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1、本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告题目: 现代纺织企业5s现场管理研究以江阴福汇纺织股份有限公司化室为例课 题 类 型: 设计 实验研究 论文 学 生 姓 名: 学 号: 专 业 班 级: 工业工程(升)学 院: 管理工程学院指 导 教 师: 开 题 时 间: 2013 年 3 月 1 日一、毕业设计(论文)内容及研究意义(价值)(一)研究内容:“5S”管理理论是现代企业行之有效的现场管理理念和方法,就是整理(SEIRI)、整顿(SEITON)、清扫(SEISO)、清洁(SEIKETSU)、素养(SHITSUKE)、)五个项目,因均以“S”开头,简称5S。 5S起源于日本,通过规范现场、现物,营造一


3、素管理这一功能应用层的角度入手,无法使现场得到彻底的、全面的、系统的提高和改善 。但是5S管理方法是是从实践中总结出来的,是现代制造企业现场管理改善的常用方法2,需要充分了解企业生产现状,结合5S理论的最新方法,才能设计出科学的实施方案。本文采用实证研究的方法结合案例企业实践,就5S管理理论及如何运用5S理论,提高企业化室现场管理水平,进行了详尽研究与探讨。在清晰而透彻的5S理论阐述的基础上,研究现代纺织企业化室5S现场管理体系的建立,在实习的过程中分析江阴福汇纺织股份有限公司纱厂化室管理现状,找出现场管理中存在的问题,运用5S方法去逐步的改善化室现状,提出具体可行的改善方案。5S是一项理论上

4、非常浅显易懂而实际操作上又非常注重技巧的现场管理方法,因此本文主要关注的是5S方法推行与实施的的具体过程,把5S理论应用到企业管理的实践中去,从而能更全面的系统的了解5S管理方法,并且希望本文能给有关的企业和管理人员以实际操作上的借鉴和帮助,主要内容有:1、 详细阐述分析5S管理方法理论;2、 设计5S方法在化室的应用方案;3、 分析江阴福汇纺织股份有限公司化室现场管理现状;4、 对照“应用方案”,分析江阴福汇纺织股份有限公司化室现场管理存在的问题,并提出改进方案;5、总结关于该改进方案被领导、同事的接受程度和5S管理的适用范围、在全场范围内的推广运用及运用5S管理的注意事项等;(二)研究意义

5、:江阴福汇纺织有限公司(简称福汇),是福田实业(集团)有限公司全资子公司,拥有先进的针织布生产设备,包括织造、染布、染纱等。 厂房位于中国江苏省江阴市的江阴经济开发区。自2003开始投产,福汇生产的布匹广被美国、欧洲、日本及其他亚洲的品牌及零售商所采用。本文通过研究先进的5S现代管理理念,结合江阴福汇纺织股份有限公司化室的实际情况,制定出基于5S方法的纺织公司化室现场管理方案及其实施方法,逐步改进公司化室的现场管理水平,具体研究意义为:(1)理论意义:将5S现代管理理念应用于纺织公司化室现场管理,拓展5S管理理论的应用范围。 (2)实践意义:提出的江阴福汇纺织有限公司化室现场管理体系,提升了该

6、公司化室现场管理水平,表现在提升化室形象、降低成本、提高效率、减少浪费、质量保证、安全生产、提高设备寿命等方面。二、毕业设计(论文)研究现状和发展趋势(文献综述)(一)研究现状:近年来,5S在日本取得巨大成就后引起了世界企业的关注。5S越来越被世界范围优秀企业广泛认同和采纳。各个国家的企业家开始研究5S管理的方法,越来越多的企业也开始实施5S管理。由于各个国家的发展水平不同,5S管理方法现状也有所不同,但是5S应当围绕着工作现场管理这个明确的主题,也只有围绕这个主题,才真正显示出其精要性、操作性,而不是一些空泛或随意的口号。 (1)我国5S应用现状:日本丰田公司在实施5S管理取得惊人的成果后,





11、ikoku),形成“10S” 4。同时由于企业的发展状况不同,5S意义也会有所差异,但是不论是几“S”,或者所代表的意义不同,他们都是日本5S发展而来的,他们都是企业其他管理的基础,一流的产品只有在井然有序的环境,安全高效的生产秩序中才能生产出来,而5S管理就是支撑这样环境秩序的基础,而关于5S的研究与实施将会备受各国企业的关注,5S管理的方法也会随着社会的发展变得更加实用和完善。三、毕业设计(论文)研究方案及工作计划(含工作重点与难点及拟采用的途径)1、研究方案:l 查阅相关期刊、文献资料,了解5S管理方法的发展现状和必要性;l 就5S基础理论进行详细阐述、分析;l 结合在江阴福汇纺织股份有

12、限公司的实习情况,实际分析研究5S管理方法在化室的推行与应用方式;l 给出实施的具体方案,作出实施预期展望。2、工作重点与难点: 重点是如何制定出行之有效的5S管理方法及其推行与实施的过程; 难点是由于江阴福汇纺织股份有限公司以前是一家三资企业,现在被中国纺织股份有限公司收购,公司的主要客源都是来自国外,并且外国公司在寻找代加工厂时,为了确保产品质量,很注重公司的生产管理水平,而江阴福汇纺织股份有限公司的经营管理不是很正规,没有建立完善的现场管理制度和5S管理体系,而且公司化室员工素质普遍偏低,这给5S方法的推行实施带来一定得难度,这需要一段时间的教育与培养,这给刚入职的新员工来讲有点难度。3

13、、工作计划:本课题的起止年限为2013年3月至2013年6月。3月1日4月10日 搜集资料并查看国内外有关文献资料,学习相关理论知识,与导师讨论有关问题,完成论文开题报告。阅读几篇英语文献,并做简单的翻译整理,理清论文大体结构和框架,并完成开题报告。4月11日5月 10日 与导师探讨,完善和与丰富论文框架撰写论文初稿并阅读论文指导书5月11日6月 1日 完成论文初稿,修改原稿,修改原稿及分析所用理论的有效性。6月2日6月 9日 改善结果,深入讨论,再修改文稿,导师审阅。6月10日6月30日 论文定稿,打印,制定PPT准备答辩,进行论文答辩。四、主要参考文献(不少于10篇,期刊类文献不少于7篇,

14、应有一定数量的外文文献,至少附一篇引用的外文文献(3个页面以上)及其译文)1 梁瑞平现代生产企业的现场管理J现场方法与实践.2003.P142 韦岚.生产型企业的现场管理J.2001.P493 陈进华.现场效率改善实战手册M.广东:海天出版社,2006.4 刘胜军.精益生产方式现场IEM.广东:海天出版社,2002.5 殷学芳. 浅谈标准化实验室建设成果J.2009.6 杨萍.用现代企业管理方法促进实验室建设J.2004.7 郭振宇.丰田生产方式和工业工程J.工业工程与管理.1998.8 张冬梅, 张世富, 郑胜强. 6S在实验中心规范化管理中的应用J.20109 王文生.论企业现场管理存在的

15、问题及改进J.科技情报开发与经济.2004. 10卜家繁.工业工程在优化现场管理中的应用J. 铁道运营技术.200311 张正祥.工业工程基础M.北京:高等教育出版社,2006.12 卢清波.现场管理的研究与实践M.1998.13 郭伏,钱省三.人因工程学M.北京,机械工业出版社,1998.14 汪应洛.工业工程基础(修订版)M.中国科学技术出版社.2007.15 Richard B. Chase, Nicholas J. Aquilano, F. Robert Jacobs, Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, China Mac

16、hine Press,2002 16 Philip Kotler, Marketing Management -Analysis ,Planning, Implementation, and Control, 199717John Drogosz. Value stream mapping.NSR ASP lean shipbuilding&ship repair forum, 2002附:外文文献: 5S (methodology)Joseph Phillips New York:McGraw-Hill Professional, 2003Broadly speaking, all ente

17、rprises engaged in production and operation for the premises, are referred to as the scene. Such as the factory, workshop, storage, transportation lines, offices and places, such as marketing. Narrow sense, the enterprise directly engaged in basic or auxiliary organizations, the results of the produ

18、ction process, production system is a concrete manifestation of layout, production and operation of the enterprise to achieve the goal one of the basic elements. Site management refers to a scientific management system, standards and methods of production at the scene of the production factors, incl

19、uding the people (workers and managers), Machines (equipment, tools, work spaces apparatus), materials (raw materials), method (processing detection method), Central (Environment), letter (information) to carry out rational and effective planning, organization, coordination, control and detection, i

20、t is a good combination of state, to achieve high-quality, high efficiency, low consumption, balanced, safe, civilized The purpose of the production. Site management is the first line of production management, is an important aspect of production management, production systems is reasonable and in-d

21、epth supplementary arrangements.Enterprise management activities, in terms of funds, personnel, equipment problems which are difficult to produce. Perhaps in the beginning is not so serious, but with the production process, the problem will become more and more prominent, or even halt production so

22、that the entire enterprise of production and operating activities came to a standstill. Therefore, in order to maintain the normal operation of enterprises, it is necessary so that all resources are in good, balanced, and strengthen the management of limited resources in order to get the best value

23、for money. No matter where we went into a business site, will be able to more clearly understand that the enterprise management level, in order to know the operating conditions of enterprises.The scene can provide a wealth of information. As the saying goes: Seeing is believing indirect information

24、is not necessarily true, in order to obtain accurate first-hand information, only to the scene to do a thorough and meticulous investigation. Nip the problem at the scene have a place. The scene is the first line of business activities, no matter what the questions are directly from the scene when t

25、here are problems such as not corresponding to take timely measures, and allowed a laissez-faire attitude towards the development of the probability of good to bad than the direction of the development of a much smaller probability. Staff at the scene that best reflects the dynamics of thinking. Peo

26、ple have feelings, and thinking, a person may not necessarily be done the best he thinks most of the work to ones liking, if he was not satisfied, psychological and emotion may be uncomfortable. This will be consciously or unconsciously reflected in his work, all will be affected, directly or indire

27、ctly, products and production efficiency. In short, to the scene in order to clearly understand the actual situation at the scene, a level of enterprise management, site management will depend on whether the completion of its overall economic goals and set up the class nature and details of the spec

28、ific goals, whether good guide the broad masses of workers organized and planned to carry out its work, the economy is reasonably on target. The activities of the scene is the starting point and end point but not at the scene of the enterprise management is to eventually decline.5S management is a w

29、orkplace organization methods, this method describes how to store items, as well as how to maintain order. 5S management originated in Japan, is on staff at the production site, machines, materials, methods and other production elements of effective management, this is a unique Japanese business man

30、agement. In 1955, the Japanese 5Ss slogan is Safety begins with order, and finally order rectification. Was implemented only the first two S, its purpose is only to ensure operation of space and safety. Later, because of the production and quality control and need to gradually raise the 3S, which is

31、 clean, clean, self-cultivation, so that the application of space and scope for further expansion to 1986, the Japanese 5Ss work gradually came to manage the entire site played a role in the impact model, and thus set off a wave of 5S. Japanese companies will 5S movement as the basis for the managem

32、ent, implementation of various quality management practices, after World War II, to rapidly improve product quality, laying the economic power of the position, and in Toyotas initiative and promoting it, 5S for shaping the corporate image, reduce costs, on time delivery, safety, a high degree of sta

33、ndardization, to create delightful place to work, site improvements, and played a significant role in the management of community gradually recognized by countries. With the development of world economy, 5S has become an new wave of factory management. According to the need for further development o

34、f enterprises, some enterprises in the original basis of 5S added safety (Safety), which formed a 6S; some enterprises to increase the save (Save), the formation of the 7S; also some enterprises with habituation (Shiukanka), services (Service) and insist (Shikoku), the formation of the 10S, some com

35、panies and even the implementation of 12S, but remain the same, are from the 5S in derived , for example, require the removal of useless in the order of things or objects, which in some sense, can be related to the conservation and security, specifically, for example, in the safe passage of cross-us

36、eless junk, it should be of concern is the safety content. This 5S are: (A) SeiriTo be and not to people, and things separately, then do not need people, and things to be addressed, this is the first step in beginning to improve the production site. The key points are placed on the production site a

37、nd the stagnation of real variety of items to classify, to distinguish what is on-site needs and what is not required on site; Secondly, the scene does not need items, such as the remaining materials, excess semi-finished products, cut the material first, chips, garbage, waste, extra tools, discarde

38、d equipment, workers, supplies and other personal life, we must resolutely clean up the production site, the focus of this work is determined to clean up the site do not need out. Each station for the workshop or equipment before and after the passage around, plant up and down, inside and outside th

39、e toolbox, and all dead plant, to be thoroughly search and clean-up, to live without things do not. Determined to do this step is to set a good style start. Some companies in Japan slogan: efficiency and safety begins at order! The purpose of consolidation is: to improve and increase the work area;

40、no debris field, track, smooth, improve work efficiency; the opportunity to reduce bump, safety, improve quality; eliminate management mix, mixing, etc. error accidents ; help reduce inventory, save money; change the style, and improve morale. (B) SeitonThe needs of people and things to be quantitat

41、ive, location. After sorting through the front step of the production site requires the items left behind a scientific and rational layout and display, in order to obtain the required speed of the fastest things in the most effective regulations, systems and processes to complete the most simple ope

42、ration . Rectification to the main points are: items have a fixed location and display area for the search, eliminate errors caused by mix; place items to be scientific and rational place. For example, according to the frequency of item use, frequent use of what should be put too close to some (such

43、 as on the operations area), occasional use or do not use things that should be put farther apart (eg, focus on the shop somewhere); visual display of goods, so that quantitative loading of the items do have a look to know the number of items placed in different regions using different colors and ma

44、rkings distinguish. Produce a reasonable display on site articles help to improve work efficiency and product quality, guarantee production safety. This work has developed into a specialized site management - Location Management.(C) SeisTo clean up the workplace, equipment repair abnormal soon, so b

45、ack to normal. Production site in the production process will produce dust, oil, scrap iron, rubbish, so the scene is dirty. Dirty equipment on site will reduce accuracy, fault-prone, affect product quality, so hard to prevent accidents; dirty site will influence peoples morale, people do not want t

46、o stay too long. Therefore, it is necessary to remove those dirt clean-up activities, to create a bright, comfortable work environment. Clean-up points are: own use items such as equipment, tools, etc., to their own cleaning, and not rely on others, not to increase the special sweeper; cleaning the

47、equipment, focusing on the equipment maintenance. Cleaning equipment to be seized with equipment, combined points, cleaning the point of inspection; cleaning equipment, lubrication equipment to simultaneously do the work of cleaning is maintained; cleaning is to improve. When cleaning the ground wat

48、er are found flying debris and leaks, to identify the cause and take measures to improve. (D) SeiketsuSort, Straighten, clean up after the maintenance to be careful to maintain the perfect spot and the best. Clean is the insistence of the former three activities and in-depth, thereby eliminating the root causes of security incidents. To create a good working environme

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