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1、Reference keyModule 1Unit 11 I.1.wond ers 2.d iscussions 3.loud 4.opinions 5.millionsII.1.join 2.ma n-ma d e 3.over 4.a gree with 5.long 6.electricity7.opinion 8.wid e 9.loud 10.ha ve,seen/visitedHI.1.C 2.B 3.D2 I.1.na tura l 2.d iscussion3.a ncient 4.loud 5.Thoughn.1.In my opinion,na tura l wond er

2、s4.metres high,metres wid e2.not sure,a gree with3.wa terfa ll,ha ve,seenm.i.c2.B3.D4.A5.C 6.C7.D8.D 9.B10.A11.C12.D 13.D14.A15.BUnit 21 I.1.rises2.clea r3.replied4.nea rly5.go/going throughII.1.a rrived,ea rly morningHI.1.wond ers 2.With2.nothing to see3.ha ve d isa ppea red3.silent,no sign4.the lo

3、ngest 5.in6.wid er 7.hund red s8.knows 9.to protect 10.arv.1.E 2.A 3.F 4.C 5.B2 I.1.of,a long/on2.behind,on 3.by,for 4.belowII.1.go through 2.looked a cross,the other sid e,nothing to see3.10 miles a wa yffl.1.A 2.B 3.B 4.D5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.C10.DIV.1.nea r the town of Hyd en 2.a bout 2.7 billion yea

4、 rs old 3.a huge wa ve 4.a bout 15 metres 5.a bout 110 metres longUnit 3I.1.ha s seen 2.wa s rea d ing 3.a m ta lking 4.a rrives 5.leftII.1.Thousa nd s of people visit Ha ngzhou every d a y.2.My brother is wa shing his ca r in the ga rd en now.3.I will send you a n ema il tomorrow.4.When I a rrived

5、home,my mother wa s cooking.5.Amy ha s rea d The Adventures of Tom Sawyer severa l times.ni.1.D 2.A 3.B 4.D5.Possible versions:I think so,beca use it would be a firn trip,a nd I would lea rn a bout1English history a s well./Im a fra id not,beca use liking is tiring a nd it ma y ma ke me lose the int

6、erest to enjoy the view.Module ReviewI.A.1.D 2.C 3.AB.1.B 2.A 3.C 4.DII.1.d a rk2.signs 3.followed 4.nea rly/a lmost5.top 6.below7.wa ited 8.through 9.shone10.wond erIII.1.d iscussion2.looked over 3.wa s getting out of 4.wond ers5.a grees withIV.1.the ta llest2.will a llow3.build ing 4.to ca rry5.wa

7、 s 6.On7.third 8.its 9.pa id 10.aV.One possible version:The Three Gorges Da m lies on the Cha ngjia ng River,in Hubei Province.In 2012,it sta rted to prod uce electricity for people.The Three Gorges Da m is a bout 185 metres high a nd 2,300 metres long.It is the la rgest power sta tion in the world.

8、As a fa mous pla ce of interest,the Three Gorges Da m a ttra cts millions of visitors every yea r.It is one of the most wond erful ma n-ma d e wond ers in the world.VI.One possible version:La st September,I went to the Grea t Wa ll with my cla ssma tes.We set out a t 7:00 a m.After two hours,my legs

9、 were so tired tha t I wa nted to stop.My fi,iend told me tha t there is a sa ying in China,“He who d oesnt rea ch the Grea t Wa ll is not a true ma n.So I went on.Fina lly,I got to the top!I felt very excited.The Grea t Wa ll is one of the biggest ma n-ma d e wond ers.It is in North China.It wa s b

10、uilt over 2,000 yea rs a go.It is a bout 8,800 kilometres long.I rea lly like it a nd Im sure Ill visit it a ga in.Module 2Unit 1 I.1.B 2.C 3.A 4.F 5.D 6.EII.1.fla gs,off 2.a ctivities,grea t fun 3.twelfth 4.found ed,ba nd/ba nd s HI.1.I a m going to visit my friend s while they a re sta ying a t ho

11、me on Sund a y.2.My mother d id nt go to bed until I ca me ba ck home.3.1 go to pla y ba sketba ll every d a y a fter I finish my homework.IV.1.B 2.A 3.E 4.C 5.F2 I.1.Na tiona l Da y 2.ha ve a three-d a y holid a y 3.a ll kind s of 4.ha ve fun5.ta ke a va ca tion 6.sta y with sb.2II.1.a ll kind s of

12、 2.ha d fun 3.wa s sta ying with 4.to ta ke a va ca tion5.ha ve a three-d a y holid a yIII.One possible version:1.I go for running in the pa rk nea r my fla t 2.I will d o my homework first3.My d a d d id nt lea ve the office 4.I ha ve lived with my gra nd pa rentsIV.1.ha ve celebra ted 2.found ed 3

13、.three-d a y 4.somewhere 5.on6.a ctivities 7.va ca tionV.1.In 1776.2.Outd oor a ctivities.3.Red,white a nd blue.4.Firework shows.Unit 21 I.third,fifth,ninth,twelfth,twentiethII.1.grow 2.Pioneers 3.ourselves 4.la yingHI.1.the fourth Thursd a y in November2.wa tch the pa ra d e,sta rt shopping for pre

14、sents a nd wa tch the ga mes on television3.People give tha nks for the food/People give tha nks for the people who help themIV.1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.B10.A 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.C2 I.1.speech 2.d ishes 3.twelfth 4.a ll kind s of 5.Ever sinceII.1.Tha nksgiving is a time for a specia l d

15、inner a mong fa mily a nd friend s.2.Tom ha s celebra ted the Spring Festiva l with us since he ca me to China.3.After they la nd ed,the loca l people ta ught them how to grow com.4.The kitchen is the most crowd ed room in our house beca use we a ll help prepa re the food.HI.1.fa lls 2.to wa it 3.be

16、fore 4.ea rly 5.tha t 6.fbr 7.a ny8.buying 9.a n 10.Wha tIV.1.the April Fool 2.ca rniva l 3.Februa ryUnit 3I.1.first 2.beca me 3.Wa tching 4.kind s 5.or 6.to 7.persons8.most importa nt 9.a re ca lled 10.ha ppilyII.1.Peter d id not ha ve a brea k until he finished the homework yesterd a y.2.We will h

17、a ve the meeting a s soon a s you come ba ck.3.He put the presents a t the end of the bed while his son wa s sleeping.4.Lucy ha s not met him since Ja ck moved to Lond on.DI.1.Melt!Festiva l d oes.2.It ca res a bout people who a re poor,ill,old,etc.3.One possible version:Bella d nim Ta rta n Hea rt

18、Festiva l would be my first choice beca use I like d a nce a s well a s music.Also,I ca n lea rn more a bout Scottish culture a t the festiva l.3Module ReviewI.1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D10.D 11.C 12.An.1.B 2.A 3.C4.One possible version:I think tha t writing tha nk-you notes is a good id ea.

19、It ca n help people get closer a nd ca n a lso bring us a wa rm world.in.1.tenth 2.off 3.speech 4.own 5.Ea ch 6.la id 7.ourselves8.over 9.clea ned/tid iedIV.1.ca lled 2.with 3.tha nks 4.refused 5.burning 6.to set7.a nd 8.na medV.One possible version:We Chinese celebra te the Na tiona l Da y on 1st O

20、ctober.We ha ve celebra ted it since the Peoples Republic of China wa s found ed on 1st October,1949.On tha t d a y,you ca n see flowers a nd fla gs everywhere.We usua lly ha ve a seven-d a y holid a y.It is a good time for people to visit rela tives or friend s.Ma ny people a lso choose to ta ke a

21、fa mily trip d uring the holid a y.But the holid a y is a rea lly busy time for tra vel.VI.One possible version:The Spring Festiva l fa lls on the first d a y of the first month in the Chinese luna r ca lend a r.It is celebra ted in China a nd some other Asia n countries.On the eve,fa mily members g

22、et together to ha ve a big d inner.They ea t d umplings,fish a nd mea t,a nd give child ren lucky money in red envelopes.During the festiva l,people pa y visits to friend s a nd rela tives to give good wishes.It is a holid a y to celebra te the end of winter a nd the coming of spring a nd to enjoy l

23、ife.Module 3Unit 11I.1.includ ing2.victory 3.will4.a ttendII.1.includ ing2.a ttend 3.will4.victoryin.1.beca use2.when 3.a ge4.a broa d 5.ga ve up6.a ma zing/grea t7.stopped8.beca me 9.heroIV.1.first 2.but 3.with/through4.most fa mous 5.med a ls6.brought7.how 8.world s9.na tiona l2I.1.once a ga in2.a

24、 strong will 3.give up 4.博士学位5.也6.打乒乓球II.1.d octors d egree 2.pla ying ta ble tennis,a strong will,gives up 3.once a ga in4.a s well a s4ID.1.one of the best 2.Wha tever,give up,wa tching the Olympic Ga mes3.ha d a strong willIV.A.1.entered the fina ls of a world-fa mous surfing competition a nd one

25、 month la ter wa s seriously hurt while surfing2.pra ctise pla ying the guita r a nd write songs3.first music a lbum ca me outB.One possible version:Wha tever ha ppens in our lives,we ha ve to a ccept it a nd d o the best we ca n.Unit 21 I.1.opera tion 2.sold ier 3.trea ting 4.himself 5.inventionII.

26、1.Ca na d ia n 2.invented 3.med ica l 4.Wa r 5.resting/restHI.1.for 2.without 3.of 4.on 5.inIV.1.Dr Bethune ca me to China to help the Chinese people a nd d ied for them.2.He soon rea lised tha t ma ny people were d ying beca use they d id not get to hospita l quickly enough./He soon rea lised tha t

27、 ma ny people were d ying beca use they could nt be sent to hospita l a s soon a s possible.3.They a lwa ys work very ha rd without resting/ha ving a rest or ta king ca re of themselves.V.1.a n 2.d id nt 3.At 4.but 5.were 6.clea ner 7.men8.write/to write 9.beca use 10.tha nks2 I.1.useful 2.opera tio

28、n 3.inventions 4.Ca na d ia nn.1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.AID.1.E 2.A 3.D 4.BUnit 3I.1.so 2.beca use 3.so tha t 4.beca useII.1.My pa rents got up ea rly this morning so tha t they could ca tch the first tra in to Beijing.2.They ga ve money to the villa ge so tha t more child ren could re

29、turn to school.3.She rea d the instructions ca refully so tha t she could use the new ma chine in a right wa y.III.1.bra vely 2.heroes 3.a ctor 4.But 5.scientists 6.to d evelop7.tries 8.lost 9.a lthough 10.victoryIV.1.To become a n a rtist himself.2.Beca use he d eveloped a style a nd ta lent for co

30、lour.3.For ten yea rs.Module Review1.A.1.D 2.B 3.Dn.B.1.B 2.C 3.A4.One possible version:I prefer to go swimming with my friend s in summer.No ma tter how hot the wea ther is,the pool is the best pla ce for us to pla y wa ter ga mes a nd keep cool.Ifs5rea lly fiin.II.1.will 2.a broa d 3.continue 4.wo

31、und 5.includ ingIII.1.yea rs5 2.first 3.to grow 4.it 5.a 6.increa sed/ha ve increa sed7.being 8.hobbies 9.of 10.tha tIV.One possible version:Wu Da jing is a fa mous Chinese short tra ck speed ska ter.He wa s bom on 24th July,1994.At the a ge of 10,he sta rted to tra in a s a ska ter.In 2010,he joine

32、d China s na tiona l tea m.In 2018 a nd 2022,Wu won gold med a ls a t the Winter Olympics.He ha s a strong will a nd never gives up.Wu Da jing is a good exa mple of young people.V.One possible version:As we know,most people ha ve heroes in their hea rts.For me,Dr Norma n Bethune is the hero in my he

33、a rt.He wa s a grea t d octor from Ca na d a.Dr Bethune wa s good a t performing opera tions.In 1938,he ca me to China.He opened hospita ls a nd invented med ica l tools.He worked so ha rd tha t he sa ved thousa nd s of Chinese people.He d id nt stop to ta ke ca re of his own injured ha nd a nd d ie

34、d.I a m d eeply moved by his stories.He is a rea l hero in my hea rt.And Ill work ha rd a nd d o my best to help others.Module 4Unit 11 I.1.miss2.text 3.pa ssengers 4.a d d ress 5.simpleII.1.sta tion 2.on your own/a ll by yourself 3.Don5t worry5.forget itffl.1.So d id I 2.So will I 3.So d o I4.missI

35、V.1.D 2.C 3.E2 I.1.E 2.A 3.D4.B 5.F4.B 5.CII.1.a couple of 2.two weeks of school 3.be ca reful with 4.ma ke sure5.plenty of 6.wa ke upin.A.1.A 2.A 3.C 4.B5.D 6.D 7.D8.C 9.D10.C 11.C 12.B 13.AB.One possible version:He is a positive person with a strong will,a nd he ha s a fa mily full of love to supp

36、ort him.Unit 21 I.1.be bored with 2.lea ve me a lone 3.be worried a bout 4.a s soon a s5.ha nd in 6.feel lonely 7.a ll d a y long 8.so.tha t.II.1.As,like a ll other boys,to be a ma n 2.Although,felt/wa s a bit unha ppy with63.wonied a bout,ha d to,on business4.rea lised being home a lone,a lwa ys pe

37、rfectIII.1.a lthough 2.First 3.more 4.to pra ctise 5.themselves 6.a s7.fa milies 8.properlyIV.One possible version:On a Sa turd a y morning,I wa s a t home a lone with my ba by sister.I d rew a picture with some ca nd les,but there wa s no pa int a t home.I wa s so bored tha t I set fire to a kitche

38、n towel with the ca nd les.The fire burned a huge hole in the kitchen floor.I felt sca red a nd hid myself in the room.La ter,my mum ca me ba ck a nd found the hole.As a result,I wa s ground ed for months.2 I.1.for 2.a bout 3.with 4.withoutII.1.ord er/ord ers 2.unha ppy 3.a ctua lly 4.ma na ged 5.em

39、pty m.1.The tra ining wa s so ha rd tha t Ja ck lost the interest in pla ying ba sketba ll.2.I locked the d oor so tha t my ca t would be una ble to enter my bed room.3.Tomorrow I will be a t home a lone beca use my d a d will go to New York on business for ad a y.IV.1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D

40、9.C10.B 11.C 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.BUnit 3I.1.shut 2.unha ppily 3.ra ng 4.wokeII.1.d epend on 2.be worried a bout 3.a s soon a s 4.be bored with5.ha nd,inIII.1.something 2.a nything 3.nobod y 4.everybod y 5.somebod yIV.1.The tea m tra ined so ha rd tha t they won the ma tch fina lly.2.Although my gra nd

41、 fa ther is 70 yea rs old,he looks young a nd hea lthy.3.I could nt get to the office on time beca use I missed the ea rly bus.4.My fa ther d oesnt often ma ke d inner for us but he ca n cook.5.The tea cher spoke slowly so tha t a ll the stud ents could und ersta nd him.V.1.Beca use ifs psychic,ifs

42、the a ge,ifs chemica l.2.To buy a ha t,buy a coa t or pet,or ta ke up d a ncing.3.Your sa d ness,your sha d ow,wha tever it wa s d one to you.Module ReviewI.1.D 2.C 3.A4.Possible versions:Its not a good id ea.Tha t would ma ke child ren feel sca red.There a re ma ny wa ys to lea rn growing up.Lea rn

43、ing should be a fun thing,not a sca ry thing./I love this id ea!I a lwa ys wa nt to ha ve a n a d venture in the wild.I ca n use the skills I lea rned7from the books to get through d ifficulties.II.1.miss2.una ble 3.ca re 4.a d d ress5.worried 6.lock7.a nybod y/a nyone 8.ma na ge 9.wa keLU.1.empty2.

44、turn off3.ta sk 4.shut5.unha ppyIV.1.ca refully2.better3.Ma ke 4.by5.a nd 6.word s 7.a8.to sha re9.a ctua lly10.will beV.One possible version:Yesterd a y,I wa s home a lone beca use my pa rents ha d to work la te a t the fa ctory.When I got home,I locked the d oor first a nd then cooked the d umplin

45、gs.After supper,I ga ve my mum a ca ll a nd a sked her not to worry a bout me.Then I bega n to d o the homework.At a bout 10:00 pm,I went to bed.When my pa rents ca me ba ck home a t mid night,I ha d slept.Both of them think I ca n ma na ge the time well.I a m rea lly proud of myself.VI.One possible

46、 version:ril never forget my first time being home a lone.It ha ppened when I wa s only twelve yea rs old.It wa s a Sund a y a nd my pa rents ha d to go for something importa nt.In the morning,I got up ea rly a nd ha d some brea d a nd milk for brea kfa st.Then I d id homework a ll morning.At noon,I

47、 tried ha rd to follow the steps of cooking tha t my mother left for me.I ma d e egg nood les for lunch.In the a fternoon,I clea ned the house,a s my mum often d id.When Mum a nd Da d ca me ba ck in the evening a nd sa w the nood les on the ta ble for them,they smiled ha ppily.I wa s rea lly proud o

48、f myself a nd felt like a n a d ult.Module 5Unit 1 I.1.D 2.F 3.H 4.A 5.C 6.G 7.B 8.EII.1.exhibition 2.rule 3.rope 4.ta il 5.entry 6.missing7.d ownsta irs 8.punishHI.1.No touching./Dont touch it.2.No entiy./Dont go in.3.No littering./Don?t d rop litter.4.No pa rking here./Don pa rk your ca r here.IV.

49、1.the concert 2.ta ke my pet d og/ca t 3.keep your mobile phone off/turn it off4.bring a ny food or d rinks 5.will ha ve to lea ve/will be a sked to lea ve2 I.1.a ga inst 2.upsta irs 3.punish 4.ta il 5.exhibition 6.ropeII.1.a ga inst the rules 2.missing 3.closed 4.Keep quiet 5.No entry6.in trouble 7

50、.went d ownsta irs/ha s gone d ownsta irs 8.No wond erHI.1.At school.2.Sweet cupca kes a nd d elicious cookies.3.Sweet trea ts.4.To help kid s keep hea lthy.5.She felt sa d./Sa d.6.One possible version:I like this rule,beca use less sweet food is good for kid s hea lth,a nd8we ca n choose something

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