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1、非谓语动词Non-infinitive非谓语动词非谓语动词Richard Li第1页第1页非谓语动词第2页第2页非谓语形式构成时态语态复合结构否认式积极被动不定式普通式to doto be donefor sb.to do sth.或of sb.to do sth.在“to”前加not或never完毕式to have doneto have been done进行式to be doing/完毕进行式to have been doing/Vb-ing普通式doingbeing donesb.或sbs doing作主语要用sbs doing在前加not尤其注意复合结构否认式:sbs not doi

2、ngsbs not having done完毕式having donehaving been done三。非谓语动词形式改变三。非谓语动词形式改变第3页第3页I.非谓语动词时态、语态形式对照表:语态类别 时 态 积极语态被动语态ing 普通式:(与谓语动词同时发生)makingbeing made完毕式:(先与谓语动词之前发生)having made(不作定语)不作定语)having been made(不作定语)不作定语)ed只有普通式:(不强调时间先后,只阐明原因、条件等)made(表被动)表被动)inf普通式:(与谓语动词(几乎)同时发生)to maketo be made完毕式:(先与

3、谓语动词之前发生)to have madeto have been made进行式:(在谓语动词动作发生时正在进行)to be making 第4页第4页在成份上非谓语动词大都可在句中作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语、定语、状语等.v1.To see you is glad.v =Its glad to see you.v2.I want to see you.v3.I want him to see you.v4.My hope is to see you.v5.He is the man to see you.v6.Im glad to see you.v7.I went to see yo

4、u.v8.He went so early as to see you(作主语)(作主语)(作宾语)作宾语)(作宾补)(作宾补)(作表语)作表语)(作定语)(作定语)(作原因状语)(作原因状语)(作目状语)(作结果状语)(作结果状语)第5页第5页v1.This cup is broken.v2.This is a broken cup.v3.I found the cup broken.v4.Broken by Tom,the cup cant be vused.(作表语)作表语)(作定语作定语)(作宾语补足语)作宾语补足语)(作状语)作状语)第6页第6页v1.Swimming is his

5、favorite sport.v2.He enjoys swimming.v3.I found him swimming in the river.v4.His favorite sport is swimming.v5.He is the man swimming in the river just now.v6.Swimming in Summer,we can get cool.(作主语)作主语)(作宾语)作宾语)(作宾补)作宾补)(作表语)作表语)(作定语)作定语)(作状语)作状语)第7页第7页主语主语 表语表语 宾语宾语 定语定语 补语补语 状语状语 to do -ing form

6、pp非谓语动词功效比较非谓语动词功效比较第8页第8页ed+主句(不强调时间先后)主句(不强调时间先后);Being ed+主句(强调主句和从句主句(强调主句和从句动作同时发生)动作同时发生);Having been ed+主句(强调时间先后)如不强主句(强调时间先后)如不强调时间先后可用调时间先后可用ed,普通式来代替普通式来代替.v1.Used as a means of traffic in China,the bike is very useful.v2.Being used by me now,the bike cant be lent to you.v3.Having been us

7、ed for many years,the bike needs repairing.v4.Written in simple English,the book is easy to read.v5.Having been told several times,能够写成=Told several times,he couldnt understand what I meant.第9页第9页1.to do 表示详细动作,表示详细动作,-ing form表示泛指动作。表示泛指动作。eg.Seeing is believing.I like skating,but I dont like to sk

8、ate today.Playing with fire is dangerous.Look out!To play with fire is dangerous.2.“there is no+主语主语”句型中,多用句型中,多用-ing form.eg.There is no joking about such matters.一、一、作主语和作主语和表语表语注意注意v过去分词普通不作主语、宾语过去分词普通不作主语、宾语.第10页第10页二、二、ing-form和和to do 作宾语区别:作宾语区别:v.下列动词惯用不定式作宾语下列动词惯用不定式作宾语:aim,ask,dare,appear,a

9、rrange,demand,help,hesitate,pay,plan,wait,fail,seek,prepare,happen,mean,prove,expect,wish,hope,decide,refuse,offer,learn,agree,choose,promise,pretend,manage,care,determine,afford等。如:He offered to help us.vI didnt expect to find you herevThey refused to accept his invitationvThe little boy pretended

10、to be asleep when his mother came in第11页第11页(2)下列动词通惯用下列动词通惯用ing形式作宾语形式作宾语:vadmit,report,appreciate,deny,explain,mention,resist,stand,stop,imagine,recall,suggest,mind,finish,enjoy,keep,practise,miss,avoid,delay,excuse,escape,consider,advise等。v如:Would you mind my smoking here?vThe girl was told to pr

11、actise playing the piano for three hours every day vGood news keeps coming.vTina suggested spending the weekend on her farmv Have you finished correcting the students papers?第12页第12页(3)下列动词接不定式与接ing形式意义相近:vlike,love,hate,dislike,begin,start,prefer,continue,intend,attempt等.v如:I prefer making(to make)

12、an outline before I do my oral composition v We all like playing(to play)table tennisvThen they began making(to make)plans for the workv但是它们之间也有细微区别:v*指详细某次行为惯用不定式,指惯常行为惯用ing形式.v如:I like reading books of this kind(惯常行为)v I hate to say so,but really I cant go with you(详细某次行为)v 第13页第13页I prefer to sta

13、y at home today(详细某次行为)He prefers walking to cycling(惯常行为)*普通说来不能用于进行时动词如:realize,know,understand,see,lose等,多用不定式 如:I began to realize I had been wrong.We hate to lose the chance.Now we are beginning to see it more clearly.第14页第14页(4)以下动词接不定式与接ing形式时意义不同:vstop to do 停下(正在做事)去做另一件事/stop doing 停下正在做事v

14、如:Seeing an old man carrying a big bag,I stopped to help himv Hearing the bell,the students stopped playing and ran into the classroomvforget to do忘掉做某事(此事未做)/forget doing忘掉曾做过某事(此事已做)v如He forgot to post the letter when he walked past the post officev Ill never forget seeing him for the first time第1

15、5页第15页vremember to do记得要做某事(此事未做)/remember doing记得某事已做过(此事已做)v如:I remember seeing her once somewherev You must remember to take your umbrella when you leave homevgo on to do继续做另一件事 go on doing接着做同一件事v如:She stood up and shook hands with me,and then she went on writing somethingvAfterIfinishedmyhomewo

16、rk,1wentontoreadthenovelvtry to do企图想做某事 try doing试着做某事(看看有什么后果发生)v如:We tried to persuade him to go with us,but he wouldnt listenvLets try doing the work some other way.第16页第16页vmean to do (意思是)想做某事 mean doing意味着做某事v如:Revolution means librating the productive forcevSorry,I didnt mean to hurt youvreg

17、ret to do遗憾地做某事(通常后接say,tell等动词)/regret doing后悔做了某事v如:I regret to tell that you didnt pass the exam againvHe regretted having told her the bad news第17页第17页(5)注意有些动词如:advise,permit,allow,admit,forbid,imagine,consider接不定式与接ing形式不同结构。v这些动词后面跟复合宾语时,用不定式作宾补。vadvisepermitallowadmitforbidimagineconsidersbt

18、o do sthv如:The doctor advised me not to go to bed too late.vPlease permit me to introduce myself to you firstvYou surely cant consider him to be a selfish manvMy parents forbid me to stay out after mid-nightvI allowed the children to play in my room for another five minutes.第18页第18页这些动词后面直接跟非谓语动词时,用

19、动名这些动词后面直接跟非谓语动词时,用动名词词doing.vadvisepermitallowadmitforbidimagineconsiderdoing sth.v如:The little boy admitted having broken the glassvThey shouldnt allow parking in the street;its too narrow.vCan you imagine my being so stupid?vI forbid smoking in my housevWe do not permit smoking in the office第19页第

20、19页在表示“除外”介词but和except后有时可接不定式,当前面有行为动词do时,不定式不带to,当前面有行为动词do时,要带tov1).I had no choice but _(lie)down v and have a rest.v2).I could do nothing but _(watch)TVv for half an hour.to liewatch注意注意查看解说第11第20页第20页三三.不定式、现在分词、过去分词作宾补区别不定式、现在分词、过去分词作宾补区别:v*现在分词作宾补和宾语在逻辑上有积极关系,现在分词作宾补和宾语在逻辑上有积极关系,强调动作在进行强调动作在

21、进行。v如:I saw him falling off his bike just at that moment v (看到他时他正从自行车上掉下来。)v He found himself lying on the ground when he came to himselfv (他清醒过来时正躺在地上。)v*不定式作宾补和宾语在逻辑上有积极关系,强不定式作宾补和宾语在逻辑上有积极关系,强调动作过程。调动作过程。v 如:I saw him fall off his bike and hurt his left leg第21页第21页v(看到他从自行车上掉下来,并且摔伤了腿。动作有先后,是全过程

22、。)v They were made to work day and night v (他们被迫日夜干活,天天如此,不是某个时刻正在干活。)v*过去分词作宾补和宾语在逻辑上有被动关系。过去分词作宾补和宾语在逻辑上有被动关系。v 如:I heard my name called by someonev (我名字被叫,my name和called是被动关系。)v I felt a great weight taken off my mind.v (重任被卸下来了,a great weight和taken off是被动关系。)第22页第22页vv省省省省toto不定式作宾补:宾补省不定式作宾补:宾补

23、省不定式作宾补:宾补省不定式作宾补:宾补省toto记记记记11,11,一感二听三使役一感二听三使役一感二听三使役一感二听三使役;vv五看一帮两均可五看一帮两均可五看一帮两均可五看一帮两均可,被动该被动该被动该被动该toto不能弃不能弃不能弃不能弃.vvfeel,hear,listen to,have,let,make,see,look feel,hear,listen to,have,let,make,see,look at,notice,observe,watch,helpat,notice,observe,watch,helpvvWe often see them play footbal

24、l;They are often We often see them play football;They are often seen to play football seen to play football vvHe was made to stand outside for two hoursHe was made to stand outside for two hours 第23页第23页四.to do,ing-form和ed-form作定语v(1)动词不定式作定语通常放在被修饰名词后面。v如:I have something important to tell youv The

25、 poor children had little to eatv它和被修饰名词有时有动宾关系。v如:There is some books for you to read(可当作:to read some books)vId like to get something to drink(可当作:to drink something)第24页第24页v假如这这个作定语不定式是一个不及物动词,注意不可忽略不定式短语中副词或介词。v如:I need a pen to write with(可当作:to write with the pen)v She now has nothing to worr

26、y about(可当作:to worry about nothing)第25页第25页(3)不定式、现在分词和过去分词作定语有时在时态和语态上有区别:v*不定式作定语表示未来动作不定式作定语表示未来动作。v如:The bridge to be built next month is the third bridge across the riverv*现在分词作定语表示正在进行或与先行词是积极关系现在分词作定语表示正在进行或与先行词是积极关系动作动作。v如:The bridge being built now is the third bridge across the riverv*过去分词

27、作定语表示已完毕或与先行词是被动关系动过去分词作定语表示已完毕或与先行词是被动关系动作作。v如:The bridge built last year is the third bridge across the river第26页第26页1.to do表示表示 1.目的目的;2.结果结果表示出人预料情况或结果。惯用表示出人预料情况或结果。惯用only强调。强调。3.原因原因表示造成情感改变原因表示造成情感改变原因eg.they worked hard to pay for the necklace.I went to see him only to find him out.I am glad

28、 to see you.五五.To do、Ing-form和和ed-form 作状语作状语第27页第27页 分词作状语能够表示时间,条件,原因,结果,伴随或方式分词作状语能够表示时间,条件,原因,结果,伴随或方式分词作状语能够表示时间,条件,原因,结果,伴随或方式分词作状语能够表示时间,条件,原因,结果,伴随或方式 ,及独立成份。及独立成份。及独立成份。及独立成份。分词作状语首要条件是分词作状语首要条件是分词作状语首要条件是分词作状语首要条件是分词逻辑主语是句子分词逻辑主语是句子分词逻辑主语是句子分词逻辑主语是句子主语,分词主语,分词主语,分词主语,分词与逻辑主语关系是积极,用现在分词,反之,

29、用过去分词与逻辑主语关系是积极,用现在分词,反之,用过去分词与逻辑主语关系是积极,用现在分词,反之,用过去分词与逻辑主语关系是积极,用现在分词,反之,用过去分词1,Hearing the news,he couldnt help laughing.1,Hearing the news,he couldnt help laughing.(时间)(时间)(时间)(时间)=2,Given enough time,I can do it better 2,Given enough time,I can do it better(条件)(条件)(条件)(条件)=3,Being ill,he didnt

30、go to school 3,Being ill,he didnt go to school(原因)(原因)(原因)(原因)=4,The glass fell to the ground,breaking into pieces.(4,The glass fell to the ground,breaking into pieces.(结果)结果)结果)结果)=5,Our teacher came in,followed by many students(5,Our teacher came in,followed by many students(伴随)伴随)伴随)伴随)=6,Judging

31、 from his accent,he is from America.6,Judging from his accent,he is from America.7,Generally speaking,one must be confident.7,Generally speaking,one must be confident.when he heard the news,when he heard the news,If I am given enough time,If I am given enough time,Because he wasBecause he was ill,il

32、l,so that it broke into pieces.so that it broke into pieces.and he was followed by many studentsand he was followed by many students2.Ing-form、ed-form 作状语区别作状语区别第28页第28页v不定式和分词表示结果时区别:v *不定式表示结果,含有无预料到情况意味。v如:I got up only to find it was raining outside(起来时没有料到在下雨。)v He was too excited to say a word

33、 (太激动了说不出话,是没有预料到情况。)v*分词表示结果包括着一个必定发生情况。v如:His parents died,leaving him a lot of money(父母去世,钱留给儿子。这是自然事。)vThe output of iron decreased by 23last year,reaching 80,000 tonsv (产量下降,到了80,000吨,这是必定结果。)注意注意第29页第29页v时态:不定式或现在分词动作若发生在谓语动词动作之前,用完毕式,不然,就用普通式。若与谓语动作同时发生,并强调正在进行情景或连续性,可用进行式。_ A _ such heavy po

34、llution already,it may now be too late to clean up the river.(NMET)A.Having suffered B.Suffering C.To suffer D.Suffered时态和语态时态和语态第30页第30页语态:不定式-ing形式与其逻辑主语是积极关系,用积极式;若是被动关系,用被动式。Seen from the top of the hill,the city looks more beautiful to us.Written in a hurry,this article was not so good!第31页第31页

35、v1.Used as a means of traffic in China,the bike is very useful.v2.Being used by me now,the bike cant be lent to you.v3.Having been used for many years,the bike needs repairing.v4.Written in simple English,the book is easy to read.ed+主句(不强调时间先后)主句(不强调时间先后);Being ed+主句(强调主句(强调主句和从句动作同时发生)主句和从句动作同时发生);

36、Having been ed+主句主句(强调时间先后)如不强调时间先后可用(强调时间先后)如不强调时间先后可用ed,普通式来普通式来代替代替.第32页第32页分词独立主格结构分词独立主格结构The job finished,we went home.The weather being fine,we went swimming.He being absent,nothing could be done.当分词逻辑主语不是主句主语时,要给出它自当分词逻辑主语不是主句主语时,要给出它自己主语,构成独立主格结构。己主语,构成独立主格结构。相称于:相称于:After the job was finished,we went home.Because the weather was fine,we went swimming.Because he was absent,nothing could be done.第33页第33页

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