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1、山东省临沂市2018年中考英语真题试题注意事项:1. 本试卷分第I卷 (选择题) 和第卷 (非选择题) 两部分,共10页。满分100分,考试时间100分钟。答卷前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、座号填写在试卷和答题卡规定的位置。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。2. 答题注意事项见答题卡,答在本试卷上不得分。第I卷(选择题 共55分)一、听力测试(共15小题,计15分)注意: 听力测试分四部分,共20小题。做题时,请先将答案画在试卷上,录音内容结束后,将所选答案转涂到答题卡上。(一) (2018山东临沂) 听句子, 选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。1._

2、2._ 3._4._5._(二) (2018山东临沂)听对话和问题, 根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。6. A. Hardly ever. B. Once a month. C. Twice a month.7. A. Because she had a headache.B. Because she looked after her sister.C. Because she stayed up to watch a film.8. A. He likes musicians who play different kinds of music.B. He likes musi

3、cians who write their own songs.C. He likes musicians who play quiet and slow songs.9. A . Its on the top of the fridge.B. Its on the table by the door.C. Its in Susan s schoolbag.10. A. She is walking across the fields.B. She is swimming in the pool.C. She is playing tennis with her friend.(三) (201

4、8山东临沂)听短文, 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误, 正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。短文读两遍。听短文前, 你们有20秒钟的时间阅读下列句子。11. In the forest, one redwood (红杉) tree was 70 meters tall and 1000 years old.12. When Julia lived in the tree-house, her family cooked food for her every day.13. Julia used her mobile phone to talk to news reporters when

5、 she was in the tree.14. In the end. Julia failed and the redwood tree was cut down.15. Finally, Julia stayed in the tree for eight days.请考生们翻到第7页,先找到第四大题。你们将有5秒钟的准备时间。二、单项填空(共15小题,计15分)选择最佳答案。(2018山东临沂) 16. The bed piano allows a music lover to play _ piano while he is lying in bed.A. a B. an C. /

6、D. the16. D 考查冠词的用法。句意:钢琴床允许音乐爱好者躺在床上的时候,弹奏钢琴。play后跟乐器,乐器前用定冠词the。(2018山东临沂)17. Did you read your favorite books _ April 23? It was World Book Day.A. for B. atC. on D. in17. C 考查介词的用法。句意:你在四月二十三,你读了你最喜欢的书了吗?那天是世界读书日。在某一天前用介词on。(2018山东临沂) 18. We couldnt buy anything because _ of the shops were open.A

7、. all B. bothC. nothing D. none18. C 考查不定代词的辨析。句意:我们不能买任何东西,因为没有一家商店是开门的。all表示“三者或三者以上都”;both表示“两者都”,nothing表示“什么也没有”,none表示“三者或三者以上 没有一个”。根据句意表示“三者以上都不”,故选D。(2018山东临沂)19. Could you please speak a little louder? I _ hear you very well.A. cant B. mustntC. shouldnt D. neednt19. A 考查情态动词的辨析。句意:请你说大点声好吗

8、?我不能很好地听到你说的话。cant不能;mustnt禁止;不允许;shouldnt不应该;neednt不需要。根据语境表示“不能够”。故选A。(2018山东临沂) 20. Jane _ to call me last night, but she didnt.A. supposed B. supposesC. was supposed D. is suppose20. C考查被动语态。句意:詹妮昨天晚上应该打电话给我的,但不她没有。be supposed to意为“应该;被期望”。由下文语境“她没打电话”可知是“应该”。(2018山东临沂)21. They _ about a comedy

9、this time yesterday.A. were talking B. are talkingC. have talked D. will talk21. A 考查动词的时态。句意:昨天这个时候,他们正在谈论一个喜剧片。由时间状语this time yesterday和句意可知谓语动词用过去进行时,表示“过去正在发生的动作”。故选A。(2018山东临沂)22. Of all the blue holes in the world, Sansha Yongle Blue Hole in the South China Sea is now _. It is 300.89 meters de

10、ep.A. deeper B. very deepC. as deep as D. the deepest22. D 考查形容词的最高级。句意:在世界上所有海洋蓝洞中,中国南海三沙永乐龙洞是最深的。它300.89米深。由of all和in the world表示范围的词及句意可知此处用形容词的最高级。(2018山东临沂)23. I didnt see you _ in. You must have been very quiet.A. comes B. to comeC. come D. have come23. C 考查非谓语动词。句意:我没有见你进来,你一定是悄悄地进来的。分析句子结构此处

11、填非谓语动词形式, see sb. do sth.意为“看见了某人做某事”。故选C。(2018山东临沂)24. When you are in your school dining hall during lunchtime, you may feel lonely _ you can find someone to have lunch with.A. if B. unlessC. after D. because24. C B考查连词用法辨析。句意:当在午饭时你在学校餐厅时,除非你发现有人和你一起吃午饭,否则你可能感到孤独。分析句子结构前后句是条件关系,if不符合句意,故选B。(2018山

12、东临沂)25. The TV news reports that there _ a storm the day after tomorrowA. is B. wasC. will be D. has be25. C 考查动词时态。句意:电视新闻报道称,后天将有暴雨。由时间状语the day after tomorrow判定谓语动词用一般将来时。故选C。(2018山东临沂)26. A primary school in England has _ signs at its three entrances (入口), saying: Greet your child with a smile,

13、not a mobile.A. put into B. put offC. put on D. put up26. D 考查动词短语辨析。句意:英国小学在三个入口处_指示牌,上面写着:笑迎孩子,而不是盯着手机。put into把放入;put off推迟;put on穿上;增加(体重);put up张贴。根据语境signs可知是“张贴指示牌”。故选D。(2018山东临沂) 27. My grandparents like stories _ have happy endings.A. they B. whoC. which D. /27.C考查定语从句。句意:我爷爷奶奶喜欢有快乐结局的故事。分析

14、句子结构stories是先行词,表示物,用关系代词which。故选C。(2018山东临沂)28. Most British people drink tea every day _ they prefer black tea. They usually add milk or sugar to their tea.A. so B. orC. but D. and28. C 考查连词辨析。句意:大部分英国人每天喝茶,但他们更喜欢喝红茶,他们通常在他们的茶里加牛奶和糖。根据句意表示转折关系,故选C。(2018山东临沂)29. _ popular festival Halloween is in N

15、orth America!A. What B. What aC. How D. How a29. B 考查感叹句。句意:在北美万圣节是一个多么受欢迎的节日啊!分析句子结构此处强调的是可数名词festival,故选B。(2018山东临沂)30. Excuse me, could you please tell me _ from here to the airport? Sure, Its about 100 kilometers.A. how far it is B. how long it takesC. how far is it D. how long does it take30. A

16、考查宾语从句。句意:请问,请你告诉我从这儿到飞机场多远?可以,大约100公里。分析句子结构可知是宾语从句,由宾语从句用陈述语序,排除选项C、D。根据答语可知是询问的距离,故选A。三、阅读理解(共25小题,计25分)A (2018山东临沂)People already know a lot about animals. However, there are still some things about animals that may surprise you. Here are some facts about animals you probably didnt know.Cows do

17、have best friends and feel stressed when they are separated. Scientists have found that cows are very social animals and a cow always makes friends with other cows. When a cow is with its friends, it feels relaxed, compared with when it is alone.During breeding season, a male penguin (企鹅) will offer

18、 a small stone to a female penguin as a gift. If she takes it, they will become partners. When the female penguin lays an egg, she and her partner may carry it on their feet, because some penguins dont build nests (鸟巢).Crocodiles (鳄鱼) swallow (吞) stones. Crocodiles always swallow their food instead

19、of eating it like other animals. They swallow stones which break the food into very small pieces in their stomachs. These stones may stay in their stomachs all their lives.Elephants use plants to treat pain or other illness. Scientists once found a pregnant (怀孕的) elephant in Africa who ate a kind of

20、 plant which was not part of her normal food. Four days later, she gave birth to a baby elephant. The same plant was used by the local pregnant women.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。31. A cow hates making friends with other cows.32. All the male penguins will build nests if the female penguins

21、lay eggs.33. Crocodiles swallow stones to help with digestion (消化).34. Elephants eat plants only when they are hungry.35. The passage mainly tells us some surprising facts about animals.体裁说明文话题动物词数224【主旨大意】本文主要介绍了四种动物牛、企鹅、鳄鱼和大象一些不被人所知的生活习性。31.B 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句Scientists have found that cows are very

22、social animals and a cow always makes friends with other cows.可判定,科学家发现牛喜欢与其它牛交朋友。故本句与原文事实不符。32. B细节理解题。根据第三段第三句When the female penguin lays an egg, she and her partner may carry it on their feet, because some penguins dont build nests (鸟巢).可知,并不是所有的企鹅将为筑巢。33. A细节理解题。根据第四段第三句They swallow stones whic

23、h break the food into very small pieces in their stomachs.可知,它们吞石头是为了把在它们肚子里的食物变小,从而帮助它们消化。故本句与文章事实相符。34. B 细节理解题。根据第五段第一句Elephants use plants to treat pain or other illness.可知,大象吃植物是为了止痛或治病。故本句与文章事实不符。35. A主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句Here are some facts about animals you probably didnt know.可知,本文主要介绍了动物的一些不被人知(

24、令人惊讶的)情况。 B(2018山东临沂)What was discovered by accident? The answer is penicillin (青霉素). It kills germs. By killing germs, it saves lives. Suppose you are sick. You go to a doctor. She examines you. She says you have a “staph” infection (葡萄球菌感染). She gives you some medicine. You take it. The medicine k

25、nocks out the staph. Soon you are well. Before penicillin, this would not happen. Staph was almost sure death.Everyone wanted a medicine. Laboratories worked day and night. They grew the staph in small dishes. Then they tried to kill it. Nothing worked.The laboratory dishes had covers on them. They

26、kept things from falling into dishes. Molds (霉菌) were a big worry. They are always in the air. You cant see them. Theyre too small. There are thousands of different molds. Molds can make an experiment (实验) fail. Thats why dishes are covered.Dr. Alexander Fleming was working to kill the staph germ. H

27、e worked for years. One day he took a cover off a dish. He looked inside. There was a thick growth of staph germ. There was also some mold. Then he saw something strange. Where the mold was, there was no growth of staph. This is what Fleming probably thought. “By accident, I found a mold to kill the

28、 dreaded staph.”This is how penicillin was found. But heres the real miracle (奇迹). There are thousands of kinds of molds. But only one kind can kill staph. The mold must have fallen into the dish a few days before. The cover was probably off only a few seconds (秒). In those few seconds the right mol

29、d fell into the right dish. Another man might have thrown the dish away. But Fleming was very careful and smart. He understood what the mold did. How lucky the humans were!根据短文内容,选择最佳答案36. During the experiments to find a medicine for staph infections, _.A. the dishes were not coveredB. staph and mo

30、ld were put togetherC. mold was kept in small dishesD. staph was grown in small dishes37. The word “ dreaded” means “_”.A. famous B. scaryC. health D. endangered38. The last paragraph suggests that _.A. accidents happen to everyoneB. the careful person does not have accidentsC. the careless person w

31、ill miss valuable chancesD. luck is enough when doing scientific experiments39. Most of this passage is written by _.A. telling an unusual story B. showing the results of experimentsC. offering some reasons D. giving some advice40. This passage is mainly about _.A. medicine for a staph infection B.

32、useful accidentsC. Dr. Flemings research D. discovering penicillin体裁说明文话题科学技术词数307【主旨大意】本文介绍了青霉素在实验室的意外发现以及主要用途。 36. D 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句They grew the staph in small dishes.可知,在实验的过程中,青霉素是在密封的盘子里生长的。故选D。37. B 词义猜测题。根据第一段You go to a doctor. She examines you. She says you have a “staph” infection可知,葡萄球菌能让

33、人生病,说明它“可怕的”。38. C 推理判断题。根据最后一段中There are thousands of kinds of molds. But only one kind can kill staph.可知,有数以万计的霉菌,但只有一个能杀死葡萄球菌,从而可推断出只有细心的人才能发现霉菌杀死葡萄球菌,故粗心的人是得不得有价值的东西的。39. B细节理解题。整篇文章都是通过实验介绍青霉素和霉菌是怎样被发现的。故选B。40. D 主旨大意题。本文介绍了青霉素在实验室的意外发现以及主要用途。故选D。C根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。第一个方框供4145小题选用,

34、 第二个方框供4650小题选用。每个选项只能使用一次,每框有一项剩余。A. since B. speakers C. our D. until E. included F. expresses(2018山东临沂)He was a poet (诗人) known for the nostalgia (怀旧) he describes in his poems. Now, Its time for us to express 41 nostalgia for this great writer.On December 14, 2017 the famous Chinese poet Yu Guan

35、gzhong passed away in Taiwan. He was born in 1928 in Nanjing, Jiangsu. Yu and his family moved to Taiwan in the 1950s. He lived and worked there 42 his death.Nostalgia is Yus famous poem in which he 43 his homesickness (乡愁) for the Chinese mainland when he was in Taiwan. The poem came out in 1971, a

36、nd it remains highly popular among Chinese 44 worldwide. Even those who know little about literature enjoy lines from the poem. The poem is 45 in Chinese high school textbooks.A. translated B. writing C. stick to D. achievements E. give up F. successful(2018山东临沂)Besides his 46 in poems, Yu was also

37、a 47 translator (翻译家), essay writer and critic.He once 48 English poet Siegfried Sassoons poem In Me, Past, Present, Future Meet into Chinese. It is regarded as a perfect and powerful translation, in which the most famous line is “心有猛虎, 细嗅蔷薇” for “In me the tiger sniffs the rose”.Yu spent his whole

38、life 49 . In a 2015 interview with People Daily, he said, “The reason why I 50 writing till today is my passion (热爱) for the Chinese language. ”He then added that his love for his mother and his motherland made this passion stronger.文章出处:答案:41._42._43._44._45._ 46._47._48._49._50._体裁说明文话题人物故事词数254【主

39、旨大意】“乡愁诗人”余光中在台湾去世,他的著名诗歌乡愁,在海内外华人间广为传诵。他不仅在诗歌方面卓有成就,也在翻译和散文等方面也很成功。41. C 句意:对我们来说,是该表达我们对这位伟大的作家怀念之时。分析句子结构可知,此处填一个形容词或相当于形容词的词。由上文for us可推理是“表达我们的怀念”。42. D句意:他住在和工作那里直到他去世。分析句子结构可知此处填介词,根据句意可知填until。43.F句意:乡愁是余光中著名的诗,表达了他在台湾时对大陆恋恋不舍的一份情怀。分析句子结构可知填动词。文章有“表达乡愁”之意。44. B 句意:这首诗1971年出版,它在中外华人中广泛流传。45.

40、E 句意:这首诗被选入高中语文教材。46. D 句意:除了他在诗词方面的成就外,余光中也是一位成功的翻译家,散文家和评论家。47. F句意:除了他在诗词方面的成就外,余光中也是一位成功的翻译家,散文家和评论家。48. A 句意:余光中把英国诗人西格夫里萨松的诗于我,过去,现在以及未来 翻译成汉语。translateinto把翻译成49. B句意:余光中一生笔耕不辍。spend.(in) doing sth.做某事花费。50. C 句意:直到今天我没有放弃写作的原因是我对汉语的热爱。give up doing sth.放弃做某事。D(2018山东临沂) Shanghai is one of th

41、e first cities in China to see bike sharing fever. Shared bikes can now be found all over the city. 51 On streets see riders of your age. Some might even be younger than you. Unluckily, there have been some accidents involving (涉及) shared bikes. 52 One of the most serious accidents took place in Mar

42、ch. One Sunday afternoon, a boy was riding an ofo bike (共享单车). He was hit by a bus and later died. The boys parents were not by his side. 53 He was only about 10 years old.The good news is that Shanghai has been trying to manage bike sharing by making rules. The rules are still being discussed, but

43、some of the rules have been decided on. 54 Users must be between 1. 45 and 1.95 meters tall.However, it could be hard to make these rules work. Ou Jing is ofos manager in Shanghai. He said the company had banned (禁止) children under 12 from using its service. Yet, young children can still be seen rid

44、ing ofo bikes. Thats because many ofo bikes use manual (手动的) locks. 55 Ofo has developed electronic locks. However, it will take some time for the company to fix the new locks on all of its bikes.Most of you are old enough to ride a shared bike. Still, please ride slowly for your own safety. When yo

45、u finish using the bike, dont forget to park and lock it properlyfor everybodys safety.根据短文内容, 从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容通顺完整。A. If a user doesnt lock the bike properly after using it, anyone can ride it away.B. In fact, they are popular not only among adults but also among teens.C. All of the children under 12 have stopped riding ofo bikes.D. Besides, the boy was

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