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1、1The boy 1_ down and took a good rest in the sitting room.2He will have to watch his diet because of his serious s_ problem.3Mom, I feel terrible. I think I have a f_.OK. Ill take you to the doctor at once.4I have got a t_, so I must go to see a dentist.5The thief was caught putting his hand into th

2、e pocket of a p_ on the bus.6Xiao Fang introduced h_ to her new students in English in the first lesson.7I fell down and hurt my k_. So I couldnt walk well.8The doctors are always ready to help the s_ people.9You look sad. Whats the m_ with you?10The n_ always treats the sick and wounded with kindne

3、ss.11I had t_ remembering new words, so I asked my teacher for help.12What blogs do people like to f_?13Donald Trump promises to r_ details on his own health in wake of Hillary Clintons Pneumonia.14The gym can be used by both able-bodied and d_ people.15We sold lots of old books in order to r_ money

4、 for the students in trouble.16Can you i_ what you will be when you grow up?17The city has a lot of parks and o_ spaces. Its a good place to live.18I had such a strong f_ for music.19They leave their daughter a_ in the house on weekdays.20My uncle has a large house and he is the o_ of the house.21If

5、 you want to be a v_ to help others, you can help look after the children here.22Her success d_ on her effort and ability.23Wow, the classroom is so clean.We s_ the floor just half an hour ago.24Karen b_ a storybook from one of her friends yesterday because she likes reading.25She wants to f_ her cl

6、othes.26The boy h_ eating rice day after day. He wants to eat something else.27Sally doesnt like singing. N_ do I.28N_ of them went to the park last Sunday.29Jack h_ school days because he has to get up early.30Government has p_ children in poor areas with food for free since 2011.31Maybe theres som

7、ething wrong with the front door, Mom. I cant p_ it open.Wait a minute! Ill have a look.32Dont play with fire. It may c_ a fire.33She was such a proud person that she would die rather than admit(承认)she was w_.34If you are feeling so tired, p_ a little sleep would help.35The young girl sitting next t

8、o me on the plane is very n_. She hasnt flown before.36You will really get into trouble when you cant e_ the whole thing clearly to the police.37When he was 12, his father suddenly went c_ and killed his one-year-old sister.38I didnt agree with her, so I a_ with her last night.39Boys and girls, you

9、can eat w_ you like there.40My e_ brother is two years older than me.41 There is a little w_. Lets go to fly kites. Good idea.42How do you help others r_ their dreams?43People in India use bread to p_ up the food.44The policeman caught the thief when he was s_ a bike.45Could you please open the w_?

10、Its too hot in the room.46After one night of wind, there are many f_ flowers on the ground.47What do you think of the basketball m_ last night?48Is Professor Johnson giving a r_ in the hall?No, it cant be him. He has gone to Japan.49We s_ heard somebody calling for help in the forest.50She sat there

11、 in s _with tears in her eyes.51She is wearing a dress of s_ today.52She told me a secret in a low v_.53The soldiers are very b_. They fear nothing at all.54You must find a place to h_ when the rainstorm comes.55After the rain, the g_ was all wet.56Mr. Greens w_, Mrs Green, is a teacher.57His sister

12、 is hard-working, but his brother is l_.58The old woman was much too w_ because of her serious illness.59The more you s_, the happier you will feel.60I picked a s_ when I took a walk along the river.61Getting married is one of the e_ in ones lifetime.62I still believe in the goodness of human n_.63Y

13、ou are not a child any more. As an a_, you should think more about others.64The main food for giant pandas is b_.65They will beat down Team B if they s_ again in the match.66The boy used to w_ 80 kilograms. But now he is only 60 kilograms.67Its our duty to protect the w_ animals in nature.68The more

14、 trees we plant, the p_ and fresher air we will have.69He is absent because of i_, he has to take some medicine.70Can you finish the work with l_ time than before?71It is not right to r_ the film in the cinema.72Open your books and look at the picture on p_ 12.73We cant put these books in the box. I

15、t is already f_.74The little boy fell into the river. A man quickly swam t_ him and saved him.75Taiwan is the largest i_ in China.76I love m_ music.77What do you think about the f_?78Her b_ has attracted much attention around.79The number of wild pandas has i_ by around 17% in the last ten years.80B

16、efore he went a_, he spent as much time as he could learning English.81If you like hot food, youd better cook I_ food.82The weather becomes warmer and warmer when s_ comes.83Why do you c_ stamps?84Do you know who d_ America?Columbus (哥伦布).85People in Sichuan P_ like eating spicy food.86Men have been

17、 making music for t_ of years.87Neither of them could speak J_.88Computer is the most useful i_.89I take the s_ to go to school.90Can I use your c_? I want to take some pictures.91We went to the history m_ yesterday.92In my hometown, there was a big tree o_ our school.93My father was watching TV in

18、the living room w_ my mother was cooking in the kitchen.94One hundred c_ is one dollar.95They have lived here s_ their father began to work in this city.96At the last family wedding, Georges wife c_ the total number in the family.97Im c_ that he will go to the concert. He told me that an hour ago.98

19、As a playwriter, Shakespeare belongs to the 16th c_.99He often r_ himself as a hero (英雄).100Were c_ how to solve the problem.参考答案:1(l)ay【详解】句意:这个男孩在客厅躺着好好休息一下。根据“took a good rest”和首字母提示可知,考查“lie down”短语。“and”连接并列谓语,后面“took”是一般过去时,故“lie”也用一般过去时“lay”。故填(l)ay。2(s)tomach【详解】句意:他得注意饮食,因为他的胃病很严重。根据首字母以及“H

20、e will have to watch his diet”可知,需要注意饮食,原因是胃病严重,stomach“胃”,故填(s)tomach。3(f)ever【详解】句意:妈妈,我感觉很糟糕。我想我发烧了。好的。我马上带你去看医生。根据“Ill take you to the doctor at once.”和首字母可推知是发烧了。have a fever“发烧”,固定短语。故填(f)ever。4(t)oothache【详解】句意:我牙疼,所以必须去看牙医。根据题干中“.see a dentist.”看牙医以及首字母提示,可知我牙疼,因此toothache符合题意。故填(t)oothache。

21、5(p)assenger【详解】句意:小偷在公共汽车上把手伸进一位乘客的口袋时被抓住了。根据“The thief was caught putting his hand into the pocket of a on the bus”及首字母可知,小偷把手伸进公交车上的一位乘客,passenger“乘客”,根据a可知,此空应填单数名词,故填(p)assenger。6(h)erself【详解】句意:小芳在第一节课上用英语向新学生们做自我介绍。根据“introducedto her new students”可知是她介绍自己,空格处应用反身代词,结合首字母提示可知应填herself,故填(h)er

22、self。7(k)nee/(k)nees【详解】句意:我摔倒弄伤了膝盖,所以我不能正常走路了。根据“So I couldnt walk well.”和首字母提示可知是膝盖受伤了,应填knee/knees,故填(k)nee/(k)nees。8(s)ick【详解】句意:医生们总是随时准备帮助病人。根据常识和“The doctors are always ready to help the people.”可知是,帮助病人,sick people“病人”。故填(s)ick。9(m)atter【详解】句意:你看起来很伤心。你怎么了?whats the matter“怎么了”,是固定表达,根据“You

23、look sad”可知在问怎么了,空格处应填matter,故填(m)atter。10(n)urse【详解】句意:这位护士总是善待伤病员。根据“.treats the sick and wounded.”和首字母提示可知,善待病人和伤员的是护士,nurse“护士”,可数名词;此处特指善待伤病员的这位护士,应用单数名词。故填(n)urse。11(t)rouble【详解】句意:我很难记住生词,所以我向老师求助。根据首字母提示和“so I asked my teacher for help”可知,记生词遇到了困难,have trouble (in) doing sth.“做某事有困难”,固定短语。故填

24、(t)rouble。12(f)ollow【详解】句意:人们喜欢关注哪些博客?根据“What blogs do people like to f.”可知,关注博主,follow“关注”符合语境,like to do sth“喜欢做某事”,故填(f)ollow。13(r)elease【详解】句意:唐纳德特朗普承诺在希拉里克林顿肺炎后公布自己的健康状况细节。根据句意可知,此处应是“发布、公布健康细节”,“release发布”且根据promise to do sth的结构可知,此处填动词原形release。故填(r)elease。14(d)isabled【详解】句意:健全人和残疾人都可以使用这个健身房

25、。根据“able-bodied”和首字母可知,此处指残疾人;disabled“残疾的”,形容词,修饰名词“people”。故填(d)isabled。15(r)aise【详解】句意:我们卖掉了许多旧书,为有困难的学生筹集资金。根据“r.money for the students in trouble.”可知是指为有困难的学生筹集资金。raise“筹集”,动词,空前有动词不定式符号,动词用原形,故填(r)aise。16(i)magine【详解】句意:你能想象你长大后会做什么吗?根据“what you will be when you grow up?”和首字母可知,此处指想象你长大后会做什么,i

26、magine“想象”,情态动词Can后跟动词原形。故填(i)magine。17(o)pen【详解】句意:这个城市有很多公园和空旷的空间。这是个居住的好地方。根据“a lot of parks and.spaces”可知是有很多公园和开放的空间,才适合居住。结合首字母,应填open表示“开放的,空旷的”。故填(o)pen。18(f)eeling【详解】句意:我对音乐有一种强烈的情感。不定冠词a后接单数名词。根据首字母f可知此处可用a feeling for sth表示“一种的感觉?情感”。故填(f)eeling。19(a)lone【详解】句意:工作日他们把女儿独自留在家里。根据“on weekd

27、ays”及首字母提示可知,平日父母都要上班,所以此处应是把女儿独自留在家里,alone“独自地”,副词修饰动词leave。故填(a)lone。20(o)wner【详解】句意:我叔叔有一座大房子,他是房子的主人。根据前句说“My uncle has a large house ”可知,此处应是指“他是这个房子的主人”,owner意为“主人”,根据be动词is可知应用单数形式,故填(o)wner。21(v)olunteer【详解】句意:如果你想成为一名志愿者去帮助别人,你能帮着照顾这里的孩子。不定冠词a+首字母发音为辅音音素的单数可数名词,故空处需填一个单数可数名词,根据“you can help

28、 look after the children here.”可知此处指志愿者。故填(v)olunteer。22(d)epends【详解】句意:她的成功取决于她的努力和能力。根据“Her success on her effort and ability”及首字母可知,成功取决于努力和能力,depend on“取决于”,陈述事实用一般现在时,主语是不可数名词,动词用三单,故填(d)epends。23(s)wept【详解】句意:哇,教室真干净。我们半小时前刚扫过地。根据“the classroom is so clean”和“the floor ”及首字母可知,应是扫过地,sweep“打扫”,由

29、“just half an hour ago”可知,时态是一般过去时,空处用动词的过去式,故填(s)wept。24(b)orrowed【详解】句意:凯伦昨天从她的一个朋友那里借了一本故事书,因为她喜欢读书。根据“from one of her friends”及首字母提示可知,空处应填动词borrow“借”,borrow sth. from意为“从某处借某物”,由“yesterday”可知时态为一般过去时,borrow的过去式是borrowed。故填(b)orrowed。25(f)old【详解】句意:她想要叠她的衣服。根据“her clothes”及首字母可知,此处指叠衣服,fold“折叠”,

30、to后跟动词原形,故填(f)old。26(h)ates【详解】句意:那个男孩讨厌日复一日地吃米饭。他想要吃些别的东西。根据“ He wants to eat something else.”和首字母可知,那个男孩想要吃点别的东西,所以此处“The boy h. eating rice day after day.”应是在表示他讨厌日复一日地吃米饭,而该句的时态是一般现在时,主语为The boy,所以此空应是动词三单形式hates“讨厌”,符合题意。故填(h)ates。27(N)either【详解】句意:莎莉不喜欢唱歌。我也不喜欢。根据“Sally doesnt like singing.”及首

31、字母N可推出用“Neither do I”表示“我也不喜欢”。故填(N)either。28(N)either/(N)one【详解】句意:上星期天他们两个都没有去公园。根据首字母提示及语境可知,此处为neither of表示“两者都不”或none of表示“都不”(不确定的数量)。故填(N)either/(N)one。29(h)ates【详解】句意:杰克讨厌上学,因为他必须早起。根据“because he has to get up early.”及首字母提示可知,设空处指的是hate“憎恨”,根据“he has to”可知句子时态为一般现在时,主语Jack是第三人称单数,所以此时动词hate用

32、三单形式。故填(h)ates。30(p)rovided【详解】句意:自2011年起,政府开始为贫困地区的儿童免费提供食物。由句中“with food for free”知,此句是说为贫困儿童免费提供食物,provide sb. with sth.“为某人提供某物”,由句中“has”和“since 2011”知,此句为现在完成时,其构成为“has/have+过去分词”,故填(p)rovided。31(p)ush【详解】句意:也许前门出了问题,妈妈。我推不开。等一下!我去看看。由“Maybe theres something wrong with the front door”可知,门出了问题,所

33、以推不开它。“推”push,且情态动词cant后加动词原形,故填(p)ush。32(c)ause【详解】句意:不要玩火,它可能会导致一场火灾。根据“It may.a fire”及首字母提示可知是“导致”火灾,cause“导致”。may后接动词原形,故填(c)ause。33(w)rong【详解】句意:她这如此骄傲的一个人,宁死也不承认自己错了。be动词was后接形容词作表语。根据“She was such a proud person”和“she would die rather than admit(承认)”可知,她骄傲到不会承认自己错了,首字母为w,“错”用形容词wrong。故填(w)ron

34、g。34(p)erhaps【详解】句意:如果你感到累了,也许小睡一会儿会有帮助。分析句子结构,主句部分不缺重要成分,此处可用副词修饰整个句子,首字母为p,可用副词perhaps表示“也许”小睡一会儿有帮助。故填(p)erhaps。35(n)ervous【详解】句意:飞机上坐在我邻座的那个年轻女孩非常紧张。她之前没有乘坐过飞机。be动词is后接形容词作表语。根据“She hasnt flown before.”可知,她没有坐过飞机,所以非常紧张。“紧张的”用形容词nervous,首字母为n。故填(n)ervous。36(e)xplain【详解】句意:当你不能向警察解释清楚整件事时,你真的会有麻烦

35、。结合句子中的“to”及首字母可知,这里用到短语explain sth to sb,且前有情态动词cant,用动词原形。故填(e)xplain。37(c)razy【详解】句意:在他12岁的时候,他的父亲突然疯了,杀死了他一岁的妹妹。根据“went.”和“killed his one-year-old sister”及首字母可知,应是发疯了,go crazy“发疯”,故填(c)razy。38(a)rgued【详解】句意:我不同意她的观点,所以我昨晚和她争吵了。根据“I didnt agree with her, so I.with her last night.”和首字母提示可知,两人的观点不一

36、致,导致昨晚争吵起来,argue with sb表示“和某人争吵”,动词短语,句中时间状语为last night,故时态为一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式。故填(a)rgued。39(w)hatever【详解】句意:男孩女孩们,在那里你可以吃喜欢吃的任何东西。分析句子结构可知,空处应为连接词引导宾语从句,结合语义及所给首字母可知,此处用whatever“无论什么”,在从句中作like的宾语。故填(w)hatever。40(e)lder【详解】句意:我的哥哥比我大两岁。结合首字母并根据“大两岁”可知,主语为my elder brother“我的哥哥”,空处用old的比较级elder,表示“年长的”,

37、作定语修饰brother。故填(e)lder。41(w)ind【详解】句意:有一点风,我们去放风筝吧。好主意。根据“Lets go to fly kites.”和首字母可知,有一点风,所以去放风筝。“风”wind,不可数名词,故填(w)ind。42(r)ealize/(r)ealise【详解】句意:你如何帮助别人实现他们的梦想?根据“dreams”结合首字母可知是指实现梦想,realize/realise“实现”,动词,help sb do sth“帮助某人做某事”,故填(r)ealize/(r)ealise。43(p)ick【详解】句意:在印度,人们用面包来夹食物。pick up“拿起”,t

38、o为不定式符号,后跟动词原形。故填(p)ick。44(s)tealing【详解】句意:警察在小偷偷自行车时抓住了他。根据“the thief”可知是小偷,结合首字母,应用steal表示“偷东西”,was后接现在分词。故填(s)tealing。45(w)indow/(w)indows【详解】句意:请你打开窗户好吗?房间里太热了。根据“Its too hot in the room.”可知房间里热,想请对方打开窗户,“窗户”window,此处用单复数均可。故填(w)indow/(w)indows。46(f)allen【详解】句意:经过一夜的风,地上有许多落花。根据“After one night

39、of wind”可知大风会使花落下,用fallen表示“落下的,落在地上的”,形容词作定语。故填(f)allen。47(m)atch【详解】句意:昨天晚上的篮球比赛你觉得怎么样?根据“What do you think of the basketball.last night?”可知,指的应该是昨天晚上的篮球“比赛”如何,“match”译为“比赛”,前面有定冠词“the”,特指昨晚的篮球比赛,填写单数即可。故填(m)atch。48(r)eport【详解】句意:约翰逊教授在大厅里做报告吗?不,不可能是他。他去了日本。根据“Professor”以及“in the hall”结合首字母可知,此处是指

40、做报告,report“报告”,可数名词,被a修饰,应用单数,故填(r)eport。49(s)uddenly【详解】句意:我们突然听到有人在森林里呼救。根据语境“We.heard somebody calling for help in the forest.”可知,“突然”听到有人呼救,“suddenly”译为“突然地”,是一个副词,修饰动词“heard”,故填(s)uddenly。50(s)ilence【详解】句意:她眼含泪水的静静地坐在那里。根据“with tears in her eyes”和首字母s可知,她应该是静静地坐着。in silence“静静地”,符合句意。故填(s)ilenc

41、e。51(s)ilk【详解】句意:她今天穿着一件丝绸连衣裙。根据“a dress of”及首字母可知,丝绸质地的衣服,silk“丝绸”,故填(s)ilk。52(v)oice【详解】句意:她轻声告诉我一个秘密。根据“told me a secret”可知,告诉我一个秘密,应是以低的声音。由于首字母“v”,应是voice,故填(v)oice。53(b)rave【详解】句意:士兵们非常勇敢。他们什么都不怕。根据“They fear nothing at all.”可知他们什么都不怕,结合首字母,应用brave表示“勇敢的”,作表语。故填(b)rave。54(h)ide【详解】句意:暴风雨来临时,你必

42、须找个地方躲起来。结合“You must find a place to.when the rainstorm comes.”和首字母h可知,暴风雨来临时要找地方躲起来,动词hide“躲藏”,空前to为不定式符号,hide用原形。故填(h)ide。55(g)round【详解】句意:雨后,地面全是湿的。根据“After the rain, thewas all wet.”可知下完雨后,地面是湿的。结合所给首字母提示可知,应该填ground“地面”,不可数名词。故填(g)round。56(w)ife【详解】句意:格林先生的妻子格林夫人是一名教师。根据“Mr. Green”以及“Mrs Green”

43、可知,格林夫人是格林先生的妻子,wife“妻子”,名词,故填(w)ife。57(l)azy【详解】句意:他的姐姐很努力,但他的哥哥很懒。根据“His sister is hard-working”和“but”及首字母可知,他的哥哥很懒惰,lazy“懒惰的”符合语境,形容词作表语。故填(l)azy。58(w)eak【详解】句意:这位老人因为她严重的疾病太虚弱了。根据首字母提示以及题干中“because of her serious illness”可推测得知,这位老人太虚弱了,此空应用“weak”虚弱的,形容词。故填(w)eak。59(s)mile【详解】句意:你笑得越多,你就会感到越快乐。分析

44、句子和首字母提示此处缺少you后面的谓语“微笑smile”,表达“笑得越多,就会感到越快乐”。故填(s)mile。60(s)tone【详解】句意:当我沿着河边散步的时候我捡了一块石头。根据句中“when I took a walk along the river”和首字母提示,可知捡起的是“石头stone”。stone可数名词,前面有a,故用单数。故填(s)tone。61(e)vents【详解】句意:结婚是人一生中的大事之一。表达人生大事用名词event,而one of后需接名词复数,故填(e)vents。62(n)ature【详解】句意:我仍然相信人性本善。根据首字母提示和“the good

45、ness of human”可知,相信人性本善,nature“天性”符合句意,故填(n)ature。63(a)dult【详解】句意:你不再是个孩子了。作为一个成年人,你应该多为别人着想。根据“You are not a child any more”及“As an”可知,不再是个孩子,此处指作为一名成年人,adult“成年人”,根据an可知,此空应填单数形式,故填(a)dult。64(b)amboo【详解】句意:大熊猫的主要食物是竹子。根据常识可知,大熊猫主要以竹子为食,结合首字母提示可知应用bamboo,由“is”可知空格处缺少名词单数。故填(b)amboo。65(s)ucceed【详解】句意:如果他们在比赛中再次获胜,他们将击败B队。根据“Th

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