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1、语篇(五)第一节:阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文意思通顺、完整.每空限填一词,每词限用一次.take it friendforquick meat what eat be dogDogs are very good pets. They are very 42. _ to people and really smart. Most dogs are good with children and their parents.When you buy a dog, an important thing to think about is 43. _ size-buy a

2、small dog if your home 44. _ small, or a big one if yours is large. Many people dont know 45. _ to buy for their dogs.46. _ eat almost(几乎)anything! They can eat 47. _,rice and lots of other things. You can buy lots of food 48. _ dogs in pet shops. Dont let your dog 49. _ too much. Always leave some

3、clean water for your dog. It can get thirsty very 50. _,especially(尤其)in summer.Remember that dogs need exercise. You should 51. _ your dog for a walk every day. Dont keep it inside all day.(五)答案:【第一节短文大意】本文介绍了如何养宠物狗。42.friendly 根据上文中的good pets可知它们对人们很友好,又be动词后跟形容词,故此处应填friendly.43.its 根据设空后的size可知此

4、处指的是狗的大小,应用形容词性物主代词its.44.is your home 作主语,be动词用is.45.what 此处是说,许多人不知道买什么东西给他们的狗吃,故用what.46.Dogs 此处是说,狗几乎吃任何东西,故选dog变为复数dogs.47.meat 根据设空后的rice可知此处为狗的食物,故用meat.48.for 根据短语buy sth. for sb.可知此处填for.49.eat 此处是说,不要让你的狗吃太多。设空前有let,故填eat的原形。50.quickly 此处修饰get thirsty应用副词,又根据文意可知此处应填quickly.51.take should为

5、情态动词,后跟动词原形,结合短语take.for a walk 可知填 take.第二节:阅读短文,根据句意填空,使短文通顺、意思完整.每空限填一词.People can see animals in zoos. Zoos 52. _ the best places for people to see many different kinds of animals. If 53. _ is no zoo, many people may not see a real tiger or giraffe. Zoos protect and look after(照顾)animals very we

6、ll. Zoos give them places to live. The workers give them food 54. _ clean up their rooms on time.But some people dont think it is good 55. _ keep wild animals in cages(笼子).Some cages are too small for them. They look kind 56. _ unhappy(不高兴的)in cages. Some people think these animals need to look for(

7、寻找)food by themselves in the wild.Whats your opinion(看法)on zoos?答案:【第二节短文大意】本文主要介绍了动物在动物园的生活情况以及一些人对动物园的看法。52.are分析句子结构可知此空应填be动词。Zoos为主语,be动词应用are.53.there 此处是说,如果没有动物园的话。此处为there be句型,故填there.54.and 此处连接的是两个并列的动作,故用and.55.to 此处为句型it is+a dj.+to do sth.,故用to.is +adj. +to do56.of 根据上文可知此处是说,它们在笼子里看起

8、来有点儿不高兴。kind of有点儿,符合文意。语篇(六)根据语篇内容填空,使短文通顺、意思完整.We have four classes in the morning. Between the second class and the third class, we have twenty minutes break(休息).Now its the break time. Look! Many of us are playing. Some students are on the playground. They 39. _basketball. Oh! A boy is running w

9、ith the ball. And another is trying(尽力)to stop him. They 40. _so cool. And there are some girls watching the game.Some 41. _are in the classroom. Most of them are talking. Four are reading and doing homework. Theres a tree not far from the classroom. Look! A girl is looking at the birds in the tree.

10、 She must think the birds are interesting 42. _she is smiling(微笑)What are the teachers doing? Some of them are working in the office. And some are talking with students. Everyone is doing his or 43. _things, busy but happy!(六)答案:【短文大意】本文介绍了课间休息时学生们和老师们的活动。39.are playing 40.look/are 41.students 42.be

11、cause 43.her语篇(七)第一节:请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空.每个词限用一次.itsuncold when sitback call winterbecause seasonDear Wang Hong,Thank you for your letter. You said, Many trees and flowers come 41. _ to life. So it must be spring in China now. In Australia, 42. _ is fall. The weather is getting 43. _.But

12、 it never gets really cold here. 44. _ is the best time to go to Australia? Australians will tell you Any time is good , but many people think the best time is summer. It is hot and 45. _. I like summer best, 46. _ in summer I can go swimming in the sea. After swimming, I enjoy 47. _ on the beach an

13、d drinking apple juice. Its great.Swimming is very popular in Australia. Some people swim in four 48. _.But I dont swim in July. It is 49.in Australia. The sea water is too cold. Now my mother 50. _ me. I have to say goodbye!Best wishes.Yours,Tom(七)答案:【第一节短文大意】本文是Tom写给王红的一封信,主要介绍了去澳大利亚的最佳时间及可以玩什么。41

14、.back 42.it 43.cold 44.When 45.sunny46.because 47.sitting 48.seasons 49.winter 50.is calling第二节:阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整.每空限填一词.Im Alice. My parents dont like rain1, but I like it very much. On 51. _ days, I like going outside. But I cant walk. There 52. _ something wrong with my legs, so I have to

15、sit in a wheelchair. My parents always say, Its not a good idea for you to go out. You will get wet(淋湿)53. _ I go outside, I need my hands to move the wheelchair. So I cant carry an umbrella.But now I have a very good friend.54. _ name is Mary. She is my new neighbor. She likes rain, too. Every time

16、 it rains, she comes to my house. Then, we go outside. She always takes 55. _ large umbrella. Sometimes, I say, Mary, we can just stay at home. I dont want you to be so tired.Mary says, Alice, thats what friends are for. It makes me feel good to be with you in the rain. So, dont worry about me.答案:【第

17、二节短文大意】本文主要讲了Alice的新邻居兼好朋友Mary 热心陪伴身患残疾的她在下雨天外出并帮她撑伞的故事。51.rainy 52.is 53.When 54.Her 55.a语篇(八)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式.Do you want to be a good neighbor? And 40. _ can you do to make the neighborhood a great place? Remember, its never too late to start with some new habits.Stop and talk. You c

18、an do one thing to be a good neighbor- stop and talk with your neighbors, say hello, talk about the weather, or talk about 41. _ (they) pet dogs. Everyone can do this very 42. _ (easy).Dont be 43. _ (noise). Its okay for you to watch TV or listen to music at your home 44. _ the late evening. But you

19、 need to turn them down. And if you dont live on the first floor, do not play basketball 45. _ dance in the house,Be helpful. Good neighbors are always happy 46. _ (help) each other. If you are free, you can help the old in the neighborhood do the 47. _ (clean).If you are good at playing a ball game, you can teach some 48. _ (child) in the neighborhood how to play it.Following 49. _ tips above(在上面),you will be a good neighbor for sure.(八)答案:【短文大意】本文介绍了如何做一个好邻居。40.what 41.their 42.easily 43.noisy 44.in45.or 46.to help 47.cleaning 48.children 49.the

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