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1、布鲁克斯+斯卡帕建筑师事务所Brooks+Scarpa Architects布鲁克斯+斯卡帕是一个由建筑师、设计师和创造性思维者组成的,致力于增强人类体验的集体。该事务所曾荣获史密森尼库柏-海威特国家设计大奖,是一家跨学科设计机构,业务内容涵盖建筑设计、景观设计、规划、环境设计、材料研究、平面设计、家具和室内设计等,旨在创造出创新性、可持续的标志性建筑和城市环境。20多年来布鲁克斯+斯卡帕始终秉承将建筑、艺术和工艺完美融合到设计作品中的优良实践,并因此荣获美国建筑师协会全国及加利福尼亚州设计公司奖,此外还凭借对材料的独创性运用赢得了国际赞誉。事务所还因其更加综合全面的方法与多次获奖经历而被公认

2、为环保设计领域的领军者。布鲁克斯+斯卡帕团队以极其严苛的方法开展建筑设计实践,同时也融合了跨学科研究和数字化技术,并始终保持开放态度,从而使我们的工作能更好地适配于场所设计建造的整个动态过程。布鲁克斯+斯卡帕的每个项目都能很好地满足客户需求,以及预算和特定现场条件,包括解决可持续发展和数字制造等重大的全球关注问题。历史事务所成立于1991年,最初命名为Pugh+Scarpa。2010年更名,以反映当时由美国建筑师协会会员Angela Brooks、Lawrence Scarpa和Jeffrey Huber构成的事务所管理层。如今布鲁克斯+斯卡帕已经是一家由30名专业人士组成的跨学科机构,开展精

3、确设计和研究业务,不断创造出创新性的标志性建筑和城市环境。我们的工作在25年的行业实践中,布鲁克斯+斯卡帕几乎参与了从独栋住宅到多户住宅、保障性住房、商业建筑、办公机构、教育院校和政府公共建筑在内的各类型设计项目的竞争。很多设计公司只从事单一类型的项目设计,但布鲁克斯+斯卡帕已经发展出了超越建筑类型范畴的跨学科设计专长。事务所以打造各种各样的“特殊”及“独特”建筑而闻名。无论面对何种类型的建筑,他们都具备深厚的专业知识和成熟的方法论。以全新的眼光看待每一个项目,可以让我们拿出最好的批判性思维,为THE DESIGN FIRM布鲁克斯+斯卡帕建筑师事务所设计事务所责任编辑:甘海星Executiv

4、e Editor:Gan Haixing74 WORLD ARCHITECTURE REVIEW 设计事务所 THE DESIGN FIRM NO.212 世界建筑导报 75事务所简介泰尔砖屋 Thayer Brick House顽固问题找到独特且合适的解决方案。过程参与客户直接参与设计过程会生成更有意义、考虑更加周全的建筑方案,这是我们在工作实践中所奉行的信念之一。布鲁克斯+斯卡帕的设计过程是开放性的,能够充分调动客户的参与积极性,并提升其在项目开发过程中做出更优选择的能力。我们在概念设计阶段的早期就开始寻获、开发相应关键知识。这种协作设计方法是Brooks+Scarpa所有项目的基石。环境


6、名的行业荣誉。斩获一百多个重要的国家级和国际奖项以及数千个出版物奖项,其中包括:史密森尼库柏-海威特国家设计大奖,美国建筑师协会全国及加利福尼亚州设计公司奖,美国建筑师协会加州理事会和室内设计杂志、建筑实录-房屋、建筑实录-室内设计颁发的终身成就奖,世界人居奖,以及鲁迪布鲁纳奖。事务所的作品方案曾在世界各地展出,包括洛杉矶当代艺术博物馆、国家建筑博物馆、波特兰艺术博物馆、Gwanju 双年展等,并且还登上过奥普拉脱口秀。Lauderdale Office探索建筑如何塑造记忆Brooks+Scarpa Explore How Architecture Can Shape Memory76 WOR

7、LD ARCHITECTURE REVIEW 设计事务所 THE DESIGN FIRM NO.212 世界建筑导报 77Brooks+Scarpa is a collective of architects,designers and creative thinkers dedicated to enhancing the human experience.Honored with the Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award,the firm is a multi-disciplinary practice that include

8、s architecture,landscape architecture,planning,environmental design,materials research,graphic,furniture and interior design services that produces innovative,sustainable iconic buildings and urban environments.Awarded the State of California and National American Institute of Architecture Firm Awar

9、d for more than two decades of consistently exemplary work seamlessly blending architecture,art and craft,Brooks+Scarpa has also garnered international acclaim for the creative use of materials in unique and unexpected ways.The firm has also been recognized for pioneering more holistic approaches to

10、 delivering award winning environmentally responsive designs.While the Brooks+Scarpa team practices architecture with an extremely rigorous and exacting methodology,incorporating cross-discipline research and digital technologies,we remain open-minded,so that our work can adapt throughout the dynami

11、c process of making places for people.Each project is designed to address our clients needs,budget and specific site conditions incorporating important global issues such as sustainability and digital fabrication.History Founded in 1991 as Pugh+Scarpa,the firm changed its name in 2010 to reflect the

12、 current leadership under Angela Brooks,FAIA and Lawrence Scarpa,FAIA and Jeffrey Huber,FAIA.Today,Brooks+Scarpa is a 30 person interdisciplinary practice involved in rigorous design and research that yields innovative,iconic buildings and urban environments.Our Work-Over the twenty five years of pr

13、actice Brooks+Scarpa has competed nearly every project type ranging from single-family homes to multi-family housing,affordable housing,commercial,institutional,educational and governmental buildings.While many firms specialize in a single project type Brooks+Scarpa has developed design expertise re

14、gardless of building type.We are known for special and unique buildings of various types.We have developed design expertise,a methodology,regardless of building type.Approaching every project with fresh eyes,allows us to bring the best critical thinking to the table,often resulting in unique and app

15、ropriately suited solutions to old problems.Process-Our practice is grounded in the belief that clients direct participation in our design process results in more meaningful and thoughtful buildings.Our process is open and fosters active client participation and the ability to make choices as the pr

16、oject develops.We seek,obtain and develop critical knowledge early in the concept design phase.This collaborative approach to design serves as the basis for all Brooks+Scarpa projects.Environmental Stewardship Embedded in our way of working is a respect for our natural environment and fragile ecosys

17、tems.By integrating state-of-the-art eco-friendly design and science,our work is at the leading edge of sustainability best practices and innovation.Design Excellence-Brooks+Scarpa has a proven track record at delivering design excellence that inspires and engages people,incorporating creativity,ori

18、ginality,functionality and technology.These core values allow us to challenge convention and explore new ways of building thru innovative use of materials,structures and technical systems to create spaces people love.Recognition Ranked 2nd Overall top Architecture Firm in the USA by Architect Magazi

19、ne and 333rd worldwide by Design Intelligence,Brooks+Scarpa is considered one the premier design firms in architecture,having been recognized with some of the most prestigious honors in the profession.With more than one hundred significant national and international awards and thousands of publicati

20、ons awards include;the Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award,National and State of California American Institute of Architects Firm Award,The Lifetime Achievement Award from AIA California Council and Interior Design Magazine,Architectural Record Houses,Architectural Record Interiors,The W

21、orld Habitat Award and The Rudy Brunner Prize.The firms work has been exhibited worldwide including venues such as The Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles,The National Building Museum,Portland Museum of Art,the Gwanju Bienale and has also appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show.ABOUT BROOKS+SCARPAWhy

22、do we remember buildings,locations,and experiences?Even a place visited in our childhood can conjure emotions that make an impact on us through the memories they create.Angela Brooks and Larry Scarpa explain that the work of Brooks+Scarpa Architects aspires to make a lasting impression out of even a

23、 brief encounter.“We try to leave something behind,”says Scarpa,“something ingrained in peoples memory that sticks with them.”The Los Angeles-based firm shares the philosophy behind their design process in a profile from Breadtruck Films entitled“Memory:Frame.”The four-minute micro-documentary incor

24、porates interview scenes with Angela Brooks and Larry Scarpa,drone footage of a few of the firms projects,and shots of the design process in progress at their studio.Brooks explains that regardless of a projects scale,the firm considers the experience of everyone who will eventually use the space.Fo

25、r example,their rehabilitation center for disabled veterans uses a large elevated aperture in the facade to maintain a connection between the residents and the street while protecting them from the road.The video also offers insight into the working dynamic between the two partners of the firm.A few

26、 interesting visuals reveal how their early drawings came to life as finished buildings.Also,the architects perspective on energy optimization and minimal site disruption as key aspects of future design.Featured projects include The Six,Angle Lake Transit Station,Raleighs Contemporary Arts Museum,th

27、e Sorenson Center for the Arts in Utah and the Yin-Yang House,whose residents have never,ever received a utility bill according to Scarpa.为什么有一些地标和建筑以及场地和体验会让我们终生难忘呢?甚至我们在童年时参观过的某个地方,可以通过在我们脑海中所留下的记忆影响我们的情绪。来自布鲁克斯+斯卡帕建筑师事务所的安吉拉布鲁克斯和拉里斯卡帕解释说:“我们事务所的建筑作品希望带给所有体验过的人们留下持久的印象”,“我们试图留下一些东西,这些东西能深深地植入人们的记忆

28、中。”这家总部位于洛杉矶的建筑事务所,在Breadtruck Films电影公司出品的一部4分钟的微型纪录片中,分享了他们在建筑设计中的哲学理念。这部纪录片记录了对于创始人安吉拉布鲁克斯和拉里斯卡帕的采访、一部分建成项目的航拍镜头、还包括了他们在事务所里实际参与设计的过程。布鲁克斯解释说:“无论项目的规模如何,我们都会将那些空间使用者的经验纳入考虑。”例如,他们所设计的残疾退伍军人康复中心(The SIX)将建筑立面打开,并将内部掏空,从而让住户与街道保持联系,但同时也保护他们不会受到太多外部的干扰。这部纪录片还记录了布鲁克斯和斯卡帕对于设计进程的见解,其中有一部分利用特效展示了他们的设计草图是如何变成实体建筑的。此外,这两位建筑师也在采访中表示:建筑设计中能源的最优化,以及对场地破坏的最小化将会成为未来设计的关键。布鲁克斯+斯卡帕建筑师事务所建成的特色项目包括:被掏空的公寓、天使湖中转站、罗利当代艺术博物馆、犹他州的索伦森艺术中心,以及阴阳住宅。斯卡帕还表示:“阴阳住宅的住户已经在那里住好几年了,却从未收到过水电费帐单”。作者author:Jack McManusLos Angeles OfficeAngle Lake Ben schneiderCourtesy of Brooks+Scarpa

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