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1、Document Title:Supplier AssessmentQuestionnaireDocument#GPO-GPO-4-XXX-00Organization:Global ProcurementRevision:1.0Document Owner:Gabriel TapiaEffective Date:APPROVALSNAMETITLEDEPT NAMEDATEGernot HuditzManager,Supplier Quality SystemsSQS-GPOKevin ShaoManager,ComplianceSQS-GPOREVISION HISTORYREVISION

2、DESCRIPTION OF CHANGEORIGINATOREFFECTIVE DATE1.0Supplier Assessment Quiestionnaire Chinese Version based on SAQ rev 3.2Jeffu Xu and teamfor translationGabriel Tapiaformating the cellsThis document is proprietary and confidential property of Flextronics.Policy-Process-ProcedureCertificate of Complian

3、ce 合合格格证证明明书书I certify that I am authorized to declare this Assessment Form on behalf of(Supplier Company Name)I certify that all responses are truthful and accurate and that all efforts have been made to ensure that false statements are not included in the audit.我保证我是经授权代表 (公司名)来声明此评估表.我保证所有的回答都是真实

4、并且准确,已用所有努力来保证此次审核不存在虚假陈述.Company Name(公司名):Company Stamp(公司印章):Certified By(授权单位):Title(:头衔)Signature(签名):Certifier Email Address(证明者邮件地址):Date(日期):(MM/DDD/YYYY)Flextronics Supplier Assessment Questionnaire Introduction&Instructions 伟伟创创力力供供应应商商评评估估调调查查表表介介绍绍&说说明明 Introduction 引引言言 The attached ass

5、essment will be used by Flextronics Personnel to evaluate your Management Systems capabilities.Submittal of this assessment,by itself,does not constitute an approval of your company as an approved vendor.If needed,Flextronics may,after receipt of the completed assessment,conduct an on-site audit of

6、your facility.Since supplier assessment and approval is necessary before a procurement award can be made,it is to your benefit to return this form as soon as possible.此文件是伟创力人员用来评估供应商管理系统能力的工具,提交此份评估表后并不能成为伟创力已认可的供应商.在接到供应商提交的完整评估报告后,如有需要,伟创力会进行现场审核供应商.在获得采购许可前必须要完成供应商的评估和承认,故请尽快提交此调查表 Instructions

7、指指南南 Company Information Page 公公司司概概况况页页 1.All information should be provided on the Complete Company Information Page 所有的信息需要提供在公司信息页上 2.Attach any certificate that you wish to submit to Flextronics 请附上贵司希望提供给伟创力的证书 Audit Question Tabs 审审核核问问题题点点 3.All questions must be answered.Select your answer

8、using the pull down in the Score box.Select a value between 1 and 5 based on the criteria below.所有的问题必须回答,在得分栏那里选择贵司的回答.根据以下的标准选择分值在1到 5之间.SystemImplementationResults1POOR2WEAK3ACCEPTABLEScoreEVALUATION*No or minimal System/Process evident*No or minimal Management recognition of needNone or minimalN

9、one or minimalDeployed in some areas of the business.Deployed in all areas but not all areas of implementation are operating effectivelySome evidence of output/data*Well defined and implemented System/Process*Evidence of proactive management.(i.e.Continual/Continuous/or Maintaining depending upon st

10、andard being met,ISO9001,ISO13485 etc)*100%Management support and leadership for System/Process compliance*Positive measureable results*Ongoing data collection/output*Direction for System/Process defined*Not completely supported by management*Documented requirements*Deployed in all areas of the busi

11、ness and is operating effectively across the all of the business*Seen as a role model,go to organization,to learn System/Process best practicesRequirements exceededDeployed in some areas of the business but not?all areas of implementation are operating effectivelyDeployed in all areas of the busines

12、s and is operating effectively across the majority of the business4GOOD5OUTSTANDING*A System/Process in place with evidence of prevention activities*Documented/Controlled System*Completed supported by Management*Evidence that efforts are successful*All requirements fulfilled*Demonstrated positive an

13、d sustained results*Beginning of a System/Process*A few factors in place*Management have begun to recognize the needGENERAL SCORING CRITERIA MATRIX 4.If questions are not applicable,select“N/A,and provide your justification in the comments column.如果问题不适合,请选择N/A 并在备注栏处理由 5.Please use comment column t

14、o provide supporting information such as documentation numbers,process descriptions,implementation timelines and any other relevant supporting information 请在备注栏处提供支持的信息如文件编号,流程描述,实施时间及其它相关的支持信息 6.In addition to any information recorded in the questionnaire if the supplier has any further objective e

15、vidence,such as metrics,documentation,certificated in support of the question,please forward a copy to your Flextronics contact 除调查表记录的信息之外,如供应商还有其它更进一步的客观证据,如支持问题的指标,文件,证书.请复制一份给伟创力 7.“Expected Evidence”column provides you guideline on the evidence/proof that we are looking for on a given question.

16、Not all questions are provided with Expected Evidence Guidelines.期望证据栏为你提供对于问题点伟创力需要的证据/证明方面的指南.并非所有的问题都有相对应的期望证据指南 8.All score summaries will automatically populated.所有的分值总结将自动生成 9.Once all questions are completed and you are satisfied with your responses,return to this printed page and complete Co

17、C section below for include the handwritten signature and company stamp.Hard-copy need to be scanned and sent as point 10 requirement.所有的问题都完成并且你已经满意你的回答之后,回到此打印页并完成以面的合格证明书部分,需要亲笔签名并盖上公司印章.并如每 10条要求将纸档扫描并发送给伟创力.10.Return the completed form by email to your Flextronics contact.将完成的表格电邮给伟创力联系人.11.Que

18、stionnaire should be returned within ten(10)business days.问题调查表需要在 10个工作日内返回.12.Your Flextronics contact will arrange a meeting to review the next steps,if necessary.如有需要,伟创力联系人会安排会议来商谈下一步骤.Document Title:Supplier Assessment QuestionnaireSection:Introduction19Please enter all information in English(

19、*)Mandatory data required请请用用英英文文输输入入所所有有信信息息 (*)(*)项项必必须须填填入入1.Supplier General Information&Senior Management 供供应应商商基基本本资资料料&高高层层管管理理人人员员Company Legal Name公公司司法法定定名名称称:(*)Date日日期期:(*)(please attach a copy of Company legal license请附上公司执照)Audited Facility Address受受审审核核工工厂厂地地址址:(*)Website网网址址:Phone联联系

20、系电电话话:(*)City城城市市:(*)Fax传传真真:(*)Country国国家家:(*)Purchase Order Address采采购购订订单单地地址址:(*)(If differ from Audited Facility Address)(如如与与受受审审公公司司地地址址不不一一致致)City城城市市:(*)Country国国家家:(*)Representatives of Senior Management 高高层层管管理理人人员员代代表表Name名名字字(*)Title头头衔衔(*)Phone电电话话(*)Email Address邮邮件件地地址址(*)2.Company S

21、tructure&Revenue 公公司司结结构构&营营业业额额Name of parent company,if applicable总总公公司司名名,如如适适用用:(*)Website网网址址:Company Name公公司司名名字字:(*)Phone电电话话:(*)City城城市市:(*)Fax传传真真:(*)Country国国家家:(*)Organization Flow Chart Available?(*)有有无无组组织织架架构构图图(*)(Please attach a copy)Are you a minority owned business?是是否否私私营营企企业业(*)请

22、附附件Are you a publicly traded company?是是否否上上市市企企业业(*)What is your total annual revenue in US Dollar?年年营营业业额额是是多多少少美美金金(*)3.Capabilities and Resources 能能力力及及资资源源Total Employee:(*)(World Wide)(Audited Site)Total Plant Area:(*)总总人人数数全全球球审审核核地地厂厂房房面面积积合合计计Engineering:(*)(World Wide)(Audited Site)Manufact

23、uring Area:(*)管管理理全全球球审审核核地地生生产产范范围围Production:(*)(World Wide)(Audited Site)Administration Area:(*)生生产产全全球球审审核核地地经经营营范范围围Quality:(*)(World Wide)(Audited Site)Capacity currently utilized(%):(*)品品质质全全球球审审核核地地可可利利用用生生产产力力Number of Employeessupporting Flextronics:(*)伟伟创创力力协协助助人人员员数数量量Does your company o

24、wn or lease your facilities:(*)是是否否拥拥有有或或者者租租赁赁设设备备List all types of commodities you manufacture:(*)列列出出生生产产商商品品的的种种类类Are you a New Supplier or Current Supplieror Previous Supplier to Flextronics:(*)是是否否flex.flex.新新供供应应商商或或者者目目前前供供应应商商或或者者以以前前的的共共应应商商List all countries/locations manufacturing occurs

25、:(*)列列出出生生产产的的国国家家及及区区域域For Current/Previous Supplier-List all products you supply to Flextronics:(*)目目前前供供/之之前前的的供供应应商商_列列出出供供伟伟创创力力的的所所有有产产品品Commodity(ies)for which the supplier is being considered:(*)潜潜在在供供应应商商的的商商品品what is Flextronics capacity distribution(%)of your total capacity:(*)伟伟创创力力所所分分发

26、发的的产产品品占占供供应应商商全全部部产产能能的的多多少少1Document Title:Supplier Assessment QuestionnaireSection:Company Information194.Standards&Certifications 标标准准及及资资格格论论证证书书Does your site hold any of the following Certifications?If yes,please indicate all relative data as required(Cells B54-H71 as applicable).贵贵司司是是否否有有以以

27、下下的的资资格格论论证证书书?如如有有,请请出出示示所所有有的的相相关关数数据据(B54-B71可可适适用用)The referred certificates need to be added in scanned in version(soft-copy)to the reply email to Flextronics contact.相相关关的的证证书书需需要要扫扫描描给给Flex的的联联系系人人员员International standard国国际际标标准准YES是是Certifieddate认认证证日日期期Version版版本本Issue By(Registrar)发发行行(注注册

28、册员员)Certificate number证证书书编编号号Expiration date届届期期(*)ISO 9001(*)ISO14001AS 9100ISO/TS16949(*)OHSAS18001SA8000PS 9000ISO/TS 29001ISO13485TL 9000CCAP-101ISO 27001 QC080000U.S.Customs-Trade PartnershipAgainst Terrorism(C-TPAT)*European UnionAuthorizedEconomic Operator(AEO)*Singapore Secure Trade Program

29、(STP-Plus)*VDA 6.3Others,pls specifyIf NO any,Provide plans of obtaining the standards/certificates?Please list them 如如没没有有,请请提提供供计计划划取取得得这这些些标标准准及及论论证证?请请列列出出清清单单To what standard:什什么么标标准准:To what standard:什什么么标标准准:To what standard:什什么么标标准准:When日日期期:When日日期期:When日日期期:Are you a member of Electronics

30、Industry Citizenship Coalition(EICC)?是是否否是是电电子子行行业业行行为为准准则则的的成成员员Select your answerFor Distributors/Brokers ONLY(只只为为经经销销商商/经经纪纪人人):Are you a member of Independent Distributors of Electronics Association(IDEA)?是是否否是是独独立立电电子子经经销销商商协协会会成成员员Select your answerAre you a member of Electronics Resellers As

31、sociation International(ERAI)?是是否否是是国国际际电电子子经经销销商商协协会会成成员员Select your answer5.Supplier Contact Matrix 供供应应商商联联络络网网Supplier Regional and Local Representatives 供供应应商商区区域域和和本本地地代代表表Name姓姓名名Telephone电电话话Mobile手手机机E-Mail邮邮件件 Quality 品品质质(*)DtDEscalation升级 Sales&Logistic(*)销销售售&后后勤勤DtDEscalation升级Engineer

32、ing(*)工工程程DtDEscalation升级Management(*)管管理理DtDEscalation升级Supplier Global Representatives 供供应应商商全全球球代代表表 Quality品品质质DtDEscalation升级 Sales&Logistic销销售售&后后勤勤DtDEscalation升级Engineering工工程程DtDEscalation升级Management管管理理DtDEscalation升级CSRDtDEscalation升级Environmental环环境境DtDEscalation升级Supply Chain Security供

33、供应应链链安安全全DtDEscalation升级Document Title:Supplier Assessment QuestionnaireSection:Company Information19DtD=Day to Day business contact.日日常常业业务务联联系系Document Title:Supplier Assessment QuestionnaireSection:Company Information19Document Title:Supplier Assessment QuestionnaireSection:Company Information19T

34、itle头头衔衔Document Title:Supplier Assessment QuestionnaireSection:Company Information19Document Title:Supplier Assessment QuestionnaireSection:Company Information1912345 N/ATRUEN/ACORPORATE SOCIAL&ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIESNote:Please refer to the below scoring criteria matrix to select the approp

35、riate score.请请参参照照下下面面的的评评分分标标准准,选选择择适适当当的的分分数数!Please use comment column to provide supporting information such as documentation numbers,processdescriptions,implementation timelines and any other relevant information to justify your score.在在备备注注栏栏记记录录支支持持信信息息,比比喻喻文文件件编编号号,程程序序描描述述,执执行行时时间间表表,任任何何支支

36、持持信信息息!Item#EICCQuestions 问问题题Expected Evidence 期期待待的的证证据据Self-Assessment自自评评Onsite Audit现现场场评评估估SelfScoreComment评评价价On-SiteScore现现场场分分数数Comment评评价价Labor劳劳方方Labor-Freely Chosen Employment劳劳方方自自由由选选择择雇雇用用CR.1A1.1Is there a policy to restrict the use of forced,prison,indentured or bonded labor?Is ther

37、e apolicy to restrict human trafficking and slavery within your facility?有没有政策严格限制被迫,囚犯及契约约束的工人?有没有政策限制非法交易及奴役工人?1.Evidence of using the labor that are restricted or evidence of huamantrafficking and slavery.有 限制使用或非法交易及奴役工人的证据2.Policy not in place and no evidence of using the labor that are restric

38、ted,and no evidence of huaman trafficking and slavery.无适当的政策,无限制使用或非法交易及奴役工人的证据3.Policy is in place and no evidence of using the labor that are restricted,andand no evidence of huaman trafficking and slavery.有适当的政策,无限制使用或非法交易及奴役工人的证据CR.2A1.2/A1.3/A1.5Are labor contracts signed with the workers where

39、 legally required?Do workers have a signedcopy of the fire contract?This contract shall not contain any terms that prohibit site workers tofreely quit their job and leave upon reasonable notice with no penalty.根据法律要求有有没有与员工签定劳动合同?员工有没有签署一份解雇的合同?合同不应该包括任何的条款来阻止工人离开自己的工作和有基于合理通知离开时不受任何惩罚.1.Labor contr

40、act contain illegal items,or labor contracts are not signed withall workers.Or workers are not freely to quit ther job.劳动合同包含非法的条款,所有员工都未签署劳动合同.或员工不能自由的辞职.3.Labor contracts are 100%in line with local law.And workers have owncopy of signed labor contract,and workers are freely to quit the job.劳动合同100

41、%符合当地法律,所有员工都有保存一份签名的合同,工人有可自由地辞职.CR.3A 1.7Are workers free to enter and exit the facility and dormitory during their non-work hoursexcepts as required by law.除非法律有要求外,工人能否在非工作时间自由进出工厂及宿舍?1-The workers are not allowed to exit facility and dormitory during non-working hours.工人不允许在非工作时间出工厂及宿舍.2-Permis

42、sion is needed for entering and exiting during certain period for thepurpose of security only,i.e.mid-night.出于安全目的,特定时间进出工厂及宿舍须得到许可.3-The workers are free to enter and exit the facility and dormitory during non-work hours.(Registration at Security is acceptable)工人在非工作时间可自由进出工厂及宿舍.(安全登记是可接受的)CR.4A 1.

43、8Are workers free to choose and use external medical services,housing and canteen facilities?工人能否自由选择及使用外部医疗,住房及就餐?1-The workers are only allowed to use internal facilities.工人只允许使用内部设施.2-All workers are free to choose and use external facilities under certainconditions.在一定条件下,所有工人可自由选择外部设施.3-All wor

44、kers are free to choose and use external facilities.所有工人可自由选择外部设施.CR.5A 1.9Are workers allowed access to basic necessities or amenities such as toilets,washrooms,drinking fountain during working hours?工人在工作时间能否允许使用基本的设施,例如洗手间及吸水设备?1.The workers are only allowed access to necessities or amenities at

45、certainperiod.工人只在特定的时间允许2.Workers access to necessities or amenities are controlled at certain level.只特定级别的工人允许使用.3.Workers are allowed access to necessities or amenities all the time.工人随时允许使用.Labor-Child Labor Avoidance禁禁止止使使用用童童工工CR.6A2.1There are no workers below the minimum age(i.e.EICC require

46、s age of 15 if there is nolegal national minimum age defined)working at the facility.工厂没有低于最年纪工人(如果没有法律顾问规定,EICC规定最小年纪为15岁).1-Evidence of child labor working at the facility.证据显示使用童工2-Evidence of historical child labor found from last year but without takingactions.去年前曾使用童工,但是没有采取对策.3-No evidence of

47、 child labor and no discrepancies between workerstestimonies and their age documentation.无证据显示使用童工,工人声明及其年龄文件也没有差异.CR.7A1.4/A2.2Is there a process that the facility will review and validate the legal age documents(e.g.government issued identify card,work permit)for all potential workers upon hire an

48、d filescopies of legal age documents?Facility should not withhold original legal age documents ofthe workers.有没有程序确保工厂在招工时将审核法定年龄资料(例如政府发行的身份证,工作证)?工厂不能隐瞒工人原始年龄资料.1-No review and validation process or legal age documents are withhold.没有审核程序或隐瞒法定年龄资料3-Review and validation process in place.And origin

49、al legal age documentsare not withhold and copies of that are kept for each worker.有适当的审核程序.所有员工有原始的法定年龄资料.CR.8A2.5Is there a policy to restrict workers under the age of 18(juvenile workers)to perform work thatis likely to jeopardize their health and safety?有没有政策限制18岁(少年工人)以下员工作损害其健康及安全的工作?1-No poli

50、cy.Or juvenile workers found to perform work that are restricted bylaw.无政策.少年工人发现有作法律限制工作.2-Policy is in place.And juvenile workers found to perform work that arerestricted by law.有适当政策.但少年工人发现有作法律限制工作.3-Policy fully implemented.And No juvenile workers found to perform workthat are restricted by law

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