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1、2020年上海市中考英语试卷.Listening Comprehension(听力理解) A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question your hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) 7.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. Driving carsB. Riding horsesC. Writ

2、ing playsD. Drawing cartoons8. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 A. 6B. 10C. 12D. 209.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. SafeB. BoringC. ExpensiveD. Interesting10.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. In AprilB. In MayC. In JuneD. In July11.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. To live near his officeB. To have a new jobC. To live close to friendsD. To have a q

3、uiet life12.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A At Gate 2B. At Gate 5C. At Gate 15D. At Gate 3013.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. Drinks for dinnerB. Place for dinnerC. Time for dinnerD. Food for dinner14.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. Mum and sonB. Teacher and studentC. Doctor and patientD. Policewoman and driverC.Listen to the passag

4、e and whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T“表示,不符合的用“F”表示)【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】 15. Animals like snakes(蛇)usually get more attention because they look dangerous.16. Lucy wants people to know that less cute animals are important, too.17. Lucy is especially interest

5、ed in snakes because she wants to save them.18. Lucy tells stories on TV about less cut animals.19. Many people like watching Lucys fun videos online.20. The passage is mainly about how people study less cute animals.D.Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences(听对话,用听到的单词完成下列句子,每空格限

6、填一词)【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】21. Its been about_since Alexs mum left home22. Although nursing is not easyAlexs mum likes to_patients23. Alexs mum needs to make sure her patients take medicine_24. Nurses sometimes talk with patients and their family members to make them_25. Alex is_his mum because she helps

7、 save livesll.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案) 26.Which of the following words is pronounced /spi:t/?A. speechB. spaceC. speedD. spend27.Kellys cheese cakes were sold out within half_hour at the night market.A. aB. anC. theD. /28.Mr Smith always encourages his students to be active_classA. inB. byC.

8、 withD. from29.The ancient town has been open to visitors_about ten yearsA. byB. forC. onD. though30._friend Claude from France is keen on Chinese culture.A. IB. MeC. MyD. Mine31.There_more than two ways to solve this maths problemA. amB. isC. areD. be32.Randy wrote two novels._ of them were made in

9、to films. Ive seen them.A. NoneB. BothC. AllD. Neither33._is in charge of the summer concert? JessieShe has a lot of experienceA. WhereB. WhyC. WhatD. Who34.Balanced diets are just as_as regular exercise in our daily lifeA. importantB. more importantC most importantD. the most important35.Emma felt_

10、when her parents were on business tripsA. sadlyB. angrilyC. unfortunatelyD. lonely36.Every year thousands of tourists_the mountain area to relax themselves.A. visitedB. were visitingC. visitD. have visited37.Mike_the furniture into his new flat this time yesterday.A. would moveB. was movingC. has mo

11、vedD. had moved38.The engineers will keep_the project with the manager of the companyA. discussB. discussedC. discussingD. to discuss39.Doctors tell us_our hands before and after every mealA. washB. washedC. washingD. to wash40.According to the traffic law,children under 12_ride bicycles on the road

12、A. wontB. wouldntC. needntD. mustnt41.Tom,_here to carry the luggage upstairs for me,will you? All rightA comeB. cameC. comingD. to come42.Which club do you prefer to join,the chess club_the dancing club?A. soB. butC. orD. for43.Vivian will take her daughter to the amusement park_she gets the ticket

13、sA. ifB. untilC. althoughD. unless44._Its a pleasureA. Dont worry about the taskB. Thank you for showing me aroundC. Be careful when you travelD. You d better go to the dentists now45.I think wearing seat belts is very important for road safety _A. Thats all rightB. Im sorryC. Thats a good ideaD. I

14、agreeIII.Complete the following passage with the words in the box.Each can be used only once(将下列单词填入表格,每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)Awidely Brebuild Ccertainly Dreceive EexpressA middle school had major problems with some of its buildingsSusan,the head teacher, invited students to share their ideas about how to_

15、46_ the schoolWe wanted our students to decide what kind of school buildings they likeWe wanted them to think of ideas to_47_their own interests and hopes, she saidThe news spread_48_after it was reported by a local newspaperStudents_49_seemed very excitedAnd some said they couldnt wait for the proj

16、ect to be finally completed at the end of this yearAresult Bcollection Cnecessary Dlocation EconnectedIn the beginning,the school was asked to close and the buildings would have to be sold off,as the school is in a very good_50_.But parents and teachers worked together to protect the school and now

17、they are pleased to see the_51_.“This school is an important part of the community and its _52_that it should continue,” said one parent,adding, “It is also amazing that the children have had a say in the building process.This gives them the feeling that they are more closely_53_ with the school.I r

18、eally think the school will develop with success.”IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词) 54.Nowadays,many_have been used to work in dangerous situations(robot)55.Uncle Andy tried_different jobs,and finally chose to be a lawyer(tenth)56.The b

19、oy started to live in school and learn to manage time by_(he)57.Lily asked her son to close the door_in order not to disturb others.(soft)58.On_days,leaves fall on the ground and the road looks beautiful.(wind)59.If you_red and yellow,what colour will you get?(mixture)60.Thanks to the_of the smart p

20、hone,its convenient to take photos anytime(invent)61.Sitting in front of the screen for too long is_Its bad for your eyes(healthy)V.Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子,每空格限填一词) 62.The middle school boy can tell traditional Chinese stories in English (改为一般疑问句)_the middle school bo

21、y_traditional Chinese stories in English?63.Lee has helped the local people sell their products since he returned to his hometown.(对划线部分提问)_has Lee helped the local people sell their products?64.The volunteer worked hard to get more kids back to school ( 改为感叹句)_the volunteer worked to get more kids

22、back to school!65.The 13-year-old one-armed basketball player attracted a lot of fans. (改为被动语态)A lot of fans_by the 13-year-old one-armed basketball player.66.Julia decided to be a doctor after watching the news programme (保持句意基本不变)Julia_her mind to be a doctor after watching the news programme67.Wi

23、ll the exhibition be held in Shanghai? Olivia asked her secretary (改间接引语)Olivia asked her secretary_ the exhibition_be held in Shanghai68.belongs to,hardworking,in the end,students,success (连词成句)_VI.Reading comprehension(阅读理解) A.Choose the best answer(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)New This Term at the Meriden Cen

24、treChinese Language Courses!Why I learn Chinese?A new road to a big worldChinese is the No.1 spoken language in the world!More people are speaking Chinese than English,and the need for business people who know Chinese is skyrocketing Another great reason is to give your kids or yourself a seat at th

25、e table in a world where China is an important partnerCall us for course listingsSmall class:1015 studentsProfessional teachers:rich experience in teachingSelffit course:studying at your own pace slower or faster than a usual courseOn workdays; 500 per course each termOffline courses:On weekends: 65

26、0 per course each termOn workdays: 350 per course each termOnline courses:On weekends: 400 per course each term55 West Main Street,Meriden TownUnderground Line 2 & 8,Bus 515 & 613 at MeridenFree street parking available_69. The Meriden Centre offers its new courses on this termA. business skillsB. m

27、odern world historyC. spoken EnglishD. the Chinese language70. The underlined word skyrocketing means A. rising quicklyB. returning suddenlyC. dropping slowlyD. disappearing completely71. We can learn from the information in the box that A. the courses are designed for Chinese kidsB. China is an imp

28、ortant partner in the worldC. its difficult to get a seat in a Chinese restaurantD. English is the No.1 spoken language in the world72. The advantage ofself fit course is that you may choose your own A. class sizeB. speed to learnC. language teacherD. place to park73. Ben wishes to take an online co

29、urse on TuesdaysHow much does he need to pay each term? A. 500B. 650C. 350D. 40074. Which of the following is the best to be filled in the blank? A. Selected Books Buy One,Get One FreeB. Turn left into Garden Road and drive toward northC. For more information Contact Angela at 8603435807D. Guest spe

30、aker:Ann Bella Room 300 2:00 p.m. July 1B.Choose the best answer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文)How to Succeed in High SchoolYou have been familiar with the learning environment in your middle school, and it feels like home. So it is not always easy to say_75_ to middle school.After entering

31、high school, you may face some new challenges. The schoolwork may become more difficult and require greater skills. Most students need support. Teachers and parents may give you a hand. However, you cant_76_others all the time. What can you do?Here are some suggestions:Understand what kind of learne

32、r you are. Do you need silence to focus?Then make sure the TV is not on when you are studying. Provide yourself with a_77_ learning environment at home. Some students focus better in the morning;others at night. Find the right_78_ so that your efforts will work well.Learn to be better organized. It

33、might be helpful when you get used to making a todolit of all your schoolwork, and checking each item off when it is completed. Try to_79_your work. This will create smaller, more manageable tasks out of the larger ones. Big projects seem less difficult if they are done step by step.Form good readin

34、g habits. Read every day the more, the better. It doesnt matter what you read. Reading newspaper regularly is a good choice. Newspapers provide plenty of details and background._80_,information you get from newspapers is usually official and true.High school life can be enjoyable. Old friendships mi

35、ght come undone and new ones will develop. Hope you will feel confident and perform well in high school!75. A. helloB. byebyeC. sorryD. thanks76. A. care forB. depend onC. compete withD. worry about77. A. warmB. cleanC. quietD. safe78. A. timeB. placeC. habitD. skill79. A. divideB. finishC. remember

36、D. correct80. A. For exampleB. In briefC. On averageD. In additionC.Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) Meatballs again?I hate meatballs! Henry cried loudly Im not eating this! Henrys mum and dad looked at each otherThis was the second time this week that Henry h

37、ad c_81_ about his dinnerWere going to let you take over dinnertimeYou can pick the food and cook your meals,Mum saidGoodWere going to eat good food every night! Henry answeredThe next day,Henry sat down to write the meal p_82_Were going to have chicken tonight,and noodles tomorrow, Henry saidAre we

38、 going to have anything e_83_besides chicken?We need to have at least one vegetable for each meal,said MumWe can have cabbage,Henry saidAfter he finished shopping,it was time to make his f_84_mealHe believed that this would be his favourite mealSince he had never cooked,his parents were both there t

39、o help him Theres a lot to do,Henry thought,as he looked at the mess in the kitchenHe was usually playing games outside while his parents were making dinnerIt took almost two hours to cookWhen dinner was finally finished,Henry was tired and h_85_But he was so excitedhe made dinner!I dont like cabbag

40、e, cried Sophia,Henrys little sister,at the tableHenry felt quite upsetHe had worked so hard on dinner,but it was i_86_to get everyone happy about every part of every meal!Im sorryI didnt know this could be so hard, Henry felt like he might cryHe began to r_87_how his parents felt every time at the

41、dinner tableIts 0K,HenryYou worked really hardWe ll take back dinner responsibilities Youll have to do it enough when youre grown up,Dad saidHenry felt releasedHe happily finished his dinner and never got angry at dinner table againD.Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答问题) Just because you cant see somethi

42、ng, that doesnt mean its not there. This old saying is quite meaningful for British sculptor(雕刻家) Willard. The items he creates are so small that most of them fit on the head of a pin. You can see them clearly only through a microscope(显微镜).Many people want to own his art pieces. Hes been honored by

43、 the Queen of England for his great art achievements. At every one of his exhibitions, the question is always the same. How does he do it?The answer is very, very carefully. So carefully, in fact, that he actually slows his breathing down and works in between breaths. Willard usually works under a m

44、icroscope using special tools that he creates. To paint his works, he uses the hair from a fly as a paintbrush.Creating these detailed works is a very long and difficult process, and it isnt always enjoyable. It is a terrible dream when I start but a nice dream when I finish, he says. A single item

45、can take at least several weeks to complete.People have asked Willard why he chose to do something that needed effort and took time. His interest in creating small things began when he was five. He started creating houses and playgrounds for ants. Willard was not a strong student. He had difficulty in reading and spelling words. Some kids used to call him a loser. This made him feel small so focusing on lite things helped him to feel big. The smaller his work got, the bigger he felt. A newspaper reporter said, Willard has shown

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