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1、W。射964交际教学法在英语教学课堂中的实施 一交际教学法在口语教学中的应用,内容提要(随着信息时代的来临,全球经济贸易的迅速发展,对外语人才的 需求急剧增加,能够流利地说外语已成为对现代人的要求之一。但到目 前为止我们的外语教育特别是基础外语教育依然沿袭着传统的外语教 学理论和模式,外语教学仍停留在应试教育模式上,随着社会的发展,其弊端日益显露出来。传统的教学理论在教学上表现为以教师讲为主,注重知识的灌输,忽视学生是主体,忽略了学生的语言创造力。这种培 养方式越来越不适应中国日益扩大的对外交流,不能满足我国对高素 质人才的需求。这时采用以培养学习者的语言理解力、势能力和相互 沟通思想的能力为

2、目标的交际教学法就显得至关重要及际教学法作为 流行于世界的外语教学理论,在于它揭示了语言的社会功能和外语教学 的本质和目标,在于它始终把交际能力的培养作为外语教学的核心。所 以,大力推行交际教学法,正是新的国情的需要。本文从分析蔓适教学 的现状入手,论证了交际教学法在英语教学课堂中实施的重要性,并以 口语教学为例,根据交际教学法的特点、目的和实施原则,探讨如何在 课堂中实施交际教学法。关键词:交际教学法 英语 教学Implementationof Communicative TeachingApproach in the English Classroom Teaching-Applicati

3、on of Communicative Teaching Approach in Teaching Spoken EnglishAbstractWith the coming of the information age and the development of business transactions around the world,a large number of people with good command of English are greatly needed,and being capable of speaking fluently has emerged rec

4、ently as one of the basic requirements of modem people in the global village.But up till now our instruction of foreign language,especially our basic instruction,is still following the traditional foreign language teaching theory and mode.The foreign language teaching is still examination-oriented.W

5、ith the development of the society,its disadvantages are becoming increasingly obvious.The traditional teaching theory is mainly teacher-centered,paying attention to the impartation of knowledge,neglecting the students and their language creativity-This kind of teaching method isnt suitable for the

6、wider and wider scope of foreign exchange that China is expanding,and cant meet our countrys needs for the high quality talent.Under the circumstances,it is essential for us to adopt the communicative teaching approach in order to develop the students ability to comprehend language and improve their

7、 communicative ability.Why-2-the communicative teaching approach,as a foreign language teaching theory,can be widespread in the world is that it reveals the social function of language and the essence and goal of foreign language teaching and that it always regards the development of communicative a

8、bility as the core of foreign language teaching.So,it is exactly the needs of the new national conditions to carry out the communicative teaching approach.The paper proves the importance of implementing the communicative teaching approach in the English classroom teaching by analyzing the current si

9、tuation of English teaching,and takes spoken English teaching as an example to probe into how to implement the communicative teaching approach in the classroom according to the features,objectives and principles of the communicative teaching approach.Key words:Communicative Teaching Approach English

10、 Teaching交际教学法在英语教学课堂中的实施 一交际教学法在口语教学中的应用【摘要】随着信息时代的来临,全球经济贸易的迅速发展,对外语人才的需 求急剧增加,能够流利地说外语已成为对现代人的要求之一。但到目前 为止我们的外语教育特别是基础外语教育依然沿袭着传统的外语教学 理论和模式,随着社会的发展,其弊端日益显露出来。传统的教学理论 在教学上表现为以教师讲为主,注重知识的灌输,忽视学生是主体,忽略了学生的语言创造力这种培养方式越来越不适应中国日益扩大的 对外交流,不能满足我国对高素质人才的需求。这时采用以培养学习者 的语言理解力、表达能力和相互沟通思想的能力为目标的交际教学法就 显得至关重

11、要。本文从分析英语教学的现状入手,论证了交际教学法在 英语教学课堂中实施的重要性,并以口语教学为例,根据交际教学法的 特点、目的和实施原则,探讨如何在课堂中实施交际教学法。本论文由 五个部分组成.第一部分回顾交际教学法的历史。在过去的几十年,随着外语教学 的发展和日臻成熟,语言教学已经历了很多的方法和途径。应用语言学 家还在苦苦寻找一种更有效的教学法,他们相信这种教法能提高学生的 交际能力,而交际能力正是交际教学法最重要的概念。交际能力是海姆 斯(Hymes)提出的。交际能力的提出对英语语言教育家具有重要的影响。它的提出正是在60年代与70年代初,那时占主导地位的结构教学法正 1日益遭受不满,

12、而且变化中的欧洲教育现实也需要采用一种新的外语教 学法。正是在60年代交际教学法开始替代结构教学法,并于70年代中 期开始推广。第二部分介绍交际教学法的特点、目的和实施原则。豪厄特(Howatt)把交际教学法演化成为“强势交际观”和“弱势交际观”两个版本。该 观点把语言结构视为交际教学法中不可分割的组成部分。这就是交际教 学法在世界范围的语言教学中居主导地位的观点。它强调使用语言的重 要性这意味在特定的社会场合恰如其分地使用语言的能力。正如特尔 伍德(Littlewood)指出:交际语言最明显的特征之一就是交际教学法 不仅注重语言的结构,而且还注重语言的功能.第三部分对交际教学法与传统教学法进

13、行比较。在中国,传统的外 语教学重在对语言本身知识的获得,而不是利用语言为真正交际目的。传统教学法把语法翻译与听说法合而为一,教学原则倾向于“以教师为 主”。相反,交际教学法注重学生主体,关注学生活动,强调以学生为 中心。“交际”不仅仅指相互间的语言信息的表达,它包括人与人之间 一切思想感情的交流,是一种活生生的交际过程。该部分从四个方面对 交际教学法与传统教学法进行比较:课堂情景;教师的作用;学生的用 色和教箝。第四部分评在中国外语教学现状。随着信息时代的来临,先进技 术和媒体的迅速发展,对外语人才的需求急剧增加。为了满足现代社会 的需求,英语教师应更注意地发展学生的交际能力而放弃不适合现状

14、的-2*传统教学法。然而,据我们观察,显而易见传统的英语教学法仍在支配 我们的课堂。结果是学习了多年的英语之后,学生们只会读并且写的能 力有限。他们无法用目标语与别人交流。传统的语言教学方法不能满足 形势的需求。引进交际教学法是至关重要。第五部分探讨交际教学法在口语教学中的应用。笔者从五个方面对 该部分进行探讨。第一,阐述口语的重要性。语言教学的重点就在于语言的交际性。简而言之,语言的本质就在于交际与自我表白。口语似乎成为师生关注 的中心。根据杰里米哈默(Jeremy Harmer)的观点,有三个主要理由显 示口语的重要性:首先,口语活动为他们提供一个排练的机会。第二,口语为师生们提供对语言知

15、识有价值的反馈。最后,好的口语活动能激 起学生们真正参与的欲望。第二,对课堂中所采用的口语活动进行论述。交际教学法是任务型 的和活动型的。为了达到某一语言目标,我们应该设计不同的任务和活 动。根据杰里米哈默(JeremyHarmer)的观点,好的口语活动应该有许 多特点:能够吸引学生主动参与;应有某个非纯语言性的目的;活动设 计应充分利用所使用的语言,不只限于语法专项。第三,对口语活动中所施行的策略进行探究。这些策略包括五个部 分:1)学生何时说?2)教师该做什么?3)教师如何减少学生的焦虑?4)教师如何纠正错误?5)教师如何激活学生的动机?第四,评述对教师的一些要求为了提高学生们的口语能力教

16、师们-3-必须绞尽脑汁,同时也对教师提出了更高的要求Q这些包括1)目标语 言的精通;2)教效力;3)外国文化的理解;4)课堂管理;5)心理要素和 人格。第五,阐述英语口语的教学过程。通常把口语教学分为三个阶段一 呈现,准交际活动,交际活动。在第一阶段,学生看,听,抄写,作注 并把新材料纳入现有的语言库。在第二阶段,给学生练习进行语言操练。该阶段为学生提供了再现新词语与新结构并练习新词语与新结构的机 会。在最后的阶段,教师应在上课期间为学生提供一个在交际情景下使 用先前所学所练的语言进行交际的机会。在本部分的最后,举例探讨如何用交际教学法进行口语教学。培养 学生的交际口语技巧是语言教学最重要的目

17、标之一。交际教学法能给我 们提供一个鼓励和培养学生口语的无限领域。交际法作为流行于世界的外语教学理论,在于它揭示了语言的社会 功能和外语教学的本质和目标,在于它始终把交际能力的培养作为外语 教学的核心.自改革开放以来,随着在政治、经济、文化、科教领域的交 流急剧增加,外语人才的需求已经成百倍、千倍地增长.在全球经济一 体化的浪潮冲击下,在我国加入WTO之后,整个国家与外部世界的联系 进一步密切,外语学习更加与人民的日常生活息息相关.社会最需要的 自然是能最有效提高人民使用外语能力的外语教学方法,所以,大力推 行交际教学法,正是新的国情的需要.-4-Implementationof Commun

18、icative TeachingApproach in the English Classroom TeachingApplication of Communicative Teaching Approach in Teaching Spoken EnglishSynopsisWith the coming of the information age and the development of business transactions around the world,a large number of people with good command of English are gr

19、eatly needed,and being capable of speaking fluently has emerged recently as one of the basic requirements of modem people in the global village.But up till now our instruction of foreign language,especially our basic instruction,is still following the traditional foreign language teaching theory and

20、 mode.With the development of the society,its disadvantages are becoming increasingly obvious.The traditional teaching theory is mainly teacher-centered,paying attention to the impartation of knowledge,neglecting the students and their language creativity.This kind of teaching method isnt suitable f

21、or the wider and wider scope of foreign exchange that China is expanding,and cant meet our countrys needs for the high quality talent.Under the circumstances,it is essential for us to adopt the communicative teaching approach in order to develop the students ability to comprehend language and improv

22、e their communicative ability.The paper proves the importance of implementing the 5communicative teaching approach in the English classroom teaching by analyzing the current situation of English teaching,and takes spoken English teaching as an example to probe into how to implement the communicative

23、 teaching approach in the classroom according to the features,objectives and principles of the communicative teaching approach.The whole paper consists of five parts.Part one looks at the history of the communicative teaching approach.As the field of foreign language pedagogy developed and matured o

24、ver the past few decades,language teaching has experienced a number of methods and approaches.Applied linguists and language teachers are still searching hard for a more effective teaching method,which is believed to be able to improve the students*communicative competence,and communicative competen

25、ce is the most important concept of the communicative teaching approach.Communicative competence was introduced by Dell Hymes.Hymess work proved to be of substantial influence among English language educationists,coinciding as it did with growing dissatisfaction with the predominantly structural app

26、roaches to English language teaching in the 1960s and early 1970s.It was In the 1960s that the communicative teaching approach began as replacement to the earlier structural method.Another impetus for the communicative teaching approach to foreign language teaching came from changing educational rea

27、lities in Europe.The scope of the communicative language teaching has expanded since the mid-1970s.-6*Part two presents the features,objectives and principles of the communicative teaching approach*Howatt distinguishes between a strong”and a weak version of the communicative teaching approach.The we

28、ak version stresses the importance of providing learners with opportunities to use their English for communicative purposes.This kind of weak version of the communicative teaching approach plays a leading role in language teaching within the world.The communicative teaching approach stresses the imp

29、ortance of using the language rather than learning the rules of usage.This means the ability to use language appropriate to a given social context.As Littlewood(1981)pointed out,“One of the most characteristic features of the communicative language teaching is that it pays systematic attention to fu

30、nctional as well as structural aspects of language?5 The features,objectives and principles of the communicative teaching approach show that it aims at communicative competence.Part three discusses the comparison between the Communicative Teaching Approach and the Traditional Methods.Traditionally,t

31、he teaching of TEFL in China has emphasized gaining knowledge about the English language itself rather than using the language for genuinely communicative purposes.The traditional approaches blend elements of grammar translation and audio-lingual methods and tend to be teacher-centered.However,the c

32、ommunicative teaching approach is to teach English for the purpose of communication.It takes into account the needs of different students.The part compares the communicative 7-teaching approach with the traditional methods from four respects:classroom situation,teachefs role,students role and Materi

33、als.In short,the communicative teaching approach is student-centered,experience-based,and context-oriented view of foreign language teaching.Part four talk about the current situation of foreign Language teaching in China.With the coming of the information age,advanced technologies,and media,a large

34、 number of people with good command of English are greatly needed.In order to meet the demand of the modem society,the English teachers are supposed to pay more attention to our students development in their communicative competence and abandon the traditional methods which do not fit with the curre

35、nt circumstances.However,as we observe todays English classes,it is obvious that the traditional methods to the English language teaching still dominate our classroom.The result is that after many years of language learning,the students can only read and write to a limited extent.They cant use the t

36、arget language to communicate with other people.The traditional language teaching methods cant meet the demands of the situation.It is quite important to introduce the communicative language teaching.Part five explores the application of the communicative teaching approach in teaching spoken English

37、.The author probes into the part from five respects.First,the author expounds the importance of speaking.The emphasis in language teaching and learning is on the communicative nature of language.In short,the essence is language for communication and self-expression.Speaking-8-seems to be central to

38、the teachers and students*concerns.In Jeremy Harmefs opinion,there are three main reasons to show that speaking is very important.In the first place,speaking activities give them a chance for rehearsal.Secondly,speaking provides valuable feedback about their language knowledge,for both the students

39、and their teachers.Lastly,good speaking activities provoke genuine student engagement.Second,the author talks about the speaking activities used in the classroom.Teaching methods of the communicative language teaching are quite task-based and activity-based.In order to achieve certain language aims,

40、we should design different tasks and activities.According to Jeremy Harmer,good speaking activities should have a number of characteristics:they should engage the students by making them want to take part.They should have some purpose which is not purely linguistic-such as solving a problem or reach

41、ing a decision.They should be designed to maximize the range of language they will use,so they should not restrict the students,for example,to specific grammar patterns.Third,the author does research into the teaching strategies during speaking activities,including 1)When should students speak?2)Wha

42、t do teachers have to do?3)How should teachers diminish students,anxiety?4)How should teachers correct speaking?5)How should teachers arouse students motivation for speaking?Fourth,the author comments on the requirements for an English teacher In order to improve the students ability in speaking,the

43、 teachers must beat their-9-brains,and at the same time there are some higher requirements for teachers.They contain 1)Proficiency of the target language;2)Teaching effectiveness;3)Understanding of foreign culture;4)Classroom management;5)Psychological Elements and Personality.Fifth,the author state

44、s the teaching processes of spoken English.Usually we identify three stages in teaching spoken English-presentation,pre-communicative activities,communicative activities.At the first stage,the students see,hear,copy,note,and fit the new materials into their existing language store.Often this stage c

45、an be part of stage 2.At the second stage,the students are given exercises so that they can practise the language.It is always essential that the class can manage the language before they begin Stage 3,otherwise the teacher will have mjor difficulties and frustrate the students.In the stage,the stud

46、ents have the opportunity to reproduce and practise the new words or structures.Jeremy Harmer(1983)refers to the stage of practice as personality and localization.During the final stage,the teacher should provide the students with the opportunity to use the language previously presented and practise

47、d during the lesson in a communicative context.At the end of the part,the author gives some examples about how to teach spoken English in the communicative teaching approach.Developing the students communicative speaking skills is one of our most important goals in language teaching.The communicativ

48、e teaching approach offers us an unlimited realm of options and ideas for encouraging and enhancing students*speaking.Why the communicative teaching approach,as a foreign language teaching theory,can be widespread in the world is that it reveals the social function of language and the essence and go

49、al of foreign language teaching and that it always regards the development of communicative ability as the core of foreign language teaching.Since reform and opening up to the outside world,the talent of foreign language is in great demand as the exchange is increasing sharply in politics,economy,cu

50、lture,science and education.With the impact of global economic integration and our countrys entry into WTO,the connection between our country and the external world is closer,and the study of foreign language is more closely linked with the peoples daily.Under the circumstances,what the society need

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