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新目标英语七年级(下册)Unit 12 词汇专练+答案.docx

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1、一、单词拼写I.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词1.They are going to have a picnic on the _(海滩).2.Dont _(喊叫) at our parents, because its not polite.3.What _(语言) can he speak?He can speak Japanese.4.I ran for a long time and I felt very_(疲倦的).5.Thousands of_(游客) visit the Great Wall every year.6.Helen fed some _(绵羊) on a far

2、m yesterday.7.I have a cat, so there are no _(老鼠) in my house.8.My father bought a mobile phone for me. What a _(惊讶) he gave me!9.I think _ (蛇) are too scary. Im scared of them.10.When he was six, he _(开始) to learn to play the guitar.11.The cat _(跳) down from the tree and ran away.12.Something is wr

3、ong with my _(耳朵). I cant hear you clearly(清楚地).13.They are going to _(放) a kite next Sunday.14.He got lost in the _(森林) and he didnt know how to get out.II.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Look! There are five cows and eight _(sheep) on the grass.2.Last week they _(go) to the museum.3.Lets go _(camp).That sounds grea

4、t.4.There are some beautiful _(butterfly) flying among the flowers.5.We went to the mountains and enjoyed the _(nature) view.6.They _(go) to the party last night.7.Everyone talked and laughed. They _(have) great fun at the party.8.What a _(surprise) thing it is! I cant believe it.9.I felt _(surprise

5、) when I met Jay Chou at the airport.10.They _(move) to the countryside five months ago.III.根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词1.New Delhi is the capital of I_.2.He went to Jiujiang and visited Lushan two days a_.3.The boy would like to fly k_ in the park.4.The old man didnt want to live in the city. He wanted to m_

6、to the countryside.5.Dont talk so loudly, Ben. You will w_ your father up. He is sleeping in the room.6.How do you usually celebrate the Mid-Autumn Day?By enjoying the m_ and eating mooncakes.二、单项填空1.Im _, and I want to have a good sleep to relax.Atired Blate Cgood Dtidy2.What did you see in the pic

7、ture?I saw six _A.sheep B.horse C.cow D.chicken3.It is difficult for me to _ a tent by the river.Aput up Bstand upCget up Dgive up4.The little girl was _ scared _ she couldnt move.Asuch; that Bso; thatCtoo; to Dvery; that5._ was your weekend? It was great.A. How B. What C. Where D. When6.There is so

8、mething wrong with my _. I cant hear anything.A. eyes B. teeth C. nose D. ears7.There _ some interesting news in yesterdays newspaper. A. is B. was C. are D. were8.There is going to be an English movie in our school _ the evening of June 20.A.at B.in C.for D.on9.You must learn English well because i

9、ts a _ language.A.boring B.useful C.difficult D.relaxing10.Look at my new smartphone.Wow, its so cool. When and where _ you _ it?A.do; buy B.have; boughtC.did; buy D.have; had三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1今天早晨妈妈把我叫醒了。My mother _ _ _this morning.2我妹妹在一家医院当护士。My sister _ _ a nurse in a hospital.3我叔叔买了一幢带有大花园的房子。M

10、y uncle _ a house _ a big garden.4令我惊讶的是,他考试没有及格。_ _ _, he didnt pass the exam.5乔,你可以帮我搭帐篷吗?Can you help me _ _ a tent, Joe?四、选词填空sheep mouse keep visit camp1.The_ is from the United States. He is talking to our teacher. 2.There are a lot of _in the old mans house. 3.Did you go _ last weekend, Emma?

11、 4.I can see many _ on Uncle Wangs farm. 5.Its so cold. Lets make a fire _ us warm.五、补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框中选出恰当的选项完成对话。其中有两项多余。W: Hi, Michael! 1_M: It was so bad. I only stayed at home.W: 2_M: Because I had to play with my little cousin.W: What about your brother? 3_M: 4_ He went out with his friends. Wha

12、t about your weekend, Tracey?W: I went to Shandong with my parents.M: 5_W: I went to Mount Tai and watched the sunrise(日出).A. Did he stay at home, too?B. Oh, sounds good. What did you do there?C. How is it going with you?D. How was your weekend?E. Thats too terrible.F. Why didnt you go out?G. No, he

13、 didnt.六、短文填空。stay, study, do, be, ask, clean, play, go, visit, seeHow Do Kids Spend the Weekend?Last week, we 1_ the students at Morefield High School what they 2_ over the weekend. For most kids, the weekend 3_ funny. Ten kids did homework or 4_ on Saturday morning, five kids 5_ shopping, and thre

14、e went to the library. Two kids also 6_ computer game. On Saturday afternoon seven kid 7_ a movie or 8_ at home and watched TV. On Sunday, two kids 9_ friends or relatives. Nine kids 10_ their rooms, and five played sports.答案:一、单词拼写I:1.beach 2.shout 3.language 4.tired 5.visitors/tourists 6.sheep 7.m

15、ice8.surprise 9.snakes 10.started/began 11.jumped 12.ear 13.fly 14.forestII:1.sheep 2.went 3.camping 4.butterflies 5.natural6.went 7.had 8.surprising 9.surprised 10.movedIII.1.India 2.ago3.kites4.move5.wake6.moon二、单项选择AAABA DBDBC三、完成句子1.woke me up2works as3bought; with4To my surprise5put up四、选词填空1.visitor 2.mice 3.camping 4.sheep 5.to keep五、补全对话1.D 2.F 3.A 4.G 5.B六、短文填空1.asked 2.did 3.was 4.studied 5.went 6.played7.saw 8.stayed 9.visited 10.cleaned

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