼可亲的老太太,没有什么特别之处。她几乎每天都在家里忙碌家务,身上总穿着灰色或黑色的衣服,满是皱纹的脸上经常露出灿烂笑容。每当我犯错误的时候,被爸爸妈妈责骂的时候,奶奶总会站在我这边保护我、安慰

15、我但是,该严格的时候,奶奶绝不会放任我“为非作歹”,她会竖起她那粗糙的手掌教训我,但我一点也不会责怪奶奶,一点也不会恨她。我知道,奶奶是在为我好;我也知道,奶奶会打我是因为她爱我,里面包含着对我浓浓的爱 奶奶不仅在生活中对我处处照顾,在我的学*上也是十分的关爱啊!有一次数学单元考试考砸了,老师要我们把试卷带回家给家长“过目”,当时我的心里就不由的“冷”了一下。我拿着这满是红叉叉的试卷,犹豫了再三,就像有一只小兔子在心里跳来跳去。当时的心情不知用什么来形容,焦急万分啊!正当我无可奈何之下,脑子里突然闪过一个想法:冒充妈妈签名。我拿起笔,正想写的那一刻间,奶奶看见了,便向我走来,我心想:完了,死翘

16、翘了!谁知奶奶并没有责骂我,而是在那静静的给我讲道理我听了后,似懂非懂的点了点头我拿起试卷,来到爸爸面前,尽管被骂了一场,但是我十分开心,因为我知道了做人不可以猥琐、不可以做小人 奶奶是多么伟大啊!她对我真诚大爱,让我永生难忘!奶奶给我的爱,是无穷的!她的爱就像水一样毫无杂色,一样*凡又不可缺少呀!关爱他人初三英语作文范文 第 6 篇 In the world has more than 60 hundred million populations.In the middle of this has us to know that has us not to know.Then human a

17、nd between the human needs to be assorted maintains?Shows loving concern mutually.I gave everybody saying that first two sections occurred,in my side and occurred on my bodys story:A fathers mother goes to the store,walks a young woman shoves open after her when the heavy front door she has gone in

18、only then lets loose the hand.Fathers mother when expresses gratitude to her,that woman to the fathers mother said:“my mother is also similar with yours age,I only am hoped she experiences this kind of matter the time,also some people open the door for her.”Remembered that one year I have fallen ill

19、,mother accompanies on me the hospital,the human are many,I have a fever,mother has been impatient,said loudly how you are do,does not see a doctor?A nurse walks saw mother anxious appearance,saw my pain the expression,smiled was saying,everybody looked could let this child look first,the crowded pe

20、ople gave us to let a road all of a sudden.Cared mutually the loving care is important.We should help any to need us soulful the person.Between the human and the human only then has filled thick showing loving concern,only will then have more people to be willing to share hardships with you;Only wil

21、l then have more people to be willing to be you the friend;You will only then enjoy many to from other peoples love.The love,is the society warmest character,in you are shown loving concern by others and shows loving concern others time,feels the life is the warm atmosphere.关爱他人初三英语作文范文 第 7 篇 关爱,无处不

22、在。就在上一节体育课,烈日当头,小虫的鸣叫声与太阳的炙烤,搞得人心烦意乱,再加上听闻要跑“800 米”这个“噩耗”,更是令人坐立不安。我们开始紧张地分起组来,我和杨舒晴(叔叔)等人一组。“预备开始!”叶老师一声令下,我们就冲了出去。前两圈,我就用尽了全身力气,导致后来跑跑停停,再也跑不动了。当看到阿孙替我加油打气后,我又重新振作了起来,超越了前面的人。还有一圈。此时,我的脚像拖着十几个铅球一般,喉咙火烧火燎般疼。后面的黄柯柯说:“呆呆,我们要加油!”我点了点头,渐渐加快了速度。最后五十米,终点就在眼前!在一旁聊天的陈李亦芃也停止了聊天,为我加油。我一股脑儿地向前冲,风,在我耳边呼呼作响。终于到

23、了!我和叔叔无力地走向大树旁,我的气管仿佛被一把无形的刀割开了,喉咙又干又燥,直想吐!叔叔也不管自己有多累,跑来照顾我,问我舒不舒服,要不要去树荫下坐着,需不需要让她帮我捶捶背可我竟然竟然一把推开了她!可她并没有抱怨什么,依然走来把我扶起,走到篮球架旁阴凉的地方。她自己也难受呀!却还来关心我,我的心里暖暖的,一阵清风拂过,吹拂起了叔叔的发丝,*时粗心大意、跌跌撞撞的叔叔,现在看来,竟是那么可爱!也许,这,就是关爱的力量吧!关爱他人初三英语作文范文 第 8 篇 关爱别人,快乐自己 关爱,就是人与人之间的相互关心和爱护,它在我们身边无处不在。生活中也少不了关爱,别人寄予我们关爱,那我们更应该去关心


25、,走得较慢,不一会儿我便超过了她。正当我继续往前走的时候,突然听到身后“扑通”一声。我急忙转过身一看,原来是老奶奶滑到了,重重地摔在了地上。只见老奶奶两手支撑着坐在地上,脸上显出痛苦的表情。我赶紧走过去把她扶起来,询问她摔疼没有,并且帮她把散落在地的水果一个个捡了起来。她非常感激地说:“孩子,谢谢你!”“不用谢。”我笑着说,“以后走路可得小心点儿。”我边说边拉着老奶奶的手,并且搀扶着她走了一段路。分手时,老奶奶不停地朝我挥手,笑着重复一些感激的话,我的心里盛满了幸福和快乐。我们每个人都要学会关爱,因为关爱别人才能快乐自己。关爱他人初三英语作文范文 第 9 篇 我关心过许多人,但真正令我感动的是


27、乐地畅游着。虽然不豪华但绝不*凡,因为他们在谱写着自己生命的乐章。从这个故事中,让我明白了关心爱护他人是人与人之间最好相处的方式。俗话说的好,一颗仁爱的心比智慧好,更有力量。关爱他人初三英语作文范文 第 10 篇 Taking care of the disabled people Disabled people are normal people,except that they can not see as much as we can,or they can not walk as fast as we they need to our help.We should not look d

28、own upon can immediately do a long list of ways in which we can help them,for instance,Each student finds some one to help,when they go out,we can help them to cross the road.Y ou can help pushing their wheel up kind of organization.Collect some money.Use this money to help them,to buy them daily ne

29、cessities,to help their children finish school.We can make friends with the disabled by visiting them,by calling them,by emailing them,by whatever means.As they are disabled,they feel lonely.They think they are not as good as normal people.They easily become lonely,sad,disappointed.They easily lose

30、hope of life.They need help more in spiritual things.They need people to chat with.They need people to encourage them to continue their lives.They need people to get rid of prejudices over them.So,help the disabled while you treat them like normal people.And they are normal people!残疾人我们是常见的,有的因为患病而残

31、疾了,有的因为发生事故而残疾,正是因为这样,有些人们瞧不起残疾人,认为他们简直就是废物,这让残疾人感到很伤心,甚至有不想活的念头。但是有些残疾人却不同,他们虽然残疾了,但是他们还是努力,坚持不懈地学习。我们大家要行动起来,关爱残疾人,多多帮助残疾人,帮助了别人,自己心里才快乐。在生活中,你对残疾人付出一小步,在他内心却建立起的却是很大的一种信念。关爱残疾人,他们时时刻刻都需要我们。关爱他人初三英语作文范文 第 11 篇 In the past,there was a man,Lei Feng,who always helped others to do some difficult thing

32、s.I think he was a hero.Now,people dont help others.When an old lady falls down,no one helps her.Why do people do this because someone thinks that this person helped the old lady,because he or she made the old lady fall down.Sometimes the relatives of the old lady would help the old lady The old lad

33、y will tell them that he or she is not her degenerate,but the old lady is always hurt.She cant tell others that no one wants to do that,but we need to pay more attention to others.Otherwise,when we want to do something difficult,no one will help us and let us care more about others.中文翻译:在过去,有一个人,他是雷

34、锋,他总是帮助别人做一些困难的事情,我认为他是一个英雄现在,人们不帮助别人当一个老太太摔倒了,没有人帮助她为什么人们这样做是因为有人认为这个人帮助了老太太,因为他或她让老太太跌倒了,老太太的亲戚有时会向帮助老太太的人要些钱,老太太会告诉他们他或她不是在让她堕落,但老太太总是受到伤害,她不能告诉别人没有人想那样做,但我们需要更多的关心别人,否则当我们要做一些困难的事情时,没有人会帮助我们让我们更加关心别人。关爱他人初三英语作文范文 第 12 篇 At that time,I was on the first grade,do not understand love small animals.T

35、hat day my mother bought me two little ducks.I am very happy to put two little ducks in the box,listen to their calls,my mood is very good.The next day,I want my classmates to my house to see my duck,I call the students,let him come.He looked at the duck,but also feel very fun.We put a little duck o

36、n the ground,it walked a few steps to fall,it caught up,and fell,we laughed.We have enough,put the little duck thrown into the box,to play the toy.Afternoon,my father and I went to see the little ducks,saw a duck belly up,wings and feet in the jitter,it sounds great,as if crying.Daddy helped the lit

37、tle ducks and the little ducks fell again.I suddenly remembered that I threw the little duck into the box.I am a murderer!I cried.The little duck is finally dead,I am very sad.Since then,I have begun to love small animals.关爱他人初三英语作文范文 第 13 篇 The World Expo will be held in Shanghai.As a student,the m

38、ost important thing for Shanghainese is to know how to care for others.When we are on the bus,we should smile to everyone and help those in need.When we see an old man without a seat,we should stand up and give up our seat to him.We should help the blind cross the road safely and take care of others

39、.Although it is very small,it is very important If everyone knows how to take care of others,the world will become more brilliant.Taking care of others has different views on their relationship.In my opinion,we should pay more attention to others and establish a harmonious relationship.More care for

40、 others to bring love to the world.In Sichuan,there was a serious earthquake,tens of thousands of people became victims,and at that moment,they were homeless.The people of the whole country immediately took action.The peoples Liberation Army rescued the wounded and wounded.Batch after batch of volun

41、teers went to the disaster area for disaster relief.The party and the government tried their best to help the people in the disaster area to tide over the difficulties On the other hand,we cant pay more attention to others in order to get a return.When others need help,he should give them help at al

42、l costs.However,to achieve this,we need a moral soul.It is not easy to achieve such a highest level,but we should try our best to be selfless,express our love to others,and make it a selfless person.The world is warm,warm and selfless.中文翻译:世博会将在上海举行,作为一个学生,上海人最重要的是懂得如何关心他人,当我们在公交车上时,我们应该对每个人微笑,帮助有困难


44、时,他应该不顾一切地给予他们帮助。然而,要做到这一点,需要一个道德的灵魂,要达到这样的最高境界并不容易,但我们应该尽可能做到无私,向他人表达我们的爱,并使之成为一个无私的人世界温暖温暖无私。关爱他人初三英语作文范文 第 14 篇 人作为生命的存在生活于大千世界之中,它周围的一切包括它自身都要靠自己去认识、领悟和体验。生命自身是不会自然显现意义、实现价值的。生命需要体验,只有个体的用心体验,才能感受到生命的真实与活力。体验是人生存的方式,是人追求生命意义、实现生命价值、焕发生命活力的方式。现实中因一点小事闹矛盾动辄就打骂起来,因考试成绩不好就离家出走,因受了批评就自暴自弃等事件,都是缺乏生命体验





49、变,不能漠视他的存在,因为生命总有其存在的理由。“尺有所短,寸有所长。”尊重生命,就要学会宽容。当一个人充满了对小草、小虫生命的关怀时,对于高级的生命、对于人的生命的尊重时,自然会对他人和自己的生命产生敬畏,热爱生命。在体验中生命是鲜活的、饱满的、厚重的,同时又是在澄清、悠远而空灵境界中的生命。它是生命倾尽全力弹起的灿烂浪花,是生命中一次次动人心魄的飞翔。关爱他人初三英语作文范文 第 15 篇 As Chinese traditional virtue,helping others and taking care of each other are the basic virtue of a

50、person.We are lucky that we are born to be a healthy person,while some persons are not that lucky,they may be born to be a disable man or get hurt by accidents.Out of the basic virtue,it is not right to laugh at them,we need to help each other,showing our love to them.December 3rd,2013 is World Disa

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