1、1.Convince if someone or something convinces you, they make you believe that something is true or something should be done.使相信。 说服(某人做某事)2.confront if you confront a difficult situation, you accept the fact that it exists and try to deal with it.正视,勇敢地面对(困难的局面)V1面临问题、任务、苦难等。3.pamper if you pamper so
2、meone, you treat them too kindly and do too much for them in order to make them comfortable.纵容;溺爱;过分关心。4. cohabit if a man and woman are cohabiting, they are living together and have a sexual relationship, but are not married; (男女未结婚)同居5. orientate if someone or something is orientated to or towards
3、 a particular subject, place, or person, they are very interested in them and concentrate their efforts on them. 致力于;以、为目标。给自己定位;使熟悉,使适应。6. readable a book, article, that is readable is interesting and worth reading.有趣味而可读性强的;值得阅读的;7. summon if you summon someone, you order them to come to you.招来;传唤
4、。召集,召开会议;传、出庭。传唤;鼓足勇气。8. vision a mental picture of a possible situation or state of affairs, in which you imagine how things might be different from the way they are now. 景象;憧憬;理想;想象。幻觉,幻景,幻象;眼光,眼力,视力。9. souvenir a souvenir is something you acquire and then keep to remind you of a holiday, place, e
5、vent.纪念品;纪念物。10. valley a valley is a low stretch of land between hills, especially one that has a river flowing through it. 谷;溪谷。11. mantis a mantis is the same as a praying mantis. 螳螂12. adequate if the amount of something is adequate, there is enough of it, but there is only just enough.足够的,充足的。适当的,恰当的。13. splinter a splinter is a very thin, sharp piece of wood, glass, metal, etc. , which has been broken off from a large piece ;used especially got stuck in you skin.(木头、玻璃、金属等)尖细的碎片,破片,裂片(尤指偶然刺入皮肤的木刺)14. make up: