1、日本公布福岛核事故调查中期报告英国金融时报中本美智代东京报道 211228 (www.ftchinee。co)调查日本核事故的委员会表示,福岛第一核电站(Fukushm Daii)运营商及其监管机构均未能履行自己的职责,没有为重大突发事件做好充足准备并迅速作出回应,从而导致了5年来最严重的核事故.该委员会在其发布的中期调查报告中表示,福岛第一核电站运营商东京电力公司(okyo Ectric e)及其监管机构完全没有为应对一场突发的重大核事故做好准备,以致于在今年月1日海啸之后,他们甚至没有对福岛第一核电站发生的巨大灾难采取基本的安全措施.该委员会称,例如,东京电力公司的远程应急总部所在的大楼“
3、员会发布调查报告之际,东电为补偿受害者和停运受损核电站而发生的成本有可能导致负债超过资产。为防止破产,该公司正面临被国有化的前景。委员会将在明年夏季完成最终调查.它得出结论称,日本的预防核灾难方案“存在严重缺陷,该国应“根本转变”其预防灾难的方式。译者何黎本文的网址:htp:/www。fchine。com/sto00142432Reprt slms rsonse to uclearcisisyMiiNakaoto nTokyoTe operator of te Fsim ncear powe pantandit egulators ll fale n theidy to adeutely pr
4、epae foandresn prmpl o a majr emergency, contribuing to e worst nclar acint a qurter cetury, acrding to ommite invstigatig th ater。Tokyo Eectric Poer,he perorof he Fukuhia plant, d tsreutors wre sonpreped fo majo nleaemergency tha they lcked event basc saft masures o rondto iaser th ca that t Fkuima
5、 chinucear erplati he wake o heMarch1tsunami, the cttee stesn an ntrmreort o its findis。Tpcos ff-sieemgenc response heaartesr example, wahous in auidinga“was no esigndto withstand elevatedradatonlvs, athough ws intederuse n nclea eergnce”, ad dnot eve have clani filrs, it says。“Tepo did nt tae prcau
6、ionamaures in anticipaiontat severeiet could be au by sunmi suc as he one (tat hit FukshmaDachi) Neither did the egltry autrties,” the cmmiteestatsiitsreport.he comitteef 1 ideedn exprts, whi was ommissioned by heovernmen, also ts nufficient foratio gahig and por comunicaton amg thoeinthe govrnmnt,
7、th reguaorsandat Tec s majoars ht rsend th sitatn.Te acdent at theFukusima Daiihi ucler poelant,ollowing the arch 11 ethake and unamithat sruck Jpas norastercost, leoexposin threereacrs a t release f hih evls of radioctivity ino the atmopheread ocea。nare of up tokm m te si as beencoe of, mo hn 10,00
8、 pepae be forced o evate teir hes nd concersabou rdioactiecontamition plagufarmer,fisren ad consuers like。I cmesaheility fces the prospectof nationalistion,o peent akrucy, as the cscoensting vicis d decommisionin thmag pwr plats theaten oincreaeiabilites inexcss f asts.he commite, whic is et cntueits investigaio until extsummer,oncues that ans nueaditer preenion prgrme “ha erousshorlls and call fr a “aradigmshift” in the country pproc todisasterprevention。