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新目标八年级(下册)Unit 5 词汇专练+答案.docx

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1、一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1. The news on TV _ (报道) a car accident happened in Nanjing this morning.2What were you doing at the time of the _ (暴风雨)? I was sleeping at home.3Mr. Lee and his wife are going to help children from those poor _ (地区). 4.Suddenly,we saw a flash of _ (光线) in the sky.5.The sun _ (升起) in

2、 the east and goes down in the west.6.Listen!Who is _ (敲打) the drums in next room?7.Today,more and more people begin to _ (认识到) the importance of saving water.8.Something is wrong with my _ (闹钟)Could you help me fix it up?9.These desks and chairs are made of _ (木头)10.She was looking at me in a _ (奇怪

3、的) way.11.Look at the _ (塔) over there. It is 332 meters tall. 12.My sister refused to tell me the _ (实情), and I was angry with her. 13.The man was _ (受震惊的) when he knew about the bad news. 14.Which _ (章节) of this book do you like best?15.My brother is going to take part in the singing _ (竞赛). Im su

4、re he will win the first prize.二、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。1.I kept walking for a long time, so I felt a little _(tire) and wanted to have a rest.2.Although it is raining _(heavy), the policemen are still on duty in the street. 3.While I was walking in the street, a car _ (sudden) stopped on my right.4.Could

5、you give me a box of _ (match)?5.Peter _ (play) the piano at eight oclock last night.6.After the rainstorm,we can see _ (fall) trees everywhere.7. he weather report says that it will be _ (wind) tomorrow.8.Where is the _ (break) cup,Jimmy?9.Do you think shes telling the _ (true) ?10.Great changes ha

6、ve taken place _ (recent).11.Excuse me, but I must say you are _ (complete) wrong.12.Look at the _(wood) house. It is made of wood.13.The storm brought families and neighbors _(close) together than before. 14.David had _(difficult) remembering these new words and he needed help. 15.The children left

7、 the office _(silent). They didnt know what to say.三、根据句意和首字母提示,将单词补充完整。1.Without hard work, you cant r _ your dream.2.Would you mind closing the w _ before you leave the office?3.You are k_ means you cant be serious.4.Youd better stay at home. The w _ is blowing strongly at the moment.5.Youd better

8、 take a box of m_ for lighting the fire when going camping.6.No one said a word. Everyone was in s _.7.An old man s _ fell down on the street and we helped him stand up at once.8.Before the running race, he got nervous and his heart b _ very fast.9.Does the cost of living in this city r _ fast?10.Ev

9、eryone in our group must speak in English with each other.dont keep s_ for a long time.11.F _ leaves are everywhere in autumn.12.For school p_, we have many different kinds of books which can teach you how to do better at school. Come and have a look!13.Its too cold, so I dont want to touch the i _

10、water.14.He acted so differently today that everyone in my class felt s _.15.The boy fell a _ while his mother was singing a song for him.四、用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空shocked,date,pupil,tower, realize1We are looking forward to visiting the Eiffel _ one day.2She is only eight years old.She is a _ in a primary sc

11、hool.3We couldnt believe it.We were all _ when we knew the news.4Whats the _ today?Its September 10th.5I _ I did something wrong. So I said sorry to my mother.make sure, fall asleep, feel likeat first, pick up6It _ midnight because there was no light outside.7The man was so tired that he_ in a minut

12、e.8I called my daughter last night to_ she was at home.9My brother wasnt interested in painting _, but later he fell in love with it.10I called Jenny a moment ago but she didnt _五、根据汉语意思完成句子1当暴风雨来临时,你正在干什么?What _ you _ when the rainstorm came?2昨天他们都忙着找那个丢失的孩子。They _ _ _ for the lost kid yesterday.3很

13、抱歉,张老师,今天早晨我的闹钟没有响,所以我醒得晚了。Sorry, Mr. Zhang. My alarm clock didnt _ _ this morning, so I _ _ late.4昨天我给你打电话,但是你没有接。Yesterday I called you, but you didnt _ _ 5地震发生的时候,他们正在超市购物。They were shopping in the supermarket _ the earthquake.6当噪声逐渐消失时,我进入了梦乡。I _ _ when the noise was _ _ .7这个男孩如此快乐,感觉像一只鸟。The bo

14、y is so happy that he _ _ a bird. 8我发现社区一片狼藉。I found the neighborhood _ _ _ .9让我看看你的新海报吧。Let me _ _ _ at your new poster.10当我看到他的时候,他正在把几块木头钉在窗户上。When I saw him, he _ over the windows.11雾霾正在渐渐消退。The haze was _ _ .12尽管这场大雪使得很多东西支离破碎,但是这使得邻里之间的关系更加密切了。Although the heavy snow _ many thing _ ,it _ _ _ t

15、ogether.13这件衬衫对我有特别的意义。The shirt _ _ _ to me.14他太累了,很快就睡着了。He was _ tired that he _ _ soon.15你能帮我拆除这帐篷吗?Would you help me _ _ this tent? 六、根据句意,选择最佳选项填空。1. After we read the newspaper, we knew the _ about the accident.A.plan B.advice C.truth D.decision2. Its very cold in Harbin. Snowing in October i

16、s nothing _ there. A. strange B. useful C. traditional D. natural3. Mr. Miller fell ill and went to hospital. At that time he _ the importance of health. A. imagined B.wondered C.realized D.discussed4. Bill, I planned to give you the card on Saturday, but I _ forgot.A. completely B. recently C. quie

17、tly D. clearly5. Bob arrived at the train station _ late _ he missed the early tr ain.A. enough; to B. too; to C. such; that D. so; that 6. Who _ the singing competition? I heard Joe _ Jill in the competition.A. won; won B. beat; wonC. won; beat D. beat; beat 7. _ Sam came to visit me, I was cooking

18、 dinner in the kitchen.A. While B. Until C. After D. When 8. Dale was very tired so that he lay down and _ quickly.A. fell ill B. stayed upC. got up D. fell asleep9. Why did they _ the houses?Because they will build a park there. A. take down B. write downC. cut down D. turn down10. I heard Frank wo

19、uld join the music club. _ Hes not interested in music at all. A. Why not? B. No problem. C. Youre kidding!D. Its up to you七、用方框中单词的适当形式填空。beat, report, date, windy, against,silent, sleep, pupils, true, completeIt was late night. The TV _1 the road would be icy recently. And the wind never died down

20、 and it was not bright. I want to have a look outside. But it was too late. I soon fell _2. Suddenly, I got to a strange area and met lots of _3 playing on the playground. Then a rainstorm came. So I ran into a tower. The light there was very weak but the _ 4 was very strong. I could hear the rain _

21、5 against the windows heavily. Then I heard a bell ring and found a man standing _6 a door with a flashlight. At first, he stared at me in _7. Then he walked to me. When I realized he must be a terrorist, I was _8 shocked. I phoned my mother, but she didnt pick up. I felt very terrified. At that tim

22、e, the alarm clock was going off and then there was a soft voice. “Sam! Sam!” I woke up and found my parents come back from work. I told them the _ 9 of the strange passage in my dream. I still remember the _10 when it happened. 参考答案一、1.reported 2.rainstorm 3.areas 4.light 5.rises6.knocking 7.realiz

23、e 8.alarm 9.wood10.strange 11.tower 12.truth 13.shocked 14.passage petition二、1.tired 2.heavily 3.suddenly 4.matches5.was playing 6.fallen 7.windy 8.broken9.truth 10.recently pletely 12.wooden13.closer 14.difficulty 15.silently三、realize,window(s), kidding, wind, matches,silence, suddenlybeat,rise, si

24、lent, Fallen, pupils, icy , shocked, asleep四、1.Tower 2.pupil 3.shocked 4.date 5.realized6.felt like 7.fell asleep 8.make sure9.at first 10.pick up五、1were;doing 2were busy looking3go off;woke up4pick up 5at the time of 6fell asleep;dying down7feels like 8in a mess 9have/take a look10was putting pieces of wood11dying down12broke;apart;brought neighbors closer13has special meaning14so;fell asleep15take down六、CACAD CDDDC七、reported, asleep, pupils, wind, beating, against, silence, completely, truth, date

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