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1、2008年济南市高中阶段学校招生考试英语试卷第卷(选择题共80分)一、听力测试A听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。(5分)1AYour books are on the sofaBWhats your telephone number?CRick takes the number 17 bus to his company every morning2AWheres the lost and found case?BThe buses are dirty and crowded when it rainsCI need to take the video tape back to t

2、he store after school3ADo you have a volleyball,Barry?BIn the future,humans will have less work to doCCome and buy your clothes at Huaxings great sale4APlease read aloud in classBCould I invite my friends to the party on Saturday?COur readers want to know something about famous people5AMy aunt took

3、us out to the park last weekBRunning star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy foodCWhy not come over to my home on Wednesday evening?B听录音,从每题A、B、C三幅图画中选出与听到的对话内容相符的一项。(5分)C在录音中,你将听到一段对话及五个问题。请根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。(5分)11AHes out BHes at home CHes upstairs12AAt the airport BAt the train station CAt his workp

4、lace13ANew York BSydney CShanghai14AAt 9:00 in the morningBAt 10:00 todayCAt 11:00 tomorrow15ATom Green BSusan Smith CBob WhiteD在录音中,你将听到一篇短文及五个问题。请根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案。(5分)16ATo New York BTo Tokyo CTo Paris17ABy telegram BOn the phone COn the Internet18AOn January 29 BOn January 30 COn January 3119ATo h

5、ave some work to doBTo see a movie CTo meet his old friends20AHe put his things in his roomBHe sent a telegram to New YorkCHe couldnt remember the name and address of his hotel二、选择填空(30分)从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。21-Excuse meIs there pay phone near here?-YesYou can find one near the bus stopAan Bthe

6、Ca D/22-Nice to meet youIm SamMay I know your name?-Of course name is JennyNice to meet youAMy BYour CHer DHis23-What kind of is your favoriteKevin?-Chinese food! I like it very muchAcity Bfood Csport Dbook24-Lets play ping-pong!-Good idea, I dont have a batAso Bor Cand Dbut25-Where is London? I hav

7、e a pen pal there-Its EnglandAon Bin Cat Dof26-Is that your sister Tara?-No,it isntIts TinaTina is than TaraAshort Bshortest Cmore short Dshorter27You cool! Are these your new sunglasses?Ataste Blook Csmell Dsound28-Hi,Cindy! How are you?- AHow are you? BHow do you do?CYes,it isDIm fine,thanks29Whic

8、h Fuwa comes from a panda?30The in the picture is a kind of animalI learned about that in my biology classAcabbage Brobot Cdolphin Druler31 sunny day it is! Its really good to go out for a hikingAWhat a BWhat CHow a DHow32Id like bowls of noodlesOne is for myself and the other two are for my parents

9、Aone Btwo Cthree Dfour33-Did your class have a party last night?-Yes,we didWe really enjoyed Ayourself Bourselves Citself Dherself34- eggs do you need for the soup?-Well,one is probably enoughAHow long BHow wide CHow much DHow many35Would you mind the window? Its cold outsideAgoing Bputting Cclosing

10、 Dtaking36We are going to finish the work the day tomorrowAbefore Bacross Cafter Dbetween37Make sure to the lights when you leaveAturn over Bturn left Cturn off Dturn right38-When is the speech contest?-Oh Friday,September 29thATheyre BIts CIm DShes39Those are my three cousins of them are interested

11、 in soap operasAEach BAll CBoth DOne40If you take a bus at the airport, will take you half an hour to get hereAthey Bit Cthat Dthese41The boy in brown is your neighbor,Ted, he?Adoesnt Bdont Cisnt Darent42We should do to help the people in troubleAnothing Bsomebody Csomething Dnobody43What do you wan

12、t when you grow up,Sally?Ato be Bdoes Cdid Dbe44Excuse meCould you please for us? Were thirsty and tiredAmake money Bmake a living Cmake coffee Dmake trouble45Please up your bedroom,JackIts too dirtyAset Bstay Cclean Dcheer46-I want some students for the school concertBill, you sing?-Yes,I canBut on

13、ly a littleAwould Bmust Cshould Dcan47-So,what do you think of your birthday party?-I like itIts really ,I thinkAgreat Bboring Cugly Dyoung48Pass me one more pen,please only one here nowAThere are BThere is CThere be DThere were49-What did your teacher say to you?-He said AI was good at math Bwhat d

14、o I likeCwhere do I live Dhow could I read it50Ive in the school for a year now,and I really love my studentsAworked Barrived Cjoined Dcome三、完形填空(10分)阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。Your junior high school years are coming to an endAfter the big exam,most of you will go to 51 in a senior h

15、igh school 52 are you expecting from senior high? 53 hear what plans some students have for the future1Zhou Jie,15,from Shanghai,“I have heard that although Senior 3 is a 54 year,students feel less stressed out in Senior 1 and Senior 2I hope therell be time to enjoy 55 ,especially tennisThe Tennis M

16、asters(大师)Cup will be held in ShanghaiIm going to volunteer to help out and Im sure Ill really enjoy it”2Jin Li,16,from Harbin,“I really enjoy scienceIm crazy about 56 model planes,although Im not good at 57 Ill learn more science in senior highAnywaysometime in the future Im going to build a super

17、model plane!”3Wang Ya,15,from Xiamen,“I hope I can be 58 in senior high schoolIm only 155 cmI want to be 162 cm 59 most of the girls in my family dont grow any taller than 160 cmI hope Im different”4Li Fan,15,from Puyang,“I hope I can make more friendsIn senior highIll meet different people from dif

18、ferent areasI hope I can learn new things 60 them”51Awalk Bstudy Cplay Dwrite52AWhen BHow CWhat DWhere53ALets BIts CWhats DThats54Ahot Bhard Clight Dkind55Abook Bshow Cphoto Dsport56Amaking Bsitting Ccooking Dcleaning57Aus Bhim Cit Dher58Ashorter Bstronger Cthinner Dtaller59ASo BBut CWhen DIf60Ato B

19、for Cfrom Dat四、补全对话(5分)阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。A:Hi,Li Tao! Could you please tell me something about your new pen pal?B: 61 A:ThanksWhats his name?B:His name is Richard Evans and hes living with his parents in Hangzhou nowA:Uh-huhWhere is he from?B:He comes from CanadaRichard was born in T

20、orontoA:Uh-huh 62 B:Hes 15 years oldA: 63B:Oh,he speaks English and French,and he says he is learning Chinese nowA:Really? Many foreigners think Chinese is a difficult language 64 B:Yes,he doesBut he works very hard at itHis families are going back to Canada this JulyHe has invited me to take a vaca

21、tion there and he can learn Chinese from me by the timeA:How cool! Have you decided to go?B:Yes,I have 65 61ASure BOf course not CI dont knowDSorryI cant62AHow is he? BWhere is he? CWhat is he?DHow old is he?63AWhat class is he in? BWhat is his hobby?CHow many languages does he speak?DWho is his Chi

22、nese teacher?64AWhy does he learn Chinese?BDoes he also think it hard to learn Chinese?CWho does he learn Chinese from?DHow does he learn Chinese?65AI can also learn English from him BI can practice Chinese with him,tooCHe can also teach me Chinese DHe can learn English from me,too五、阅读理解(15分)阅读下列短文,

23、从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。AMr. Green was clever three years agoAnd few men could trouble himBut one day he was hit down by a car and his head got badly hurtAnd now he often forgets something and thinks in a different way from oursOne morning,Mr. Green woke up earlyHe put on his coat an

24、d began to walk in the street while people were sleepingHe wanted to buy newspapers but the post office was still closedHe had to go back and go to bed againBefore he took off his clothes,someone knocked at the doorHe got up and opened itTwo hunters(猎人)came inThey looked at him carefully and then sa

25、id,“We saw a dead man just nowWe thought it was you”“Really?” Mr. Green said in surprise“Where?”“In the forest”“Its impossible!” said Mr. Green“I didnt go there at all this morning”“But he died last night”“I havent been there for nearly a week”“But he looks like you”“What clothes does he wear,then?”

26、A blue coat like yours and brown pants”“And what color are his socks?”“Black”Mr. Green became happyHe showed his socks to them and said,“Look! Mine are white”66Why does Mr. Green often forget things?ABecause his head got badly hurt BBecause he often drove carsCBecause he was too cleverDBecause few m

27、en could trouble him67What did Mr. Green want to do when he walked in the street?AHe wanted to have breakfast BHe wanted to buy newspapersCHe wanted to post a letterDHe wanted to go back to sleep68Who knocked at Mr. Greens door?AA man from the forest BTwo huntersCA postmanDA policeman69Where did the

28、 two hunters find the dead man?AIn the street BBehind Mr. Greens houseCIn the forestDNear the post office70What color were Mr. Greens socks?ABrown BWhite CBlack DBlueBFIFTEEN YEAR-OLD Liu Xuyang said he has more than 30 pairs of shoesBut some are oldHe doesnt want them any moreWhere should these old

29、 shoes go? To the garbage or to be recycled?This is bow Liu began to care about old shoesHe shared his thoughts with his classmates at Beijing No. 35 Middle School,Luo Hao and Yang MengweiThe three then decided to do some researchThey found out that old shoes can pollute the environment if not recyc

30、led properlyEarlier this month,their research paper won second prize in the Beijing Youth Science and Invention CompetitionThe three first spent two weeks designing a questionnaire on how people deal with old shoes and how the shoes are treatedThey gave over 100 questionnaires to the public,to shoem

31、akers,garbage stations and recycling stationsDoing the survey,They found that on average(平均),a family throws away 5.17 pairs of shoes each yearThat means millions of old shoes are thrown away a year around the countryHowevermost old shoes are not treated properly,according to the students“Usuallythe

32、 old shoes are just burnt or buried(填埋)with other garbage,”said LuoMost of the shoes are made of chemical materialsIf they are burnt or buried,they can give off gas(气)or other things that pollute the air and rivers,said the studentsThey suggest there should be big boxes in cities f6r people to put o

33、ld shoes inThe shoes could then be taken to recycling stations to be treatedOn the other hand,the shoemakers,said the students,could use more environment-friendly material to make shoes71Liu Xuyang Ahas fifteen pairs of old shoesBhas more than thirty pairs of old shoesChas more than thirty classmate

34、s in his classDis a student of No. 35 Middle School in Beijing72Liu Xuyang began to care about the old shoes Abecause he decided to do some researchBwhen he wanted to throw away his old shoesCbecause his thirty pairs of shoes were all very oldDwhen he sent the shoes to the recycling factory73What do

35、es the word “questionnaire” mean in the underlined sentence?AA station to deal with the waste materialsBA recycling station to treat the old shoesCAn office to deal with the problems of old shoesDA list of questions to be answered by a group of people74How did the three students begin their research

36、?AThey designed a questionnaire firstBThey wrote a research paper about the old shoesCThey gave out the questionnaires and won a prizeDThey visited many shoemakers,trash and recycling stations75Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AMore recycling stations should be built aroun

37、d the countryBOld shoes will pollute the environment if not recycled properlyCThe students survey shows millions of old shoes are thrown away each yearDThe students suggest that environment-friendly material should be used to make shoesCWhen Wayne Mix was a child in the 1930s,his family sent him to

38、a school for the deaf and blindHe learned American Sign LanguageWith American Sign Language,deaf people use their hands to communicateThey can spell words with their fingers,or they can use signs for whole wordsWayne communicated with teachers and friends in sign languageHe graduated at the age of 2

39、0In those days,people who were deaf did not get jobs and were not part of the community(社区),so Wayne went back to the family farmHis family did not know sign language,so Wayne communicated a little by making simple motions(手势)with his handsHe was never able to tell them his thoughts and feelingsWayn

40、es father died in 1971There was no place for Wayne to live,so they sent him to Mountain Meadows nursing homeHe was only 51 and much younger and healthier than the other people in the nursing home,but he was treated like the 80 and 90-year-old people because he did not hear or speakNo one knew that W

41、ayne was able to use sign languageTwenty-nine years passed slowly and silently for WayneThen one day he saw a visitor using sign language with her deaf mother during a visit to the nursing homeHe walked up to them and signed,“Im Wayne Mix”Suddenly everything changed for WayneHe found many people who

42、 knew sign languageThese people communicated through sign language,e-mail,television with subtitles and a special telephone that prints(打印)the words that are spokenIt was a whole new world for WayneNow he could tell people his feelings,his needs,and his thoughtsThe people in Waynes town were sad about the thousands of days in Waynes life when no one knew that he could communicateThey wanted to help Wayne to do some of the things he always wanted to doThe workers at the nursing home foun

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