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1、2013年湖南省湘潭市中考英语试卷一、听力1(1分)无2(1分)无3(1分)无4(1分)无5(1分)无6(2分)无7(3分)无8(5分)无9(5分)无二、单项填空10(3分)What can you see in my hand,Tony?一I can see a book_book is green()AABAnCThe11(3分)December is_month of the year()AtwelveBthe twelfthCthe twelveth12(3分)Look at the cloud!It looks like a rabbitWow_beautiful!()AWhatBW

2、hat aCHow13(3分)The history proves those islands belong_China()AtoBatCon14(3分)Mo Yan is one of the_writers in the world now()AfamousBmore famousCmost famous15(3分)If I finish_the picture,Ill go to the movies with you this afternoon()ApaintBpaintingCto paint16(3分)Sorry,theres_coffee hereHow about a cup

3、 of tea?OKThats itThank you()AlittleBfewCsome17(3分)The singers_many concerts in the countryside since 2001()AholdBheldChave held18(3分)I hear that another big library_in their school two years ago()Awill be builtBis buildingCwas built19(3分)_he was exercising at the park yesterday morning,he found a p

4、urse under the tree()AWhileBBeforeCThough三、完形填空20(10分)Many newspaper men want to use UFOs in their stories to make their newspaper popular(31) this,some people have taken hoax(恶作剧)photos of UFOs to sellMany (32) think that ail UFOs are hoaxesIts easy to make a photo of a UFOYou (33) a small model of

5、 a spaceshipYou take a photo of this once,and then take another photo of the (34) where you want people to see the UFOWhen putting them together,you will get a photo of (35) which looks realSometimes people see (36) things in the sky,and they think that they are UFOsWhen experts(专家)look (37) at them

6、,sometimes they discover that they are planes,balloons (38) even meteors(流星)Most experts think that most UFO stories are not (39) ; but there are still a few stories which are very difficult to (40) 31AInstead ofBAs forCBecause of32AscientistsBstudentsCteachers33AdrawBneedCimagine34AplaceBtimeCspace

7、ship35Aa UFOBan alienCa plane36AinterestingBlargeCstrange37AquicklyBcarefullyCcarelessly38AandBorCbut39AfriendlyBexcitingCreal40AchangeBexplainCcopy四、阅读技能21(8分)We had a terrible school trip last weekSome students were lateThen we waited half an hour for the school bus,but it didnt arriveIn the end,t

8、he teacher took us by subwayIt took over an hourWhen we arrived at the zoo we were all tired and hungryWe wanted to see dolphins,but there werent anyThere were some really smart seals,but we didnt see the showWe arrived too lateWe forgot our cameras,so we didnt take any photosThen it started to rain

9、,and nobody had an umbrellaSo we went for lunch and ate pizzasMy friends had some ice cream,tooI didnt have any,because I dont like itI wanted French fries,but there werent anyThey were sold out!We didnt see many animals because of the rainFinally we went back to schoolWe were wet,tired,and stressed

10、 outI didnt enjoy my school trip at all!41The school bus was half an hour late 42There were many dolphins in the zoo 43We didnt take any photos because of the rain 44The school trip was terrible 22(8分)Waste can be seen everywhere in the schoolSome students ask for more food than they can eat,and oth

11、ers often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroomThey say they can afford these thingsBut I dont agree with themWaste can bring a lot of problemsAlthough China is rich in some resources,we are short of(缺乏)others,for example,fresh waterIt is reported that we will have no coal or o

12、il to use in 100 yearsSo if we go on wasting,what can we use in the future and where can we move?Think about itI think we should say no to the students who waste things every dayEverybody should stop wasting as soon as possibleIn our everyday life,we can do many things to prevent waste from happenin

13、g,for example,turn off the lights when we leave the classroom,try not to order more food than we need,and so onLittle by little,everything will be changedWaste can be stopped one day,if we do our best45Some students buy much food,but they Acannot eat it all Bdont like it Ccannot pay it46Whats the Ch

14、inese forresource? A地区B资源C领域47According to the passage,we dont have enough Afood Bfruit Cfresh water48We may stop if we do our bestAordering food Bwasting Cturning on the lights23(4分)Work days and holidaysCountryFranceJapanThailandChinaWorking hours a week38404440National holidays12101011School days

15、 a year182192178205Hours in school a day56.55.57.549Among the four countries, has the most holidays and least working timeAFrance BJapan CChina50The Chinese people spend more time in than those of the other three countriesAworking Bstudying Cholidays24(4分)51Children can go to the Youth ClubAunder 12

16、 Bover 17 Cbetween 12 and 1752You can go to the club Aon weekends Bon Friday or SaturdayCfrom Monday to Sunday25(8分)When you are feeling unhappy or forget how great you are,these are four ways to make you feel good about yourself1)Look in the mirror and say to yourself,I am a special person and ther

17、es no one in the world like meI can do anything!It may not sound so good,but it really works!2)Do something nice for someoneHelping others always makes you feel good3)Smile!Be friendly to people you meetLook for the good things in your friends and family4)Stay with your familyWe all need our family

18、timeTalk with your Mum or Dad or maybe even your cousins1)How many ways does the writer tell you to make you feel good about yourself? 2)Are you feeling good if you help others? 3)What is the third way to make you feel good? 4)What would you like to do when you feel unhappy? 26(8分)There are some dif

19、ferences between the Chinese and AmericansAmerican schools and Chinese schools Many Americans take part in sports,dancing and singing groupsMany Chinese take part in studying groupsAmerican students usually feel happy when they get B in an examChinese students feel sad when they get BAmerican parent

20、s and Chinese parents American parents allow their daughters or sons to go out with their friends if they come back home at the certain timeChinese parents usually dont allow their children in middle schools to go out with their friends at nightAmerican teachers and Chinese teachers During parenttea

21、cher meetings,American teachers will always find good things to say to the parents,even in those with the worst gradesButChinese teachers often tell the parents the mistakes that their children made at schoolDifferences between the Chinese and Americans SchoolsParentsTeachersChineseTake part in (57)

22、 (59) their children toTell the parents the mistakes their children made at schoolFeel sad when getting UBin an examgo out with their friends at nightAmericanTake part in sports,dancing and singing groupsFeel(58) when aettina MBin an examAllow their children to go out with their friends if they come

23、 back home at the certain timeTell the parents that their children (60) at school四、写作技能27(10分)A new blue Ford (福特汽车)Bob King bought a new blue Ford last weekLast Wednesday he went for a drive in the (61)晚上 He was going on Road No.7 and the car was going very fastSuddenly he saw another blue Ford beh

24、ind himIt was a police carBob stopped,and the police car stopped next to himBob got out of the carThere were two policemenThey were very (62)a Why did you drive so fast?said oneIm sorry,said Bob,but its a new car andJust then there was a terrible(63)嘈杂声 behind themTwo cars crashed(相撞),then a third,t

25、hen a(64)f The policemen(65)跑 up to the carsBob waited in the cold for a(66)一会儿 Then he got into the Ford and went home very fastHe put the car into his garage(车库)got into his house,went to(67)b and fell asleep quicklyThe next morning there was a(68)敲击 at the doorIt was a policemanMrKing?he saidYes,

26、thats me,said BobWere you on Road No.7 last night at about(69)e ?No,said Bob,I wasntCould I see your car,please?said the policemanThey went to the garageBob opened the doorThere was a blue Ford in it,but it wasnt his carIt had the(70)w POLICE on the door28(10分)My dream jobWhen I grow up,Im going to

27、do what I want to doIm going to move somewhere interesting,(71)Paris sounds like a city that I could enjoy There are lots of art exhibitions there(72)我想当个艺术家 So how am I going to do it?(73)First,Im going to find a parttime job for a year or two and save some money Then Im going to be a student at an

28、 art school in Paris(74)And Im going to study French at the same time Next,Im going to hold art exhibitions because I want to be rich and buy a big house for my parents(75)我还想周游世界One day,Im going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful71 72 73 74 75 29(10分)Doctor:Good morning!(76) ?Tom:TomDoctor:(77

29、) ?Tom:Im not feeling wellI have a toothache and I cant eat anythingDoctor:When did it start?Tom:(78) Doctor:Let me examine youOpen your mouth and sayAhpleaseTom:AhIs it serious?Doctor:(79) Just stop eating candies and take the medicineYou will feel better soonTom:How often should I take the medicin

30、e?Doctor:(80) Tom:Thank you五、书面表达30(20分)现在我国靑少年中出现了越来越多的小胖墩,他们的肥胖影响到了他们的生活和学习请你根据以下提示,以Advice on keeping away from overweight(超重)为题写一篇短 文,从良好的生活方式和健康的饮食习惯等方面为这些小胖墩支招,让他们远离肥胖,健康生活可供选用的词汇:get up early; do not stay up too late; more exercise; stop eating junk food; not too much saltoil or sugar; eat some fruit and vegetables; have breakfast every morning;要求:意思连贳,表达准确,可适当拓展.6080个单词注意:文章开头已给山不计入总词数Advice on keeping away from overweight In China,more and more teenagers are getting fatter and fatterIf you dont want to be very fat,you _9

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