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1、Name:HeyuName:HeyuTeaching ReportForm:Yongxing Middle School第1页第1页 8A Unit 3A day outReading 1FUN WITH ENGLISH第2页第2页Contents Teaching Material Teaching&Learning Methods Teaching Aids Teaching Procedures Self-assessment第3页第3页One-Teaching materialStatusFunctionsTeaching Aims&DemandsTeaching important&

2、difficult Points第4页第4页Status and function*Unit 3 A day outUnit 3 A day out is a new lesson,and play an important role in this book.*To raise learning interest*To improve spoken EnglishTeachingmaterial第5页第5页Teaching Aims&Demands1 Learn and understand the new and important words,expressions and senten

3、ces in this lesson.2.Read the passage to learn something about this trip.1.The students can identify the interesting places of interest at home and abroad,especially in Beijing;2.The students can get the overall understanding of the passages on a trip.By reading the passage on a trip,the students lo

4、ve travelling and the nature.Knowledgeaims:Abilityaims:Emotionaims:Teachingmaterial第6页第6页Teaching important&difficult Points1.New and important words,expressions and sentences for the students to learn and master;2.The overall understanding of the passages on a trip.Teachingmaterial第7页第7页Two-Teachin

5、g&Learning MethodsTask-based Teaching Method Communicative Teaching Method Audio-visual Approach discuss in Group Pair work Presentation Role-play The student as the main body,The teachers as a guiding role.第8页第8页Three-Teaching AidsTape recorderPicturesPowerpoint第9页第9页Four-Teaching Procedures1.Greet

6、ings(1min)2.Warm-up lead-in(5mins)3.Pre-reading(7mins)4.While-reading(20mins)5.Post-reading(8mins)6.Summary(3mins)7.Homework(1min)第10页第10页Step 1 Greetings(1min)To gather the students attention to my class It is a wonderful and amazing world.There are many places of interest in the world.In modern so

7、ciety,many people spend a lot of time and money on the trip every year.We also go to a magical place to have a look today.TeachingProcedures第11页第11页Step 2.Warm-up lead-in(5mins)Showthepicturesofdifferentplaces.Thengetthestudentstotalkaboutwheretheyareandwhatcantheydothere.*toarousetheirinterestabili

8、tyTeachingProcedures第12页第12页theEiffelTowerThe Eiffel TowerThe Eiffel TowerFranceFrance第13页第13页VeniceThe White HousetheUSAtheUSA第14页第14页The statue of Liberty第15页第15页Hong Kong第16页第16页The Pyramids Egypt第17页第17页The Golden Gate Bridge第18页第18页World ParkWorld Park第19页第19页Pair WorkQ1:What is your favorite p

9、lace of interest?Q2:What do you think of it?Q3:How long do you think it will take you to travel around the world?Discuss with your partner.Step3.Pre-reading(7mins)Teaching Procedures第20页第20页 coachcoach :a bus for taking people on long tripsa bus for taking people on long trips boringboring:not inter

10、estingnot interesting a lot of traffica lot of traffic:lots of cars,buses,andlots of cars,buses,and trucks on roads trucks on roads highwayhighway:a main road between citiesa main road between cities feel sickfeel sick:not feel well:not feel well at the beginningat the beginning:(反义词)反义词)in the endi

11、n the endTeachingProceduresMini dictionaryMini dictionary第21页第21页Step 4.While-reading(20mins)1.Listening 2.Reading3.Role-playTeaching Procedures第22页第22页Listen and Match1.At the beginning of the trip,2.When she arrived at the park,3.When she was inside the park,A.she couldnt believe her eyes,she thou

12、ght the park is wonderful.B.Linda didnt enjoy it and she felt sick.C.she became excited,she didnt feel sick any more,she wanted to enjoy herself.While-reading第23页第23页Listen and read the letter together.Then put the pictures in the correct order!While-reading第24页第24页Skim to Find out how she felt:1.At

13、 the beginning/on the way,2.When she arrived at the park,3.When she was inside the park,A.she didnt enjoy it/she felt sick.B.she became excited.she didnt feel sick any more.she wanted to enjoy herself.C.she couldnt believe her eyes.she wanted to join in the dancingWhile-reading(improve the students

14、reading quality)第25页第25页 Role-playSuppose you are Linda,retell the day out to the World Park according to the pictures.While-readingMaster the basic meaning,Practise speaking ability.第26页第26页Step 5.Post-reading(8mins)Discussion(Groupwork)Talk about the place of interest you want to visit best.Talk a

15、bout the place of interest you want to visit best.1)where to go 2)when to go 1)where to go 2)when to go 3)how to go 4)why to go 3)how to go 4)why to go 5)what to see 6)how to feel 5)what to see 6)how to feelPresentationEach group chooses a student to give us a report.Teaching Proceduresimprove the s

16、tudents comprehensive ability第27页第27页Step 6.Summary(3mins)What we have learnt and key points Assessment on each groupTeaching Proceduresconsolidate the key and different points第28页第28页Step 7.Homework(1min)Write a letter to your close friend to tell him/her your pleasant trip to a place of interest.T

17、eaching ProceduresThe specific application of language learning.第29页第29页Five-Self-assessment Strengthen the interests of learning EnglishDevelop the abilities of speaking and writingFoster the abilities of cooperation and action Of course,propose different requirements for different students,I think

18、,as long as they can say one more word,write one more sentence,they will progress.第30页第30页ConclusionTobeagoodEnglishteacherismydream,Ithinkateacherisnotonlyaguideforthestudents,butalsoafriendofthem.Ialwaysbuildacloserelationwithmystudents,helpingthemnotonlyontheirstudy,butalsoontheirlives.Iwilltrymybesttoachievefurthersuccess!第31页第31页第32页第32页

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