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1、2020年广西桂林市中考英语试卷一、听力测试(每小题5分,其30分)(一)听句子,选图画读两遍1(5分)(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (二)听句子,选单词读两遍2(1分)A meatB milkC fish3(1分)A ChineseB mathsC English4(1分)A zebraB elephantC lion5(1分)AwalkingBtalkingCworking6(1分)A emailsB lettersCwords(三)听对话,回答问题读两遍7(5分)听五段短对话,回答小题(1)What day is it today?A MondayB TuesdayC Frid

2、ay(2)What grade is Jack in?A He is in Grade 7B He is in Grade 8C He is in Grade 9(3)What did the woman collect?A PostcardsB StampsC Chinese fans(4)How many carrots does the man want t0 buy?AOne kiloB Two kilosC Half a kilo(5)Where is Newton?A On the south coast of AmericaB On the west coast of Ameri

3、caC On the east coast of America8(2分)听第一段长对话,回答7小题(1)Where is Tony now?A He is in ShanghaiB He is in GuilinCHe is in Beijing(2)What is Betty doing?A She is taking photosB She is calling her MumCShe is talking to her friend9(3分)听第二段长对话,回答小题(1)What is Tony going to do?A To buy some books in the boksto

4、reB To buy some books onlineC To buy some CDs online(2)What kind of books does Tony like best?A Science booksB Story booksC Fairy tale books(3)Which way of shopping does Betty like?A Online shoppingB Going shoppingC Catalogue shopping(四)听短文,回答问题读两遍,听一篇短文,回答小题10(5分)(1)How many classes took part in th

5、e race?A SevenB EightC Six(2)What was the race?A Boys 800 metresB Girls 800 metresC Boys 400 metres(3)Who ran fastest at first?AAlex fom Class7B Alex from Class 6C Bob from Class 6(4)What happened to Alex later on?A He stoppedB He ran slowlyC He cried(5)What was wrong with Alex?A Something wrong wih

6、 his stomachB Something wrong with his legC Something wrong with his foot(五)听短文,填单词读两遍.11(5分)In January and February of 2018,a total of 13 young whales were washed up on the beach in (1) An autopsy(尸体解前) showed that the whales had all died of (2) failureThe resarchers believe that the young whales,a

7、ll between 10 and(3) years old, may have (4) the North Sea by mistakeSince the sea floor here is too shallow for these deep sea livers,it (5) the whales to become confused and die二、单项选择(每小题1分.典10分)从各题的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项12(1分)Tonys father is a ()AteachersBdoctorsCdriver13(1分)You can ask some questions

8、 by telephone()AheBhimChis14(1分)Robots usually do work in factories()AheavyBheavierCheavily15(1分)We have lunch_ school from Monday to Friday()AonBatCwith16(1分)There a computer and some books on the teachers desk()AisBareCbe17(1分)He this city when he was eighteen()AleavesBdoesnt leaveCleft18(1分)They

9、want a football match()Anot watchBwatchCto watch19(1分)I think ebooks will more than paper books in the future()AuseBbe usedCused20(1分)I dont remember for the first time()Awhen I met herBwhenI meet herCwhen I will meet her21(1分)The young men all shouted Happy New Year_ it was twelve oclock()AafterBas

10、 soon asCif三、补全对话(每小题5分,其5分)根据对话内容,从方框中逸出最佳选项补全对话22(5分)A: Excuse me! Could you tell me the way to the park?B: Sure (1) A: How long will walk there?B:(2) A: Can I take a bus there?B:(3) A:(4) B: It is over thereA: Thank you very muchB:(5) A Yes, you canB You re welcomeC Walk along the street and turn

11、 rightD Where is the bus stop?E About 20 minutes四、完形填空(每小题10分,共10分)阅读短丈,从A. B. C. D四个逸项中选出最佳选项23(10分)The Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai is one of (1) buildings in the world And its also one of the modern wonders It(2) in 1999, and it is 420.5 meters (3) Last Sunday, we visited it When we (4) at the groun

12、d floor of the building,the sun was going downI was afraid of going to the top of tall buildings So I felt a little(5) when I walked into the liftThe lift climbed up faster and faster until we reached (6) floor It was high up there, but I was not afraid any more While we(7) at the top, we had a(8) v

13、iew of Pudong District and the centre of ShanghaiI(9) like the tower and I am sure I (10) it again( 1)A the tallestBtallestC tallerDtall(2)AbuildsBbuiltCis builtDwas built(3)A wideBhighClongDold(4)A arriveBreachedCarrivedDgot(5)A sadBnervousCexcitedDamazing(6)A the 88thB 88thC the 88D88(7)AstandingB

14、were standingCare standingDwill stand(8)A fantasticBfunnyCforeignDfriendly(9)A exactBexactlyCreallyDreal( 10)Anever visitBshall never visitC,visitDwill visit五、阅读理解(第56-60小题,每小题5分;第61-75小题,每小题5分,共35分)24(5分)London is a great city for shopping There are many large shops everywhere You can buy food,drin

15、k,clothes and computers They are all in the same building London is farmous for its clothes shops The street markets are good fun When you go shopping in London, you can buy anything from the world请根据短文内容,判断句子正误,正确的写T,错误的写F(1)London is a great city for shopping (2)There arent many large shops in Lon

16、don (3)You can buy computers in London (4)London is famous for its food shops (5)In London, you can buy anything from the world 25(10分)Lost and FoundLostFoundglovesColour: blue and whiteCall Tony at 8675 9326a walletColour: purpleCall Betty at 8547 8623China WeatherCityTemperatureWeatherBeijing2232S

17、unnyGuilin2634rainy根据表格信息,选择最佳选项(1)What is Tonys telephone number? A8675 9336B8675 9326C8547 8623D8547 8622(2)The colour of the wallet is A blueB whiteC blue and whiteD purple(3)Who found the wallet? A LinglingB TonyC BettyD Mike(4)What s the temperature in Beijing? A2232B2028C2634D2129(5)What is th

18、e weather like in Guilin? A Its sunnyB Its cloudyC Its rainyD Its windy26(10分)Do you want to help the poor people around the word? Here are some charities that can help you do thatKIDS This large organization improves the lives of children living in poverty (贫穷) around the world They provide new clo

19、thes, toys, books and other products, as well as medical care Theyre also extremely wellrun, and spend 99.5% of their money on programs that aim (目的) at helping children Contact Phone: 2122795493 Coacern Worldwide US This nongovernmental organization has worked to reduce extrerme poverty since it wa

20、s founded in 1968 Work is mostly aimed at counties which are in the bottom 40 according to the UN Human Development Report Contact Phone: 35314177700 International Child Care The Christian health development organization is working to fight poverty in Haiti By providing important medical care for ch

21、ildren and their farmilies ,ICC allows them to live happier and healthier lives in less danger into poverty Contact Phone 8007224453 Village Reach Since 2000, this organization has worked to improve the developing worlds chance to healthcare by working together with business,govedrnments ,nonprofits

22、,and other organizationsThey aim to improve local infrastructure(基础设施)in poor country areas Contact Phone:2062121530 ACFUSA This organizations efforts are mainly aimed at ending hunger worldwideTheir work saves lives by fighting malnutrition,especially in times of crisisPrograms try to ensure longte

23、rm solutions for that purpose Contact Phone: 9528549000根据短文内容,选择最佳选项(1)KIDS Is an organization that A has a very long historyB has no program nowC aims to help he poor children around the worldD mainly helps the poor children in African countries(2)In order to reduce poverty Concern Wordwide US has

24、worked A for thirty yearsB since it was founded in 2000C only for the 40 countrics listed by the US governmentD for the bottom 40 countries listed by a UN report mainly(3)Village Reach aims to A help the hungry people worldwideB improve local infrastructure in poor country areasC work to fight pover

25、ty in HaitiD improve the medical care for the poor children(4)Which organizations mainly help the poor children? A KIDS and ACFUSAB KIDS and International Child CareC Vllage Reach and ACFUSAD Concern Worldwide US and International Child Care(5)If you especially hope to help the poor in Hati now, whi

26、ch number can you call? A8007224453B35314177700C 9528549000D212279549327(10分)This summer I attended my first music festival Unlike most of the festivalgoers. We didnt buy ticketsInstead, we volunteered as festival stewards We each worked 3 shiftseach shift was 8 hours long in exchange for a free tic

27、ket to the festival Leeds Festival is a large music festival which takes place yearly at the end of August And thousands of people attend it each year There were several diffrerent stage, each catering for a different music taste:rock, pop,alternative and dance As well as the fantastic music on offe

28、r, there were also funfair rides, food outlets and a silent disco I loved silent discos:everyone had a set of headphones with two channels and music was played through the headphones As a result, people could dance and sing along to completely different songs! While we werent working we were free to

29、 enjoy the festival We saw a wide variety of artists across the weekend I really enjoyed seeing Imagine Dragons, Vampire Weekend and, of course, Arcyic Monkeys We camped for five nights and it was freezing every night! However, we had a really nice campsite I had a great time and would definitely be

30、 returning the next year!根据短文内容,选择最佳选项(1)What can we learn from the first paragraph? AThe writer paid less money for the ticketB The writer attended many music festivals beforeCMost festivalgoers paid less money for Leeds FestivalD The writer needed to work as a festivals steward for twentyfour hour

31、s(2)The underlined wordfree in paragraph 4 means A免费的B随便的,随意的C空闲的,空余的D不被打扰的(3)Why did the writer love the silent discos? A Because everyone could have a set of headphonesB Because people could listen to different songs silentlyC Because people could sing and dance while they were listening to music

32、silentlyD Because different music was played through the headphones with two channels(4)Which was NOT TRUE about Leeds Festival? A Many artists could be seen in AugustB Its a large music festival which is held yearlyC A silent disco is vey popular with peopleD The festivalgoers enjoyed different mus

33、ic,such as rock, pop and dance(5)We can possibly infer according to the passage that A Leeds Festival usually lasts six daysB people can enjoy delicious food silently in Leeds FestivalCthe writer was satisfied with the weather in Leeds FestivalD the writer enjoyed seeing Arctic Monkeys since he like

34、d alternative music六、词汇填空28(5分)Awrite BEnglish Cusually Din EwordsHere is my advice on learning(1) , We should always speak English (2) classAt home, we (3) listen to English on the radioWe just need to listen for key (4) Its a good idea to (5) down new wordsB.单词填空,根据中文或首字母提示,写出单词在句中的正确形式,每空填一词,请将单词

35、完整地写在答题卡上29(1分)The plane ticket is too (昂贵的) to buy30(1分)The electroc light was (发明) by Edison(爱迪生)31(1分)We have already (发射) spaceships to Mars32(1分)It is clear that Arnwick needes more (医院) than before33(1分)Diana is (躺,平躺) in the sun at this moment34(1分)Columbus d America in 149235(1分)She knocked

36、on the door, but nobody a 36(1分)She is too thin and her w is only 35 kilos37(1分)We should a making any noise in the reading room38(1分)Earthquakes always happen s , so its difficult to warn people about them七、书面表达(共15分)39(15分)初三年级将举行最佳班长评选活动,请你根据下列表格信息,以Our Class Monitor为题,写一篇短文,推荐你们班的班长Betty参加评选外貌thin,tall ,long hair,wear a pair of glasses性格kind,friendly ,get on well with,help特长Do well in,be interested in,win,prize ,competition 写作要求1短文应包括以上信息,为使行文连贯可适当增加细节2、文章词数在70词左右,开头已经给出,不计入总词数,要求书写规范3文中不得出现涉及考生真实信息的人名、地名或校名Our Class Monitor Now Id like to introduce Betty to you_第 12 页 / 共 12 页

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