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1、.应聘信息登记表Application Form请以正楷填写(PLEASE PRINT) 应聘职位Applied For申请日期Applied Date照片Recent Photo期望薪资Salary Expected到岗日期Date Available个人基本情况Personal particulars姓名name身份证号I.D. NO.性别Agenda出生日期Date of Birth籍 贯Native Province民族Ethnic Group政治面貌Political I.D户籍HuKou户籍所在地居住地址HuKou Address是否色弱色盲 是(Y)Achromatopsia O

2、r Not 否(N)是否曾患有重病或动过重大手术 是(Y) Have You Taken Any Operation Or Been Seriously Ill 否(N)身高.cmHeight体重.KgWeight血 型Blood Type最高学历Education Degree有无学位Holding Degree Or Not 有(Y) 无(N)学位Degree 学士 硕士 博士 其他教育类别Education Classification National Enrollment 统招 Self-taught 自考 Adult Education 成人 Extramural 委培主修专业Fi

3、rst Major辅修专业Secondary Major语言能力Language Skills语种及证书:Language Certificate计算机水平Computer Ability口语能力: 熟练 skill 一般 Commonness 较差 Bad婚姻状况Marital Status 未婚 Single 已婚married 离婚 Divorced 丧偶 Widowed 分居 Separated 其他 Other子女数目No.Of Child(ren)男Man 女Woman 家庭成员Family 姓名 Name关系Relationship年龄Age 工作单位Work Unit所在城市C

4、ity Now In本人联系方式Your Contacting Way联系地址Address邮政编码Postcode 手 机M.P电话Tele. P 电子邮箱E-mail紧急联系人Person to contact in Emergency 姓名Name性别Agenda与其关系Relationship联系方式Contact The Way手机M.P:固话T.P:详细地址Particular Address主要受教育情况Education Background学习期限Dates(FromTo)学校名称Name Of School ,College Or University专业Major 所获证

5、书Licenses 主要工作经历 Main Work Experience 从职日期Dates(FromTo)单位名称Served Company部门Dept.职位Post 证明人Attestor 联系方式Mobile培训经历 Training Experience期限 Dates(FromTo)培训机构Training Agency内容描述Briefly Stating是否有证Licenses其他相关事项Others Related爱好、特长及曾获奖励Hobbies And Awards是否曾有犯罪记录 Have You Ever Committed Criminal Offences 是(

6、Y) 否(N)承诺(Declaration):我同意公司向我的前任雇主和其他相关机构和个人核实以上信息。我承诺以上信息均为真实记录,如有虚假成分,我愿承担一切责任。申请人签名:Signature of ApplicantI hereby authorized company to cantact my previous employer(s) and other related associations and persons to check the information described above after my being recruited. I declared that the information given above is true and correct. If it is found that false information has been offered by me, I should render myself liable to be discharged from the company without notice and without payment in item of notice.

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