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1、江西省2019年中等学校招生考试英语试题参考答案一:听力测试(共27小题,每小题1分,共27分)15 ABCBA 610 ACBBC 1115 CBACB 1622 BCAABAC23. June 28th/28 24. Green Park 25. over /more than 14/fourteen 26. card 27. 685-4779 二、单项选择(共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)2831 ADBD 3235 BABC三、完形填空(共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)A) 3640 CBCAB 4145 ADCDB 4650 BCABDB) 51. skills 52. again.

2、 53. This 54. to smile 55. said 56. than 57. available 58. explain 59. information 60. politely四、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)6163 BDB 6467 CBAD 6871 DBCA 7275 CDAC 7680 ADCFE五、补全对话(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)8185 AEGBD六、书面表达(15分)Possible version One; I agree with the opinion. Compared with looks, personality and abil

3、ity are more important. Because we cant change our looks easily, but we can decide and control what we do. Thnaks to the kind and hard-working people, our society is becoming better and better. For example, Ma Yun, a well-known businessman, doesnt look handsome, but he created Alibaba which has chan

4、ged our lifestyle and made our life more convenient. He has been doing so much for our society that we all admire him. Because of his contribution to our society, we even think he looks so cool. So lets try our best to do more useful things for our society and pay less attentionto our looks. Possibl

5、e Version TwoIn my opinion, I think we need to judge people by both what they do and what they look likeA persons personality and ability are very important, but for some jobs, looks are also important, such as an actor or an actress, a waiter or a waitress, or even a teacher Because its enjoyable t

6、o see a good-looking personFor example, my teachers in my class all teach very well, and they are kind and helpful. All of us like them. But the most popular teacher is my English teacher, because she looks really beautiful. She dresses herself up every day and always has a smile on her faceSo lets try our best to improve our ability, personality and looks. 2

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