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新目标英语九年级Unit 1 重点单词+短语+句型默写版+答案.docx

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1、Unit 1单词、短语、句型默写手册单词默写及变形:1. 教科书;课本 n_2. 交谈;谈话 n_3. 大声地;出声地 adv. _4. 发音;读音 n_5. 句子 n_6. 有耐心的 adj. 病人 n(副词形式)_7. 表情;表示;表达方式n. (动词形式)_8. 发现;发觉v. (名词形式)_9. 秘密;秘诀 n. 秘密的;保密的 adj._10. 语法 n_11. 重复;重做 v_12. 笔记;记录 n. 注意;指出 v._13. 朋友;伙伴 n_14. 物理;物理学 n_15. 化学 n_16. 记忆;记住 v. (名词形式)_17. 模式;方式 n_18. 发音 v_19. 增加;

2、增长 v_20. 速度 n_21. 搭档;同伴 n_22. 出生 v. 天生的 adj. _23. 能力;才能 n. (形容词形式)_24. 创造;创建 v. (形容词形式)_25. 大脑 n_26. 活跃的;积极的adj. (副词;动词;名词形式) 27. 注意;关注 n_28. (使)连接;与有联系 v. (名词形式)_29. 一夜之间;在夜间 adv._30. 回顾;复习 v& n. _31. 知识;学问 n. (形容词形式)_32. 终身的;毕生的 adj. _33. 明智地;聪明地 adv. (形容词形式)_重点词组:1. 通过做词汇卡_2. 通过读课本_3. 向老师求助_4. 和朋

3、友进行交谈_5. 大声朗读来练习发音_6. 提高我的口语技能_7. 太难而不能理解英语口语_8. 快速阅读来获得中心思想_9. 一个词一个词地读_10. 由于我糟糕的发音_11. 一部叫玩具总动员的英语电影_12. 他们的面部表情_13. 通过只听关键词_14. 语言学习的秘诀_15. 在字典中查阅_16. 以便 _17. 通过大声重复 _18. 给笔友写电子邮件_19. 做笔记 _20. 记句型 _21. 不知道如何提高我的阅读速度_22. 获得大量听力练习_23. 练习写作_24. 有个一起练习英语的同伴_25. 天生具有学习能力_26. 长时间关注它_27. 把和连接或联系起来_28.

4、坚持练习_29. 害怕犯错误_30. 寻找方法来复习他们所学的内容_31. 终身的旅行 _32. 明智地学习_33. 学习的最佳方式_34. 自行复习_35. 一点一点_36. 代替_37. 为考试做好准备_38. 没什么可担心的_39. 一遍又一遍_重点句型1. 你读得越多,阅读速度就越快。_2. 小事一桩。_3. 你活该。_4. 我能通过观察他们的肢体语言和面部表情来弄懂意思。_5. 我不知道如何提高阅读速度。_6. 你是否能学好取决于你的学习习惯。_7. 对你来说长时间地关注它也变得更容易。_8. 不用则废。_9. 熟能生巧。_10. 知识来自质疑。_11. 记住要在课堂上做笔记并且在课

5、后自行复习或者与朋友一起复习。_参考答案Unit 1单词默写及变形1.textbook2.conversation3.aloud4.pronunciation5.sentence6.patient; patiently7.expression; express8.discover; discovery9.secret10.grammar11.repeat12.note13.pal14.physics15.chemistry16.memorize; memory17.pattern18.pronounce19.increase20.speed21.partner22.born23.ability

6、; able24.create; creative25.brain26.active; actively; act; action27.attention28.connect;connection29.overnight30.review31.knowledge; knowledgeable32.lifelong33.wisely; wise重点词组1.by making word cards2.by reading the textbook3.ask the teacher for help4.have conversations with friends5.read aloud to pr

7、actice pronunciation6.improve my speaking skills7.too hard to understand spoken English8.read quickly to get the main ideas9.read word by word10.because of my poor pronunciation11.an English movie called Toy Story12.the expressions on their faces13.by listening for just the key words14.the secret to

8、 language learning15.look up in a dictionary16.so that17.by repeating out loud18.write emails to pen pals19.take notes20.memorize sentence patterns21.dont know how to increase my reading speed22.get much listening practice23.practice writing24.have a partner to practice English with25.be born with t

9、he ability to learn26.pay attention to it for a long time27.connect. with.28.keep practicing29.be afraid of making mistakes30.look for ways to review what they have learned31.a lifelong journey32.learn wisely33.the best ways to learn34.review on your own35.bit by bit36.instead of37.prepare well for

10、a test38.nothing to worry about39.over and over again重点句型1.The more you read, the faster youll be.2.Its a piece of cake.3.It serves you right.4.I can understand the meaning by watching their body language and the expressions on their faces.5.I dont know how to increase my reading speed.6.Whether or not you can learn this well depends on your learning habits.7.It is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time.8.Use it or lose it.9.Practice makes perfect.10.Knowledge comes from questioning.11.Remember to take notes in class and review them on your own or with friends after class.

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