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1、小学英语趣味拼读教学方法与教学资源实践研究附件3小学英语语音教学歌谣绕口令专辑 LettersChant A B C, follow me. Its as easy as 123; 123, A B C. Its too easy as you see!A A A , say “OK!”. B B B, touch your knee.C C C, look and see. D D D, make a “D”.E E E, drink some tea. A B C D E come and follow me.A B C D E F G. Father , mother and me.C

2、D E F G A B. Sing and dance under the tree!A B C , look and see. C D E , draw a tree.E F G, have a seat. G H I, fly a kite.A B C D E , read after me .E F G H I, say “Goodbye.”J , J, J ,jump ,jump, jump. K, K, K , kick , kick, kick.L, L,L , la la la. M, M, M, meow, meow, meow.N,N,N, no, no no. L M N

3、,raise your leg.A B C D E F G .French fries, bread and ice-cream.H I J K L M N. Hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken.O P Q, O P Q. Let me share with you!A B C D E , clap with me. E F G H I , close your eye. J K L M N , show me ten. L M N O P, listen to me. P Q R S T, pour the tea. Look at me. I can say

4、from A to T.A B C D E F G , H I J K L M N, O P Q , R S T. U V W, X Y Z! Now you can say youre A B Cs. Its as easy as 1 2 3!Pp-pChant /p/ /p/ Pp, /p/ /p/ pear, /p/ /p/ peach, I can eat./p/ /p/ Pp, /p/ /p/ pig, /p/ /p/ panda , I can see./p/ /p/ Pp, /p/ /p/ paper, /p/ /p/ pencil, for you and me.Pizza o

5、n the pan /p/ /p/ /p/,Peaches on the pan /p/ /p/ /p/,Pears on the pan /p/ /p/ /p/, /p/ is the sound of Pp.Pick up a pig, pat the pig , colour it pink.Pea , pea,Its a pea ,Its a little pea. Pea, pea, a little pea ,I like the pea. /p/ /p/ where do you live ? /p/ /p/ where do you live ?I live in the po

6、rk. I live in the park./p/ /p/ where do you live ? /p/ /p/ where do you live ?I live in the picture. I live in the potato.Tongue twister A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place where a plaice is pleased to be placedBb-b Chant Bb , Bb ,Bb/b /b/ /b/,boy bag /b/ /b/.I see a b in the bag, I see a

7、b in the bed.The bag is in the bed.Bb /b/ book, Bb /b/ bed, the book is behind the bed./b/ /b/ Bb, /b/ /b/ big , /b/ /b/ bear, /b/ /b/ bed , a big bear is in the bed./b/ /b/ Bb, /b/ /b/ blue, /b/ /b/ balloon, /b/ /b/ blackboard, a blue balloon is on the blackboard./b/ /b/ Bb, /b/ /b/ beautiful , /b/

8、 /b/ bee, /b/ /b/ box , a beautiful bee is under the box./b/ /b/ where do you live ? /b/ /b/ where do you live ?I live in the banana. I live in the breakfast/b /b/ where do you live ? /b /b/ where do you live ?I live in the bathroom. I live in the building.Book and bag,Book is blue.Bag is black.Blue

9、 and black,I like blue.Tongue twister Betty better butter Brads bread. A box of biscuits, a batch of mixed biscuits.A blokes back bike brake block broke.A big black bug bit the back of a big black bear.The big black bear bit back the big black bug. Wheres the big black bear the big black bug bit?Bet

10、ty Block blows big black bubbles.A bachelor botched a batch of badly baked biscuits.Bess is the best backward blue-blowing bugler in the Boston brass band.Bright bloom the blossoms on the brooks bare brown banks.Tt-tChantTTT,/t/t/t/,tiger, taxi,/t/t/t/./t/ /t/ tea, /t/ /t/ tofu, /t/ /t/ tomato, how

11、tasty!/t/ /t/ T-shirt, /t/ /t/ teacher, /t/ /t/ tomorrow, how time flies!/t/ /t/, where do you live? /t/ /t/ where do you live?I live in the table, I live in the tall./t/ /t/ twenty, /t/ /t/ thirty, /t/ /t/ forty, short short tail./t/ /t/ thirteen, /t/ /t/ fourteen, /t/ /t/ fifteen, long long tail.T

12、immy takes a taxi, /t/ /t/ /t/; Timmy takes a TV, /t/ /t/ /t/.Timmy takes tomatoes, /t/ /t/ /t/, /t/ is the sound of Tt.Tongue twister A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail.A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to their tutor, Is it harder to too

13、t or to tutor two tooters to toot?Dd-dChantDDD,/d/d/d/,duck, dog,/d/d/d/./d/ /d/, where do you live? /d/ /d/, where do you live?I live in the door, I live in the desk./d/ /d/, where do you live? /d/ /d/, where do you live?I live in the donkey, I live in the dinner.Dogs are dancing , /d/ /d/ /d/, duc

14、ks are dancing, /d/ /d/ /d/,Deer are dancing, /d/ /d/ /d/, /d/ is the sound of Dd.Tongue twister Double bubble gum bubbles double.Dust is a disks worst enemy Kk-k Chant /k/ /k/ Kk, /k/ /k/ kite, /k/ /k/ kid, the kid has a kite./k/ /k/ Kk, /k/ /k/ kangaroo, /k/ /k/ kitchen, the kangaroo is in the kit

15、chen.King likes ketchup /k/ /k/ /k/ ,King likes kitten /k/ /k/ /k/,King likes a koala ,/k/ /k/ /k/./k/ is the sound of Kk.Tongue twister Knife and a fork, bottle and a cork, that is the way you spell New York.Kris Kringle carefully crunched on candy canes. Gg-gChant G is for grapes , G is for goose

16、, the goose is the grapes.G G /g/ /g/ /g/, G G /g/ /g/ /g/, girl, goose ,girl, goose, the girl has a goose.Grandma got a goose /g/ /g/ /g/, grandma got gum /g/ /g/ /g/ , grandma got grapes /g/ /g/ /g/. /g/ is the sound of Gg.Tongue twister Greek grapes. Gerties great-grandma grew aghast at Gerties g

17、rammar.Girl gargoyle, guy gargoyle.Give me the gift of a grip top sock: a drip-drape, ship-shape, tip-top sock. Ff-/f/ChantF F /f/ /f / /f/, F F /f/ /f/ /f/ , farmer ,fat , farmer fat. The farmer is fat./f/ /f / F, /f/ /f / father , /f/ /f / fish, my father is eating fish./f/ /f / F, /f/ /f / friend

18、 , /f/ /f / five, I have five friends.Finger family , finger family /f/ /f/ /f/,Finger family ,finger family , how many?Five members five members in a family.Tongue twister Flee from fog to fight flu fast. Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread. Freshly fried fresh flesh. Freshly-fried flying fi

19、sh. Friendly Frank flips fine flapjacks. Vv-/v/Chant/v/ /v/ vest, /v/ /v/violin, the violin is on the vest.Vase on the van /v/ /v/ /v/ , violin on the van /v/ /v/ /v/, vacuum on the van /v/ /v/ /v/. /v/ is the sound of Vv./v/ /v/ where do you live ? /v/ /v/ where do you live ?I live in the village.

20、I live in the van.Ss-/s/Chant/s/ /s/ snake, /s/ /s/ story ,the story is about a snake./s/ /s/ soup, /s/ /s/ sister, my sister likes the soup.She sells seashells by the sea shore. The shells she sells are surely seashells.Sea and sailboats sea and sailboats /s / /s/ /s/,Sister sing a song ,sister sin

21、g a song /s/ /s/ /s/,/s/ is the sound of Ss./s/ /s/ where do you live ? /s/ /s/ where do you live ?I live in the six. I live in the seven. /s/ /s/ where do you live ? /s/ /s/ where do you live ?I live in the snail. I live in the slide./s/ /s/ sixty ,/s/ /s/ students,Sixty students are in my class./s

22、/ /s/ seventy , /s/ /s/ slide.Seventy students are on the slide . AhSwan swim over the sea,Swim, swan, swim!Swan swam back again,Well swum swan!Tongue twisterSams shop stocks short spotted socks. Sarah sitting in her sitting room, all she does is sits and shifts, all she does is sits and shifts. Say

23、 this sharply, say this sweetly, Say this shortly, say this softly. Say this sixteen times in succession. Selfish shellfish. She said she should sit. She sees cheese. Sally always suffers from sea-sickness when she is at sea.She sells seashells on the seashore.And the shells she sells are seashells,

24、 I am sure.cause if she sells shell at the seashore,The shells sells are seashells, for sure. Zz-zChantZebra in the zoo /z/ /z/ /z/, zero in the zoo /z/ /z/ /z/ , Zipper in the zoo /z/ /z/ /z/, /z/ is the sound of Zz. Hh-hChantHHH,/h/h/h/,hamburger, hot,/h/h/h/.H, H, /h/ /h/ /h/, H, H, /h/ /h/ /h/,

25、Helen, hat, Helen, hat, Helen has a hat.H /h/ hen, how many, hundred, hundred, /h/ /h/ /h/.H /h/ horse, how many, hundred, hundred, /h/ /h/ /h/.H /h/ him, H /h/ her, hurry, hurry, he helps her.Helen has a hen, /h/ /h/ /h/, Helen has a hat, /h/ /h/ /h/,Helen has a harp, /h/ /h/ /h/, /h/ is the sound

26、of Hh.Tongue twister He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts. Rr-rChant RRR,/r/r/r/,rain, rainbow,/r/r/r/.R /r/, ruler, R /r/, rubber, put them on the right, I am ready.Race for roses, /r/ /r/ /r/, race for rockets, /r/ /r/ /r/,Race for ribbons, /r/ /r/ /r/, /r/ i

27、s the sound of Rr./r/ /r/ where do you live? I live in the red./r/ /r/ where do you live? I live in the rabbit./r/ /r/ where do you live? I live in the rice.There is a red rabbit eating the rice.Tongue twister Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry. Ruby Rugbys brother bought and brought h

28、er back some rubber baby-buggy bumpers.Robert Rolly rolled a round roll round.If Robert Rolly rolled a round roll round,Where is the round roll,Robert Rolly rolled around? Mm-mChantMMM,/m/m/m/,mouse, milk,/m/m/m/./m/ /m/ my, /m/ /m/ mother, my mother is a math teacher./m/ /m/ milk, /m/ /m/ music, sh

29、e likes milk and music./m/ /m/ where do you live? I live in the Miss./m/ /m/ where do you live? I live in the mush.Miss Mix noshing much mush.Mike makes milk, Mike makes music, Mike makes money, /m/ /m/ /m/.Make it for his mother, make it for his mother, /m/ is the sound of Mm. Tongue twisterMix, Mi

30、ss Mix! Moose noshing much mush. Nn-nChantNNN,/n/n/n/,night, nest,/n/n/n/.Nails and notebooks, nails and notebooks, /n/ /n/ /n/, /n/ /n/ /n/.Ned needs a notebook. Ned needs a new nail, /n/ /n/ /n/, /n/ /n/ /n/./n/ for noodles, /n/ for needles, /n/ for nature, /n/ for now.No needles near the nature p

31、ark now./n/ for nine, /n/ for nice, /n/ for night, /n/ for nurse.Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely.Tongue twisterA noisy noise annoys an oyster.Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely. Ll lChantL l /l/ /l/ /l/,Lion lock ,/l/ /l/ /l/. L l /l/ /l/ /l/,Lemon light ,/l/ /l/ /l/./l/ /l/ L,/l/ /l/ Lily,

32、/l/ /l/ like,/l/ /l/ lamb,Lily likes the lamb.Little Billy,Silly Billy,Little silly Billy,Little silly Billy eats lunch in the library.Look at a leaf, Look at a lock,Look at the lemon, /l/ /l/ /l/,/l/ is the sound of Ll.L ,l /l/ /l/ /l/, school apple, /l/ /l/ /l/,L ,l /l/ /l/ /l/, colourful beautifu

33、l, /l/ /l/ /l/,A clolurful apple is in the beautiful school.Tongue twister Lily ladles little Lettys lentil soup.Listen to the local yokel yodel.Lovely lemon liniment.A laurel-crowned clown!A lusty lady loved a lawyer and longed to lure him from his laboratory.Aa-an ant Ann am ban can man pan ran ta

34、n ran cap gap map cat rat sat bat ham fat jam hat bag flagChant A , hat, cat, bag.A is for apple , .A is for ant , .Bat and mat, man and can, is the sound of A.Dad, dad, dad.This is my dad.Fat dad, fat dad.I love my dad.Tongue twisterCat, Cat, catch that fat rat.Jack and Max,A cat and a cap,Jack has

35、 a fat cat.And Max has a black cap.Rabbit has an apple.Panda has a can.Put the apple into the can.Thats an apple can.Look at the hat,Look at the cap.Oh, a cat is in the hat,A rat is in the cap.How can the cat catch the rat?Its too bad, too bad.Tongue twisterJack had a rat.Sam had a cat.Sams cat ate

36、Jacks rat.Jack asked Sam to play for his rat.Sam said: “I will give my cat for your rat.”Jack was really sad.He shook his head and said“NO, no ,no. I want my rat back.”Aa-eiate cake bake hate make lake gate fate take wake save date game name Kate Jane plate table plane grape babyChantCake, cake, mak

37、e a cake.Cake, cake, take a cake.Cake, cake, cake, the cake is on the plate.Plate, plate, plate, the plate is on the table.My name, your name, Kate and Jane.Lets play a game, Lets play again. A cake is on the plate. The plate is on the table.The baby is eating the cake on the table. Ee-eegg pen bed

38、red ten yes get hen jet leg men tell spell best desk seven dress eleven pencil hello pretty expensive second elephant ChantE e /e/,E e egg, E e hen , E e ten ,Te hen has ten eggs.Pet, pet, My little pet. It is an elephant.I love it.Seven pens, Seven pens ,Ken uses her seven pens.Eleven pencils,Eleve

39、n pencils,Ben gets eleven pencils.My red hen, my red hen ,She lays eggs for men.My red hen, my red hen,I love my red hen.Tongue twisterKen sells eggs.Ben sells eggs.Ken and Ben sell hens eggs.Ken and Ken sell ten eggs.Where is better? Where is better?Ill get there for a rest.Hey, I say, dont forget,

40、 dont forget:“East or west, home is best.” Ee-i:he me we she be theseChantHe and she ,He and she , Come with me ,Lets be friends. Ii-ailike ice kite nine pine wine chine shine vine mine line bine tine five fine time size price white write dike hike tike sike pike ride Nike Mike knifeChantai ai I, ai

41、 ai ice-cream, ai ai five,ai ai nice,Five ice-creams are nice I, I, I, You and I,Ride my bike. I, I , I, You and I ,Fly my kite.Tongue twisterMy kite is high, Up in the sky. See my fine kite, How high it can fly! Ii-ipig big fit in wind pink lip hill dish rabbit city fish ship it ill kid list ring s

42、ing wish trip Chanti i I , i i pig, the pig is singing,i i I , i i fish, the fish is swimming.Ink and inchworm ,ink and inchworm, iii, iii.Fish in a dish, pig in a wig, iii, iii.Fish ,fish ,fish ,A fishs in the dish.A big pig, a big pig,The big pig bites a rabbit.The rabbit ,the rabbit,Is afraid of

43、the big pig.This is a pig.The pig is big.And the pig likes milk. I can ride a bike,ai ai I, I can fly a kite,ai ai I.I can drink some milk, i i I, I can write with ink,ii I.Tongue twisterThis is my sister.My sister is six.My sister likes pink.My sister likes milk.Oo Ox box fox dog log bog jog fog co

44、ck pock rock sock pot sorry dot got hot not boss shop stop costChantDog, dog, hot, hot,The dog is hot,Is it a hot dog?Orange octopus, orange octopus, /o/ /o/ /o/, /o/ /o/ /o/.Fox on a box, dog on a log, /o/ /o/ /o/, /o/ /o/ /o/.Rod, rod, rod, Rod is a dog.Dog, dog, dog,The dogs on the log. Tom lost his job.He had to sell his watch.At the shop he stopped.He didnt know.How much it would cost.The ox and the

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