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1、【重点词语/短语用法解析】1. oneanother 表示不确定数目中的另一个onethe other 表示两者中的另一个I dont like this one, can you show me another?I have two brothers. One is a lawyer and the other is a manager.someothers 表示没有范围限定的“一些.另一些.”somethe others 表示某一范围的“一些.其余的.” Some go to school by bike and others go to school by bus.Some go to

2、school by bike and the others go to school by bus.2. invite v. 邀请 n. invitationinvite sb. to do sth.“邀请某人干某事” invite sb. to+地点名词1) Mr. Green invited me to visit his factory last week.2) Thanks a lot for your invitation3) Thanks for inviting me to your party.3.(1)Whats the date today? 意为“今天是几月几号?” It

3、s +月+日。(2)What day is it today? 意为“今天是星期几?”Its + 星期几。Whats the date? Its September 10th.What day is it today? Its Wednesday.4. have a lesson(class) 上课have an English lesson5. prepare v. 准备 n. preparationprepare sth. “准备某物”,所准备的东西就是后面的宾语。prepare for sth. “为做准备”,指为后面的宾语做准备prepare to do sth. “准备做某事”6.

4、bring.to“带来”把某物从别的地方带到说话人的地方taketo “带去”把某物从说话的地方带到别处去。(两者方向相反)Bring your homework here, and take the book away.把你的作业拿过来,把这本书带走。7. without(介词)没有 反义词:with“具有”We cant live without water. Jane is a beautiful girl with long hair.8. so that +从句: 以便于;目的是 I study hard so that I can get good grades.9. surpri

5、se n. 惊奇 surprised adj. 感到惊奇的(指人)surprising adj. 令人惊奇的(指物)be surprised at sth.“惊奇于某事” to ones surprise “令某人惊奇的是” Im surprised at the surprising news. 我对这个令人惊讶的消息感到很吃惊。 To my surprise, he left without leaving a word. 令我惊奇的是,他一声不响地离开了。10. look forward to (介词)+名/代/V-ingI look forward to your reply. 我期待

6、你的答复。I look forward to seeing you again.11. hear from sb. = get a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信。I heard from my friends yesterday.=I got a letter from my friend yesterday.12. the best way to do sth. 做某事的最好方式Exercising is the best way to keep healthy.13. how to do that. “该怎么做” ,疑问词+to do sth常用来做宾语I dont kn

7、ow how to make a banana milk shake.I dont know what to do.14. at the end of “在末尾” Now, it is at the end of 2014. 反义短语:at the beginning of “ 在开始”15. be glad/happy/sad to do sth.“很高兴/难过做某事 I am glad to see you.16. reply to sb./sth.“回复”Reply in writing to the invitation “以写信形式回复这份邀请函”【重点语法】一. 表示邀请的句型(初

8、中英语微信公众号:ID:chuzhong-yingyu)1. Can/Could you(come to my party)?2. Would you like to.( Would you like to my party)?接受:Sure/Yes/Of course, Id love/like to.拒绝:: Im sorry, I cant. I have to/must+V原 (陈述理由 ) Id love/like to, but I (理由) 3.Im afraid not. I(理由)二. must与have to1. must 表示主观“必须”;must 表示“主观上的要求”,无人称和时态的变化,否定回答: neednt 或 dont have to (不必)。mustnt 表示“禁止”.2. have to表客观需要,有人称和时态变化,否: dont / doesnt / didnt have to (没必要)Must I be home before eight oclock? 8点之前我必须回家吗?Yes, you must. / No, you neednt. / No, you dont have to.

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