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1、达州市2021年高中阶段学校招生统一考试暨初中学业水平考试英 语本试卷分为第卷和第卷两部分,共14页。考试时间120分钟,满分120分。温馨提示: 1. 答题前,考生需用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、座位号正确填写在答题卡对应位置。待监考老师粘贴条形码后,再认真核对条形码上的信息与自己的准考证上的信息是否一致。2. 选择题必须使用2B铅笔在答题卡相应位置规范填涂。如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号;非选择题用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡对应的框内,超出答题区答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上作答无效。3. 保持答题卡整洁,不要折叠、弄破、弄皱,不得使用涂改液

2、、修正带、刮纸刀。4. 考试结束后,将试卷及答题卡一并交回。第卷(选择题 共85分)第一部分 听力(共两节 满分20分)第一节(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共计5分)听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选出最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应题号的答案标号涂黑。听完每段对话后,你将有5秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。1. What is the girls animal sign? A. B. C. 2 In which direction is the man going?A. B. C. 3. Which of the following pi

3、ctures are they talking about?A. B. C. 4. Where did Eric go on May Day? A. B. C. 5. What day was yesterday?A. B. C. 第二节(本题共15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)听下面四段对话和一段独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应题号的答案标号涂黑。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读三遍。听材料,请回答下列小题。6. How does the boy feel

4、about the exams?A. Relaxed. B. Excited. C. Stressed.7. What does the girl do before an exam?A. She asks teachers for help. B. She listens to music. C. She does more homework.听材料,请回答下列小题。8. What does the woman want to buy?A. Some snacks. B. Some medicine. C. Some books.9. Where is the supermarket?A.

5、Between the flower store and the bookstore.B. Between the medicine store and the bookstore.C. Between the flower store and the medicine store.10. When does the shopping center close tonight?A. At a quarter to eight. B. At a quarter past eight. C. At half past eight.听材料,请回答下列小题。11. Whats the matter w

6、ith Tom?A. He has a bad headache. B. He has a sore throat. C. He has a stomachache.12. What does Tom do?A. A worker. B. A businessman. C. A teacher.13. Whats the reason for Toms trouble?A. Too much work. B. Too much coffee. C. Too much food.听材料,请回答下列小题。14. How many dumplings does the woman order?A.

7、Eleven. B. Twelve. C. Thirteen.15. What soup does the woman want? A. Beef soup. B. Egg soup. C. Tomato soup.16. How much will the woman pay? A. ¥56. B. 56. C. 56.听材料,请回答下列小题。17. How many volunteers are needed?A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.18. What skills should the volunteers have?A. Speaking and writi

8、ng skills. B. Painting and speaking skills. C. Writing and reading skills.19. How often does the newspaper come out?A. Every day. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.20. What will you do if you want to be a volunteer?A. Send an e-mail. B. Write a letter. C. Make a call.第二部分基础知识运用(共两节满分30分)第一节单项选择(本题共15小

9、题,每小题1分,计15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1. China is _ Asian country, while France is _ European country.A. an; aB. a; anC. an; anD. a; a【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:中国是一个亚洲国家,而法国是一个欧洲国家。考查不定冠词。a/an一个,不定冠词,表泛指;an用于元音音素开头的单词前;a用于辅音音素开头的单词前;Asian是以元音音素开头的单词,其前用an修饰;European是以辅音音素开头的单词,其前应使用a修饰。故选A。2. What ha

10、ppened to Tony?_ the morning of a rainy day, he _ a bike and hurt his legs.A. In; put offB. On; fell offC. In; fell offD. On; put off【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:托尼怎么了?在一个雨天的早晨,他从自行车上摔下来,伤了腿。考查介词和动词短语辨析。in用于年/月/季节/泛指的上/下午/晚上前;on用于具体的某一天或具体某一天的上/下午/晚上前;put off推迟;fell off从上掉下来;根据“the morning of a rainy day”可知,此处是表

11、示具体某一天的早上,应用介词on;由“a bike and hurt his legs”可知,第二空表达的是从自行车上掉下来,应用fell off,故选B。3. Hurry up, dear! _ we wont catch up with the train.Dont worry! Time is still enough _ we can make it.A. And; orB. Or; butC. And; butD. Or; and【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:快点,亲爱的!否则我们就赶不上火车了。别担心!时间还是足够的,我们可以做到。考查连词辨析。and和;or否则;but但是。根

12、据“we wont catch up with the train”可知快点是赶上火车的条件,用or表示否定的条件;第二空前后句意是顺承关系,用and连接。故选D。4. The two books are _ about English. You can choose _ of them to read.A. all; bothB. all; eitherC. both; eitherD. both; neither【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:这两本书都是关于英语的。你可以任选其一来读。考查不定代词。all三者或三者以上都;both两者都;either二者之一;neither两者都不。根据

13、“The two books”可知此处表示两本书都是英语书,用both;再由“You can choose . of them to read.”可知此处是二者选其一,用either。故选C。5. My mother will be _ years old next week. Im planning to buy a gift for her _ birthday.A. fourty; fourtiethB. forty; fortiethC. fourty; fortiethD. forty; fourtieth【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:我妈妈下星期就四十岁了。我打算为她四十岁生日买

14、件礼物。考查数词。forty四十;fortieth第四十;第一空是年龄的表达,结构是“基数词+years old”,所以第一空用基数词,而A和C选项拼写错误,故排除A和C选项;第二空表达的是“第岁生日”,应用序数词表示,D选项拼写错误,故选B。6. If you want to be a doctor like Zhong Nanshan, hard work is the key to _.A. treasureB. beautyC. successD. health【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:如果你想成为像钟南山那样的医生,努力工作是成功的关键。考查名词词义辨析。treasur

15、e财富;beauty美丽;success成功;health健康。根据前句“If you want to be a doctor like Zhong Nanshan,”可推知,应是努力工作是成功的关键。故选C。7. Which country has a _ population, China or Canada? China. Canada is a lot _ crowded than China.A. bigger; lessB. bigger; moreC. smaller; lessD. smaller; more【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:哪个国家的人口更多,中国还是加拿大?中

16、国。加拿大比中国人口少很多。考查形容词比较级辨析。bigger更大的;less更少的;more更多的;smaller更小的;根据回答“China.”及常识可知,中国的人口比加拿大的多,第一空用bigger,排除C/D选项;中国的人口比加拿大的人口多,反之,加拿大的人口比中国的少,crowded前应加less构成比较级,表示“前者不如后者”,故选A。8. Im afraid that we cant _ the math problem _ the teacher helps us. Thats true. Its too difficult.A. work on; ifB. work on;

17、unlessC. work out; ifD. work out; unless【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:除非老师帮助我们,否则恐怕我们解不出这道数学题。那是真。太难了。考查动词短语和连词。work on从事于;work out解决,算出;if如果;unless除非;根据“the math problem”可知,第一空指的是算出数学题,应用work out;结合前后句语境可知,第二空表达的是“除非老师帮助我们,否则”,应用unless引导条件状语从句,故选D。9. Jane, I rang you up last night but nobody answered. Oh, I toge

18、ther with my parents _ walks in the park then.A. have takenB. was takingC. were takingD. had taken【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:简,我昨晚给你打电话,但是没人接。哦,那时我和我的父母在公园里散步。考查时态辨析。根据“then”可知讲过去那时正在做的事情,用过去进行时,其结构为was/were doing;根据“together with”可知遵循就远一致原则,be动词的数与“I”保持一致,用was。故选B。10. Alice has gone out. Oh, has she? What tim

19、e _ she _?A. has; goneB. will; goC. did; goD. is; going【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:爱丽丝已经出去了。哦,是吗?她什么时候走的?考查动词时态。has gone现在完成时;is going现在进行时;will go一般将来时;did go一般过去时。根据语境可知,爱丽丝已经出去了,所以问句询问的爱丽丝具体的外出时间,对于说话者来讲发生在过去,故此处应为一般过去时。故选C。11. Ms. Griffin, what should we do _ stupid mistakes in the coming exams? Be more car

20、eful.A. avoid makeB. avoiding makingC. avoid makingD. to avoid making【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:格里芬女士,我们该怎么做才能避免在即将到来的考试中犯愚蠢的错误呢?小心点。考查非谓语。此处表达的是“为了避免犯愚蠢的错误”,应用不定式作目的状语,且此处是avoid doing sth“避免做某事”,故选D。12. I wonder if Li Hua _ to the hospital to receive COVID-19 vaccinations (疫苗接种).Im sure he will if he _ time.A

21、. goes; will haveB. will go; hasC. will go; will haveD. goes; has【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:我想知道李华是否会去医院接种COVID-19疫苗。我相信他会的,如果他有时间的话。考查时态辨析。第一句中if引导宾语从句,表示对将来是否会发生某事的不确定,从句用一般将来时,其结构为will do;第二句中if引导条件状语从句,遵循主将从现原则,从句用一般现在时,主语“he”后接动词的第三人称单数形式has。故选B。13. Why do some whales have to _? Because humans catch whale

22、s for meat, fat and oil. Some of them are _.A. protect; dangerousB. protect; endangeredC. be protected; dangerousD. be protected; endangered【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:为什么要保护一些鲸鱼?因为人类捕捉鲸鱼是为了获取肉、脂肪和油。其中一些濒临灭绝。考查被动语态和形容词辨析。endangered濒临灭绝的;dangerous危险的;句子主语whales与动词protect之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,have to是情态动词,此处构成情态动词的被动结构,

23、排除A/B选项;结合常识可知,保护鲸鱼是因为一些鲸鱼濒临灭绝,第二空应用形容词endangered作表语,故选D。14. Could you tell me _ kind of movies you like best?Umm. I like the movies _ make me laugh.A. what; whichB. what; whatC. which; whatD. which; where【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:你能告诉我你最喜欢哪一类电影吗?嗯我喜欢让我笑的电影。考查宾语从句连接词及定语从句关系词。根据“. kind of movies”可知此处用what kind

24、表示“什么种类”;the movies后用定语从句作后置定语,先行词“the movies”指物, 此处用which引导定语从句。故选A。15. Sorry! I missed the bus and arrived late._. Better late than never.A. Not reallyB. Never mindC. Take it seriouslyD. You are right【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:对不起!我没赶上公共汽车,迟到了。没关系。迟到总比不到好。考查情景交际。Not really不见得;Never mind没关系;Take it seriously当

25、真;You are right你是对的;根据“Better late than never.”可知,对于对方的迟到,并没有介意,此处表达的是“没有关系”,故选B。第二节完形填空(本题共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。AWhen you get into an elevator (电梯), there is a button (按钮) inside. After you press the button, the elevator then takes you to outer space

26、. Does this sound like something from a science fiction film? In fact, it might become _16_ in the future. Scientists hope _17_ the space elevator by 2050. The elevator has a strong cable (缆绳). The cable connects the elevator to the Space Station. The elevator goes up and down along the cable. The e

27、levator might look like an egg. It can take 30 people. The trip is about 36,000 km. It may _18_ eight days to get to space. People can only fly rockets into space right now. But they are expensive. A space elevator would be cheaper. It can do more than just take people into space. The elevator can _

28、19_ send heavy things into space. A space elevator could make _20_ easier to go into space.16. A. wonderfulB. realC. wiseD. fascinating17. A. to buildB. buildC. buildingD. builds18. A. spendB. costC. payD. take19. A. almostB. hardlyC. alsoD. too20. A. thatB. itC. thisD. its【答案】16. B 17. A 18. D 19.

29、C 20. B【解析】【分析】短文讲了未来的太空电梯,详细介绍了电梯的结构、功能及其与火箭的差别。【16题详解】句意:事实上,它可能在未来成为现实。wonderful精彩的;real真实的;wise聪明的;fascinating迷人的。根据“Does this sound like something from a science fiction film? In fact .”可知事实并非科幻电影,可能会成为真的。故选B。【17题详解】句意:科学家们希望到2050年建造太空电梯。to build动词不定式;build动词原形;building动词的-ing形式;builds动词的第三人称单数

30、形式。hope to do sth.希望做某事。故选A。【18题详解】句意:可能需要八天才能到达太空。spend花费,主语是人;cost花费(金钱);pay支付,主语是人;take花费(时间)。It may take some time to do sth.花费时间做某事。故选D。【19题详解】句意:电梯还可以把重物送入太空。almost几乎;hardly几乎不;also也,用于句中;too也,用于肯定句句末。根据“It can do more than just take people into space. The elevator can . send heavy things into

31、 space.”可知此处指也能做的事情,句子中间用also。故选C。【20题详解】句意:太空电梯可以使进入太空变得更容易。that那;it它;this这;its它是。make it adj. to do sth.使做某事,it作形式宾语。故选B。BPing-pong, or table tennis is very popular in China. It might seem like an ordinary game to play with friends or family. _21_ it holds a special place in China-US relations, as

32、 it has helped both countries get along for the last 50 years. This has _22_ “ping-pong diplomacy (乒乓外交)”.Judy Hoarfrost was just 15 years old when she _23_ from the US to China as part of a nine-member table tennis team. The year was 1971, and for the previous (之前的) 20 years, relations between Chin

33、a and the US had been _24_.But as the team _25_ around China, things started warming up. Hoarfrost even got to meet then-Premier Zhou Enlai. “The most memorable moment was that Zhou was shaking hands _26_ me and looking into my eyes,” Hoarfrost told China Daily. “You have opened a new page in Sino-U

34、S relationships,” Zhou told the team.Players from both countries believed strongly in the idea of _27_ first, competition second. To this day, many of them remain friends. Hoarfrost thinks we should remember ping-pong diplomacy _28_ understand the importance of people-to-people exchanges in establis

35、hing bonds, human bonds between peoples.In the years that followed the historical visit, US president Richard Nixon (尼克松) made a landmark (里程碑) visit to China in 1972. Diplomatic relations _29_ the US and China were fully established (建立) in 1979.Seeing tension (紧张局面) between two of the worlds bigge

36、st powers in recent years, Hoarfrost said China and the US _30_ work together. “We have so much in common and we should improve our relations,” she added.21. A. AndB. SoC. ButD. Since22. A. been callingB. been calledC. calledD. calling23. A. was absentB. was comeC. was heardD. was sent24. A. unfrien

37、dlyB. friendsC. friendlyD. sweet25. A. lookedB. touredC. showedD. turned26. A. inB. byC. toD. with27. A. friendshipB. studyC. safetyD. winning28. A. so thatB. in order thatC. in order toD. because of29. A. inB. betweenC. forD. among30. A. canB. mustC. mayD. should【答案】21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. B 26

38、. D 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. B【解析】【分析】本文主要介绍了乒乓球对中美两国关系的影响。【21题详解】句意:但它在中美关系中占有特殊地位,因为它帮助两国在过去50年里和睦相处。And和;So所以;But但是;Since自从。“Ping-pong, or table tennis is very popular in China. It might seem like an ordinary game to play with friends or family”与“it holds a special place in China-US relations”在句意上是转

39、折关系,故选C。【22题详解】句意:这被称为“乒乓外交”。has been calling现在完成进行时;has been called现在完成时的被动语态;called动词过去式;calling现在分词/动名词。主语this与动词call之间是被动关系,根据“has”可知,此空应填现在完成时被动语态has been done的结构,故选B。【23题详解】句意:当Judy Hoarfrost作为9人乒乓球队的一员从美国被派到中国时,她只有15岁。was absent from缺席的;was come from错误结构;was heard from被听说;was sent from被派送。根据“

40、from the US to China”可知,此处指被派送到中国,故选D。【24题详解】句意:在过去的20年里,中美关系一直不友好。unfriendly不友好的;friends朋友;friendly友好的;sweet甜蜜的。根据“But as the teamaround China, things started warming up”可知,之前关系不是很友好,之后发生了改变,故选A。【25题详解】句意:但随着团队在中国的巡回比赛,情况开始好转。looked看;toured巡回演出;showed展示;turned转向。根据“Judy Hoarfrost was just 15 years

41、old when she from the US to China as part of a nine-member table tennis team”可知,他们来中国的目的是为了巡回比赛,故选B。【26题详解】句意:最难忘的时刻是,周恩来和我握手,看着我的眼睛。in在里;by通过;to到;with与一起。根据“shaking handsme”可知,是跟我握手,shake hands with sb.表示“和某人握手”,固定短语。故选D。【27题详解】句意:两国的运动员都坚信友谊第一,比赛第二的理念。friendship友谊;study研究;safety安全;winning赢。根据“To t

42、his day, many of them remain friends”可知,友谊第一,比赛第二,故选A。【28题详解】句意:Hoarfrost认为,我们应该牢记乒乓外交,以了解人文交流对建立人与人之间的纽带的重要性。so that以便于;in order that以便于;in order to为了;because of因为。固定搭配:in order to do sth“为了做某事”,故选C。【29题详解】句意:中美两国于1979年全面建立外交关系。in在里;between在之间(两者);for为了;among在之间(三者或三者以上)。固定搭配:betweenand“在之间”,故选B。【3

43、0题详解】句意:Hoarfrost表示,中国和美国必须共同努力。can能够;must必须;may可能;should应该。根据“We have so much in common and we should improve our relations”可知,她坚定地认为两国必须共同努力,故选B。第三部分阅读理解(共两节满分30分)第一节阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。(本题共11小题,每小题2分,计22分)AIn 1987 a small company named Huawei was started in Shenzhen. After mor

44、e than 30 years of development, the company has now beaten Apple and become the worlds second largest maker of smartphones. It has also become the worlds supplier (供应者) of 5G. In China and even in the world, Huawei is a wonder. Although it started producing mobile phones not many years ago, it has b

45、ecome one of the most famous phone companies.But recently, Huawei faces some difficulties. The US government made a law to stop its sales in America. American officials said Huawei gave information that it collected to the Chinese government. At the same time, the US government planned to stop selling parts and services to Huawei. They believed that Huaweis business would be hurt this way.“We have never received such a

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