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1、2019年辽宁省辽阳市中考英语试卷第一部分 选择题单项选择 从下面各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。1.Kate is so shy that she doesnt have to sing in publicA. powerB. courageC. energyD. time【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:凯特很害羞,她没有勇气在公共场合唱歌。考查名词的词义辨析。A. power力量;B. courage勇气;C. energy精力;D. time时间。根据Kate is so shy,凯特很害羞,可推知她没有勇气在公共场合唱歌,结合选项可知B选项符合题意;故答案选B。2.My comput

2、er doesnt work,There must be wrong with itA. anythingB. nothingC. somethingD. everything【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:我的电脑坏了,一定是出了什么问题。考查不定代词。A. anything任何事情,用于否定句或疑问句中;B. nothing没有事情,用在肯定句中表示否定意思;C. something某事,一般用于肯定句;D. everything每件事情,用在肯定句中。根据语境可知,电脑坏了,一定是出了一些问题,“一些事情、某事”肯定句用something;故答案选C。3.Can you come to

3、the party this weekend?Sorry,Im going to take part in a competition, I must prepare for itA. orB. butC. becauseD. and【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:这个周末你能来参加聚会吗?对不起,我要参加比赛,我必须做好准备。考查连词辨析。A. or或者,表示选择;B. but但是,表示转折;C. because因为,表示因果,引出原因;D. and和、并且,表示并列、顺承、承接。根据语境可知,我要参加比赛,我必须做好准备,表示的是顺承关系,所以用and连接;故答案选D。4.Dont wor

4、ry about your daughter, she can look after wellA. herselfB. hersC. herD. she【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:别担心你女儿,她会照顾好她自己的。考查反身代词。A. herself她自己,反身代词;B. hers她的,名词性的物主代词;C. her她的,形容词性的物主代词;D. she她,人称代词主格。根据Dont worry about your daughter,别担心你女儿,可知她会照顾好她自己;look after oneself意为“照顾好自己”,设空处的反身代词和主语she要保持一致,所以用herself;故答

5、案选A。5.Your classroom looks so clean and tidyYes,it every dayA. cleansB. is cleanedC. cleanedD. was cleaned【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:你的教室看起来如此干净整洁。是的,它每天都被打扫。考查一般现在时的被动语态。A. cleans第三人称单数;B. is cleaned一般现在时的被动语态;C. cleaned过去式或过去分词;D. was cleaned一般过去时的被动语态。根据语境可知教室是被打扫的,所以应使用被动语态,再由句中的every day,可知使用一般现在时的被动语态;故答

6、案选B。6.The dish smells delicious,but it a little saltyA. looksB. tastesC. feelsD. sounds【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:这道菜闻起来很香,但尝起来有点咸。考查动词辨析。A. looks看起来;B. tastes尝起来;C. feels感觉起来;D. sounds听起来。根据后面的a little salty有点咸,可知应该是“品尝起来”,所以应用taste;故答案选B。7.Although our plane met with a storm, it landed A. safelyB. suddenlyC.

7、 secretlyD. heavily【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:虽然我们的飞机遭遇了暴风雨,但它安全着陆了。考查副词词义辨析。A. safely安全地;B. suddenly突然地;C. secretly秘密地;D. heavily沉重地。根据语境:虽然我们的飞机遭遇了暴风雨,但它着陆了,可知这里表达的是“安全地”,所以safely符合题意;故答案选A。8.You smoke at the oil station,its too dangerousIm sorry, I wontA. couldntB. needntC. wouldntD. mustnt【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:你

8、不能在加油站吸烟,太危险了。很抱歉,我不会再那样做了。考查情态动词。A. couldnt不能;B. neednt不需要;C. wouldnt不会;D. mustnt不可以、表示禁止。根据题干中its too dangerous,可知加油站是禁止吸烟的,所以应用mustnt;故答案选D。9.John didnt get the job he wantedLets go and A. turn him downB. call him backC. cheer him upD. let him down【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:约翰没有得到他想要的工作。我们去让他高兴起来。考查动词短语。tur

9、n sb.down拒绝某人,call sb.back给某人回电话,cheer sb.up使某人高兴(振作)起来,let sb.down使某人失望;根据句意“约翰没有得到他想要的工作。我们去让他高兴起来。”可知,要填“使某人高兴起来、使某人振作起来”,其它选项语意不通;故答案选C。10.The land is rain because it hasnt rained for several monthsA. known forB. useful toC. harmful toD. thirsty for【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:这片土地渴望下雨,因为好几个月没有下雨了。考查形容词短语。be

10、 known for因而众所周知,be useful to对有益,be harmful to对有害,be thirsty for渴望;根据it hasnt rained for several months,好几个月没有下雨了,可知这片土地渴望下雨,所以D选项符合题意,其它选项语意不通;故答案选D。11. ,I found the job boring,but soon I got used to itA. To start withB. First of allC. Without doubtD. After all【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:起初,我觉得工作很无聊,但是很快我就适应了。

11、考查副词短语。A. To start with起初;B. First of all首先;C. Without doubt毫无疑问;D. After all毕竟。根据but soon I got used to it但是很快我就适应了,可推知是起初觉得工作很无聊,所以A选项符合题意;故答案选A。12.Its impolite to_your teachers office without knocking at the doorA. describeB. checkC. chooseD. enter【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:不敲门就进老师办公室是不礼貌的。考查动词辨析。A. describ

12、e描述;B. check核对;C. choose选择;D. enter进入。根据语境:不敲门老师的办公室是不礼貌的,可知此处表达的是“进入”,所以用enter,其它选项均语意不通;故答案选D。13.Did you notice a man passing by?No,I_on the phoneA. talkB. am talkingC. was talkingD. talked【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:你注意到一个男人经过吗?没有,我刚才正在打电话。考查过去进行时态。A. talk动词原形;B. am talking现在进行时;C. was talking过去进行时;D. talked

13、过去式或过去分词。根据题干中No,可知是说没有注意到一个男人经过,因为那时他正在打电话,表示过去发生的事情则应用过去进行时,其结构是:was/were+动词的现在分词,主语是I,用was,talk的现在分词是talking;故答案选C。14.Excuse me, do you know_? Ive just missed my trainYesThere is one in 10 minutesA. how I can get to the train stationB. if theres another train laterC. when I should arrive at the t

14、rain stationD. how much a train ticket costs【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:打扰一下,你知道稍后还有另一班火车吗?我刚错过了要搭的火车。是的,十分钟后还有一班。考查宾语从句。根据do you know_?可知本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句要用陈述语序,而且根据答语YesThere is one in 10 minutes“是的,十分钟后还有一班。”可知询问的是是否还有火车,问的不是方式、时间和价格,所以排除A、C、D选项;故答案选B。15.Jimmy,could you please help me in the garden?一_,MomIm comi

15、ngA. SureB. Im sorryC. Go aheadD. Thats right【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:吉米,你能在花园里帮我吗?当然,妈妈,我来了。考查情境对话。A. Sure当然;B. Im sorry对不起;C. Go ahead开始;D. Thats right你说的对。根据Im coming.我就来,可知此处应说“当然”,结合选项可知A选项符合题意,故答案选A。补全对话从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话(有两个多余选项)A:Hello! This is Blue Sky Theater_16_B:Yes, we want to rent (租用)your

16、theater to have an English eveningA:_17_B:This Sunday afternoonA:_18_B:About 3 hoursA:Oh, let me see Its available from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pmB:The time is OK_19_A:200 yuan per hourB:_20_ Is it OK to pay you 180 yuan an hour?A:No problemB:Thank youWell arrive at 1:55 this Sunday afternoonA:Youre welcome

17、AWhy will you have your English evening?BHow much rent (租金)should I pay for this place?CThats too expensiveDWhen are you going to rent it?ECan I help you?FHow long will your English evening last?GThat sounds reasonable【答案】16. E 17. D 18. F 19. B 20. C【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文是A、B两个人的对话,A是蓝天剧院的工作人员,B想在周日下午2点到5

18、点租用蓝天剧院的地方举办一个英语晚会,A告诉B那个时间可以租,租金是每小时200元,但B觉得有点贵,问180元一个小时是否可以,A说没问题,同意租给B。【16题详解】根据上文This is Blue Sky Theater以及下文Yes,we want to rent (租用)your theater to have an English evening.可知A是蓝天剧院服务场所的一名工作人员,工作人员接电话时应说Can I help you?我能为你做点什么?结合选项可知E选项符合题意,故答案选E。【17题详解】根据下文答语This Sunday afternoon. 这周日下午,可知此处是

19、询问租用的时间;结合选项可知D选项When are you going to rent it?你打算什么时候租?符合题意,故答案选D。【18题详解】根据下文答语About 3 hours. 大约三个小时, 可知此处是询问持续时间多长,结合选项可知F选项How long will your English evening last?你们的英语晚会持续多长时间?符合题意,故答案选F。【19题详解】根据下文答语200 yuan per hour.每小时200元,可知此处是询问租金的价钱;结合选项可知B选项How much rent (租金)should I pay for this place?我应

20、该付多少租金呢?符合题意,故答案选B。【20题详解】根据下文Is it OK to pay you 180 yuan an hour?一个小时付180元可以吗?可知是认为200元每小时太贵了,结合选项可知C选项Thats too expensive.太贵了,符合题意,故答案选C。【点睛】补全对话旨在考查学生实际运用日常交际用语的能力。这种题型形式贴近生活,能开拓学生的思维能力。做这种题时要面向整体内容,切忌片面理解。首先要把全篇对话通读一遍,了解对话的整体结构,把握对话的内容及语境,理解双方的谈话意图。抓住关键词,进行推理,使句子填入后组成的对话结构完整、合理。如,第2小题,根据下文答语Thi

21、s Sunday afternoon. 这周日下午,可知此处是询问租用的时间;结合选项可知D选项When are you going to rent it?你打算什么时候租?符合题意,故答案选D。第3小题,根据下文答语About 3 hours. 大约三个小时, 可知此处是询问持续时间多长,结合选项可知F选项How long will your English evening last?你们的英语晚会持续多长时间?符合题意,故答案选F。完形填空I stood in my grandmothers front yard with my son. He had a bottle of soapy

22、water and a plastic loop (圈).You know the type. You dip(浸)the loop in the bottle, pull it _21_and blow it to make bubbles (气泡)My son dipped and dipped and blew and blew, but_22_to blow bubblesHe handed me the bottle and loop and asked me, Daddy, _23_ you make bubbles? I hadnt blown bubbles for years

23、. I am a chemist by education. All my knowledge is _24_when it comes to trying to blow bubbles from a loop filled with soapy water. I had no more success than my son.After several tries _25_the loop of soapy water, I gently (轻轻地)breathed on it My son cried with joy as a big beautiful bubble _26_and

24、moved slowly in the air He grabbed(抓住)the loop,dipped and blewNo bubbles I _27_ explained to him, Son,you cant blow so hard; you must ever so gently breathe on the loop to make bubbles He followed my_28_and blew gentlyThis time he made a big beautiful bubble,then _29_There are some things that you c

25、an get with force, _30_ there are other things that only come with the gentleness of a soft breathThe closer something is to higher spirit,the more it is like bubbles;it cant be forced21. A. downB. offC. outD. along22. A. triedB. learnedC. managedD. failed23. A. mayB. canC. mustD. should24. A. usele

26、ssB. wideC. helpfulD. basic25. A. inB. upC. onD. into26. A. worked outB. tried outC. set outD. came out27. A. happilyB. angrilyC. patientlyD. sadly28. A. planB. suggestionC. orderD. rule29. A. anotherB. the otherC. otherD. the others30. A. butB. andC. unlessD. if【答案】21. C 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. C 26.

27、 D 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. A【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文作者通过讲述自己教儿子吹肥皂泡泡的经历,告诉人们:在生活中,有些事情要温柔对待,用力过大则适得其反。【21题详解】句意:你把这个圈浸在瓶子里,然后拉出来,吹一下就成了气泡。考查介词及语境理解。A. down下去;B. off下来;C. out出来;D. along沿着。根据上文You dip(浸)the loop in the bottle, 结合pull it _1_and blow it to make bubbles (气泡)可知你把这个圈浸在瓶子里,然后拉出来,吹一下就成了气泡;pullout拉出、取出,

28、故答案选C。【22题详解】句意:他一次又一次的浸,一次又一次的吹,但是没有吹成气泡。考查动词及语境理解。A. tried尝试;B. learned学习;C. managed设法;D. failed失败。根据上文My son dipped and dipped and blew and blew, 以及转折词but,可知他一次又一次的浸,一次又一次的吹,但是没有吹成气泡,可知failed符合题意,故答案选D。【23题详解】句意:你能吹气泡吗?考查情态动词及语境理解。A. may也许、可能;B. can能、会;C. must必须;D. should应该。根据上文He handed me the b

29、ottle and loop and asked me, 结合Daddy, _3_ you make bubbles? 可知问爸爸,你能吹气泡吗?故答案选B。【24题详解】句意:我所有的知识都是无用的。考查形容词及语境理解。A. useless无用的;B. wide宽的;C. helpful有帮助的;D. basic基础的。根据下文I had no more success than my son.我和我儿子一样没有成功。可知,当试图从满是肥皂水的圈中吹气泡的时候,我也没有成功,推知我所有的知识是无用的,故答案选A。【25题详解】句意:在尝试了几次吹圈上的肥皂水之后。考查介词及语境理解。A.

30、in在里面;B. up在之上;C. on在上面;D. into到里面。根据下文I gently(轻轻地)breathed on it结合After several tries _5_the loop of soapy water,可知在尝试了几次吹圈上的肥皂水之后,我轻轻地在上面一吹,故答案选C。【26题详解】句意:当一个漂亮的大泡泡出来时,我儿子高兴的大喊。考查动词短语及语境理解。A. worked out算出;B. tried out实验;C. set out出发;D. came out出来。根据下文moved slowly in the air.可知,我儿子看到吹出来了气泡,高兴的大喊起

31、来,故答案选D。【27题详解】句意:我耐心地向他解释。考查副词及语境理解。A. happily高兴地;B. angrily生气地;C. patiently耐心地;D. sadly悲伤地。根据下文Son,you cant blow so hard; you must ever so gently breathe on the loop to make bubbles可知是我耐心地向儿子解释如何吹泡泡,故答案选C。28题详解】句意:他听从我的建议,轻轻吹了起来。考查名词及语境理解。A. plan计划;B. suggestion建议;C. order命令;D. rule规则。根据上文我对儿子耐心地解

32、释,结合He followed my_8_and blew gently可知是儿子听从我的建议,轻轻地吹,故答案选B。【29题详解】句意:这次他吹出了一个大的漂亮的气泡,然后又一个考查代词及语境理解。A. another又一个;B. the other另一个;C. other别的;D. the others其他的一些。根据上文This time he made a big beautiful bubble,以及then,可知是接下来吹出了一个又一个的气泡,故答案选A。【30题详解】句意:有些东西你可以用暴力得到,但是有些其他的东西只能用轻轻地呼吸得到。考查连词及语境理解。A. but但是;B.

33、 and和;C. unless除非;D. if如果。根据There are some things that you can get with force,以及 there are other things that only come with the gentleness of a soft breath可知前后句之间是转折关系,所以用but连接,故答案选A。【点睛】解答完形填空首先要通读全文,掌握大意。结合选项初步弄清短文写了些什么内容。在理解全文意思的基础上,结合文章内容对空缺句子作合乎逻辑的推理。必须弄清空缺词句的确切含义,空缺词句与其前后句的意义衔接必须自然、合理,最后根据语境,结

34、合选项,选出正确答案。如,第7小题,根据下文Son,you cant blow so hard; you must ever so gently breathe on the loop to make bubbles可知是我耐心地向儿子解释如何吹泡泡,故答案选C。第10小题,根据There are some things that you can get with force,以及 there are other things that only come with the gentleness of a soft breath可知前后句之间是转折关系,所以用but连接,故答案选A。阅读理解根

35、据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个正确答案。AIn ancient China,there was a man called Zhou Yong Before his father died, he left Zhou Yong a great number of gold ingots(元宝)Zhou hid them in a safe place in his home One day, Zhou decided to travel far away He was afraid that someone would steal the gold ingots But they w

36、ere too heavy for him to bring along with himSo he put all the ingots into a jar (坛子)and gave it to his friend Wang Wu,telling Wang that the jar was full of fresh red dates (红枣)A year later, one day before Zhou came back,Wangs wife wondered what was in the jar So she secretly opened it She was shock

37、ed when she saw so many ingots inside She told Wang about it and they took the ingots out and filled the jar with fresh red datesWhen Wang returned the jar to Zhou, Zhou found the ingots were missing They argued about it for a while,then they went to see the county magistrate(县官)When the magistrate

38、asked Wang what had happened, he answered, Zhou said that there were fresh red dates in it when he gave me the jar a year agoThe magistrate examined the jar and the fresh red dates in it carefullyThen he said: Bring the ingots back, Wang Wu!Wang still denied (否认)having taken them But after the magis

39、trate explained what he knew,Wang finally admitted (承认)that he had taken the ingots31. Zhou Yong got lots of ingots from_A. Wang WuB. his wifeC. his fatherD. the county magistrate32. Zhou Yong gave the jar to Wang because_A. someone wanted to steal itB. he couldnt bring it along with himC. he didnt

40、want it anymoreD. it was full of red dates33. Wangs wife was very shocked after seeing_A. so many ingotsB. the red datesC. the county magistrateD. Zhou Yong34. From the passage, we know the county magistrate was very_A. carelessB. lazyC. cleverD. brave35. How did the county magistrate infer that Wan

41、g was lying?_A. Wang denied that he had taken the ingotsB. Wangs wife admitted that she had taken the ingotsC. The county magistrate saw Wang take away the ingotsD. The red dates would go bad if they were in the jar for a year【答案】31. C 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. D【解析】文章大意:本文讲了中国古代有个叫周勇的人从父亲那里继承了很多金元宝。有一天

42、,他要远行,担心金元宝被人家偷走,于是他把装元宝的坛子交给了朋友王武保管,告诉他里面是红枣。王武的妻子偷偷打开了坛子发现了金元宝,并告诉了丈夫。他们把坛子里的金元宝拿了出来,换成了红枣。等周勇回来后把装了红枣的坛子还给了他。一番争执后,他们一起去找县官评理。县官仔细检查了坛子和红枣后要求王武把金元宝还给周勇。【31题详解】细节理解题。根据原文Before his father died, he left Zhou Yong a great number of gold ingots(元宝)在他父亲去世之前,他留给周勇很多金元宝;可知周勇是从他父亲那里得到的金元宝,故答案选C。【32题详解】细节

43、理解题。根据原文they were too heavy for him to bring along with him,它们太重了以至于他不能随身携带着;可知,周勇把罐子给了王武是因为他不能把它带在身边,故答案选B。【33题详解】细节理解题。根据原文She was shocked when she saw so many ingots inside当看到里面有许多金元宝的时候她惊呆了;可知,王武的妻子看到那么多的元宝感到非常震惊,故答案选A。【34题详解】细节理解题。根据原文The magistrate examined the jar and the fresh red dates in i

44、t carefullyThen he said:Bring the ingots back,Wang Wu! 这个县官仔细地检查了这个坛子和新鲜的红枣,然后说:把金元宝拿出来,王五。因此可知这个县官非常聪明,故答案选C。【35题详解】推理判断题。根据原文But after the magistrate explained what he knew,但是后来县官解释了他所知道的事情;也就是新鲜的红枣在罐子里面放一年的话,是会坏掉的,而这个罐子里的红枣却是新鲜的;故答案选D。BDevon Gallagher,a college graduate from Philadelphia,wants th

45、e world to know exactly where shes been during her worldwide vacation in a special wayThe traveler,who was born with a congenital bone disease(先天性骨病),lost her right leg at the age of four Although she had a hard time at first, she now thinks that nothing can stop her living her best lifeTo spread th

46、at message,Gallagher shares photos of her travels around the world online,and writes her location across her artificial leg (假肢)before taking a picture Now she has been taking pictures across Europe,all with the wellknown locations written on her artificial leg I get a new leg every two years and I can choose the design(设计)on itOne day I had a sudden idea to get a chalkbo

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