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1、2017年贵州省铜仁市中考英语试卷听力测试(30 分)听力 I(20 分)一、看图听五个句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图画,并在答题卡的相应位置将其字母序号涂黑每个句子读两遍(5 分)1(5分)1 2 3 4 5 二、听五个句子,分别选择其相应的应答语,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑每个句子读两遍(5 分)6(1分)AYes,he isBNo,it isntCNo,he isnt7(1分)AIts youBIts LilysCIts good8(1分)AHere you areBThank youCI get it9(1分)AYes,I haveBThats all rightCYes,I do

2、10(1分)AIts over thereBWhere is he?CYoure welcome三、听下列五段对话,根据对话内容及各题的问题选择正确选项,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑每段对话读两遍(5 分)11(1分)When is the girls birthday?AOn October 13thBOn July 20thCOn October 20th12(1分)What will Jack do?AGo to CanadaBHold a partyCGo to a party13(1分)Who are the speakers talking about?AThe mans cous

3、inBAngelaCAngelas cousin14(1分)Who is ill in hospital?AJaneBTedCJanes mother15(1分)What will the woman buy for the mans sister?AA pink skirtBA red skirtCA pink coat四、听下面一篇短文,再根据短文内容和所提问题选择正确答案,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑短文读两遍(5 分)16(5分)16What can the speakers mother play well?AThe pianoBThe drumsCThe guitar17How m

4、any people are there in the speakers family?AThreeBFourCFive18What doesnt the speaker like?AEnglishBHistoryCMath19What club does the speaker want to join?AA swimming clubBA soccer clubCA basketball club20What does the speaker often do on Sunday?AGo shoppingBGo to the parkCGo to the zoo综合运用(40 分)一、单项

5、选择(15 分)从下列各题所给的选项 A、B、C、D 中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑21(1分)Would you like _ apple or _ pear?Either,thanks()Aan;anBa;aCan;aDa;an22(1分)Tom is _ best friend and I often help _ with his English()Amy;himBI;heCmy;heDmine;his23(1分)International Big Data EXPO(国际大数据博览会) was held in Guiyang on May 26th_

6、exciting news it was!()AWhat anBWhat aCWhatDHow24(1分)I think that Jane writes as _ as MikeSo she does()AcarefulBcarefullyCmore carefulDmore carefully25(1分)The apartment has _ floors and MrSmith lives on the _ floor with his family()Atwelve;twelveBtwelfth;twelfthCtwelve;twelfthDtwelfth;twelve26(1分)Ho

7、w does your father go to work every day?He used to _ a bus but now he is used to _()Atake;walkBtaking;walkingCtaking;walkDtake;walking27(1分)Whats in the picture?There _ a teacher and some students playing games on the playground()AisBareChasDhave28(1分)Would you mind _ the electric fan,Alice?Of cours

8、e notIt is so hot here()Aturn offBturn onCturning offDturning on29(1分)Can you tell me _ come to Tongren?By air()Awhen youBwhen do youChow youDhow do you30(1分)May I speak to your headmaster?Sorry,he isnt hereHe _ to Guiyang on businessAhave goneBhas goneChave beenDhas been31(1分)I want to know if he _

9、 tomorrow,if he _,please call me in time()Awill come; comesBcomes; will comeCcomes; comesDwill come;will come32(1分)Do you know the man _ is cooking in the kitchen?SureHe is my uncle()A.whoseBwhichCwhoDwhom33(1分)He studies hard all the time,_ he has made rapid progress in many ways()AsoBbecauseCbutDy

10、et34(1分)Our classroom _Dont throw rubbish here and there,pleaseSorryI wont do that again()Awas cleaningBcleansCwas cleanedDcleaned35(1分)Which country made paper first in the world?_()AIndiaBEgyptCEnglandDChina二、完形填空(10 分)阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容从短文后各题所给的三个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑36(10分)Doctor Bill t

11、ook over(经营) a medical clinic(诊所) in TorontoOne day,he visited a 71yearold(36) MrsRead,in her home in the village nearbyShe had stayed in bed(37) 40yearsThe doctor examined her but found(38) wrongHe asked her daughter(39) she was in bedTo his surprise,40years(40) ,a village doctor asked MrsRead to s

12、tay in bed(41) a bad coldHe told her not to(42) until he returnedThe village doctor never returned,so she(43) in bed ever sinceHer daughter(44) after her up to nowThe daughter has never marriedShe has never had any job except taking care of her motherNow MrsReads muscles(肌肉)are weakAnd she has put o

13、n(45) weightShe may never walk again36AmanBgirlCwoman37AforBinCon38AnothingBanythingCsomething39AwhatBwhyCwhen40AbeforeBagoClater41AbecauseBasCbecause of42Aget onBget upCget off43Ahas beenBhave beenCis44Ahas lookedBlookedCwill look45Aa lot ofBa lotCa few三、 情景交际(1546(5分)从栏中找出与栏相对应的答语,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑46

14、Whats the weather like in Guiyang?ASo they have47Great changes have taken place in TongrenBOnce a month48How often do you go to the cinema?CNeither too hot nor too cold49Where does your father work?DHave a good trip50I will go to Kunming for travellingEIn a hospital51(10分)从方框里选择能填入对话空白处的适当选项,并在答题卡的相

15、应位置将其涂黑A:Hello,Kangkang!This is Michael speakingB:Hello,Michael!(51) A:Im worriedWell have a test tomorrow and I always get nervous before a testB:(52) I am sure you will do wellA:But Kangkang,the test is a speech(53) B:I will help you,Michael(54) We can listen to it at my houseThen you can practice

16、A:Kangkang,I feel more relaxed now because of your help(55) Thank you so muchB:My pleasureARelax,MichaelBYou are really a good friendCIs there anything wrong?DI get so nervous when I give a speechEI have a CD about speeches四、阅读理解(20 分)阅读和两篇材料,从 56-65 每小题所给的选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑56(10分)FOR RENTSmal

17、l apartment for students600.00 a monthCall MsZhangTel:05865234555FOUNDA walletPlease call the Lost and FoundTel:05865334525PINGPONG GAME There is a pingpong game at 3:30 pmonSunday in the gymCome and play with usTel:05865434505ROOM WANTED Look for a quiet room for two people under500.00 a monthCall

18、Sam at0586553450556How much will you pay for a month if you want to rent a small apartment from MsZhang? A300.00B400.00C500.00D600.0057If you only have480.00,you can rent a room for two people from AMsZhangBSamCMrZhangDMiss Zhang58You can watch a pingpong game at on SundayA.3:30 amB.3:00 amC.3:30 pm

19、D.3:00 pm59You cant find your walletYou can call A.05865234555B.05865434505C.05865534505D.0586533452560The four Ads(广告) dont have AwebsiteBpriceCnameDtelephone number61(10分)Beijing Opera is our national operaIt came into being after 1790 and has a history of over 200 yearsIts music and singing came

20、from Xipi and erhuang in Anhui and HubeiThere are four main roles in Beijing Opera:Sheng,Dan,Jing and ChouBeijing Opera is full of famous stories,beautiful facial paintings,wonderful gestures and fightingSome of the stories are from history books,but most are from famous novelsThe people in the stor

21、ies usually cant agree with each otherThey become angry,unhappy,sad and lonelySometimes they are frightened and worriedThen they find a way to make peace with each otherEveryone is usually happy in the endBeijing Opera is an important part of Chinese cultureIn China it used to be popular with old pe

22、ople while young people didnt like it very muchHowever,more young people are becoming interested in it nowadaysAnd more people around the world are learning about Beijing Operas special singing,acting and facial paintings61How many years does Beijing Opera have in 2017? A.207B.217C.227D.23762Beijing

23、 Operas came from Xipi and erhuang in Anhui and Hubei Amusic and singingBacting and fighting Cmusic and actingDsinging and fighting63Whats the end of each story in Beijing Opera? AangryBsadChappyDfrightened and worried64Which of the following is TRUE? ABeijing Opera used to be popular with old peopl

24、e and young peopleBMore people at home and abroad are interested in Beijing Opera nowadaysCBeijing Opera isnt a part of Chinese cultureDThere are five main roles in Beijing Opera65Whats the best title of the passage? AThe History of Beijing OperaBBeijing OperaCThe Roles of Beijing OperaDThe Changes

25、of Beijing Opera五、阅读判断(10 根据短文内容,判断 66-70 小题句子的正(A)或误(B),并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑66(10分)Trees are useful to man in three important waysThe first important way is that they provide man with wood and other productsTrees provide not only man with food,but also many animals with foodWithout trees,many animals cou

26、ld not live on earthIts not easy for man to live on earth,eitherThe second important way is that trees give us shade(阴凉)On a hot summer day,people are eager(渴望)to have a rest under the tree after they have a long walkYou can imagine how important the shade of a tree is to man and animalsThe third im

27、portant way is that trees help to prevent droughts and floods(防止干旱和洪水)However,in many parts of the world,man hasnt realized the third wayThey cut trees down in large numbersIn the end they find that they have lost the best friends they had66Trees provide food for man and animals 67In hot summer,tree

28、s give us shade to cool 68Cutting down trees in large numbers cant cause droughts and floods 69The underlined word they refers to man and animals 70Protecting forests is protecting ourselves 六、听力 II(10 分)听一篇短文,根据所听到的短文内容填写表格每空一词答案务必另书写于答题卡卷 II 各小题规定的位置短文读两遍71(10分)NameBobWhere to liveBob lives in(71)

29、 JobA famous(72) Where to travelYunnanWhen to leaveShanghai(73) 1stHow long to stayHe will stay in Yunnan for(74) daysWhat to doGo(75) in the mountains七、任务型阅读(10 分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成 76-80 小题(每空一词)答案务必另书写于答题卡卷 II 各小题规定的位置76(10分)Li Shizhen was born in 1518His father was a person who was interested in Ch

30、inese medicineLi Shizhen often saw that people fell illHe decided to study medicine so that he could help people who were illLi Shizhen read many books about medicineHe found that many of the old medical books were full of mistakesSo his wish was to write a new oneHe did his best to study medical sc

31、ienceHe studied not only herbs(草药)in his own garden,but also the wild onesHe set out to collect herbs and talk with old peasantsHe learned a lot from curing(治疗) patientsAfter many years of hard work and study,Li Shizhen finished his great work Ben Cao Gang Mu (本草纲目)At that time he was sixtyHis book

32、is now one of the greatest contributions of the Chinese people to the medical science of the world76Li Shizhens father was in Chinese medicine77Li Shizhen decided to study medicine because he wanted to help the people78Li Shizhen found that there were some in the old medical books79Ben Cao Gang Mu i

33、s a book about 80Li Shizhen made great to people all over the world in the medical field八、书面表达(40 分)单词拼写(10 分)(一)根据括号内的汉语完成句子答案书写在答题卡卷各小题规定的位置81(1分)Students often take a (公共汽车) to school82(1分)Walking after dinner is a good (习惯)83(1分)Better environment and life is our (梦想)84(1分)The movie is so (无聊的)t

34、hat I want to sleep85(1分)Good friends should (分享) happiness and sadness with each other(二) 根据句意和空缺处所给首字母写单词答案书写于答题卡卷 II 各小题规定的位置86(1分)Tofu is a kind of traditional Chinese f 87(1分)We must t our best to improve our oral English88(1分)They often b books from the library89(1分)A he is only 6 years old,he

35、 can swim well90(1分)Smoking does harm to h Wed better give it up(三)短文改错(10 下列短文的划线部分是错误的,请改正,并将其正确答案书写在答题卡卷II各小题规定的位置91(10分)Boys and girls!I will tell you anything about a sad story(91) It happens on a cold winter eveningWhen many people were(92) getting together in them warm houses,a poor little gi

36、rl was still(93) walking in the streets without shoeThere were some matches in(94) her handMatches,matches!the little girl cried in an low voice.95 No one heard her when they are passing byShe didnt sell any(96) matches and no one gave her a coinThe wind was blowing strong(97) and the snow was falli

37、ng down on her long hairShe felt cold but98 hungryShe could neither find food to eat or find a house to live in(99) In the morning of the next day,the girl was lying against the wall,dead!Do you know the name of the story?Its called The Little Match Girl(100) 九、写作(20 分)101(20分)三年的初中生活即将结束,康康的班级打算于 6

38、 月 26 日上午举办最后一次班级活动假如你是康康,请你根据下表内容向你班的师生介绍本次活动的安排情况时间活 动 内 容9:009:50谈论你长大后想做什么?;讨论如何过暑假10:0010:55唱歌、跳舞、表演魔术11:0011:30打扫教室、照相合影、互留电话和地址要求:1字迹工整、规范;2.80 词左右(开头已经给出,不计入总词数);3作文必须含盖表格中活动内容的全部要点,号的地方至少补充一项活动;4文中不得出现真实姓名和学校参考词汇:plan to; take photos; address; perform magic tricks; put on short plays; write

39、 farewell words(写留言); gift; telephone numberMy dear teachers and classmates,Attention,please!Our class is going to have a farewell party in our classroom on the morning of June 26th,2017 2017年贵州省铜仁市中考英语试卷参考答案与试题解析听力测试(30 分)听力 I(20 分)一、看图听五个句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图画,并在答题卡的相应位置将其字母序号涂黑每个句子读两遍(5 分)1(5分)(2017铜仁

40、市)1略2略3略4略5略【考点】14:听录音选图【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略二、听五个句子,分别选择其相应的应答语,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑每个句子读两遍(5 分)6(1分)(2017铜仁市)AYes,he isBNo,it isntCNo,he isnt【考点】13:情景反应【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略7(1分)(2017铜仁市)AIts youBIts LilysCIts good【考点】13:情景反应【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略8(1分)(2017铜仁市)AHere you areBThank youCI get it【考点】13:情景反应【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略9(1分

41、)(2017铜仁市)AYes,I haveBThats all rightCYes,I do【考点】13:情景反应【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略10(1分)(2017铜仁市)AIts over thereBWhere is he?CYoure welcome【考点】13:情景反应【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略三、听下列五段对话,根据对话内容及各题的问题选择正确选项,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑每段对话读两遍(5 分)11(1分)(2017铜仁市)When is the girls birthday?AOn October 13thBOn July 20thCOn October 20th【考点

42、】15:短对话理解【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略12(1分)(2017铜仁市)What will Jack do?AGo to CanadaBHold a partyCGo to a party【考点】15:短对话理解【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略13(1分)(2017铜仁市)Who are the speakers talking about?AThe mans cousinBAngelaCAngelas cousin【考点】15:短对话理解【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略14(1分)(2017铜仁市)Who is ill in hospital?AJaneBTedCJanes mother【考点】15:短对话理解【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略15(1分)(2017铜仁市)What will the woman buy for the mans sister?AA pink skirtBA red skirtCA pink coat【考点】15:短对话理解【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略四、听下面一篇短文,再根据短文内容和所提问题选择正确答案,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑短文读两遍(5 分)16(5分)(2017铜仁市)16What can the speakers mother play well?AThe pianoBThe drumsCTh

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